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Jaemin went to his dad's cabin. "Dad?" He called. "Oh son...how was your day with those twins?" Jaesung asked. "Not bad as usual." Jaemin said. "Ok then. Jaemin I felt like we have to make a move." Jaesung said. "Really? Isn't it too quick?" Jaemin asked. "I thought the same but if we get an action now they'll suspect Mark because everyone knew that they don't have a good interaction. Same goes with Felix. Jimin is his rival. Both in academic and business." Jaesung explained. "That's a point. So let's activate the plan then." Jaemin smirked. "Yes but don't do in hurry. We have plenty of time." Jaesung said while rubbing his hands. "Ok dad." Jaemin left.

At the evening Minho came to the Shin mansion. Mr Shin was in the living room while having a talk with his old friend. "Oh Minho...good evening child!" Mr Shin greeted. "Good evening grandpa. Good evening sir." Minho greeted to them. "He's my kids' best friend." Mr Shin introduced him to his old friend so he gave a smile. "Those twins are on the upstairs." Mr Shin said. "Ok grandpa." Minho said while smiling and he went to the upstairs. "Minnie? Sunnie? Where are you?" Minho asked while looking at the both rooms. Jimin peaked from her room. "Here!" She giggled. Minho giggled too. "What brings you here Lee Minho?" Jisung asked. "What? Are you kidding me? You said me to come over." Minho glared at him. "Did I?" Jisung asked while looking at Jimin and she nodded. "I think his brain is not braining right now." Jimin said while giggling. "Sure." Minho laughed. "Oh stop I'm just kidding!" Jisung whined. "Don't be a cry baby Han Jisung." Jimin said while laughing. "Alright buddies. Where's your homemade cupcakes? I'm hungry." Minho said. "Well, we ate it all." Jimin said. "What? Why? You guys are really bad." Minho protested. "Haha you fool. We saved yours. You really thought that we did that?" Jisung asked. "Yeah. Now give me my cupcakes." Minho said while pouting. "Not yours dear. It's ours. We didn't eat yet. We waited for you." Jimin said. "Ohh...that's why I love you two very much." Minho said while hugging both siblings. "Now let's enjoy." Jisung said and three of them enjoyed their snacks while watching a movie. After that Minho went his mansion.

Next day dawned. Jimin and her friends gathered in the locker area. "What!?" Jimin asked from Minho. "Yes Minnie...today we're having some excercise session." Minho smiled at her. "What the hell? I'm not going." Jimin protested. "You're the head of our team. So you must stay." Chan said. "I said no. If dean wants to expell me, I'm ready to give away my badge." Jimin said while tapping her badge. "She's so lazy Chan." Jisung said. "How are you going to skip this?" Haesoo asked. "I'll go on a fake checkup on some documents. Or I can hide in the indoor stadium. No one will come after me." Jimin said while smirking. "Ok then. But remember I'm going to complaint about you as the deputy head." Chan said. "Do I look like I'm scared? Oh blessed to your delusional heart." Jimin said. "You are becoming savage now." Hyomin said. Jimin flipped her hair. "Ok ok everyone. Let's go. We got some nice warmup session." Chan said taking the lead. "Jimin...may I help you for the checkups?" Jeongin asked. "No! You're not going to help her." Chan said while dragging him. Jimin chuckled at them. She took out some unwanted files from her locker and walked to an empty lecture hall. She sat on a corner and started to check them.

After 45 minutes she felt someone's presence. She glanced over her shoulder while not wishing any professors. Luckily or unluckily it was Felix. "Good morning Jimin! Are you busy?" Felix asked with a warm smile. "Good morning too Felix! What do you want?" Jimin asked while forcing a smile. "Just tell me are you busy or not?" Felix asked. "I'm not busy." Jimin replied. "I knew that. How can be someone who are skipping the exercise session will be busy? Am I correct?" Felix asked while giggling. "So are you. You're skipping too." Jimin said. "Not that much girl. I stayed for 15 minutes and came back." Felix said. "Ok then tell me why you came to me?" Jimin said while glancing at her file. Suddenly Felix's expression changed into a cold glare. Jimin noticed that so she looked at him. "Why did you hangout with Jaemin? You know it's clearly dangerous. Why?" Felix asked. Jimin chuckled at him. "Seriously Felix? Do I look like a toddler? I'm hanging out under a proper security." Jimin said normally. Felix sighed. "Why are you doing this?" He asked. "Because he won't suspect us. They're thinking that we aren't aware about them. They knew if we awared, we'll definitely get an action against them. Acting with them in the same drama collects facts. Got it?" Jimin said. "Whatever. Still it's dangerous. What if something happens to you?" Felix asked worriedly. "If something happened to me... all you need to do is ignoring that. You can celebrate your rival's funeral so happily." Jimin said playfully. "Han Jimin I'm Serious!" Felix yelled. "I'm serious too Felix Lee." Jimin said while staring at him. Felix sighed. "Jimin I don't want you to get hurt." Felix said while holding her hand but Jimin took away his hand. "Give me an honest reply to this. Why are you caring me? I said I don't want your help. Why?" Jimin asked. "Because everything is getting complicated. I know you don't want my help." Felix said while looking down. "If you knew it then why are you asking the same question Felix?" Jimin asked. Felix didn't answer her. "Listen Felix...if you're getting involved to this, it's true that things getting complicated...but it's for me, not for you. Do you know why I'm trying to avoid your involvement in this? It's because both I and Jisung sacrificed our entire 4 years for this. It's true we achieved so many things but no one can fill the blank of our parents. If you take my side, Mark Lee is definitely get in trouble. So you'll miss your dad even you hate him. I knew the pain of losing parents. That's why I'm trying to ignore your favor. I always wished everyone's best, even my enemies. Try to understand Felix." Jimin explained softly while Felix was lost in her eyes. Jimin stood up and left the place. Felix stayed at there while processing her words.

Jimin straightly went to the university garden. She stopped near some roses. "Hey little Rose...you look elegant." She said to a white rose while caressing the petals. Suddenly someone covered her mouth. Jimin struggled to escaped but it didn't work as the stranger injected something on her neck. Soonly she fainted and the stranger took her away from the university.

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