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When Jimin and her three mates entered the lobby they saw Yeji and Ryujin holding a fan while blowing wind for get rid of sweat. "See, that's why I said in the morning." Jimin said to his twin. "Your guessings always right Minnie." Jisung said and ruffed her hair. "Don't. Touch. My. Perfectly. Combed. Hair." Jimin emphasized. "Let me fixed it for you." Minho said and brushed her hair with his hand. "Perfect." He said. "Thanks." Jimin said while smiling. "Hyominnie! I missed you." Chan said while approaching Hyomin and the rest of their group. "But it's only an hour." Hyomin said. "But I miss you so much." Chan said while backhugging him. "We're also here." Haesoo and Jeongin said while fake coughing. Both Chan and Hyomin ignored them. "What happened? Why you two were coughing?" Jisung asked. "These two didn't see us when they're flirting with eachother. That's why we coughed." Jeongin said. Jisung laughed. "The another couple was there." Haesoo said while pointing Minho and Jimin. "The best one." Hyomin said. "I thought we're best." Chan said. "We're best in true couples. They're best in fake couples." Hyomin said. "I heard it Choi Hyomin." Jimin interrupted while approaching him. "So? I said the truth." Hyomin said while smirking. "Whatever. What are we doing until the ceremony starts?" Jimin asked. "Ceremony will start at 4 in the evening. But still it's 11 o' clock." Haesoo said. "Ok. Listen everyone. Ceremony is starting at 4 p.m. and all of us going to our home at 1.30 p.m. So everyone can be ready. Right?" Jimin asked. "Yes." Everyone said. "What about Tae-oh and his mates?" Chan asked. "They said they'll use Nayeon's home for this." Jimin said. "Ok." Chan replied. "Well, why don't we eat an icecream?" Minho said. "Good idea. But I heard that there's no mint icecream since last month." Haesoo said. "Shit. What to do now?" Minho said while resting his head on Jimin's shoulder. "You can try the new one." Jimin said while tapping his head. "What is that?" Jisung asked. "They introduced a new flavor named cookie cream. It's made of Oreos. It's so delicious. Will you try it Minho?" Jimin asked. "But if it tastes awful for me? We're wasting money." Minho said. "No worries. We can share a one. If the taste fits you, you can buy a new one." Jimin said. "Oh you're the best." Minho said while hugging her tightly. "So I'll give the orders. Who want chocolate flavor?" Jisung asked. Hyomin, Jeongin, and Jisung raised their hands. "Ok. Haesoo, what flavor do you want?" Jisung asked. "I want strawberry flavor." Haesoo said. "Ok. Chan what about you?" Jisung asked. "As usual I want vanilla." Chan said. "Fine. We want 3 Chocolate and 1 strawberry and 1 vanilla and 1 Cookie cream. Right?" Jisung asked. "Yes." Everyone except Minho replied. Jisung went to placed the order. They all have small talk until their icecreams served. "Try this." Jimin said while handing her icecream to Minho. He tasted it for two times. "Wow! It's so good than I thought." Minho said while smiling. "See. I told you. Ok you can have mine. I'll get a new one." Jimin said and went to bring another one. All of them enjoyed their icecreams happily.

Meanwhile Felix and his gang also at the lobby. "Gosh! I'm boiling now." Yeji said. "Me too. We look awful." Ryujin said. "I understood why those aren't wearing the formal clothes in morning." Lia said. "Maybe they will change the clothes later." Seungmin said. They saw Minho hugged Jimin tightly. Lia was so pissed. "He's insane. Why do he hugged her that much?" Lia asked. "They're dating, you knew that." Yeji said. Felix silently glanced at them. He saw Minho tasting Jimin's icecream and he eating his icecream while backhugging her. He's also jealous as Lia. "Lixie are you ok? You looked uncomfortable." Ryujin asked. "Yes, I'm good. Just heating myself." Felix said and loosen his necktie. Next, he unbuttoned the first button of his shirt. "Ohh you look hot." Yeji said. "Don't try to flirt with him." Ryujin said. "Yeah. I don't like  Lix having Yeji as his girlfriend." Hyunjin said. "I'm just saying Hyunjin. All of you are idiots." Yeji huffed at them. "Whatever. Let's go outside for have some wind." Seungmin said. "Good idea." Changbin agreed. "Do we have to?" Lia asked because she wanted to glanced at Minho. "There's no chance to get him by glancing at him." Yeji said. Lia sighed and stood up to leave. Felix also stood up and began to walked by passing Jimin and her friends. Felix secretly glared Jimin for a second while walking. He was so patient to control his emotions. All of them went to outside.

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