My Cold Arrange Husband

By authormin437

20.4K 724 1.3K

Taehyung's parents arranged a marriage with a clumsy and childish girl named Lee Y/N. Because of his cold and... More

part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14
part 15
part 16
part 17
part 18
part 19
part 20
part 21
part 23
part 24
part 25
part 26
part 27
part 28
part 29
part 30
part 31
part 32
part 33
part 34
part 35
part 36
part 37
part 38
part 39
part 40
part 41
part 42
Something New...
part 43
About next story.
part 44
part 45

part 22

402 13 12
By authormin437


Living room

Suzy was standing on the corner of the living room with a phone attached to her left ear. She was talking to someone but in a low voice.


Suzy - I told you i couldn't do that because she didn't came downstairs last night (said in a low voice being frustrated)

??? - THEN WHY TF YOU DIDN'T WENT TO HER ROOM (shout in anger)

Suzy rolled her eyes and said.

Suzy - We are not allowed except Mina (annoyed)

??? - Didn't she came down from the yesterday till now (yell harshly)

Suzy get more frustrated and said.

Suzy - No from the time Taehyung went to their room, she didn't even came out of the room (little louder) god knows what they were doing (whispered)

The person cut the call being frustrated, and Suzy also went towards the kitchen being annoyed. But Maybe she doesn't remember that she is still inside THE KIM RESIDENCE.....

Y/n and Jun-Hee both was sleeping when y/n's phone ring. She wake up by the sound and pick up the call with closed eyes.

Y/n - Yes (sleepy)

??? - Y/n are you sleeping (disbelief)

Y/n open her one eye and look at the caller ID and again close them.

Y/n - Somi-ahh gooood morning (said happily but still sleepy)

Somi Chuckled in disbelief and said.

Somi - It's good afternoon sweetheart (taunting)

Y/n widen her eyes and look at the wall clock, when her eyes again widen. She sat on the bed hurriedly and said.

Y/n - Did Tae already went to work (panicking)

Y/n said while looking around but saw his side was empty, she was desperate for his glimpse, when her eyes caught her husband who was standing at the balcony while his back was facing her, looking extremely hot. She sigh in relief when she heard.

Somi - I don't know about that but you know there is a new professor y/nieeee (said happily) he was so handsome and dashing (fangirling over her new professor)

Y/n made a disgusting face and said.

Y/n - Yaaa somi he is your professor behave (weirdly)

Somi laughed and said.

Somi - I know babe it's just he is handsome that's it, by the way why you're absent today (said while walking)

Y/n look at her hasband who was busy with his phone call and remembered what happened last night. She started to blush hard and said.

Y/n - I'm hungry I'll talk to you later bye (said hurriedly and cut the call)

Y/n look at Jun-Hee and said.

Y/n - Baby wakey wakey (said while tickling her)

Jun-Hee and y/n both started to giggled and y/n make her sit on her lap.

Y/n - Did you sleep well (said while squeezing her face)

Jun-Hee nodded with a pout.

Y/n - Okay so go and brush your teeth (said while putting her down)

Jun-Hee - No first I have to say hello to my new friend (said and run outside)

Y/n chuckled while looking at her running figure and get up from the bed. She slowly went towards the balcony and slide the door, she enter to the balcony slowly not wanting to disturb his work but he was already aware of her presence. He smiled a little feeling her presence and said.


Taehyung - I want his professional to personal details till the evening, then I'll think about the new project (cold af)

Y/n ignored his coldness and slowly wrapped her hands around his waist and said.

Y/n - Good morning TaeTae (said sweetly while smiling wildly)

Taehyung smiled and pull out his right hand from the pocket and put it on her hand which was placed on his waist.


Taehyung - Email me the other details ( he said coldly and cutted the call without letting the other person to speak)

Taehyung put his phone inside his pant pocket and turn to face y/n who was resting her head on his back. He hugged her and said while caressing her hair.

Taehyung - Did you sleep well sweetheart (sweetly smiling)

Y/n nodded and look at him while hugging his waist.

Y/n - Why you're still here (confused)

Taehyung smirk and said.

Taehyung - Why do you want me be ready at the bathroom (teasingly)

Y/n was confused by his teasing and said with a furrowed eyes.

Y/n - What (confused face)

Taehyung - (Think with a done face) What a kid you are love, but I love your innocence too (smile)

Taehyung lean to her left ear and whispered with his deep voice.

Taehyung - Well I'm talking about what we did last night my hottie bun (whispered)

Y/n's confused face turn whole red due to shyness and she hit his chest playfully while hiding her face on his neck, tiptoeing and said.

Y/n - I mean why you didn't went to your office today (said while blushing and pulled her face back to look at him)

Taehyung - (Chuckled) Because yesterday I promised something to my Queen (said and pulled her more closer making their nose to touch)

Y/n look at him confused and put her hands on his chest to make some distance.

Y/n - What promise Tae (confused)

Taehyung - How can you forget that love (whispered while smiling)

Y/n look at him annoyed and said.

Y/n - Aaa Tae bear just tell me na (whining)

Taehyung chuckled and shook his head making her pout. She joint her both hand while pouting and said.

Y/n - Please TaeTae please tell me na (requesting)

Taehyung hold her both hand and put them on his chest and said.

Taehyung - Never do that (straight face)

Y/n - What (pout)

Taehyung - That gesture which you did with your hands, nor request (said in a dominating voice)

Y/n - But somi said I can bahave' however I want infront of you Tae (confuse pout)

Taehyung peck her pouty lips and said.

Taehyung - Yes my love you can be yourself infront of me but you don't have to request me, you're my Queen and Queen's shouldn't request, they should order. So my Queen order me (sweetly)

Y/n smile wildly and kiss his lips. They shared a sweet kiss and pulled out.

Y/n - Okay now tell me about that promise (said in a strict tone)

Taehyung chuckled at her cuteness and said.

Taehyung - Okay I'll but first give me long kiss (said while pouting for a kiss)

Y/n - (chuckled) Tae bear you're so cute (said while pinching his left cheek) Somi was right you're so romantic (blushing)

Taehyung get shocked after hearing that and said.

Taehyung - W-what you s-aid to h-er (nervously)

Y/n - Nothing (innocent)

Taehyung - Then why she said that I'm r-omantic (confused+nervous)

Y/n thought about something and blushed, Taehyung look at her and said.

Taehyung - What happened baby, why are you blushing (confused)

Y/n look down shyly and said.

Y/n - Actually Tae, she said you're romantic because I told her about our strawberry kiss (blushing and smiling teasingly)

Taehyung made a crying face and said.

Taehyung - Aish w-hy d-id y-ou --- I mean --- yaaa baby it's about couple things, you shouldn't share with anyone (whining being embarrassed)

Y/n started laughing looking at his embarrassed but cute reaction which makes him smile too. Taehyung again said while chuckling looking at her laughing face.

Taehyung - Yaa stop laughing now (little embarrassed)

After sometime Y/n stopped laughing but was still giggling.

Y/n - Sorry tae I know it's couple thingys, and i told her but she requested me So I said that (smiling)

Taehyung caressed her back and said.

Taehyung - it's okay but next time make sure not to say anything about what we did to anyone, specially what we did last night ( said softly but last past said teasingly)

Y/n get shy and hugged him, they stay like that for sometime while talking and teasing eachother when y/n said.

Y/n - You still didn't tell me about the promise (said with pout while hugging him)

Taehyung - Do You remember when we went to the shower (he said and she hummed) after that I kissed you (she again answered with hmm but shyly) then you take off my shirt and I was suc--

Taehyung get cut by a push by y/n, he look at her while laughing while she was pouting angrily. Taehyung hold his both ears in a apologising gesture still laughing, when she said.

Y/n - Tell me the promise or else (she pause for sometime and said again after thinking) no kissing, no hugging, no that nasty thingys for a week (yelled with a pout)

Taehyung stopped laughing and hugged her saying.

Taehyung - Aish i was just joking sweetheart, why so angry (said cutely making her smile) okay the promise was to take you and Jun-Hee to the amusement park (said and kissed her hair)

Y/n's eyes sparkled hearing that, and she started to jump like a Kangaroo when they heard.

Jun-Hee - Why are you jumping aunty (confused)

They both turn and saw that Jun-Hee was standing at the door while holding something on her tiny hands. Y/n walk to her and bend a little.

Y/n - We are going to amusement park (said excitedly)

Jun-Hee also get happy and said.

Jun-Hee - Really aunty (sparkling eyes)

Taehyung chuckled and said

Taehyung - Yes my little one, we are going (smiling) but who is this little creature (confused)

Y/n also nodded while looking at the thing on Jun-Hee's hand when the creature said.

??? - Bow wow (loudly)

Y/n flinched by that and get closer to Taehyung where Taehyung was smiling.

Y/n - Wow you wanna introduce yourself (cutely)

Jun-Hee - Uncle Tae can I keep him with me (looking down)

The little Pomeranian jump and went closer to Taehyung and he picked him up. Y/n was a little scared but then pat his head a little while smiling. Taehyung look at Jun-Hee and said.

Taehyung - Why not cutie but where did you found him ?? (Softly)

But Taehyung's smile dropped after hearing her answer.

Jun-Hee - When I was playing with my ball yesterday he come inside the garden but then he disappeared somewhere but when I wake up, i went to meet him and I saw him other side of the road so I went outside the gate to take him (innocently)

Taehyung put the Pomeranian down and knelt down infront of Jun-Hee and hold her shoulder.

Taehyung - Did you went alone (she nodded ) Jun-Hee you shouldn't go out alone like that, it's risky (said a little loudly)

Taehyung said but unknowingly he made her scared, both of them flinched hearing his cold and loud voice but they know that he is just concerned about her. Tears started to gather on her eyes but Taehyung couldn't see her teary eyes as she look down.

Taehyung - Jun you should've asked someone to go, why did you went alone, what if something bad had happened ??? From now on you'll ask me if you want anything, no matter what I'm doing or where I am, get it (a little cold)

Taehyung widen his eyes when he heard her soft sob, he quickly hugged her and caressed her back.

Taehyung - I'm sorry, I'm sorry baby, I wasn't scolding you it's just I was concerned about you baby please don't cry (said worriedly)

Jun-Hee look at him and said.

Jun-Hee - Y-ou s-cold me, y-ou are b-ad D-ADA is b-ad (sobbing)

Taehyung's heart skipped a beat and he simply picked her up and went to the bedroom while saying.

Taehyung - I'm really sorry baby, I'll do whatever you say okay (caressing her hair)

Jun-Hee hug his neck and said.

Jun-Hee - You won't scold me, and we will keep him with us (sniffing)

Taehyung nodded and said.

Taehyung - Okay deal (showing his thumb) Okay so let's get ready for~~~

Three of them - AMUSEMENT PARK (excitedly)

When the Little pommy said.

Pommy - Bow Bow ( while wiggling his bottom)

They chuckled and went to get ready.

Taehyung walk out to the gate angrily when the two guards bow to him. He went and hold the collar of one of them.


They both was trembling and begging for there jobs but Taehyung just jerk him and went take out his gun making them to fall on there knees.

Taehyung - I FUCKING SWEAR I WANT TO KILL YOU RIGHT FUCKING NOW BUT (shout and take a breath) but I don't want to scared anyone (said while holding a gun) Thank to god that she is fucking all fine or else (said and hold the gun on their head )

They are already terrified and now seeing the gun, it's make them shiver down there spine. They were crying and begging, and Taehyung went back to the mension.

Someone from outside of the mansion.

??? - He is suspicious (confused)

??? 2 - We need to inform him (looking at the mansion)

To be continued......
Why everyone wants to destroy their happiness ????

Hey cuties..... How are you my muffins 😍😍😍😍😍...... I know I'm really late this time but trust me I was hella busy ☹️☹️☹️☹️..... Hope you'll like this and please support me ....... Love you my muffins 💜💜💜💜

Please vote me 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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