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A/n: For context purposes, Eva is 38 weeks pregnant, and Fatima is 32 weeks.


"I'm sorry, you said you're doing what?!" Gina asked with a slight chuckle because she thought her son was joking.

"I said I'm relocating to Africa with Fatima and our baby," Zac simply replied.

"Uhm... before we all fly off the handle. I think what Zac meant to say is that he's gonna TRAVEL to South Africa with Fatima for a few days. It was supposed to be a birthday trip," Carlos intervened. "I believe the word he meant to use was TRAVEL, not relocate."

"Nope." Zac said as he shook his head. "I meant to say RELOCATE, Mr Wilson."

"Fatima is not moving!" Carlos slammed his fist on the table, getting frustrated. "She is merely going to visit her auntie for a few days, and you're more than welcome to join her," he clarified.

"Mr Wilson. Respectfully, I said what I said, " Zac said.

"Uhm... I think that's our queue to leave," Mya nervously said as she, Jazzy, and Nina got up and hugged Fatima before hurrying out of the restaurant.

"Son, perhaps you should clarify for everyone at the table." Michael calmly suggested.

"Sure," Zac said. "A few weeks back, Fatima informed me of her plan to relocate to Africa. At first, I wasn't on board, but during the brief period that we were broken up, I realized that I don't want to live apart from her and our baby."

"I hear you, son, but this just sounds to me like you kids are making impulse decisions that haven't even been thoroughly planned out." Michael said. "I mean, what about school and basketball? Are y'all just gonna be some unemployed foreigners raising your FIRST baby in a country where you won't even have any help?"

"Exactly!!" Gina said as she felt herself getting frustrated. "Zachary, what does your spoiled ass know about changing a dirty diaper, let alone raising a whole ass child?!"

"Mommy, I know that we don't have a solid plan, but I promise you that Fatima and I will figure it out together." Zac said. "And pops, basketball is a pretty global sport. I'm sure that I can just try out for the country's national team. It should be fun!" Zac exclaimed in excitement.

"No, it won't be 'fun' smart ass!" Mikey remarked sarcastically. "Because South Africa doesn't even have a national basketball team! I'm only 13 and even I know that dummy!"

"Mikey, honey please stay out this!" Gina scolded her youngest son.

"Okay, well, in that case... I guess I'll just have to put basketball on hold." Zac said nonchalantly. "Look, it's really not that deep, so y'all can chill out" he shrugged.

"Yes, it is 'that deep' Zac!!" Michael yelled. "You just admitted that you want to move to a foreign country without a solid plan! That is not the man I raised you to be, son," he said.

"I hear you dad but not having a solid plan is not the end of the world." Zac said before directing his attention back to Fatima, who has been quiet this whole time. "Because our love is as solid as a rock, right baby?" He said with a smile, and Fatima briefly smiled back.

"I'm sorry, but this has to be the dumbest load of crap that I've ever heard in my entire existence!!" Gina yelled. "Zachary you are a fucken teenage child!! I know you think that you've found the whole world in Fatima's eyes but baby, there's so much more for you to see out there!! I'm sorry, but I don't support any of this bullshit! I'm not gonna sit back and watch you throw away your dreams and your legacy for Fatima. As much as I do like her for you, YOU are my son and my priority!"

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