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| Aunt Viv's house |

“Tima, how about you go help Zac bring in the bags while I unlock the door?” Aunt Viv asked without trying not to raise any suspicions.

Truth is, she wanted to scout the place before inviting them in. Because after her phone call with Evelyn, she wasn't sure if Evelyn had left her house, especially since she refused to lend her some hotel money.

“Me? Carry bags?” Fatima chuckled as they stood on the front porch. “Nah he got it.”

“Yeah! My daddy is super strong! He got it” Zoë chimed in, causing aunt Viv to laugh.

“Oh, is that right, little girl? How do you know that your daddy is strong?” Aunt Viv asked while pretending to fidget with the keys.

“Because he can pick up mommy, and she's VERY heavy” Zoë replied.

Aunt Viv burst out laughing at the frowned look on Fatima's face.

“Munchkin, are you trying to say that I'm fat?” Fatima asked her daughter, who didn't respond verbally but just shrugged her shoulders in response.

“She reminds me so much of you when you were around this age” Aunt Viv said as she finally unlocked the main door and led the way in. “You are definitely raising a little diva who at the right age will only go for boys who are gentlemen.”

“Lawd, please do not put my perfect little angel and boys in the same sentence” Fatima said, brushing Zoë's curly fro with her hand.

“Ouu mommy, this house is very beautiful” Zoë said as she looked around the all white themed double-storey. “Is that the sea?!” She asked, coming into view of the large glass sliding door that leads to the balcony.

Zoë didn't even wait to get a response before running off in the direction of the admirable view of the sea.

“Tima, you should step out to the balcony with her and show her the view” aunt Viv suggested while also buying herself some time to go check for Evelyn and/or her belongings.

“Zoë, you know better than to run indoors!!” Fatima reprimanded as she ran to catch up to her daughter.

“I'm sorry mommy, I just wanted to see when the water so blueeee” Zoë sang, quoting a viral TikTok sound.

“I definitely need to stop watching TikTok around you” Fatima laughed before picking Zoë up and walking out onto the balcony with her. They stayed out for a few minutes until Zoë finally got bored of staring at the same thing.

A few moments later, Fatima and Zoë stepped back into the house. Zac had also just finished bringing all the luggage into the house.

“I'm in here” aunt Viv called out from the kitchen, and they all followed the direction of her voice.

“May I offer y'all something to drink?” aunt Viv asked.

“What do you have?” Fatima asked.

“There's wine, juice, soda, water, tea, coffee” aunt Viv replied.

“What about milkshake?” Zoë asked shyly.

“Unfortunately, I don't have any of that sweetie, but we can go out and buy one if your mommy or daddy are up for it” aunt Viv suggested.

“Mommy can we pleaseee go?” Zoë asked sweetly while batting her eyelashes.

“Munchkin, mommy is a little bit tired. How about you ask daddy to accompany you?” Fatima suggested.

“Nah I'm straight” Zac immediately cut her off before turning to look at aunt Viv. “Which room should I put the bags in?” He asked.

“Go up the stairs, the second door on the right is the guest bedroom” aunt Viv directed, and then Zac nodded before leaving out the kitchen with Zoë following behind him.

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