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Next day dawned. Jisung got ready for meet Eunwoo as he informed him yesterday. "Mr Han? Are you there?" One of their maids asked him. "Oh yes. Give me one second." Jisung said while combing his hair. After done he came outside of his room. "What happened Ms Kim?" Jisung asked while closing his door. "Mr Shin called you." The maid said. "Oh I'll meet him. Thanks for the message." Jisung said and bowed before going downstairs. "Grandpa?" Jisung knocked on his grandpa's door. "Good morning child." Mr Shin said. "Good morning grandpa." Jisung said. "Are you going somewhere?" Mr Shin asked. "I'm going to meet Minho. Also I have a small meeting with Mr Kim too." Jisung lied. "Ok then. Anything updates about Jimin?" Jisung said. "No grandpa." Jisung said sadly. "We'll keep our hopes kid." Mr Shin said. "Yes grandpa. Let's have breakfast." Jisung said and both of them had their breakfast. After that Jisung left his place for meet Eunwoo.

Meanwhile Jimin and Felix got into Felix's car and went to Eunwoo's agency. "Aren't you excited?" Felix asked. "Not that much Felix." Jimin replied. "Why is that? You were so excited to remove your bandage. Why not for Jisung?" Felix asked while driving. "I'm thinking about my mission Felix. And introduced you to them. I don't see a path infront of me." Jimin said. "If you are not comfortable to introduce me, I'll stay outside and wait for you." Felix said. "No Felix. You should be with us." Jimin said while glancing at him. "That's true because I'm still Jaemin's business dealer." Felix said while giggling. "No...you are not going to deal with them anymore." Jimin emphasized. "Why?" Felix asked. "I said no. You want to hear it from spanish? No!" Jimin said. "Ok ok. I won't. But why?" Felix asked. "They'll kill you Felix! You and your dad are the next targets. We have to take an action before them." Jimin yelled at him. "Oh calm down sweetie...don't yell." Felix said while ruffling her hair. "Don't ruffle my hair." Jimin glared at him. "You hate ruffling your hair, don't you?" Felix asked. "Yes." Jimin said. "Alright here we're at the city carpark as you told." Felix said while parking his car. "It's 5 minutes walk from here." Jimin said. Felix gave her a mask and a pair of sunglasses. "We look like idols." Jimin giggled. "Of course we are. Idols from Seoul National University." Felix giggled back. Both of them walked to the "Seven Eleven" grocery mart.

"Are you sure that we're at the right place?" Felix asked. Jimin nodded. "Follow me." She whispered. Jimin opened the secret door behind the refrigerator. Both of them went inside. "It's so dark." Felix said. "Are you scared of dark?" Jimin asked. "Nope." Felix replied. "Well, I am." Jimin said. "Don't worry. I'm here with you." Felix said while holding her hand. Jimin hugged his arm and slowly walked towards the agency. She put her hand in the scanner and the door opened. "Welcome Miss Han." An agent greeted her. "Thanks." Jimin smiled. "Who is this?" The agent asked from Felix. "Don't worry. He's my mission partner. Your place is safe." Jimin said. "I trust you Miss." The agent said and paved the way to the main room. Felix was amazed after seeing inside of this secret place. Jimin opened the door. "Miss me guys?" Jimin said while smirking. "Oh my Gosh Minnie!!! My cupcake! Oh my oh my." Jisung came and hugged her tightly. "Where have you been? Look I almost dead without you. And...wait a damn minute. What the heck is he doing here?" Jisung said after seeing Felix behind Jimin. "An intruder." Taehyun said and he was about to press the emergency button. "Everyone calm down!" Jimin said loudly. "What's going on? Why did you drag him here?" Jisung asked and he tried to hit Felix. Jimin defended Felix by stepping infront of Felix. "Don't do anything Sunnie. I can explain." Jimin said while holding Felix's hand. "Ok ok. Sit down everyone. Let's talk." Eunwoo said. Jimin explained everything to them.

"What!? Jaemin stabbed you? Oh my gosh Minnie!" Jisung hugged her while sobbing. "I'm fine Sunnie. So as I told, without Felix I will surely be dead." Jimin said. "I'm so sorry Felix for yelling at you. Look we didn't have a good interactions before so I'm really pissed off about everyone." Jisung apologized to Felix. "It's ok Jisung. If I was you, I too act like that if Jimin was my sister. It's completely fine as long as you understood me." Felix smiled. "Ok then. Since our twins got united...we have to discuss our future steps. Don't you guys think your mission is extended too much?" Eunwoo asked. "Of course yes." Both Jimin and Jisung said together. "I agree with you too hyung. These guys should have a better future than this." Taehyun said. "That's right. So, what should we do now?" Jisung asked. "We should gather more evidences. Isn't that good?" Taehyun asked. "Haven't we been doing that for so long?" Jimin asked. "If you guys want an evidence, I have one." Felix said. "What is it?" Jimin asked. "I took a video of Jaemin stabbing you." Felix said while taking his phone. "You what?" Jimin asked. "Well, I tracked Jaemin's location and came to the place that you kept. I was about to reach towards you when I heard Jaemin's footsteps. So I thought to find an evidence from it. Unexpectedly he stabbed you so I really forgot about it." Felix said. "You're a genius Felix." Eunwoo said. "Let me see the video." Jisung said. "No! It's sensitive for you." Jimin emphasized. "I don't care." Jisung said. Felix give his phone to Taehyun and he played the video after connecting it with his computer. "That stinky Jaemin! I swear I kill him." Jisung slammed his fists on a table. "Stop it Jisung! You're damaging my table." Taehyun said. "Sorry." Jisung said. "Guys...I got an idea." Jimin said out of nowhere. "What?" Eunwoo asked. "Our home...Maybe we can find something related to Jaesung." Jimin said. "You mean our one?" Jisung asked. "Yes idiot. Our home. Since dad worked with him we can find something as dad kept everything as records." Jimin said. "That's good. By the way, do you guys have his phone or laptop or anything? We can check them." Taehyun said. "After an investigation, they gave them back to us. But we kept them at home." Jisung said. "We should go there. We can find a clue from dad's room. His safe locker...wait wait. Dad's safe...we can find something from there." Jimin said. "Do you know where it is?" Jisung asked. "Nope. But we can find it." Jimin said. "I got an idea too." Eunwoo said. "What?" Jimin asked. "Why don't we contact the investigation officer that handled your parents' case?" Eunwoo asked. "Oh my gosh! We completely forget about him." Jisung said. "I guess he got transferred somewhere before finish our case. Our parents' murder case was officially closed by giving a statement that it's an accident." Jimin said. "Do you have any contacts with him?" Eunwoo asked. "I don't think so. We only had his firm number." Jimin said. "Don't worry. We'll find it soon." Taehyun said. "Ok then. After we contacted him, we can discuss about our next steps." Jisung said. "We'll let you know." Eunwoo said.

"Wait a second. Jimin...did you change your hair colour?" Jisung asked while raising an eyebrow. "Yes, isn't it pretty?" Jimin mocked. "How dare you? Who gave you the permission?" Jisung asked. "Oh don't be dramatic Han Jisung. It's my hair so I don't need anyone's permission." Jimin said. "Oh really? I'm your older brother. You have no right to do that without my permission." Jisung yelled. "Oh shut up chipmunk. I can do anything I want. Plus it's for hide my identity. You stupid pumpkin." Jimin yelled at him too. "Guys stop! It's not your place to yell at eachother." Eunwoo said. "He started it first." Jimin said. "Then you stop it first." Eunwoo said. Jimin rolled her eyes. "I hate you." She said. "Still it's your fault. You don't know the value of your silky black hair." Jisung said. "I know. But I have to hide from others." Jimin said. "Do you know Jisung? She asked me to cut her hair too. But I didn't." Felix said. "Cut her hair? Aish this girl. Don't let her do that stupid thing." Jisung said to Felix. "If you guys done arguing, can you leave? My head is hurting a lot." Taehyun said. "Ok ok. We're done." Jimin rolled her eyes. "Are you coming with me or going with Jisung?" Felix asked. "I think she better stay with you. It's safe." Jisung said. "No problem." Felix said. "And one more thing Felix. I'm sorry for everything I did. And please take care of my twin. Don't let her depressed. Always make sure that she's happy." Jisung adviced. "I will Jisung. Don't worry I'll protect her no matter what." Felix smiled. "And one thing Mr Chipmunk...take care yourself and grandpa. I'll be back soon." Jimin hugged her twin. Both of them seperated their ways after greeting each other.

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