The heirs

By LunaHan0o0

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A story about a rich young heiress struggling to reveal her parents' murder with facing various problems. Wil... More



38 3 0
By LunaHan0o0

Another exciting day was dawned. At midnight Felix and Jimin went to Eunwoo's place secretly. They all had a quick meeting at the main room. "Jisung, you got the keys, right?" Eunwoo asked. "Yes boss." Jisung said. "Full charged phones?" Eunwoo asked. "Yes with 2 powerbanks." Jimin said. "Good. Taehyun, take your laptop with you. And please don't forget the charger." Eunwoo said. "Don't worry hyung. I'm not careless like you." Taehyun glared at Eunwoo. "How are we going to the location? We can't take our cars to there." Felix asked. "That's right Felix. One of our agent will drop us and pick up from there. Transport is ready. Let's get into the van. And Jimin...I know you're scared to dark. Someone always stay with her." Eunwoo said. "Don't worry. Felix and I can stay with her." Jisung said. "It's fine Sunnie. I won't be in a trouble." Jimin said. "Fine. Since everything is ready...let's move." Eunwoo said. All of them get into the van.

After 20 minutes everyone reached to the Han mansion. All the surroundings were covered with pitch black. Felix hold Jimin's hand and sneaked with her into the mansion's entrance. "The gate is locked. I couldn't find the key." Jisung whispered. "Guess we have to jump from the wall." Jimin whispered. "There was a tree that we used to do that." Jisung whispered. "Yes. At the left I guess. Oh here it is." Jimin whispered while moving. "Can't we switch on our flashlights?" Felix whispered. "We can. There aren't so many houses around here. We must be quick." Eunwoo whispered. "Ok. Sunnie can go first. He knows the way." Jimin whispered. "Ok." Jisung started to climbed the tree and he successfully jumped over the mansion's wall. "I'll come at last. Taehyun, do you need help to take your stuffs?" Eunwoo whispered. "Oh yes. Just take this until I climbed the tree." Taehyun said and climbed the tree. Felix gave his stuffs. Jisung also helped him. "Jimin, you should go next." Eunwoo said. Felix helped her to climbed the tree. She jumped into Jisung's arms. "You felt like a pillow." Jimin said. "And you felt like a cloud." Jisung said back. Felix and Eunwoo also joined them. "Let's go." Eunwoo said and took the lead. "We can't open the main door because it will make a sound. I got the back door's key too." Jisung said. They all entered to the mansion successfully. "Lock the door Jisung." Eunwoo said. He did as Eunwoo said. Everyone switched on their flashlights. "Ahh so many cobwebs and dust." Jimin said. "Where's is this?" Taehyun asked. "Kitchen." Jisung replied. "Dad's office is next to the living room." Jimin said and Jisung navigated everyone. "Hey look at that. Someone's being here." Jimin said. "What?" Eunwoo and Jisung asked together. "That window is broken. But it's not open." Felix said. "Is someone here right now?" Taehyun asked. "I don't like this." Jisung said. "Let's check around the window. So many pieces of broken glass and's a ball. Someone may have accidentally hit your window." Eunwoo said while sighing. "Thank goodness. You two scared the hell out of me." Jisung pointed at Jimin and Felix. "I was just saying Sunnie. I was panicked at that moment too." Jimin said. "Your dad's office is locked." Taehyun said. "Here's the key." Jisung said and opened the door. All of them entered to the room. "We can light up the room as no one can see lights from outside." Jimin said. "But it won't work." Felix said. "Oh yeah. I forgot." Jimin while facepalming. "I got an emergency lamp. We can use it." Taehyun said. They all started to rummage the room.

"Where will be his safe?" Felix asked. "In his cupboard." Jisung said while pointing a cupboard. "I wonder where will be the key." Jimin said. "No need to wonder Jimin. It's unlocked." Taehyun said. "That's weird." Jimin and Jisung said together. "And here we got the safe." Eunwoo said. "Look...a dialpad and a keyhole." Taehyun said. "You can't hack these right?" Jimin asked. "Don't underestimate me Jimin. But you're right that I can't hack this." Taehyun said and everyone chuckled at him. "We need to find the key then." Felix said. "God knows where is that." Jimin said. "Let's think about for a moment about hiding places. Jisung, if you were your dad, where will you hide the key?" Eunwoo asked. "Nowhere. I would rather carried them with me than leave it somewhere." Jisung said. "Gosh Han Jisung...don't answer like a dumb." Jimin smacked his head. "But that's true Minnie. I'll definitely forget about the place." Jisung said while rubbing his head. "Alright stop your fight twins." Eunwoo said. "I would hide the key in this desk. Somewhere who will never touch like under the table? Nobody moves it." Jimin said. "Good. Felix, Taehyun help me to move this." Eunwoo said. They moved the table but didn't find anything. "Just lift the table. Maybe it's sticked to the table." Jimin said. They did what she said. "Nope." Taehyun said. "Anymore ideas?" Felix asked. "Anywhere in the cupboard?" Jimin said while sighing. "Let's see." Jisung said and searched the cupboard. "If the cupboard was unlocked, there's no use of finding the key guys. What if someone got that?" Felix asked. "That's a point." Taehyun said. "A good one." Jimin said. "Let's search the whole room." Jisung said and everyone started to search the room. After 2 hours they all were exhausted. "I'm so done with this." Taehyun said. "Same. Let's rest for a moment." Eunwoo said. "We can have a rest in the living room. We had two massive sofas." Jimin said. "Had? We still have Minnie." Jisung said. "It's bad that I feel strange in own my home. Look how we distanced from here." Jimin said while looking down. "Don't be sad dear. Home is somewhere we all feel safe. You're safe in Shin mansion. Not anymore in here. Got it sweetie?" Felix explained softly. Jimin sighed. Meanwhile Eunwoo and Taehyun cleaned the sofa while listening to them. "Hyung, don't you think that they're dating?" Taehyun asked. "No. Jisung said that Felix have feelings for her but Jimin doesn't. Anyway she can't be in a relationship with a fellow Jeduk member. Jimin's life is serious and complex than we see." Eunwoo explained. "They're matching somehow." Taehyun said. "True. You know that fate is cruel." Eunwoo said. "I wish everything will be ok." Taehyun said. Eunwoo sighed. Jimin, Felix and Jisung joined to them. "You guys want pillows?" Jimin asked. "No need. Your sofa is like a giant pillow." Eunwoo said. "Alright then. I'm off to the dreamland." Taehyun said while closing his eyes. "Just a reminder. We didn't came here for vacations." Eunwoo poked his stomach. "Ouch hyung! You want to die so young?" Taehyun asked angrily. "Calm down boys. Don't make sound." Jimin said while leaning back to the sofa. They all positioned comfortably to the sofa and they fell asleep.

After one hour Jimin wokeup. She glanced around and found everyone was sleeping. She got away from the sofa without making a noise. She slowly switched her phone's flashlight and climbed the stairs silently. She came to her room. "Hi my room. I'm back." Jimin thought silently. Tears came to her eyes. She hugged her old teddy bear. "How are you Snowy? I'm sorry. I didn't take you with me. You reminds my parents a lot. I missed you and everything in here." Jimin whispered to her snowy white teddy bear. She cried silently in her room. Suddenly she heard footsteps. She lifted her head and found Felix at the doorstep. "I didn't meant to disturb you but are you crying?" Felix said in a low tone while approaching her. Jimin didn't say anything but she glanced at him with teary eyes. "Hey don't cry love. I can feel you." Felix hugged her. Jimin hugged him back. "So is this teddy belongs to you?" Felix asked to change the topic. "Yes. His name is Snowy. He's covered in dust now." Jimin said. "I can buy you another snowy white teddy bear." Felix said. "No need Felix. I can't replace him just like my parents. My dad gave me this on my 10th birthday. You know what? Snowy has a secret pocket. I used to hide my diary in here. Also some keys." Jimin said and started to unzip the teddy bear. "Wait a minute...this wasn't here before." Jimin said while caressing a small pouch. "What is that?" Felix asked curiously. "No idea." Jimin said and she opened the pouch. She found a key and note. She glanced at Felix. "Maybe it's the key that we want." Felix said excitedly. "Not maybe Felix. This is the spare key of dad's safe. And what is this?" Jimin started to read the note.

"Minnie, I hope you find this. This is the spare key of my safe locker. Use this to open it. Inside of the safe, you can find my backup laptop. The passcode is: 2000914.
Stay safe my genius girl."


Jimin stood up in excitement. Felix followed her too. "Looks like he knew his smart children will disobey him." Felix said happily. "We have to inform others Felix." Jimin said. Both of them stepped down through the stairs. Both of them wake the others up. "What happened Jimin?" Taehyun asked sleepily. "We got the key." Jimin said. "What?" Eunwoo asked. "You got what?" Jisung asked in amazed. "Dad left a note inside my teddy bear." Jimin gave the note to him. Everyone read the note. "Looks like he's aware that you'll seek the justice." Eunwoo said. "He knows that if he emphasize us not to do something we'll surely do that thing." Jisung said. "Why are we wasting the time? Let's go." Taehyun said. Everyone went back to the office room.

They opened Mr Han's safe with the key and found a some files and a laptop with a charger. "Mr Han's work is neat." Felix said. "But his kids...they're the most clumsiest people in the world." Eunwoo said. "Shut up Cha Eunwoo." Jimin and Jisung hit his arms. "Truth is bitter guys." Taehyun said. "Shut up you two. We can't yell at you so shut up otherwise we'll kill you." Jisung said. "Yeah and we won't regret if we got imprisonment for murdering you two." Jimin said while poking Taehyun's forehead. "Haha we're just kidding." Eunwoo said and everyone laughed at the twins. "Felix...why're you laughing with them?" Jimin asked. "Nothing. Keep your clumsy habits forever. You two can entertain us." Felix said while smiling sheepishly. "Aish just go to an arcade if you want to entertain yourself." Jisung said. "Or you can go to the club and dance like crazy while being drunk." Jimin said while flipping her hair. "I don't get drunk that easily. Whatever let's see what we have now." Felix changed the topic. Taehyun connect the charger into his powerbank. He switched on the laptop. "What's the password?" Taehyun asked. "2000914." Jimin said. "Did something happened on that day related to this matter?" Felix asked. "Oh yes. The main leads of this mission was born on that day." Jisung said while giggling. "I never knew your birthday." Felix said. "When is yours?" Jimin asked. "You don't know?" Felix asked. "No. Do aliens celebrate their birthdays too?" Jimin teased. "Aish this girl." Felix poked Jimin's cheek. Jisung silently watched their interactions while smiling. "Guys look. There are few folders in here." Taehyun said. "Which one we'll see first?" Eunwoo asked. "This. Look at the name." Jimin said. Taehyun opened a folder which was named as "watchthis1st". They found a video. "If we played this, it will make a noise." Taehyun said. "No, this room is soundproof. Nothing to worry. Sunnie close the door." Jimin said. They played the video. Mr Han appeared in the video. Jimin and Jisung glanced at eachother before looking at the video.

"Hi kids. Most possibly we are not with you in this world by the time you're watching this. If mom and dad is with you, then I'll never let you to watch this. Anyway, I told you not to involve with this matter. You little mischievous kids.

I'm here to warn you about Na Jaesung. My ex-best friend. I didn't thought he will betray me. I didn't knew he owned a mafia. If I knew I won't let him to come closer to us. Whatever you're doing kids, please be safe. In this laptop, I have collected every detail of him. His criminal records which wasn't proven, drug and weapon dealings, the things he did for our Zeus Company. Also don't forget that he tried to abuse Soyeon too. File a case against him and gave these evidences. I hope you'll do what I couldn't do. My smart boy and genius and dad are always with you. We're proud to have you as our kids and sorry for leaving this world earlier while making you alone.

And one more thing about our company. I had signed a contract between my father in law to merge the Zeus with Jeduk in future. If you can't understand the reason, that contract is the only option to keep Soyeon with me. You knew how much I love her, right? Take care of your grandpa and don't disobey him. I wish you all the best. Sunnie, Minnie...we love you kids. Stay safe and happy. Take care of yourself. Goodbye."

Mr Han's video was ended. Taehyun, Eunwoo and Felix glanced at Jimin and Jisung. Both twins frost on their spot with teary eyes. Others gave them sometime to process. "Everythings is clear now. Let's finish this. We have no time for sorrow." Jimin said while wiping her tears. "She's right. Jaesung got enough time to play with us." Jisung said. "What should we do now? Are we going to our spot or stay another hours in here?" Taehyun asked. "Let's go. I don't want to be in here for another moment." Jisung said while sighing. "We can't forget this place Sunnie. After everything was over, we should come back to this mansion. This our own home." Jimin said while hugging her twin. "Let's go then. Sun will rise in 2 hours. We should get back to the agency." Eunwoo said. Everyone get into the same van and went to the agency.

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