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Today is a bittersweet day for the Taylors/ Wilsons/ Wrights. It's bittersweet because Zac, Fatima and Zoë are leaving for South Africa and they'll be gone for almost a full month. Although the families are happy that Fatima is taking the necessary steps to ensure that she graduates on time, they each still held some minor reservations of their own.

The Wilson family (Carlos & CJ) were a tad bit worried that Fatima might pull her estranged stunt again, even though she promised them countless times that she'd be back because “things are different this time around.”

The Wright family (Eva & Malik) was slightly devastated because they felt like they were losing their daughter/niece for good this time.

Lastly, the Taylor family, specifically the parents, felt like they would be losing out on more time spent with their new grandchild, even if it's just for a little while.

| ATL Airport |

Everyone was in the middle of saying their goodbyes. Zac was with his parents, Fatima with her family and Zoë was with Eva and Malik.

“Babygirl, you promise that you're gonna be back right?” Carlos asked Fatima for the umpteenth time.

“Daddy, for the millionth time. Yes, I'll be back” Fatima replied.

“Before Thanksgiving?” Carlos asked and Fatima nodded.

“Alright babygirl. I love you and all the best with your final exams” Carlos said, pulling Fatima into a hug.

“Thank you, daddy and I love you too” Fatima said back before turning her attention to her brother. “Aww not you about to cry” she teased.

CJ sucked his teeth and chuckled. “Man whatever! Ain't nobody finna miss yo runaway headass anyway” he teased. “If I'm crying, best believe these tears are for my niecey pooh. Not you!”

“I'm gonna miss you too, ugly” Fatima laughed. “Bring it in,” she said with her arms held out for a hug.

“All jokes aside. I love you Oompa” CJ said, hugging her back.

“I love you too Loompa, and I promise that I'll be back. I put that on my mama” Fatima joked.

“Wherever she is” CJ laughed.

“Fatima, may I have a quick word with you” Gina said interrupting.

“Come on CJ. Let's go say bye to Zoë” Carlos said, giving the two some privacy.

Fatima and Gina walked away from everyone because she didn't want the others to eavesdrop on their conversation.

“Fatima, that night at the restaurant I promised to keep your secret on one condition” Gina started.

“I know” Fatima replied.

“Good. So then why have you been avoiding me for the past few days? What did the doctor say?” Gina asked with her arms folded. “And please don't lie to me.” She added.

“I wasn't avoiding you on purpose. I was just busy with packing and trying to finalize all our travel documents” Fatima defended.

“That's understandable,” Gina nodded. “So what did the doctor say? Are you pregnant or not?” She asked.

“I'm not pregnant. She took a blood test and it came back negative.” Fatima replied and Gina smiled in relief.

“Damn, so you really don't want me as your future daughter-in-law huh?” Fatima asked with a hint of heartbreak.

“Please don't get me wrong. It's not that I don't want you and Zac to be together and have more kids. I truly just believe that y'all should wait a little while.” Gina said honestly.

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