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Next day dawned. Felix went towards Jimin's room and knocked on the door. Felix opened the door because she didn't respond to him. He glanced at Jimin confusedly because he saw Jimin is sitting on the bed while looking at the mirror. "Jimin? Are you ok bunny?" Felix went to her and gave a backhug. "Why are you glaring at the mirror?" Felix asked. "Oh Felix...I didn't see you." Jimin said while closing her eyes. "You were glaring at the mirror." Felix said. "No...I was glaring at myself." Jimin said. "Why?" Felix asked. "Sunnie called me today. He blamed me and you know what? Minho also yelled at me for the first ever time. He's savage but never for me. I felt so angry but I can't kill them so I just glared at myself through the mirror." Jimin explained. "Everyone is worrying about you. Our plan is dangerous. Are you sure about this?" Felix asked. "I know it's dangerous but at least it's the quickest way to end these things. I'm feeling nervous too." Jimin said. "Still we can deny it if you want sweetie." Felix kissed her forehead and patted her head. "Maybe it can be dangerous. Going to the lion's mouth by myself. Jaemin will shoot me at once. I have no idea about this." Jimin said. "We'll just say we can't do that. Mr Lim will understand. Besides Jisung won't let you do this." Felix said. "That dramatic chipmunk." Jimin sighed. "Forget it now. Let's have breakfast. I made you a banana smoothie. You love it, right?" Felix asked while smiling. "Wow! You're the best." Jimin hugged him happily and ran to the kitchen. "Aish this girl is driving me crazy." Felix said to himself while laughing.

Later that morning Jimin called Mr Lim and told her decision and he agreed with her while promising to make a better plan. Jimin and Felix started to clean the house together. After an hour Felix got a call from unknown number. "Hi, Felix Lee?" The unknown caller asked. "Yes, I am. How can I help you?" Felix asked politely. "It's me Lim Hyunsuk. Don't let Jimin know that I'm calling you." Hyunsuk said. "Oh.. right. Give me a second." Felix said to the phone. "I got a emergency call. I'll be right back soon." Felix said to Jimin. "No worries." Jimin said while wiping a window. Felix went to his room and locked the door. "Alright Mr Lim. Nobody can hear us." Felix said. "Good. Can you meet me secretly at Eunwoo's place? I had a plan but Jisung won't let Jimin to do this. Also she will have doubts too. So, it's better to make them surprise and make the scene more realistic." Hyunsuk said. "That's right Mr Lim. Jimin was sure about the plan yesterday but today she wasn't the same. Jisung yelled at her in the morning." Felix said. "I can feel them because they're valuing each other. That's why we need to something. Can you meet up today? At evening?" Hyunsuk asked. "No problem. I'll be there at 6." Felix said. "Ok. Thanks for your understanding." Hyunsuk said. Felix end the call while sighing. "I hate this but I have nothing to do for protect you darling." Felix said to himself. He went back to the living room and helped Jimin.

Time skipped. "Are you sure that you can stay alone?" Felix asked. "For the fourth time Felix...I'm fine with that. No need to call Sunnie." Jimin said. "Alright then. I'm locking the door and take the key with me. Turn off the lights in Living room and stay at your room. Message me if something happened. Got it cutie?" Felix asked while hugging her. "Ok captain." Jimin said while giggling. "I'll be right back soon." Felix said and left while locking the door outside. Jimin sighed and went to her room and read a novel while waiting for Felix.

Meanwhile Felix came to Eunwoo's agency. "Good evening Felix!" Eunwoo said. "Good evening!" Felix greeted back. "Hey bro...Mr Lim isn't here yet." Taehyun said. "No problem. He'll be here soon." Felix said. After few minutes Hyunsuk came back. "Hey guys." He said. "Jimin didn't know anything, right?" Hyunsuk asked. "Nope. I told her that I'm going to meet my best friend. She knows him." Felix said. "Good. So, let's get to the topic." Hyunsuk said. An hour passed. "So, everything is clear, ok?" Hyunsuk asked. "Should we activate this tomorrow?" Felix asked. "Tomorrow is fine but we need to check the defences so, we'll do that in Tuesday." Hyunsuk said. "That's good. Jisung is having a exam on that day so he can't be there." Eunwoo said. "I'll update you after I done." Felix said. "And one more thing." Taehyun said. "What?" Eunwoo asked. "This may cause a damage to these guys." Taehyun said. "That's right. Don't worry we'll help you." Hyunsuk said. Felix sighed. "It's ok. She'll find her peace. So, I'm happy about it." Felix said. "Don't give up." Eunwoo said while patting his shoulder. "Leave it. Can I leave now? Jimin is alone. I'm afraid that something will happen." Felix said. "Sure. Good bye Felix." Eunwoo said and everyone waved at him. Felix left the agency. "Are they dating?" Hyunsuk asked. "No. But he loves her. Jisung told us. And on the other hand, Jimin can't date him because of the inheritance issues." Taehyun said. "Oh...he cares a lot. Poor boy." Hyunsuk said while ruffling his hair. "Are you busy tonight? If not, you can have dinner with us." Eunwoo said. "That would be nice." Hyunsuk said while smiling.

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