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After the Han siblings arrived to the Shin's mansion, Jimin called Cha Eunwoo. "Is it Cha Eunwoo?" Jimin asked politely. "Yes. How can I help you miss.Han?" Eunwoo asked. "You recognized me?" Jimin asked amazingly. "Of course Miss. I just waited for this call. Tell me how can I help you miss?" Eunwoo said while chuckling. "Ok. Eunwoo I need to meet you in your place. Are you free tomorrow evening?" Jimin asked. "Yes Miss. You can come to my usual spot. Are you afraid to come? If yes, I'll come and get you there." Eunwoo said. "I'm not afraid. But my brother doesn't want to let me go there alone." Jimin explained. "No worries miss. I'll come and get you. Don't worry." Eunwoo said. "Ok then. And lastly you don't need to call me Miss. Just call me Jimin as we will be work partners for several months." Jimin said with a grin. "Ok Jimin. Let me know if anything changed. Good night!" Eunwoo greeted. "You too." Jimin said and put her phone aside. She sighed before going to have a bath.

Next day dawned. Jimin step out of the car and walk alone to the university premises. Suddenly a hand blocked her view. "Good morning Minho!" Jimin greeted. "You recognized me." Minho said while hugging her. "C'mon dude. You are doing that since we were born." Jimin giggled. "Whatever. Where's Jisung?" Minho asked. "He's having an assignment with Chan and Jeongin. They are having a sleepover too." Jimin explained. "Shit! Haesoo and Hyomin also said that they'll have a study holiday. They are currently struggling with French." Minho said. "So it will be only us? Marvellous!" Jimin said. "Yeah. But we have to be careful with our mighty aliens." Minho said with a giggle. "No worries. A single cheesy word can make Felix weak." Minho teased. "Lia too." Jimin teased back. Both of them make a death glare with each other but soon they laughed while putting a high five. "Alright alright. Let's show what this MinMin can do." Minho said. Jimin nodded and they went to their stuffs.

Jimin went to a lecture hall for her literature lecture while Minho went mathematics. In her team she was the only one studying Literature as Felix. Jimin silently sat down her usual front seat. Felix saw her when he arrived but he ignored her because he was mad at her. He sat in a back row as he always sleep in this lecture. Professor Jeon came and greeted to the students. "Good morning students!" Professor Jeon grined. "Good morning professor!" Everyone said in a unison. "Ok let's get started. Before that...Felix? Why are you in a back row. Come in front boy." Professor said. Felix groaned in mind. The only seat available in the front row is right next Jimin. Jimin cursed silently. Felix sat in his seat while ignoring her. Professor started his lecture. Jimin pay attention to the lecture even it was boring. Felix silently closed his eyes because he was super sleepy. Professor left the lecture hall after finishing the one hour lecture.

Even the professor left Felix and Jimin stay there until the others gone. Jimin was doodling on her notebook as she was thinking about her mission. Felix opened his eyes and glanced at Jimin who was zoning out. Felix closed his eyes again. Jimin came back to her senses and look around the hall. She thought Felix was still sleeping. She glanced at him for a second. "Done admiring?" Suddenly Felix asked. "Pardon?" Jimin said calmly trying not to act weird. "Are you done starring at me?" Felix asked while leaning back to his seat. "Who? I don't have a reason to glare at your face." Jimin said in an annoying tone. "You don't need a reason to look at me sweetie. And you know what? I can feel you." Felix said with a heart fluttering smile. "Nonsense." Jimin said while retrieving her things. "How did you stay awake in this boring lecture." Felix said while stretching. "I stay because I didn't go to night clubs like you." Jimin said. "Seems you aren't interested about clubs. Why? It's so funny." Felix said while looking at her. "I don't have a time for nonsense things." Jimin left the lecture hall but Felix caught her and walked with her. "So today only you and Minho? Be careful then. My team is pissed with you." Felix said. "No worries. Minho is more than enough for me." Jimin said. Felix face was darkened. "What's now Felix?" Jimin asked because she noticed his expression. "You're wasting your and his life. And you know what? Lia is in love with him. She's just disappointed about her love." Felix said in a serious tone. "I'm not wasting my or Minho's life. Minho is my comfort zone. He's like my other half since our childhood. So I'm not going to lose him. I don't care about Julia. Go and explain it to her too. And lastly...you don't need to care about me even I waste my life. Hope you understood." Jimin stormed away from the hall way. Felix stay dumbfounded.

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