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Next day dawned. Jimin explained everything to Tae-oh yesterday night so he's also ready to the mission. Jimin and others held a quick meeting to discuss about other things. "Alright everyone. I got a problem." Jimin started. "What's up?" Tae-oh and Chanyeol asked together. "How do we get into the problem? I mean we have a reason to present the video. We can't show it directly to the dean because it may be suspicious." Jimin explained. "Oh is that even a problem?" Tae-oh asked with a giggle. "I'm serious Tae-oh." Jimin said sternly making Tae-oh shut up. "Then how about we make them messed with us in here?" Chan asked. "But how?" Haesoo asked. "Maybe we can make them curious about us. Then?" Jisung asked while glancing at Jimin. "Then they'll try to come and find out that. Then?" Jimin glanced at Chan. "Then they'll fight as usual. Then?" Chan glanced at Chanyeol. "Then we can extend the fight a bit and complaint to dean and grab him to your battle ground." Chanyeol finished. "The flow of ideas." Jeongin said while giggling. Everyone laughed to it. "But how we arouse their curiosity?" Tae-oh asked. "I think MinMin can do it." Hyomin said while smirking. "What?" Jimin and Minho asked in the same time. "Of course Minho loves to make Felix jealous on him. Minho can flirt with Jimin and-" Hyomin said but Jimin cut off her. "No! It won't work. How about we pretend that we're making a huge plan for our team? They'll be nicely lay on their eyes at us." Jimin suggested. "Woah cool idea Minnie." Jisung said while smiling. "So, we'll pretend that we're busy making a huge secretive plan and you have to record us. I'll bring our documents while taking their attention on me. Others be ready." Jimin said and she went to the locker area. Chanyeol and Tae-oh went back to their places. Others went to the lobby. Jimin took out the documents in her locker and stood near the lobby entrance. She glanced at Felix and his team's direction. Suddenly Seungmin stoodup and started to walk over to the entrance. Jimin took her chance. She deliberately bumped on him while dropping all the documents in the floor. "Watch out your way Jimin." Seungmin growled. "I'm extremely sorry Seungmin." Jimin apologized and quickly retrieve her files and walked back to her friends fastly. Seungmin started to walk but he stopped instantly when he got the point. "Why those documents are with her? And what was with that behavior? Something going on. Let's tell Felix about that." Seungmin thought and turned back to walk towards his team. "Felix!" Seungmin said. "What's up?" Felix asked. "Those Alphas doing something. Jimin bumped on me while taking Alpha team's documents. I saw them clearly. And look they're suspicious." Seungmin said. Everyone glanced at them. "What are they doing?" Lia asked while holding her chin with hands. "Stay alert then." Felix ordered. Everyone nodded.

Jimin and others stay like they're really busy. She got a call from Tae-oh. "What's up?" Jimin asked. "You guys just got their attention." Tae-oh said. "Really? Ok then." Jimin said while smirking. "Our camera is on." Tae-oh said and hung up. "Guys we're under on their eyes. Be suspicious as possible." Jimin said. Everyone gave a silent nod. Minho pretend like he got a call. After a while he turned back to the team. "Professor Kim said that our plans are good." Minho said loudly enough than to hear Felix's team. "Yah! Don't talk loudly. Otherwise they'll hear us." Jimin yelled a little louder. "Sorry love." Minho said while winking. Jimin patted his head while opening a file. "No matter what they did, Jimin and Minho are still flirting with each other." Felix thought silently. "Should we wait more?" Lia said angrily. "I don't think." Changbin said. "Guys calm down. Why are we messing up with their plans? No one can beat our team, right?" Hyunjin asked. "Watch your mouth Hyunjin. How could you  stay calm with them? You're just useless." Yeji scolded. "Hwang Yeji I'm your older brother. Don't you dare to raise your voice to me." Hyunjin growled. "Enough. Let's see what are they doing." Felix stood up. Hyunjin sighed. They started to walk towards Jimin and her team. Chan saw Felix's team coming towards them. "Everyone Felix is coming. Close your documents and hide them in 3...2...1. Snap!" Chan counted and everyone closed their files and act like they were talking normally.

"Looks like someone is busy in making plans." Felix said. "Who? We? Are you blind or something?" Jisung asked. "Yes you. Where are your documents that you hid from us?" Changbin asked. "Like we scared to you." Jimin scoffed. "Here's my princess saying she doesn't scared us." Felix said while putting his arms on her shoulder. "So, what did you planned? Mind sharing with us?" Ryujin asked while flipping her hair. "Why do we need to tell you?" Haesoo asked. "Because you're under us." Yeji said. "Team...check them up." Felix ordered. His team started to check the files forcefully. Seungmin snatched up a book in Haesoo's hand. "Yah give it back idiot!" Haesoo screamed while making others attention on them. "Back off everyone. I'll have a limit of patience." Jimin said while standing up. "Really? Then I'll finish your limit." Felix said while pulling her towards him. "Stay away from me. Go back otherwise you'll regret." Jimin said to Felix while struggling to get away from his grip. Felix laughed and tighten his grip. Jimin was about to yelled at him but she felt something was going on. So she stayed silent. "What's going on here?" A loud voice heard while making everyone froze on there spot. "Felix? Jimin? Mind explaining?" Dean asked from them. Felix quickly let her go from him. "Sir, we're just talking around." Jimin said while stuttering. "Yeah sir. We were planing about something for the university." Felix said while sharing a glare with Jimin. "Is it true?" Dean asked and both of them nodded. "Sir, both of them are lying." Tae-oh appeared suddenly. "What?" Dean asked. "No Tae-oh. We're just-" Jimin said but Tae-oh cut off her. "Seriously Jimin? Are you protecting your bullies?" Tae-oh asked. "What do you mean by it Tae-oh?" Dean asked. "Felix and his team always trouble Jimin and her team. They always bullied them for so long. Specially Jimin. But she kept in silent." Tae-oh said while glaring at Jimin. "Is this true? Jimin I'm asking from you." Dean said in angry voice. Jimin didn't say anything and she looked down but mentally dancing in joy. "It's useless asking from Jimin sir. That's why I record it. Let's go to multimedia room." Chanyeol said. "Alright then. Both Alpha and Beta teams' head board and professor in-charges report to the multimedia room right now." Dean said and stomped away to the multimedia room. "Looks like we doomed." Lia said. "That's why we said not to mess with us. Look what you've done." Jisung said. "Shut up. Let's go." Chan said and took the lead.

Everyone gathered in multimedia room within few minutes. Chanyeol connected the projecter. "What did you done for them kids?" Professor Kim asked from Jimin and her friends. "Nothing but we pay our gratitude for them." Jimin whispered. "Sounds interesting." Professor Kim whispered back. At the same time professor Shin stormed into the multimedia room and he seated next to Felix. "What's now?" He asked annoyingly. "I don't know prof." Felix replied awkwardly. "Yeah yeah. You always don't knew what happened." Professor Shin said. Chanyeol played the videos. Jimin and her team had a hard time to control their laughter while Felix and his team was dropping off their reputation. After watching videos Dean stood up. "So Felix and head team of Beta, what do you have to say?" Dean asked but no one gave a sound. "Felix Lee?" Dean asked. Felix stood up but he didn't answered because he knew that they're doomed now. Suddenly Lia stood up. "Sir, this is just a pure edition. We never do this kind of things as we're descendants from prestigious families." She said. All Jimin's team except Jimin gave a mocking look to Lia. "Wow? So Julia Choi you're telling that you and your team didn't do this, right?" Chan asked. "Oh right. Then let's say this is just an edition. Then why did we behave like this?" Jimin asked in a normal tone. "We don't have a reason to act like this. Am I right?" Jisung asked and his friends gave a nod. "Still acting innocent. Such a shame guys." Minho said. "We said once. We didn't do that." Yeji said while standing up. "Accept your fault. You said that you're descendants from prestigious families." Jisung said. "Excuse me Mr.Yoon. Why are you still asking from them even their fault is proven? There's no need to ask anything." Professor Kim said. "Accept that your tricky kids tangled them for this." Professor Shin growled. "Don't accuse my team prof. I know who I am and who are these." Jimin defended her team making Professor Shin shut down. He sat down annoyingly. "Professor Kim said right. Felix and his team's fault is proven. I'll suspend them for two weeks so they have no chance to attend to the lectures. What do you think Han Jimin? Is that enough?" Dean asked from Jimin. Jimin stoodup while creating another plan inside her mind. "Umm sir...I think that punishment is good but isn't harsh for them? I mean sir we're having our semester exams in the end of this month so skipping the lectures in this time will affect their studies. So I suggest you to ease their punishment." Jimin said politely. Everyone looked at her amazedly. "See...you troubled her but she cares you. I love and respect your idea Jimin. So Felix and his team's punishment is changed. I'll downgrade team Beta in 200 points and upgrade team Alpha by 200 points. Everyone can leave now." Dean announced and left. "I'll deal with you later." Professor Shin huffed and left angrily. Professor Kim stood up. "I think it's time to celebrate. Now we have a good lead." Professor Kim said and smiled before leaving. "Guys let's walk normally." Jimin whispered and they nodded. They started to leave the room but Yeji interrupted them by blocking their way. "Are you happy now?" She asked. "For what?" Jimin asked. "Don't pretend like a kid. We clearly know that it was your plan to drag us here." Seungmin said. Jimin chuckled. "What if I say you're correct?" Jimin asked while smirking. "See, I told you this is a plan." Ryujin said. "Whatever. I have a question. Why did you tried to ease our punishment? Do you care about us?" Felix asked. "Do we look like that? Oh you must be mistaken." Minho said. "If you want to know, yes I had a reason." Jimin said. "What is it?" Hyunjin asked. "Well, we all know we'll have another competition in last week. So I prefer someone as my competitor. That's why I gave you a chance. Study hard Felix. We have a huge battle." Jimin said. "You won't be the section first this time. And no Alpha won't be ranked in Top20. I swear that." Felix said angrily. "Too bad." Jisung gave a mock glare. "Don't think that you won. We gain our rank in soon." Lia said. "Don't hurry. You have 210 points to beat. Take your time." Chan said. "Shall we go guys? An one thing lastly. Don't forget that  a silent attacker is always dangerous than a serial killer." Jimin said and take the lead. Hyomin and Haesoo flipped their hair at Ryujin, Yeji and Lia. "See you later bro." Minho patted Felix's shoulder. They left proudly. "Ahh we caught to this nonsense trap!" Seungmin growled. "She crossed her line this time." Ryujin said. "They'll surely regret for this." Felix slammed his fists on the table. They all left angrily out of the multimedia room.

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