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Mark Lee was pissed off because of Jimin. "Shit! She's truly Jihyun's daughter. She made me embarrassed in front of all the Jeduk members. Felix can't control her. What a shame! He's losing to her continuously. Something must done without being late." He said to himself while walking around his office room. He dialed Na Jaesung's number. "Mr Na...It's Mark Lee." He said. "Oh Mark! You okay?" Jaesung asked. "Not exactly. I want to meet you asap." Mark said. "Sure buddy. I'm free now. I'll see you in next few minutes." Jaesung said while smirking. "I'm on my way." Mark said and drove to Jaesung's office. "The wait is over. Now it's time to get rid of those Hans." Mark thought.

Meanwhile Jaesung was smiling in his office.
"Looks like someone is aroused. I love when he was pissed off." Jaesung laughed to himself. He called his secretary. "Tell Jaemin to meet me." Secretary obeyed him and Jaemin came inside quickly. "Is everything ok dad?" Jaemin asked. "Yeah. Listen son, Mark Lee is on his way to meet me. Make sure that no one is listening this time." Jaesung said. "Don't worry dad. I got everything checked." Jaemin said. "Ok then. You can leave." Jaesung said. Jaemin nodded and left. "Who put those devices? Whoever is that, must be a genius. I'll definitely find him." Jaemin thought while leaving. After few minutes Mark came and had a heated discussion with Jaesung about Jimin. Then he left while exploding from anger. Jaesung stayed in his office while memorizing his sayings. "We need to do something for her. She embarrassed me a lot. She is overacting. Why can't you understand me, Mr Na?" That part echoed continuously in his mind. He called Jaemin again.

"Yes dad?" Jaemin asked. "You heard everything, right?" Jaesung asked. "Yes dad, as you told me. Are we going to make a move on Jimin?" Jaemin asked. "Mark is pissed off by her. He needs an immediate action. But it's not the right time." Jaesung said. Jaemin got angry. "Don't let him to control you dad. He's the employee in here. And you're the boss." Jaemin said. "Do I look like his slave? Obviously not. We must do something and get rid of these Hans and Lees. We need a better plan. You can plan a trap but keep it with you. When I told you it's the time, you can make a move." Jaesung said. "Ok dad. Believe me. We're going to be succeed." Jaemin said and left his dad's office. He came to his cabin and took a photo of Jimin. "Wait for me princess. You're going to be mine before you leave the world." Jaemin thought while smirking.

Time skipped to midnight. Jimin was about to went to sleep when she got a call from Taehyun. "Well do you know what time is it?" Jimin asked and Taehyun chuckled. "I'm sorry Jimin. I got something important to tell you. That's why I didn't hesitate about the time." He said. "Ok then. What happened?" Jimin asked in a sleepy tone. "Hey don't sleep and pay attention." Taehyun chuckled. "Then tell me before I collapse towards my pillow." Jimin said. "Our devices got caught by them." Taehyun said. "What? Got caught? How?" Jimin asked while being high-key panicked. "Jaemin accidentally touched one of them and it dropped into his hand. So he got curious and found the all. Fortunately he didn't know that we hacked their CCTV too." Taehyun explained. "He'll find about the CCTVs too." Jimin said. "Yeah...he glared at the CCTV camera today. Wait...Oh great! They updated a new security system." Taehyun said while facepalming. "They don't know about us, right?" Jimin asked. "No, they don't. Don't worry Jimin they can't find us." Taehyun said. "It's a drawback for us." Jimin said. "Yeah but still we can use our agent." Taehyun said. "Mark Lee's white hacker, isn't he?" Jimin asked. "Yeah. Whatever Jimin. You must be really really careful. Don't be upset about this. We'll find another way. Now go and sleep. Don't be stressed about this, ok?" Taehyun asked. "Ok. Let's keep hopes Taehyun. Good night and have rest. No need to glance at Jaesung's room now." Jimin said and cut the call. "I thought we have a weapon but we lost it. Whatever Jimin forget it and sleep. You have lectures tomorrow." Jimin said to herself and slept.

Next day dawned. Everyone was at the university as usual. Felix was secretly searching Jimin because he wanted to talk with her. He was scared because Mark Lee was pissed off with Jimin. "C'mon Jimin...appear in front of me." Felix thought while glancing at everywhere. Suddenly Ryujin popped in front of him making him gasped. "You scared me!" Felix said annoyingly. "Sorry Lix. What are you doing?" Ryujin asked. "Oh...I was looking for Hyunjin. Did you see him?" Felix lied. "Oh he was at library. I'm going there too. Let's go then." Ryujin tried to drag him but he stopped her. "It's ok Ryujin. I have some personal talk with him. Could you please let us?" Felix asked. "Ok, sorry if I was disturbing." Ryujin pouted. "Nah it's ok. Don't worry." Felix patted her shoulder and left quickly. "Sorry Ryujin. I know you liked me. But my heart is only for Jimin, whether she belongs to me or not." Felix thought while walking away. Ryujin stayed at the same spot. "Weird...he's acting weird for the past few days. Even he was avoiding me now. What if Yeji said true? Is he falling for Jimin? No...I can't let it happen. But before making a move I must find about Jimin's feelings." Ryujin thought while glancing at the ceiling. She started to follow Felix from the behind.

Meanwhile Jimin was walking towards the locker area after finishing her Japanese lecture. She was about to open her locker when she was dragged into a empty lecture hall by Felix. She didn't recognized him first. "Who is- what Felix? What the hell you're doing?" Jimin asked annoyingly. "I was looking for you." Felix said in a low tone. "For what?" Jimin asked while fixing her hair. "Why are you messing with my dad? He's angry with you because you embarrassed him in the board meeting." Felix said worriedly. "Gosh I didn't messed with him Felix. He just depended on a wrong theory and I just said my opinion which everyone agreed with me." Jimin said. "But-" Felix started but he was cut off by Jimin. "There aren't any buts Felix. Why did you stay silent at the meeting? You clearly knew that it was wrong. Why?" Jimin asked but Felix sighed without saying anything. It made Jimin lost her patience. "Keep this in your mind Felix. Your dad...he doesn't have a sense to rule the industry and that's why he involved with that mafias to kill my parents. Still he's trying to get rid of me and my twin. And you...all you're doing is staying silent and asking the reasons why I'm messing with him." Jimin yelled at him in a low voice because she didn't wanted to made her plans spoiled. Suddenly Felix pinned her to the nearest wall. "I know Jimin. I know he's wrong. That's why I wanted to help you. I'm not staying silent. I wanted to help you. I'm taking your side because you're right. It's for your best. But you keep rejecting me." Felix said. Jimin was about talk but Felix covered her mouth with his hand making her silent. "I know that you can't trust me. It's ok. It's completely ok. But they'll harm you. You're in a danger and I wanted to warn you as you did." Felix said while leaning close to her. Jimin pushed him and glared at him. "I told you Felix. Don't involve to this. You're making things complicated. Don't ask the same question again and again. I have the same answer even you asked it for hundredth time." Jimin explained. "Please love, I want you to be safe." Felix said in pain. "You don't need to worry about me. We aren't even friends. Stay as an enemy of mine so it'll be easier to you. Don't get close to me. Hope you understood Felix." Jimin said and walked away from the lecture hall. Felix stood there dumbfounded.

Jimin came back to the locker area and placed her books in her locker. Suddenly a loud bang heard from her locker door and Jimin confusedly looked. "Don't be panic Jimin. It's me." Ryujin said. "What do you want?" Jimin asked while arranging her locker. "I need to talk with you." Ryujin said. "What is it now?" Jimin asked. "What kind of relationship do you have with Felix?" Ryujin asked and Jimin scoffed at her. "Are you kidding me? Why would I state it to you? Go and ask from him." Jimin said. Ryujin let a deep sigh. "Look Jimin. I'm not here for a fight. I just wanted to know about this." Ryujin said calmly and it made Jimin chuckled. "Do you want to enjoy the 3rd world war? Such a shame Ryujin! Why are you shipping him with me? I have so many things to do without having a crush on him." Jimin said while giving a mocking look. But Ryujin was serious and held her usual blank expression. Jimin sighed. "It's true that we are enemies but I can feel you. You love him. Listen, I don't even want to be friends with him so why would I date him? If you love him, just tell him without accusing and threatening others." Jimin spoke softly for the first time with her. Ryujin was satisfied with her answer. "Ok then. I'm satisfied but you don't have a single chance to be with him. Don't you dare to make an eye contact with him." Ryujin said. "Of course I don't want girl. Just mind your lovely businesses without dragging me." Jimin left her alone. "So it was you, Felix. Let's see." Ryujin thought while walking to the lobby. She called Yeji but she was in a lecture. "I'm in a lecture Ryu. 5 minutes more. I'll meet you in the lobby." She messaged. Ryujin silently walked to the lobby.

After finishing her french lecture, Yeji came to the lobby and found Ryujin lost in her thoughts. "Back to earth Shin Ryujin." Yeji giggled. "Oh sorry I didn't felt your presence." Ryujin said. "Of course you didn't. So,what's the matter?" Yeji asked. "I think you're correct." Ryujin said in a sad tone. "I'm correct what?" Yeji asked. "Felix is falling for her." Ryujin said. "Who? Jimin?" Yeji asked. Ryujin hummed. "What happened Ryu? How could you say it surely?" Yeji asked. "Today when I met Felix, he was busy searching someone. When I asked about it, he said that he was looking for Hyunjin. But when I followed him secretly and he was with Jimin. He dragged her into a lecture hall and argued about something. I didn't went closer because I was nervous but I watched from the window. Felix pinned her to a wall and he didn't let her to speak. To my surprise, Jimin pushed him and scolded and left the hall making Felix stay there dumbfounded. And after she returned back to the locker area, I asked about it and she said no. She emphasized that she won't date her enemy." Ryujin explained. "Then there's nothing to deal with." Yeji said. "But I'm sure Felix is falling for her." Ryujin said. "No, I won't let that happen. Don't worry Ryu. She won't accept him. Mark my words." Yeji emphasized. Ryujin hummed and she left for her lectures. Yeji also left after her stuffs done.

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