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🎶Happy birthday to you🎶

Fatima's hazel eyes slowly fluttered open as she was woken up by the choral sound of her family standing around her bed singing happy birthday to her. Eva was holding a heart-shaped cake with candles all around it, while her father was holding a gift bag. Lastly, CJ was holding a bouquet of money roses with a giant helium and confetti filled balloon written "Happy 18th birthday Fatima."

"Hurry up and blow out the candles" Eva said while approaching her with the lit cake. "Don't forget to make a wish" she said.

Fatima felt herself get overcome with a rush of emotions. She sat up against the headboard and started sobbing at the display of love that her family was showing.

"Aww baby" Eva said as she put the cake on the side table. "What's wrong Tima?" She asked while also getting emotional.

"Somebody pinch me because I swear this doesn't feel real" Fatima said.

Of course CJ couldn't pass up the opportunity to pinch his sister as per her request so he did just that.

"Owww!! CJ what the hell bro??!" Fatima shouted as she rubbed her arm.

"What?" CJ shrugged. "I was just following your orders."

"You do know that's just a hypothetical saying right?" Fatima asked.

"Whatever sis. Just hurry up and blow out the damn candles already" CJ laughed.

Eva brought the cake closer and then Fatima blew out the candles. Afterwards, it was finally time for her to open up the presents. Fatima just scanned through the bigger gifts and then rushed to open the smallest box because she 'knew' what it was.

Since the Wilsons don't believe in rewarding their children with cars for their 16th birthday because they feel like it's not really an achievement. Fatima was expecting a car because it's a Wilson family tradition to get a car on your 18th after passing high school and seeing that Fatima graduated last week and her end results were exemplary she was most definitely deserving of a brand new set of wheels.

Fatima excitedly opened up the smallest box and her mood instantly dropped when she saw some jewelry instead of her car keys. Carlos noticed her facial expression and then spoke up.

Carlos bought Fatima her very first pair of real diamonds and said "babygirl I know that you were expecting car keys but we'll speak about that later. Just let me explain the meaning behind this diamond necklace. Now that you are officially a woman, I want you to always think back to this moment when you meet guys. Never settle for the ordinary because you my darling are extraordinary." He said with tears in his eyes as he put the necklace around her neck and then kissed her cheek. "I love you and happy birthday."

"Thank you daddy and I love you too" Fatima managed to say through her tears. "Thank you all so much! Y'all have no idea how much this means to me." She said as she cried more intensely.

"Babygirl what's wrong?" Carlos asked with concern.

"I'm just not used to y'all doing something nice for me" Fatima said while wiping away her tears.

"That is totally understandable but we're all human and we make mistakes. However, I feel like since we're all family we should give each other a little more grace. Which is why I'm gonna start off by apologizing for not being a better father to you." Carlos said.

"And I also apologize for not being a better sister to you. I'm sorry for not being your confidant and your number one supporter but I promise you that from here onwards I'm gonna do better" Eva added in.

"If we're being honest I ain't got nothing to apologize for because I always got your back. So all imma say is that I love you Loompa" CJ said.

There was an awkward silence for a while as everyone looked at Evelyn waiting for her to say her piece. Although Evelyn wanted desperately to apologize, her pride just wouldn't let her so as always, Fatima took the initiative to speak first.

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