Oliver & Company JDD Version

By jurassicdinodrew

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This here is my version of Disney's Oliver & Company, with not only crossover sequels, but also has my OC (or... More

Oliver & Company Prologue
The Kitten & The Street Dog
Meeting The Gang & The Demons
Street Money & The Wealthy Girl
A Lonely Rich Life
The Meeting At The Pier
Saving Oliver From The Demons
Oliver & Company Epilogue
Oliver & Company Bloopers
Oliver & Company II Prologue
A Family Reunion In Paris
Enter The Alley Cat
A Train Bridge & British Geese
Everybody Wants To Be A Cat
Oliver & O'Malley To The Rescue
Oliver & Company II Epilogue
Oliver & Company II Bloopers
Oliver & Company III Prologue
A Family Reunion In London
The Demon Trio Strikes Again
Off To The De Vil Place
Escape From The De Vil Place
The Big Car Chase & Dance Fight
Oliver & Company III Epilogue
Oliver & Company III Bloopers

The Terrible Cat-Napping Night

112 0 0
By jurassicdinodrew

It was late at night when Edgar takes a peek outside through the cat door, before opening the main backdoor and was carrying what looked like a kitty basket. Suddenly, he tripped on a trash can, but was able to maintain his balance and keep the basket from falling out of his hands. Edgar walks backwards a little, before the Demon trio appeared behind him, and ScreamClaw's pitch fork's pointy ends touches Edgar's back, spooking him enough to put his hands up in the air, feared that it was a burglar sticking his gun on his back. ScreamClaw: "Relax, it's only us." said ScreamClaw, before Edgar turns around to see the demons. Edgar: "Oh... for goodness sake... don't sneak up on me like that..." ThunderSmacker: "What could we do?, we're known to be scary... anyway... do you have the cats?" Edgar: "Yes, they're in this basket, but tell me... what will happen to them?" ScreamClaw: "Let's just say, where they're going... they'll never return from." said ScreamClaw with an evil smile on his face. Edgar: "Good, just make sure that nobody get a clue that I'm connected to this in anyway..." SpaceWarp: "Of c-c-course..." so with that, Edgar gives the trio the basket, and it wasn't long before the demon dragons took off and flew into the air, while Edgar sneaks back into the mansion. A few hours later, above the countryside of France, the Demon Trio were still flying, while ScreamClaw carries the basket that holds the sleeping cats. ScreamClaw: "Alright, once we find the secret entrance to the Underworld, we steal the souls of these cats." SpaceWarp: "Um... why d-d-don't we just teleport t-t-there?" ScreamClaw: "Because our idiot brother, ThunderSmacker, forgot to make sure our pitch forks were fully charged before we left!" ThunderSmacker: "Hey!, don't blame me!, checking to see our pitch forks were at full power was your job!" ScreamClaw: "Is not!" ThunderSmacker: "Is too!, now stop blaming me or I'll bop ya!" ScreamClaw: "You wouldn't dare!" ThunderSmacker: "I would and I will!, watch!" shouted ThunderSmacker, before he bops ScreamClaw on the head with his pitch fork, causing the red demon dragon to drop the basket and the kittens inside, which was now falling to the countryside. SpaceWarp: "Uh... oh..." ScreamClaw: "You idiot!, now look what you've done!" ThunderSmacker: "Oops..." suddenly, the sound of thunder was heard, and the Demon trio see some storm clouds coming. ScreamClaw: "Quick!, we need to find shelter for the night!, we'll look for the cats in the morning!" ordered ScreamClaw, before he and the other demons flew off to find shelter from the upcoming storm. Meanwhile, down below, at a small stone bridge with a small river under it, there was the basket underneath the bridge, after it fell and rolled down there. As for the cats, they were nowhere to be found, except for Duchess, who just woke up by the sound of thunder, and sees that she was not in the mansion. Duchess: "Oh... where am I?, I'm not at home at all... children?, where are you?, answer me!, Berlioz?, Toulouse?, Marie?, where are you?!" called out Duchess, before she sees Oliver laying on the ground, rubbing his head with his paw, like he hit his head on something. Oliver: "Oh... my head..." Duchess: "Oh my goodness, Oliver, are you alright?" Oliver: "I think so... but what happened?, and where are the others?" asked Oliver, before he sees Marie stuck on some branches of a little tree. Marie: "Well I'm right here..." Duchess: "Marie darling... are you alright?" Marie: "I guess that I had a nightmare and fell out of bed..." Oliver: "Not just the bed... but out of the mansion..." Berlioz: "Mama!, help!" shouted Berlioz, running for his life from the river, and hides behind Duchess. Oliver: "What happened?" Berlioz: "There's a monster with a large mouth that was about to eat me!" cried out Berlioz, before Duchess and the others see what scared the black kitten, which turned out to be a large frog croaking. Duchess: "Oh darling, that's only a little frog, he won't hurt you." Oliver: "Unless you're a fly." said Oliver, which made Marie laugh. Berlioz: "Oh what's so funny...?" Marie: "Oh nothing." Duchess: "Alright, now where's Toulouse?" asked Duchess, before Toulouse, who was still in the basket, woke up and came out. Toulouse: "Over here." Duchess: "Oh thank goodness... are you alright?" Toulouse: "I think so... but what happened?" Oliver: "Beats me... but I had a scary dream... the Demon trio were in it..." Marie: "Who?" Oliver: "Monsters that tried to steal my soul just for scratching one of them on the nose back in New York... they captured us and they were fighting each other... [widen his eyes in realization] wait... uh oh!, it wasn't a dream!... the Demon trio did this to us!" Duchess: "Come now Oliver, there's no such things as Demons." Berlioz: "Yeah, you probably just hit your head." Oliver: "Well I did, but I'm sure it was the Demon trio, not only are they real, but they're really dangerous too!" suddenly, the sky lit up a bit before thunder was heard, and then it began to rain, forcing the cats to go back into the basket. Toulouse: "Mama... what's gonna happen to us...?" Duchess: "Oh darling... I just don't know... it does look hopeless... doesn't it..." Berlioz: "I wish we were home with Madame right now..." Marie: "Yeah... me too..." Oliver: "Same with me, but with Fagin, Dodger and the others..." Duchess: "Oh poor madame... she and the others will be so worried when they find us gone..." said Duchess, before the scene changed to Madame's room, where Madame herself just woke up in fright. Madame: "Duchess... kittens!... oh my goodness... I had the most terrible dream about them... thank goodness it was only a dream... dear what a terrible night..." suddenly, Gidget opened the door hard in shock. Gidget: "Grandmother!, it's Oliver!, he's gone!" Madame: "What?, are you sure?" Gidget: "Yes... he's not in the mansion, I checked the place with my psychic powers!, but not just him, Duchess and the other kittens!, they're gone too!" Madame: "What?!" gasped Madame in shock, before she and Gidget ran off to wake up the others, alerting them that the cats were gone. Tommy: "What could have happened to them?" Gidget: "I don't know... oh this is terrible!, how could this have happened?!" Jokeo: "Maybe something happened while we were sleeping." Jokey: "Like what?" Melody: "Oh dear... the poor things... I hope they're alright..." Dodger: "We better go look for them." so with that, the group begin their search for the cats, before Melody sees a little mouse, named Roquefort (voiced by Sterling Holloway), running around before seeing the rabbit girl. Roquefort: "Uh oh..." Melody: "Hello there little guy, have you seen the cats?" Roquefort: "You mean Duchess and the kittens?, no I haven't, why do you ask?" Melody: "They're gone, and so is another kitten named Oliver." Roquefort: "Duchess... and the kittens... gone?!, oh that's terrible!, they're friends of mine!" Melody: "Really?" Roquefort: "Yes... but where did they go?, and why?" Melody: "No idea, we just woke up and found out." Roquefort: "Oh dear... anything could happen to them on a night like this... they need help... I gotta find them!" said Roquefort, before he puts on a red raincoat and hat, and then runs to the door and begins his search for the cats, calling our their names in hopes to hear them and such, but couldn't hear anything but rain pouring and thunder that lasted through the whole night.

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