The Alphas rebellious Mate.

By CosmicCandle

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almost a hundred years ago, the beasts in the shadows, known as werewolves, made themselves known, their atta... More

Chapter 1 "Where my wold changed"
Chapter 2 "A Ghostly visit from the shadows"
Chapter 3 "A new home and new goals"
chapter 4 "preparations for a big night"
Chapter 5 "Party crashers and close calls"
chapter 6 "Wild night"
chapter 7 "The ghostly one night stand"
chapter 8 "Trapped in a risky situation"
chapter 9 "The Cat and Mouse"
chapter 10 "On the run"
chapter 11 "Birds of a feather flock together"
chapter 12 "running out of time"
Chapter 13 "entering the wolfs den"
Chapter 14 "trapped with secrets"
Chapter 15 "new hope and old friends"
chapter 16 "trapped in the wolfs territory"
chapter 17 "Secrets revealed"
chapter 18 "the illusion of freedom"
chapter 19 "A bitch of a rival"
chapter 20 "stubborn defense"
chapter 21 "late night Dream meeting"
chapter 22 "waiting for the time to run"
chapter 23 "disturbing secrets in the night"
quick update IM NOT DEAD :D
chapter 25 "trapped under the wolf"
chapter 26 "what might have been"
Chapter 27 "a flock without its heart"
chapter 28: Mate struggle's
chapter 29 "puppy play"
chapter 30 "Sharing secrets"
chapter 31 "Date night surprise"
Chapter 32 "Heed the warning"

chapter 24 "the hunting"

326 15 4
By CosmicCandle

Damien's POV

I had been giving Ashley her space to slowly settle into pack life, especially after what happened with Veronica, I couldn't defend her as much as I wanted or it could risk the pack finding out.

The supreme council was still breathing down my neck about the whole situation which was infuriating.

Somewhere genuinely curious on her progress, and others, namely Micheal, just wanted a reason to accuse her of treasonous crimes, still adamant about her being executed.

She must have really done his reputation a number if he was this upset.

She did seem to be the most active in his territory, which might give away her main area of living, she definitely didn't grow up in my pack territory.

She had a noticeable slight accent, and she had clear European features.

I just couldn't place where and I'm sure she'd bite me if I asked.

I was working late in my study that night, just working on typical duties I had to uphold but also working out ideas and plans to gain her trust.

My wolf had been begging non stop to just hold her, run out scent all over her.

But that was out of the question until I knew she could defend herself against the pack and if she was capable of staying loyal here.

But I knew well enough her loyalty had to be earned, and that was going to take a while.

She seemed to have been settling in well, even making friends with her attendee Megan and Markus's mate ruby, she seemed to have managed to gain Ashley's trust slightly, especially by giving her necklace back.

Which might I add, I was quite jealous off, I hoped to give it to Ashley when I knew she wouldn't try to kill me with it.

Markus told me she liked to work out, that's something maybe we could bond over, maybe that's a point we could start off, despite how much I want to move this relationship forward I know I need to take it slow.

She's not a wolf, she's not the type to go as fast as we do.

And that one night stand only made things complicated in my mind, my wolf was going nuts at times when he really missed her, desired her touch.

Though I couldn't deny the feeling of dread I had sitting in my stomach, Ashley had spent so much time and effort avoiding me and pushing herself as far away from me as possible, it distressed me.

I had a bad feeling that at any moment she'd attempt to run, I wouldn't lose her again even if she managed to run.

Wolves liked to chase, and Ashley was my Greatest desire I would do anything to have.

A small part of me thought if she could actually get out it would be an achievement, a good trait of a Luna was the ability to get out of difficult situations, being resourceful and smart.

She was created as my equal and me as hers, and I know for a fact if I worked so hard to get her, she was definitely talented enough to run from me. She had already shown me her strength. I knew I shouldn't underestimate her by any means, but at the same time I didn't want her to feel like a prisoner.

I wanted her to feel safe here, this was her new home, I wanted her to know she could be herself here.


I was mindlessly writing on some documents with a fountain pen, I have always preferred them and they seemed to glide better than biro.

I was exhausted but sleeping was hard, I had Ashley be set in the room closest to mine on the floor just below so we could be close in a way, but it was still hard to sleep at night.

I was aware Ashley refused to sleep in her bed, I couldn't understand why, maybe she felt vulnerable there, or just stubbornly wanted to refuse any gifts or luxuries or even just basic decency from me. She drove me crazy with her stubborn behaviour, that defiant look in her eyes, the power behind her voice.

It made my wolf excited thinking about her, because all those things only made her more attractive to me.

That confidence she held, powerful and demanding of respect, her lethal skills, I'm sure she must have thought of killing me at least once.

She was dangerous, filled with fury and blazing strength.

It made a deep blush cross my face as I thought about her, she was beautiful like a rose, and had the thorns to match.

She made my heart skip, every glare she gave me felt like a challenge and it filled me with a strange but exciting emotion that brought forward some well, less than innocent thoughts.

Especially after that night together, fuck it played in my mind every time I thought it would leave me alone.

But my wolf refused to let that feeling go, so desperate to get that affection from our mate again, I had to remind him to be patient. I know he just wanted to smother her in love but I knew it would scare her off.

I must have zoned out while thinking, my pen trailed off the paper onto the table leaving a stain.

I groaned a little and pinched the bridge of my nose.

I sighed as I got up to grab some cleaning supplies from my ensuite bathroom connected to my room and office. I kept some under the sink for any messes.

But just as I crouched down to open the cupboard I got a really really bad feeling, like Ashley was suddenly very distant from me.

She couldn't leave, right?

Or did she finally come up with a plan to break out and escape?

The dread filled my stomach like a bowling ball and I felt the anxiety spine in my mind.

Even my wolf was getting nervous.

I shot to my feet again and quickly made my way out of my room, flying down the stairs being as quiet as I could in my panic.

I made my way to her door, the guards had changed over already but they told me they didn't see or hear anything, that didn't settle my anxiety though.

I asked them to open the door for me but there was something jamming the lock, a piece of metal or plastic, it kept me from getting the door unlocked and my wolf was getting agitated the longer this took.

Eventually I lost my patience.

My wolf lending me his strength helped me pull the door clean off its hinges, throwing it behind me.

A wave of the room's scent washed over me as I walked in.

I moved in slowly at first, her scent in the room calmed me for just a moment.

But that Panic quickly set back in when I realised the room was cold and empty, she wasn't here, She had somehow managed to slip out.

Like a ghost.

I chuckled a little in frustration as I ran my fingers through my hair and let a thunderous growl escape my throat.

'Markus, Callum, I want you and the best trackers here now, Ashley got out, I don't know how long ago but we need to find her fast, before she slips out again from pack territory'

'what!? How!? There's always guards there and I saw her today, she seemed to be settling in!' Markus sounded absolutely shocked over the mind link.

'why are you so surprised, she's ghost, of all people you shouldn't underestimate her, I'm just surprised it took her this long'

Callum scoffed back as I could. He was tired and just woken up.

'Callum I don't need this right now, I want the pack house searched, I want the pack territory searched and I want the nearby empty land and cities searched or any settlements, Now!' I snarled over my commands to show my irritation.

They didn't argue with me on this and quickly headed out to find her, I was filled with a burning determination to not lose her.

Maybe I had been too soft? Or maybe I had been too harsh? She wanted nothing to do with me but I couldn't leave her alone.

I felt stuck in what I should do and what my instincts and mate bond were telling me.

I didn't want to scare her off but if I didn't keep her close she could run away again, and how many times would she escape before she's gone for good?

If I keep her watched and trapped 24/7 this will essentially be her prison and I don't want that.

But I can't stand being away from her especially since I know she's an escape artist.

I paced her room a few times thinking I was going to pull my hair out when an idea popped into my mind which had me pausing.

I could ask The group she has been introduced to, Meg seems to be the only pack member she trusts, Jenny was her friend, Ruby and Eve are working to help her adjust and the others got to speak with her.

They surely know more about her than I do at the moment, as much as that upsets my wolf.

If I could get their help then maybe I could come up with something a little less controlling than complete and total house arrest.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair as I stormed out of the building and tried to locate Ashley's scent wherever it may be, and see if I could track it down.

I didn't have time to make plans now, I'd deal with that later.

First I had to get Ashley back safely.

It took a few minutes but eventually I got a small whiff of her scent, but it was downwind, my only saving grace was the branches she had run into along the way.

Retaining some of her scent for me to follow closely behind.

It was hard to follow so I had my men search every little corner and possible direction she could have gone.

I was nearing the edge of the pack Territories when I felt a sudden wave of tiredness overcome me, but the feeling wasn't mine.

It was Ashley's.

She was exhausted which meant her mind would be more open to me, she was always more open in her dreams, I spent many nights trying to get close to her in her dreams.

I paused under the moonlight and took a deep breath, reaching out to her mind.


I wanted to get her attention first, and it worked. I felt her mind jolted with fear and confusion for a moment. I don't think she expected to hear from me just yet.

I could feel she was a good few miles away from me, it made my wolf growl in frustration and desperation.

I felt her trying to strengthen her mind but she was tired, clumsy.

"Ashley this is getting tiresome"

I wanted her to know I was done playing games and I was tired of this constant chasing, I may love to chase like the next wolf, but when it's your mate who's running you only have so much patience.

I felt her anxiety, I was familiar with this feeling down, she felt it every time I was near and she always prepared as if she was facing a threat.

It made my heart ache knowing she saw me as a danger to her and her family.

Regrettably, yes I treated her brother harshly.

But by that time I was tired of having her slip between my fingers every time I got close to her, every time I almost had her in my arms.

I went to say something else to her but a new and unfamiliar wave of fear suddenly filled my mind.

Ashley was afraid of something, deeply afraid.

Something frightened my mate and it triggered my wolf who threatened to take control right then and there. I could feel my bones ache as I started running in the direction I was sure Ashley would be in.

'I want a tracker team to follow me, something doesn't feel right, I want warriors with me' I commanded over the Pack's mind link.

After that I allowed myself to shift into my massive black wolf form. The fur was long and silky as it flowed in the wind from the speed I was running at.

The whole time I kept an eye on Ashley's anxiety, her fear and confusion, she seemed to be completely wrecked by whatever she saw or heard or whatever it was that scared her.

It made me and my wolf whine at the thought of her being alone and scared.


With my size and speed I got to where Ashley's scent seemed stronger, an old abandoned village.

But then the scent of gasoline, charred meat and hair filled my nose making me blow the air from my nose quickly, trying to repel that awful stench.

I slowly approached the ditch the smell was strongest at.

Two bodies, freshly burned and still smoking, it was horrific to look at, but there was an underlying smell of toxic chemicals that only worsened the already fowl aroma of the bodies.

My stomach felt heavy with a terrible feeling as I examined the bodies.

I was certain this wasn't Ashley, she wouldn't have had the time or reason to do this, as much as she hated wolves and left bodies before, her kills had always been quick and relied on bleeding out.

This...this was something entirely different and absolutely sickening.

Then a thought crossed my mind that had me worried.

This must have been what had Ashley so afraid, she saw this, I was certain of it, she had witnessed whoever committed such an awful crime and she was afraid of who did it.

'we have bodies, unknown killers, not ghost their scent isn't here and this is very different to their style'

I needed to inform my pack to get some investigators out here, a medic to assess the bodies and inform the families of their losses, always a heavy burden reserved for the Alpha of their respective Pack's.

I had to move away from the bodies, they were young, I could tell that, and it saddened me to know they died so young and in a lot of pain.

I moved to the home nearby, frozen in time and weathered by time.

But it smelled so strongly of Ashley.

She had hidden in here I was sure of it, I could smell her scent in this building, it was still fresh and couldn't be much further from me.

I waited for Markus and Callum to join me by my side along with their groups before I gave my next commands, I needed their help to ensure Ashley couldn't run.

'She's in the city somewhere, I want you to follow me into the city but keep a large distance, don't cause a panic, I'm tracking Ashley now and if she bolts I need you to trap her in so she can't run'

They nodded to me as they followed me towards the city.

I was not losing her.

I Ran into the city now, prowling along the back streets, it was not uncommon for wolves to walk around in wolf form.

But I did get plenty of looks from others, I simply had Markus and Callum tell them it was just a small mission tracking down a low threat individual and there was no need to worry or pay attention.

I lost her scent entering the city but I continued to follow her mind, her thoughts.

She was exhausted but I could feel her relax, a faint warmth in my mind, she was somewhere safe at least, that did put my mind at ease a little.

I made my way around building after building, but none of them felt right.

That was until I finally came to the Library. I had passed the building many times before but it was much smaller than the one in my pack house so I often didn't visit others.

Though from the sign I saw on the building I could see why Ashley would choose to stop here.

'All welcome! Those in need are open to stay the night for a hot meal and drink and a safe place to sleep'

As kind as this was, many packs were hesitant to open these kinds of safe places. It was Intended for those coming from bad homes or relationships.

But many times some Rouge's would slip in, sometimes they weren't a threat, but other times some would take advantage of the situation.

I decided to wait, Ashley hadn't noticed us yet, so I decided to wait patiently.

Ashley was tired and needed to rest, she didn't like sleeping in her room so I decided to wait till she had fallen asleep before I moved her.

She would likely have less time to respond or react to me and my men showing up which is what I wanted, I didn't want to let her call her friends, I didn't want to have to take them into custody as well.

I couldn't just let them go or she'd think she has too much power in this situation.

But if I had to deal with them publicly then I'd have to treat them like any other threats, I couldn't let them think I was letting threats go free in my own territories.

I waited until I felt her fall asleep, then I had my men head in.

I moved to the back of the building and hid behind a dumpster watching the building, I knew she'd attempt to run once she woke up.


It was about 30 minutes before Markus and Callum went in, Ashley didn't notice till they were already outside the door to the room overnight guests stayed in.

And as I had guessed she ran, heading for the fire exit.

I didn't let her get far as I lunged running up behind her, tackling her to the ground on a grass patch and held her down.

One massive paw on her back, not pressing too hard but not letting her get up either.

She struggled under my strength but it did nothing to help her situation, but I did admire the muscles I could feel on her back, she was strong. She was freaking out and yelling but I couldn't catch what she said, too fascinated by touching my mate and standing over her.

It was not the time or the place but standing over your mate in wolf form brought forth some very.

Instinctual feelings.

I leaned my muzzle close to her neck and slowly licked at her soft and scarred skin, getting her to freeze for a moment, I could feel her body shiver and flush.

I licked a few times to calm her down before Markus and Callum joined us, a pair of cuffs in hand.

"Well done Damien, now mind getting off her so we can get her home?" Markus asked with a smile, but I only growled at him.

Further standing over my mate and biting the back of her hoodie to keep her in place.

I felt defensive and possessive, I had her, under me no less, I didn't want to let her go.

Markus seemed to notice and sighed, Callum rubbed his eyes "Alpha no one will take her, but we need to take her home now, then you can cuddle all you want"

"No!!!" Ashley yelled.

My wolf and I huffed as we got off, we absolutely would be sleeping together tonight, and only sleeping.

I think she'd cut my dick off if anything else happened.


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