Oliver & Company JDD Version

By jurassicdinodrew

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This here is my version of Disney's Oliver & Company, with not only crossover sequels, but also has my OC (or... More

Oliver & Company Prologue
The Kitten & The Street Dog
Meeting The Gang & The Demons
Street Money & The Wealthy Girl
A Lonely Rich Life
The Meeting At The Pier
Saving Oliver From The Demons
Oliver & Company Epilogue
Oliver & Company Bloopers
Oliver & Company II Prologue
A Family Reunion In Paris
The Terrible Cat-Napping Night
Enter The Alley Cat
A Train Bridge & British Geese
Everybody Wants To Be A Cat
Oliver & Company II Epilogue
Oliver & Company II Bloopers
Oliver & Company III Prologue
A Family Reunion In London
The Demon Trio Strikes Again
Off To The De Vil Place
Escape From The De Vil Place
The Big Car Chase & Dance Fight
Oliver & Company III Epilogue
Oliver & Company III Bloopers

Oliver & O'Malley To The Rescue

59 0 0
By jurassicdinodrew

It was morning when Oliver, Mr O'Malley, and the Aristocats were in the rich neighborhood, and it wasn't long before the group saw a certain mansion. O'Malley: "Hey... meow~... what a classy neighborhood... are you sure we're on the right street?" Duchess: "Yes, now let's hurry, we're almost home." said Duchess, as she and the others run off towards the mansion. Inside the mansion, Roquefort was looking at the window and gasped in joy when he saw the cats coming. Roquefort: "Duchess!, and the kittens!, they're back!" cried out Roquefort, as he runs over to the Toon kids, Fagin and Dodger. Melody: "Mr Roquefort?, what is it?" Roquefort: "It's Duchess and the kittens!, they're back!" Tommy: "Really?!" Gidget: "That's wonderful!" Dodger: "Then what are we waiting for?, let's go and let 'em in." said Dodger, as he and the others ran off to the door. However, they stopped when they saw Edgar, who was in another room, talking to a certain trio. Fagin: "No... it can't be..." Roquefort: "Who are they?" Jokey and Jokeo: "The Demon trio..." said the twins, before they and the others quietly listen to what Edgar and the Demon trio were saying to each other. Edgar: "What do you mean that you're gonna have my soul instead?!" ScreamClaw: "It's in the contract you signed... if we don't get the cats souls by noon today, then your soul will be ours instead." ThunderSmacker: "Indeed, it's the fine print." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what they said..." Edgar: "But that's not fair!, and it wasn't my fault that you idiots lost them!, all I did was drugging them and the others so I can give them to you so I can have Madame's inheritance!, that was the deal we made!" ScreamClaw: "True, but if we don't get their souls, then we must have the soul of someone else... the one who made a deal with us." ThunderSmacker: "That's the rules of making a deal with us Demon Dragons." SpaceWarp: "T-t-that's right..." Edgar: "Oh... this can't be happening..." meanwhile, outside of the mansion, the cats arrived to the door, and the kittens began to meow in hopes for Madame to hear them. Of course Edgar and the Demon trio heard them as well. Edgar: "Could that be them?!" gasped Edgar, upset that the cats were back, but relieved as well for his soul might be saved. Roquefort: "The kittens!" yelped Roquefort, which caught the attention of both Edgar and the Demon trio, who then sees the group. ScreamClaw: "You again!" Melody: "Uh oh..." Tommy: "Run!" yelped Tommy, before he and the others began to make a run for it, while the Demon trio ran off to go after the group. Back with the cats, they were waiting for Madame or Edgar to open the door. Duchess: "Well... this is it... I only wished that you..." O'Malley: "Yeah... I'll miss you too..." Duchess: "I'll never forget you... Thomas O'Malley..." said Duchess sadly, before the sound of something crashing inside was heard, which made the cats feeling concern. Marie: "What's going on in there?" Toulouse: "Sounded like something broke..." Berlioz: "Yeah... I hope Madame's okay..." Oliver: "Something's wrong... does it take this long for Madame or her butler to answer the door?" asked Oliver, before the door was knocked down to the ground, and the cats jumped away in time, and then sees Jokey and Jokeo rubbing their heads. Jokey: "Oh, hi kitties!" Jokeo: "We found ya!" Oliver: "Hi Jokey, hi Jokeo... why did you broke down the door?" Jokeo: "We didn't, we were tossed into it." that was when Dodger came to the scene, and O'Malley jumped up by the sight of him. O'Malley: "A dog!" Dodger: "Cool it cat, I'm not the type of dog who chases all cats." Oliver: "Dodger!, it's you!" Dodger: "Hey kid, it's great to see ya, but you gotta get out here, quick!" Oliver: "Huh?, why?" Jokey and Jokeo: "Demon trio!" shouted the hyena twins, before the sound of the Demon trio's roar was heard, and the Demon trio themselves were running towards the group. ScreamClaw: "After them!" Oliver: "Run!" shouted Oliver, before he and the others make a run for it, only for the Demon dragons to fly over and landed in front of them, stopping them in their tracks. ThunderSmacker: "Going somewhere?" SpaceWarp: "B-b-besides with us in the Underworld...?" ScreamClaw: "Now Edgar!" ordered ScreamClaw, before Edgar came to the scene and captures the Aristocats in a sack, while O'Malley and Oliver were the only ones who avoided getting caught. Oliver: "Marie!, Toulouse!, Berlioz!" O'Malley: "Duchess!" Edgar: "Finally!, soon the inheritance will be mine!" shouted Edgar, before Madame came to the scene and heard what her butler said. She tried to order him to let the cats go, but ThunderSmacker knocked her out with his pitch fork, and then the Demon trio tried to capture the remaining cats, but the cats and Dodger managed to get away. ThunderSmacker: "That blasted kitten got away!" ScreamClaw: "Forget him, we'll get him later, right now we have some souls to collect." said ScreamClaw, before he and the other demons take the cats, Fagin, the Toon kids, and Madame to the little barn. As for Roquefort, he managed to escape and finds Oliver, O'Malley and Dodger, and runs over to them. Roquefort: "Wait, stop!, are you Oliver and Mr O'Malley?" Oliver: "Yeah, who are you?" Dodger: "That's Roquefort, he's a cool mouse that helped me and the others look for ya." Roquefort: "Yes, but I couldn't protect the cats or the others from those monsters... I'm so sorry..." Oliver: "What can we do?, we need help..." O'Malley: "I might know someone who can help, look mouse, you go with the dog to find and get Scat Cat and his gang of alley cats." Roquefort: "Alley cats?!, but I'm a mouse!" Dodger: "Cool it Roquefort, I'll be there for you." Roquefort: "Oh... I guess that makes me feel safer..." Oliver: "Come on Mr Roquefort, we need their help for this one, and please hurry!" Roquefort: "Alright... come on Dodger, let's go!" O'Malley: "And another thing, just tell 'em that O'Malley has sent you two and you won't have any trouble!" said O'Malley, before he and Oliver ran off back to the mansion, while Dodger and Roquefort ran off to find the alley cats. A few moments later, Dodger and Roquefort arrived to an alley, where they ran into the alley cats, who were planning on eating the mouse, but scared by the sight of Dodger. When Dodger told them that O'Malley sent them, they knew that the pair were friends, and learned that Duchess and her kittens were in serious trouble, so they went off to follow both Dodger and Roquefort to the mansion, hoping that they were not too late. Back in the little barn next to the mansion, Madame finally wakes up and sees the Toon kids and Fagin and Winston tied up in some rope, while the cats were in a trunk, guarded by Edgar and the Demon trio. Madame: "Edgar... why are you doing this?... I thought you were my friend..." Edgar: "Sorry Madame... it's nothing personal... but I've waited to have the inheritance for long enough... and I will not let those cats take that away from me... especially the pink with psychic powers." Winston: "You traitor!, you give butlers a bad name!" Fagin: "You can't trust the Demon trio!, their deals always end badly!, I should know!, don't do this!" ScreamClaw: "It's already too late, if he backs down the deal, then we'll have his soul instead... well either way, we're gonna get some souls, starting with the cats." ThunderSmacker: "Indeed, although I was hoping to get the soul of that orange kitten right now... I'm not picky..." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... me neither..." Gidget: "You won't get away with this!" ScreamClaw: "Oh yeah?, who's gonna stop us?" asked ScreamClaw, before Oliver and O'Malley burst through the little barn doors and came to the scene. Oliver: "Us of course!" O'Malley: "Let Duchess, the kittens and the others go!" ThunderSmacker: "Oh look, a pair of heroes, how cute... too bad their heroic act will be in vain..." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... you two c-c-can't fight us alone..." Oliver: "Who said we were alone?" asked Oliver with a smirk, before Dodger, Roquefort, and the alley cats came to the scene and start attacking both the Demon trio and the greedy butler. Oliver and O'Malley went over to the trunk that held the Aristocats, and tried to open it, but were unable to. That was when Roquefort came over to the pair. Roquefort: "Are they okay?" O'Malley: "I don't know, I can't get this thing open." Oliver: "There's a lock on it... and I think it's one of those that need a combination." Roquefort: "I know this lock, let me handle it." Oliver: "Hurry!, I don't know how much longer the others can hold those creeps off!" said Oliver, before Roquefort goes to work on the lock, while O'Malley and Oliver went over to the rest of the hostages and begin freeing them. The fight between the Demon trio, Edgar and the cats and Dodger was really loud, making it hard for Roquefort to hear the unlocking. Roquefort: "QUIET!" shouted Roquefort, which somehow got everyone froze up and be quiet as he told them. A few seconds later, Roquefort managed to unlock the lock, and then everyone went back to the fight, while O'Malley and Oliver opened the trunk to see the Aristocats. Oliver: "Marie!, are you and the others okay?" Marie: "Yeah, oh Merci Oliver, you saved me and my family." O'Malley: "It's not over yet, let's get out of here, fast!" said O'Malley, before he and the other cats tried to get out of the trunk, only for Edgar to show up and trapped them all inside. Edgar: "You're going with the Demon trio, it's the last thing I do!" Jokey: "And it will be!" shouted Jokey, before he drops a haystack on top of Edgar's head, stopping the bad butler from taking the trunk. The others then went to tie him up in some rope with the Demon trio, before switching them with the cats to be in the trunk, and then Boney 10, who just came to the scene, used his magic to send the trunk away to the Underworld, allowing the danger to end at last. Boney 10: "There... that should take care of those creeps..." Melody: "Oh my... that was close..." Tommy: "You could say that again..." Duchess: "I still can't believe it... Edgar tried to get rid of us... just for money..." Madame: "I know how you feel, Duchess... I really do..." Fagin: "Well... greed can really make people do bad things... but at least not everyone is like that..." Oliver: "Yeah... hey uh... I think we should introduce our family to our new friends here." said Oliver, trying to lighten up the mood, which of course worked as they wanted to know more about the group that saved them.

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