One Night Changed Everything...

By NeenaDiHope

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A Wangxian Modern AU 🔞 In the virtual realms of online creativity, Wuxi (Wei Wuxian) thrives as a recently s... More

Author's Note
Author's Update
Author's Update


308 35 16
By NeenaDiHope

Wuxi gets her home, gives her the medication and rocks her until she falls asleep. He had Li Qin check the boys to see if they had a rash and they did as well so it must have been something they ate. They went over what the babies ate that day and what ingredients were used to make it, they set everything aside and once he put AMei down in her crib they went through each item eliminating anything they eat regularly until they had about six items that they either haven't had before or only once or twice.

"Let's keep these items out of their diet for now until they get tested for any type of food allergies. I will take these items with us when we take them to get tested. This way we can rule out any of the items we have here as the culprit." He begins to pack them away in a bag as he talks to her.

She nods "I didn't notice any sort of rash or skin irritation on them when I was bathing them before bed. I think maybe it could have been something they had for dinner, these two things were used to make their food tonight. We have never really used this multi-spice before but I added some to the pumpkin pear mash I made for them, I usually only use cinnamon. This one I used with their veggie mash but I swear I have used it before, not a lot since we don't really season their food but I think I have used it before. Anyway, definitely take these two items with you and let them know that these were used and the rash was noticed afterward."

Wuxi nods "Thanks that might help narrow it down some, go get some rest it's really late and I know we are both tired."

The next week the children are tested and sure enough all three of them are allergic to nutmeg, it's not a common allergy but the doctor said that the allergy is mild. They recommended that they just not give it to them since they are young and the allergy can become worse or disappear as they get older. They removed everything in the house with nutmeg which wasn't much and Wuxi called the bakery that is doing their birthday cupcakes to let them know about the allergy.

A few days before their first birthday party Wuxi gets a call from his twin "Meimei are you ready for the party?" he asks with a smile on his face.

She sounds excited "Yes, my little niece and nephews are turning one, I can't wait to see them with their cakes. But um gege that's sort of why I'm calling, Uncle would like to come, he has assured me that he will be on his best behavior and that Madam Yu will not be anywhere near the party. Gege you should let him come, they will be a year old and he has never met them. He is always asking us to see pictures or videos of them when we come back from your house. He follows them on their social media accounts and any time you go live he watches them and you, he misses you. Let him come gege, he technically didn't do anything wrong, he may have stuck his head in the sand at your circumstances but he was never unkind to you."

Wuxi sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose before finally coming to a decision "Fine he can come but all security staff will be given a photo of Madam Yu and she will not be allowed to come near my children."

She giggles "Yay, oh and can I bring a date?"

His eyes go wide "Since when are you dating someone?"

She grins "Well technically we aren't dating yet because I am not old enough according to him but we met the night we all went to karaoke. He won't date me until after we turn twenty, I'm ok with that since we turn twenty in like two weeks. So can I bring him?"

"Oh yes, you can absolutely bring him, he will have to pass my standards before I let you date him. If I don't like him it's a no go meimei." His voice was stern.

She whines "Gege, don't do this to me, I really like him, he is successful, he's handsome, he is the head of his family and he treats me like I'm a princess."

Wuxi hmphs "We will see about that, bring him and I'll decide if he is good enough to date you. What's his name anyway?'

Without thinking about why he would ask she blurts out "Nie Mingjue, he is head of the Nie Group, he is so perfect gege."

Wuxi smirks, leave it to his sister to brag and give him all of the information he wants. She has always been like this, if there is something he wants to know he just has to get her boasting about it. "Alright, I will see you in a few days for the party, don't forget that the babies are allergic to nutmeg so if you bring any sort of food for them it has to be without it."

She nods "I remember gege, I will see you in a few days. Love you bye."

She hangs up and he sits back then makes a call "Hey Song Lan what do you know about Nie Mingjue?"

He chuckles "Found out that he wants to date Jia Li huh? He's a really good man, he is twenty-five, owns his own business that is very successful, he is the head of his family and his little brother is his heir for now. He is also a really good friend of mine, you can trust him with her Wuxi, that I can promise you."

Wuxi sighed in relief "Thanks Song Lan, I already liked the fact that he wouldn't formally date her until she turns twenty, now that he has your stamp of approval, I look forward to meeting him, I will make my sister sweat a little before giving my consent though. I'll see you in a few days for the triplet's birthday party."

Song Lan laughs "Glad to be of service, see ya." They disconnect the call.

Today is the day they turn one Wuxi walks into their room "Good morning Mommy's little angels, happy birthday!" they are all standing up in their cribs holding onto the railing and watching him grinning.

"Are you all ready for your big party today? Mommy has so much fun stuff planned for you. Let's get you all changed out of your jammies and we can have a special birthday breakfast." He picks each one up and changes them into regular clothes, then the second and the third.

"Alright come on let's go to the kitchen and have our breakfast" he encourages them, they look like little drunk humans trying to walk to the kitchen but he lets them get there at their own pace. His daughter about halfway there gives up and puts up her arms to be picked up and carried. The boys make it to the kitchen where Li Qin has their highchairs ready and she puts them in theirs while Wuxi puts the little princess in hers. He stands back and smiles at his children "My little princes and my princess, we have a special breakfast for your dining pleasure this morning."

He dramatically begins to grab their breakfasts causing them to giggle at his antics. They have wisely put down a cloth under them because they know this will get messy but they deserve it. "Ok young master Yuan Bo, your breakfast my little prince." He puts a yogurt breakfast bowl down with strawberry yogurt, sliced bananas and blueberries.

"It's your turn young master Tian Li, your breakfast sir." He puts the same bowl down but instead of blueberries, it has raspberries which he likes better.

He turns to his youngest "And you young miss Mei Xiu, your breakfast madam." This one has vanilla yogurt with blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries since she doesn't like the texture of slimy (banana) fruits.

He steps back and takes a video of the three eating their yogurt bowls on their own, their coordination makes them still look like little drunk humans. He chuckles as he watches them make a mess of themselves but enjoys every bite. Li Qin and the security staff have all gathered to watch and everyone is smiling as they watch them devour their food and get it everywhere in the process. Tian makes a grand show of taking his yogurt-covered hands and running them through his hair while his brother and sister laugh.

Once they are a complete mess and have every adult in the room laughing Wuxi and Li Qin take them to the bathroom and get them ready for their bath. They have bath chairs that help them sit up in the tub so they can be bathed properly and they put them in there, take the sprayer on low and hose the children down before running their bath water. Wuxi bathes each baby then hands a clean one off to Li Qin who dries them and puts them in a onesie and into their crib for the moment. Once all three are clean they change, into the outfits Wuxi ordered specifically for the first part of their party and the giant cupcake smashing before they get another bath and a change of clothes for the second half of the party.

Now that they are all clean and happy, Wuxi plays with them for an hour or so before he has to start getting them ready for their party. Yanli shows up early and helps to get them dressed and ready to receive their guests. When they are all in their first outfit of the day she smiles and puts her hand over her heart "Omg they are so stinking adorable, look at their little birthday outfits, so cute. I can't wait to watch them smash those cupcakes." She giggles as she holds ATian. She looks at him "You are going to be the messiest baby ever, aren't you? She asks him making him grin at her as if saying "Yes, yes I am."

She laughs and switches him to her other hip as she watches Wuxi finish dressing the other two. Her dimples show as she smiles at all three of the babies in their first birthday outfits. "Aw they are so precious, let's go greet the guests."

Wuxi nods and picks up the other two and they walk to the living room which has been decorated and is ready to go with cakes and every, they stand by the front door since the first guests are set to arrive in just a few minutes.

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