What if I'm him?

By TakeThePride

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Bakugo feels like something is wrong with him. Like he as been cursed with bad luck. He is being followed by... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Seventeen

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By TakeThePride

"Minato!" Mina shouted, running down the stairs. "Have you seen my bag?"

Minato, her brother, sat on the island stool. "Which bag?" He asked, taking a bite of his sandwich.

"The white one," she sped into the living room, looking at every corner. "The one that looks like a backpack with the pink, fluffy ball."

"Ah," he watched his sister move cushions and pillows. "Well, where'd you put it?"

"Are you actually stupid?" Not breaking away from her search. "If I knew I wouldn't be doing this." She chucked a pillow onto the couch and called into the kitchen, "Can you get off your ass and help me?"

"But I'm eating."


Minato rolled his eyes and dropped his sandwich on the plate. He jumped off the stool and was heading to the living room when he tripped. "Holy-!" He got on his knees and looked behind him. On the floor, strap tangled around his foot was Mina's white bag. He groaned, "Found it."

"Really?" She jogged to his side and pushed him down to the floor to untangle her bag.

"Jesus!" He slapped his hands on the wooden floor in protection.

"Oh, thank god. I found it."

" You found it?" He reeled his foot and striked Mina in the shin. She stumbled and grabbed a hold of stool for balance.

"My god, Minato! What was that?"

"Don't push me!"

"I didn't push you," she held her hand up as he began to protest. "I'm gonna be late. They're probably waiting outside right now!" She rushed to the door and Minato rolled his eyes, getting up from the ground. He followed Mina to the front door where she sat putting on her shoes.

He crossed his arms and leaned against a wall, "What kinda person are you friends with for them to send a car ?"

"I don't know," she was putting on her second shoe. "Maybe it's his parents driving, I don't know. I mean, I've seen pictures of his house and he seems pretty well off."

"Right," he clicks his tongue, "Maybe I should've gone to U.A." Mina snorted. "What?"


"No, no, tell me. What's so funny?"

Mina tied her shoes and got to her feet, "It's just that you wouldn't last one second against a villain. You'd piss your pants."

"Oh, like you didn't?"

"I almost died! No one has control of their bodily function when in a state of shock, fear, and on top of that, injury!"

"Uh-huh, sure. Well, hope you have fun." Mina opened the door, grabbing the gift bag she had placed there, and the two stepped off onto the porch. On the street of the house was parked a black stretch limousine with a man in tuxedo, cap, and white gloves waiting towards the end of the long vehicle.

"Oh my god," Mina whispered.

Minato whistled, "Wow. This guy looking for a girlfriend? Maybe a boyfriend?"

"Like he could put up with your personality." The two stepped down the patio towards the limousine. "God, how rich is he?"

"Rich enough for me to be interested."

"Well, he's not gay."

"Neither am I, but-" more whistling. "You should put in a good word for me."

She shook her head, "If anything I'm gonna be dating him. Why should you get everything?"

They got to the car and the man bowed, "Mina Ashido." He opened the door and held it. Mina and her brother greeted the man. She crawled and her brother peaked his head in.

"Jesus, Mina. Can I please meet this guy? Do you see- oh my god, is that a mini bar?"

"Okay," she pushed her brother's face away from the car. "Listen, don't open the door for strangers. There's food in the fridge that are leftovers from last night. Make sure to feed and water Bella and what else?"

"How old do you think I am?"

She shrugged, "Younger than me."

Minato shook his head and stepped away from the limousine, "Alright, Jack. Lock this shit, I can't with her." The man bowed his head and closed the door, walking to the driver's side. Minato put up two fingers as Mina found a way to roll down the window. "Two minutes."

The car started to move. "Still older," Mina claimed, sitting back against the seats.

Minato watched the limousine drive farther down before cupping his mouth and shouting, "Two minutes!" He watched until the limousine was out of his field of vision. He whistled on his way back inside, "A damn limo."

◈ ◈ ◈

"Oh, they're outside." Eijiro jumped up from the couch.

"How do you know?" A voice called from the kitchen.

"Ashido texted me," he pocketed his phone and went to the front door of the apartment. He slipped into his shoes and grabbed the gift bag by the door. "Okay, bye Uncle Kyo! Bye Mai !"

"Woah," Kyo grabbed Eijiro by the back of his collar. "Where do you think you're going? I'm walking you down."

Eijiro shrugged, "Alright!"

Kyo called inside the apartment and a small girl came running to his feet, "Okay, I'm gonna walk Ejiro down. Don't open the door for anyone, okay? If they're supposed to be here they'd have a key, okay?" He said, raising a set of keys and jingling them.


"Promise you won't open the door and that you won't set havoc in the two minutes I'm gone?"

"Promise!" She smiled.

"That's my girl," he ruffled the little girl's hair. He turned to Eijiro and slapped him on the back, "Okay, let's go. Got your wallet?" Eijiro patted his pockets and nodded. Kyo locked the apartment door and the two made their way down the hall to the elevator.

"You okay?" Kyo asked, leaning against the elevator wall.

Kirishima tucked his hair behind his ears, "Just a bit nervous. God, I'm scared. I've been in his house once to drop off homework and now I'm going to visit him, but I don't even know if he got his memories back. I did some research and they said that gas intake can cause, like, memory problems and I looked at how long amnesia lasts and they said a few minutes to hours and even commonly a week. There are rare cases where-"



"Everything's okay. Your friend is okay, like you said, most likely his amnesia only lasted for a short period of time."

"But what if it didn't?"

Kyo inhaled, contemplating his next words. "Eijiro, even if on the off chance that does happen, he has you. You're going to help him get back to his feet. In cases like this, isn't it better for his friends to be around him so that it increases his chance of remembering? Everything's going to be fine."

He nodded, "Okay." He fiddled with his shirt, "Do I look okay?"

"You look fine."

"But what if he-"



"You look perfect. Memory or not, he can't not think you're perfect, too."

He nodded. The two stepped out of the elevator and stood outside the building and saw a long limousine parked right in front of the entrance.

Kyo lifted his eyebrows, "Wonder who's in there. Gotta be really important to make people give up their parking at the front." Eijiro hummed and craned his neck looking down the street.

"Kirishima!" Eijiro looked around for the voice who called.

"Hey," Kyo tapped his arm and pointed to the limo. "That girl's calling for you."

Eijiro looked to the open backseat window of the limousine to see Mina sticking her head out and waving to him. There was a man standing next to the door in a uniform.

Kyo whistled, "Some friends you got, damn. Where'd you meet this kid, again?"

Eijiro waved back, "I don't think they're that rich. I mean, yeah, he lives in a huge house, but not big enough for a limo."

"So, are you sure this is your friend?"

"Yeah, that's Ashido. She's in my class."

"That's not what I meant," Kyo went down the steps of the apartment building and walked up to the man in the uniform, Eijiro following after. "Hello," he stuck out his hand for the man in the uniform. The man bowed and shook his hand. "Who are you here for?"

"Eijiro Kirishima," the man replied.

Kyo looked back at Eijiro, "Alright, who do you represent?"

"I represent my private employer, Masaru Bakugo."

"I'm sorry, who?" Kyo asked, shocked. The man repeated himself. Kyo shook his head, "That has to be a mistake, you said Masaru Bakugo? As in, the photographer?" The man nodded. "Holy shit, Eijiro."

"What happened? Is everything okay?"

"Your friend's dad is my boss," he put a hand on his head. "Wow, he has a limo? Did he just rent it for today? I can't- I just- wow." He walked a few paces backwards and the man bowed and opened the car door. Mina scooted for Eijiro to enter.

"Okay, I'm gonna go."

"Yeah, okay." He pulled Eijiro in for a hug, "Have fun." Eijiro thanked him and handed both his gift and the gift Mina had left on the seat to Mina so he could slip into the vehicle. Immediately, Eijiro started chatting with her. The man closed the door and Kyo stopped him from walking around the car.

"Are you guys driving him back or should I pick him up?"

"He will be driven back, sir." Kyo nodded and watched as the limousine took off down the street.

Once they started to drive off, Mina smacked Ejiro's shoulder, "Holy shit! You didn't tell me Bakugo was rich rich!"

Eijiro giggled, "I didn't know, either." He was getting a look at the interior, it was very spacious, and looked to have fit a dozen people. "Wow, and his dad is my uncle's boss? Like actually, what are the odds?"

Mina moved to the seat that stretched along with the car and layed down, "What does your uncle do? Like how does he work for Bakugo's dad?"

"Well, he's a photographer. The studio he works in is average in size so I mean that would explain Bakugo having money, but I didn't think that that studio got him this kind of money." Eijiro looked around and spotted some snacks and drinks. He crouched to the small table and went on his knees. He grabbed a snickers bar, "Hey, do you think we're allowed to have these? Also, where's Kaminari and Sero?"

Mina shrugged, "I don't know. We might be heading to them now, I think. We can ask about them and about the food thing." She sat up straight and shuffled her way to the partition and knocked on the black panel. After a minute the panel moved to the left, revealing the chauffeur.

"Yes, miss?"

"Hi, sorry. We have two questions." The man hummed. "First, can we eat those?" She pointed with her thumb behind her to Eijiro holding the snickers bar. The man looked down at a screen nearby that showed surveillance of the passengers compartment. "Second, how long would it be before we pick up our other two friends and arrive at Bakugo's house?"

"Well, everything in the limousine has been put for your comfort by Mr. Bakugo. He would like for you to feel comfortable. For your second question, another car had been set to attrive the other two. We will arrive there in three hours."

"Oh, okay. Thank you."

"Of course, miss. You may also use the remote on the table if you need anything else from me."

"Kirishima," she called. Eijiro perked his head up, "Can you get me the remote?"

"Uh," Ejiro looked around. "Where is it?"

"It's supposed to be on the table."

"Found it." Eijiro tossed the remote and Mina caught it, observing the buttons.

"So, this controls the window to talk to you?"

"Yes, miss."

"I see, thank you. Should I close the window or you?"

"The choice is yours, miss." Mina bowed her head and pressed the button to close the panel.

She tossed the remote to the side and went back to the long couch, attempting to get comfortable once again. "So, they're coming in another car." Eijiro hummed, already devouring the chocolate bar. "So, how are you?"

Eijiro swallowed, "Scared as shit."

"I think I'm gonna kill myself."

"What?" Eijiro exclaimed.

They made eye contact, "I'm so scared. That whole hospital thing freaked me out so much that I haven't stopped thinking about it."

Eijiro scooted closer from the floor, "Well, yeah. It was scary, but god. Ashido, you shouldn't think to end it over that. He's gonna be fine."

"Holy shit, Kirishima!" She covered her face with her hands. "Are we all just not gonna talk about it? You were there! You saw how they man-handled him to god knows where and then he's walking back? Not even on a wheelchair, but walking?"

Eijiro bit his lip, "You know we're not supposed to talk about it."

"But why ?" She groaned and dropped her hands to her stomach. "This is so frustrating." A moment of silence passed before she spoke again, "Your turn. Why are you scared?"

He put his legs up and hugged his knees, "Same reason as you, kinda. Do you think that he forgot us?"

"He did."

"No, but like, completely. 'Cause I was doing some research and amnesia commonly lasts up to a week, but there are rare cases where it can last for months or even years. What if he just never remembers us?"

"Then shit, man."


She sat up, "I'm sorry, okay? I'm not good with feelings and I really don't like the thought of him forgetting us either. But, shit, if he did then what? There's not much we can do but stay until he remembers."

"But what if he hates us? What if because we took a long time to get him to trust us and be near us that when all of that is erased he isn't used to the people we are and has a different judgment and just doesn't like us?"

"Kirishima, I can't deal with your anxiety. I don't know, okay? Let's just forget about that for a second, forget that he doesn't remember, maybe doesn't remember. Now, tell me, what's in the bag?"

"Oh," Eijiro grabbed the bag and widened it by pulling on the straps. "I got him some chocolate, his favorite protein bars, a phone case with a chain on it, a shark plushie, and some books."

"What kind of books?"

Eijiro shrugged, "I don't know. I just picked some at random."

"Why the plushie?"

"Well, why not?" Mina shrugged and layed back down. "What'd you get?"

"Not much, I got him fluffy socks, spicy curry packets, and one of those mini forever roses. It's pink, like mine I have at home."

"You think the guys got him anything?"

"God, I hope not. They probably would get him something stupid like one of those lollipops. Actually, did you know that there are lollipops with actual bugs in them? And people just sell them in candy stores?"

"What the fuck kinda candy store have you been going to?"

"I don't even know anymore. I think I'm just gonna try and sleep. It's a three hour drive before we get to see them."

Eijiro nodded and let Mina drift off into sleep. He was scrolling through his phone, leaning against a seat from the floor, and debating on calling the guys or sleeping as well. Then it hit him. What Mina had just mentioned. He looks over to Mina's resting body

"Three hours?"

◈ ◈ ◈


"Huh? What?" Mina looked around as she was being shaken.

Eijiro shook her by the shoulder, looking frantically around. "Oh my god, wake up!"

"What's going on?"

"Shh, quiet." He put a finger to his lips, "Can I borrow your phone?"

She sniffed, rubbing her eyes, "Yeah, sure." She sits up and reaches for her bag, "Is yours dead?" Eijiro nodded, still looking around. "Okay, what's wrong with you?"

Eijiro grabbed her by the shoulders, he was kneeled in front of her and making eye contact. "Don't freak out," Mina cocked her head then nodded. "I don't know where we are."

"Okay. And?"

"Bakugo's house isn't far from U.A. but we passed U.A. and Bakugo's house two hours ago."

"What?" Mina exclaims. Eijiro's eyes widen and he slaps his hands against Mina's mouth.

"Shut up," he growls and motions over to the panel.

Mina grabs his wrists and peels his hands off her face, she hissed, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't know," he whispers back. "I fell asleep after you did and I realized we'd been driving for too long."

"Okay," she closes her eyes to think. "Okay, hug me." Eijiro complies and wraps his arms around her. She whispers in his ear, "There are cameras in the car. They got a screen in front."

"Should we wait it out? When they open the door we make a run for it?"

"Yeah," she raked her hand through his hair, "Sounds like a plan. Your hair's super soft, what do you use?"

"Oh my lord," he pulled away from and sat next to her. "I'm so nervous about meeting them."

"I'm scared of meeting him."

◈ ◈ ◈

"I think we're pulling up, right now. What's the plan?" Eijiro turned to Mina.

Mina grabbed her bag and gift, "Just follow my lead. We will stay calm while I look for an opening, okay?" Eijiro nodded and grabbed his gift bag, "Stay calm and let's try not to act suspicious."

"Okay." The two made it to the door, sitting in the nearest seats, Eijiro ushered Mina to scoot away and let him sit next to the door, "I'll go first." Mina just nodded and tried to act comfortable.

Once the limousine came to a halt, they waited for the driver to open the door for them. Mina put her hand on top of Eijiro's hand and he interlocked them. She gave him a small squeeze before they detached and they heard footsteps of the man outside the door, seeing his silhouette out the tinted window. While the driver was outside of the door, he hadn't made any move to open it. The two waited, glancing at each other, then opting to have Eijiro knock on the glass.

The driver then opened the door, bowing, "Apologies. We were given direction to wait here for an escort. Our car can not physically go any farther."

Eijiro peered outside behind the man, "Can we wait outside?"

"If you wish to."

"We will." The man stepped out of the way and Eijiro grabbed Mina by the hand. They scoped their surroundings. They looked to be on a small path in a forest. It had large trees with leaves covering almost every inch of the bark.

"Is it just me or does it look like a rainforest," Mina whispered.

"No," Eijiro looked around, "I think so, too."

"So, what are we waiting for?" Mina asks the driver. On que, headlights come to blind the two. A car drives up towards them and stops just a few feet before the front of the stretch. "Wow, exactly like a movie."

"Now what?"

"I don't know, let's just give it a minute."

The limousine driver walked up to the car, Eijiro and Mina only following him halfway then stopping near the rear end of the limo. He opened the car door and bowed as he did so many times before. A man stepped out of the car. A man they knew very well.

"Eijiro! Mina! I am so glad to see you both!"

"Mr. Bakugo?"

"Gosh," Masaru jogged, opening his arms to give them a brief hug. "Sorry, I was kinda side tracked. Please, follow me." He led the two to a non-stretch, sudan limousine and a man opened the door. There were two sets of seats that faced each other. Mina and Eijiro glanced at each other before they crawled to the farthest seats, sitting and facing towards the trunk of the car. Masaru sat last near the door seats that faced forward at the two teenagers. The man closed the door and Masaru smiled, "I hope the trip wasn't bad."

Eijiro shook his head, "It was comfortable."

Masaru sighed in relief, "I'm glad. It was a long drive and I couldn't ask your parents to do all of that." Eijiro nodded and they fell in a momentary awkward silence. "How are you two?"

"We're good," Mina answered, "How are you?"

Masaru clapped his hands, "You know how it is." He fiddled with his fingers, "Listen, I know I'm already asking to much of you, but-"

"No, not at all. We want to be here," Mina reassured.

"That-that's very kind of you, but um- it's only been a day since he's been back. I just need to ask you both to please be patient with him."

"Of course, why wouldn't we be?"

Masaru looked at her, "He had gotten some pretty bad injuries. His arms are weak and he has to use crutches and the only reason I even think he's on crutches is 'cause he probably said no to a wheelchair."

"Um," Eijiro tapped his knee. "Can I ask about him?"

"Of course, Eijiro."

"How is his...you know 'cause in the hospital he-" he looked at Mina for the words who just thinned her lips. "So, the doctor called us in and um-" Masaru put his hand up.

"Are you trying to ask about his memory?"

Eijiro nodded, "If that's okay."

"Well, it's best to tell you now." Masaru adjusted himself, "In the hospital it was shown that he had lost his memory, which is common with gas leaks. But, Katsuki was different 'cause his memories,'' he shook his head. "They never returned."


"I'm sorry, kids. I understand if it might be too hard, you don't need to see him for long. We have a room for you all to stay, to take everything in before you get driven back."

Mina shook her head, "No. We would never do that, it's Bakugo. Katsuki Bakugo , he's out best friend."

"I apologize, but it truly is hard to interact with him. He's just...different."

"So," Eijiro started. "So, he doesn't remember anything ?" Masaru shook his head. "Nothing at all?"

"I'm sorry."

"Then what does he remember? Like does he still know how to do common functions like breathing or eating or-or- speaking? Can he still retain information or will I introduce myself and he will forget my name in a second like-like-"

Mina put a hand on his shoulder, "Kirishima. Breathe."

"I-" Eijiro wiped his face with his hand, "I'm sorry I just..."

Masaru leaned forward and placed his hand on Eijiro's knee. He gave him a weak smile and leaned back into his seat, "He remembers common things. He understands quirks, he speaks japanese, he knows how to eat, and he can breathe. When I give him new information he doesn't seem to lose it. It's not like in the movies, his memory loss is that he just lost all his memories. He knows I'm his father, he just doesn't remember me."

Mina squeezed Eijiro's shoulder, "So, he knows that we're his friends, just doesn't remember how we met or anything?"

"That," Masaru searched for the words, "That's a bit different."

She scrunched her eyebrows, "How?"

"Well, we are his parents. We have been there since his birth, but you had met him at the beginning of your first year. It's complicated to explain, I don't fully understand it either."

"How can you know, though?"

Masaru bowed his head, "I had spoken to him yesterday, he has no memories of his friends or even the fact he had them. I'm sorry, he doesn't know or remember you."

Mina was put into silence. Eijiro bit his nails and bounced his knee to keep from sobbing. Masaru closed his eyes and rested his head on the back of the seat.

The drive was slow and quiet. No one dared to speak a word until they got to the gates of the house. Mina gasped at the scene before her. She shook Eijiro's arm and pointed to the large modern mansion out on the mountain. "Jesus, it's so big. That's my dream house."

"How can people afford all of that?" Eijiro muttered, leaning over her shoulder to peer out the window.

Masaru chuckled, "Hard work and determination or something like that. Just don't give up and have the right attitude and connections."

"Can we stop by and say hello? Get a jump start on my connections?" Mina jokes.

Grinning, Masaru nodded, "Sure."

Eijiro leaned back into the seat, "Um, Mr. Bakugo?"

"Yes, Eijiro?"

"Your house...um...where are we?"

Masaru blinked, "We are driving to my home. Is something wrong?"

"Yes, I mean no. It's just, I've been at your home and I had never been here. It was never this far."

"Oh," Masaru put a finger to his head and performed a mini salute motion to Eijiro. "You're talking about that house. Okay, when Katsuki had gotten into U.A. we had moved into that house so it would be closer to his school. I'm surprised, when did you go to that house?"

"Oh, I was dropping something for Bakugo. He gave me the address, I hope that was okay."

Masaru shook his head, "Yeah, no. That's totally fine. Katsuki invited you, that's more than alright."

"Uh, Mr. Bakugo," Mina started looking out the window. "When I said to go say hello I was joking. I didn't mean it." Confused, Eijiro looked out her window and saw them driving up the very large pathway and driveway to the mansion on the mountain. Masaru just grinned.

They got closer and closer to the very large and modern mansion on the mountain. It was then that the two kids realized it wasn't just on the mountain, but even built in the mountain.

Masaru hit a button over his head, "Stop at the front" He let go of the button, but kept his arm raised above his head. He tilted his head slightly.

"Yes, sir."

Masaru smiled and nodded, placing down his arm. Eijiro and Mina were constantly convincing him to turn around and that Mina's comment was a joke. Masaru just sat back and watched.

When they parked in front of the incredibly large house, they waited for a moment for the driver to open the door. Masaru stepped out first, then Eijiro, and lastly Mina. Masaru nodded to the driver and led the two to the front door, if you even call it that. It was too large to be a normal door and the 'porch' was almost the size of Mina's kitchen and living room combined. Eijiro and Mina silently bickered, slapping each other's hands and faking innocence when Masaru would turn his head.

Masaru rang on the doorbell, stuffing his hands in his pockets, and rocking back and forth on his heels with a grin. After a minute he tilted his head from side to side as if he was weighing in his options. He rang the doorbell and waved at the doorbell camera. Masaru was about to ring the bell once more when the door slowly opened.

"Oh my god, stop that." Mina and Eijiro were about to bow and give their apologies, but stopped dead at the person before them. Mitsuki had her hand on her hip and the other held up a phone. "You have a key, Masaru, what are you doing?"

Masaru shrugged, "Just stopped by to say hello."

She playfully rolled her eyes, "Hey, kids." She turned her attention.

Eijiro and Mina simultaneously bowed, "Hello, Mrs. Bakugo."

"Come in," she stepped to the side and pulled the large door open more.

Masaru whistled as he stepped in, "Look at you. When did you get so strong?"

"Oh, Ha-Ha." Masaru kissed her cheek and Mitsuki slapped his arm as he walked by. She smiled at the kids as they passed. She looked off to the side at a male worker and pointed at the door, "Would you, please?"

The man bowed, "Yes, madam," and went to close the large doors as Mitsuki followed the three through the foyer and into the large living room. On their way Mitsuki made conversation.

"So, how was the trip? I hope it wasn't too bad."

"Oh, no." Mina shook her head, "It was really nice. I was able to get a good nap in. I was up all night. I was so excited I couldn't sleep."

"Well, that's good to hear," she smiled. "The trip part, not the all-nighter. You need to get a full night's rest."


"How about you, Eijiro?"

"I'm doing good. Nervous, but I think I'll be fine."

Mitsuki cringed, "Right." They entered the living room and Mitsuki ushered them to sit. Mitsuki and Masaru sat on chairs while the two kids sat on a couch. "Listen, I just need to warn you both that who you're about to see is not the same Katsuki you've grown to know. He's a bit different."

"Like with his memory?"

"No, not quite. Katsuki, he's-"

"Excuse me," a woman appeared in a suit. She bowed, "Pardon me, but there was an incident regarding the second car."

Mitsuki and Masaru looked at eachother, eyebrows knitted. Masaru stood from his chair, "I'll be back." He walked off with the woman and Mitsuki watched them off.

"Second car?" Mina asks and Mitsuki pulls her attention towards her, "Is that the one with Sero and Kaminari?"

Mitsuki shook her head, "I'm sure everything is fine." Mina bit her lip and Eijiro bounced his leg. They waited for Masaru to return.

When he did, Mitsuki asked the question, "What happened?"

"A branch broke off and blew out one of the tires halfway up the hill. I am just gonna pick them now. I've already said to call a tow-truck to pick up the car."

"Everyone okay?"

Masaru nodded, "Oh yeah. Everyone's fine. They're just staying in the limo until I come. Where's Katsuki?"

"The greenhouse."

Masaru raised his brows, "The greenhouse? Why?"

"Well, you told him about Missy, right?"


Mitsuki shrugged, "Well, then, there you go. I wanted him to be in a more relaxed area and Missy would probably help."

"I see. Well, I'm off." He gave a quick peck to Mitsuki and looked off to the kids. "Make yourselves at home." With that, he left.

"Okay," Mitsuki leaned in. "I am not as nice as my husband. My kid just got out of the hospital yesterday because your school thinks of its students as puppets. I don't want you here." Eijiro and Mina were taken aback. "I don't know why my husband decided today to host four children that Katsuki has never once invited before, but I can't kick you out now, can I? I want to make this clear, I don't hate you. Truely, I don't. But you have to understand that as a mother who almost lost her child not once, not twice, but almost three times and having the last make him forget his entire life- it's soul crushing.

"I don't hate you for wanting to see your friend, but it's too goddamn soon." She leaned back and sighed. "But, school is going to start soon and he's going to be a second year student and he needs people to help him. I don't hate you, but I don't know you both. I don't know how reckless you are and I don't know how well my son will react to meeting you both. Do you understand?"
Eijiro gulped, "Yes, ma'am." Mina nodded and repeated what Eijiro had said.

Mitsuki nodded, "Alright. Good. Now, I must inform you both, even your two friends that will be here, Katsuki is not the same. Not only mentally, but physically. I don't know how much my husband had told you, but he can't walk. Not well, at least. So, refrain from wanting a tour. Not today. Until he gets better, okay?"

They nodded.

"Okay, good. He also can't lift things. It puts him through a lot of pain because his muscles and tendons were burned and pulled apart. I know you two brought gifts," she pointed to the two bags set on the floor, "I hope nothing too heavy in there."

Eijiro shook his head, "No. Not at all, ma'am."

"Um," Mina lifted a finger just slightly over her knee. "I got him a forever rose, the containers a bit heavy." She moved her foot to hit against Eijiro and she looked over to his bag.

Eijiro gasped, "Oh my god. I'm so sorry," he apologized to Mitsuki. "I got him a few books, I forgot."

Mitsuki sighed, "It's fine. Just give them to one of the staff when you meet him so he can see you at least got him something." She stood from her seat, "Let's go." She led the two down the very many large marble hallways. The two admired every inch of it. Somewhere down the road the walls moved from being marble to smooth stone concrete. They went down a set of stairs and entered an elevator. They stood awkwardly in the small space and Mitsuki hit the floor button. When they started to go down Eijiro saw something in the corner of his eye.

He turned to see one side of the elevator made almost entirely out of glass that showed the view of the entire forest. It was raining. He pulled on Mina's arm and she turned to see the view as well. The two gawked. It was until they realized that they pressed their hands against the glass; they were descending down the cliff side.

The view was cut off by them going into the ground. The doors opened to a glass enclosed space, as large as an american football field. The ground was greenish tile or it could've also been more marble. There were plants both in and out of the enclosure. Trees at every corner and even taller ones on the other side of the glass. Flowers and bushes creating a path to a long couch, several chairs, swinging couches or seats, and a few circular hammock chairs all surrounding a table made of the same material as the floor.

Mitsuki stepped out of the elevator and the two followed, turning in circles and observing the beautiful greenery. They walked down the path to the sitting area. Mitsuki smiled, "Katsuki."

Eijiro and Mina snapped their attention to a boy sitting on a chair, a cat at his side stroking their head against his hand. Katsuki looked up and eyed the two teenagers. He looked off to the side and a woman appeared with two crutches by her side. She placed them in front of Katsuki, keeping them steady for him.

Mina whispered, "No, you don't need to get up." They stood there frozen as Katsuki slowly made his way to his mother who gave him a warm smile and stepped slightly out of the way to present the two.

"Katsuki," Mitsuki gentured with her hand. "This is Eijiro Kirishima and Mina Ashido. They're your classmates."

Katsuki bowed his head, "Katsuki Bakugo." The two stared in shock.

Mina pointed a finger to herself, "Mina...I'm um- I'm..." She gulped, "I'm Mina Ashido."

Katsuki cautiously bowed his head, raising a brow at Mina briefly. "It is nice to meet you, Mina Ashido."

"Right...." She slowly moved her arm to shake Eijiro.

"R-right. Bakugo, how...are you...do you...I-I-" Eijiro stampured, glancing at Mina for help who was just staring like a curious child at Katsuki. Eijiro looked back at Katsuki, "Hi."


The silence would have continued longer, but Mitsuki could see her son's arms shaking trying to hold himself up to make up for what his legs couldn't. She put a hand on Katsuki's shoulder, "Alright then, you guys should sit down. Have a chat and introduce yourselves better." She pushed them to the seats, Katsuki sitting at whatever seat the cat had moved to. Once sitting, she clasped her hands and tried her best to seem happy. "Don't be shy to ask for anything, okay? Whatever it may be, alright?" The kids nodded, but stared at the ground. "Okay." She turned to leave.

Once at the elevator doors she pulled in two very large men in different uniforms, less restriction for movement. She whispered something that no one could hear and the children didn't bother even noticing. The two men nodded and bowed as she stepped into the elevator. She pursed her lips as she got one last look at her son.

Mina let out a shaky breath and Eijiro had to interlock his fingers to reduce the shakiness of his hands. Neither of them realized the fear that was placed on them until Mitsuki left. It wasn't that she had threatened them, but they were afraid that she did in fact hate them. That she would prevent them from visiting a second time. They were afraid of the possibility; I don't know how well my son will react to meeting you both .

"Are you alright?" The two jumped at the voice. Katsuki stared at them with a hand stroking the cat on his lap.

"Yeah," Mina nodded. "Sorry. We didn't mean to act weird, we're sorry, it's just that," she eyed Katsuki's arms and legs, "I'm sorry."

There was a silence then Katsuki shrugged his shoulders, "It wasn't your fault. I don't even remember it." Now it was Katsuki's turn to eye them both, "I'm sorry."

"For what?" Mina is the only one to seem to be placed out of the trance, Eijiro just stays silent, trying to calm himself. "You didn't do anything wrong."

"I don't remember you." Mina stiffened. "My dad," it didn't go unnoticed by his hesitation at the words. "He said you're my friends."

"Yes, that's right."

"How did we meet?"

"We all met in our first year at U.A." Katsuki grimenced. "Oh, U.A. is the school you go to."

"So I've been told."

Mina bit her lip, "Um, we got you presents. We can open them now or when the guys come over." Mitsuki's words rang in her head. "Or, it's fine. You can see them when you feel like it. We don't need to watch you look through them and pretend to like them because we're all staring."

"Why would I hate them?"

"What was that?"

Katsuki repeated himself, "Why would I hate them?" Mina couldn't give an answer, but Katsuki, for her sake, pretended she did. "I see. Who else is coming?"

"Oh, Kaminari and Sero. They're gonna be a bit late, I think."

Katsuki nodded, "Are you okay?"

Mina stomped her foot on Eijiro. He hissed in pain, "Christ. Sorry, what did you say?"

"Are you okay?" Eijiro nodded his head, but Katsuki continued. "I won't find any offense if you leave."

"What?" Eijiro muttered.

"I heard there was a room prepared in case it was too much to take in," he shrugged his shoulders, "I would go too if I were you."

"Bakugo," Eijiro's voice shook, "I'm not going to leave you. It's just...I-I don't know what to say. What if I say the wrong thing? I heard on the internet that if you overshare with someone with lost memories that it could resolve to them relap-"

Mina jabbed her elbow in his side, "Shut up," she hissed.

Eijiro bowed his head, "I'm sorry."

"You don't need to worry about that," Katsuki responded. "Speak freely with me."

"Um," Mina started. "I didn't know you had such a big house."

"I didn't either."

"Um," Mina pulled a piece of skin off her lip. "Gosh, I'll just ask. How are you? Like, how are you doing?"

Katsuki shrugged, "I'll be fine. I mostly healed."

Eijiro widened his eyes, "Mostly?"

"Well, I healed faster than anyone naturally should. According to the doctors, that is."

Mina interlocked her finger, "Bakugo, can I ask something?" He nodded. "Alright, the thing is, at the hospital you woke up and you knew who we were," she gestured between the two. "But you didn't know your dad. Do you know why?"

"I never knew who you were."

Mina knitted her eyebrows, "When you woke up, you said our names."

Katsuki shook his head, "I didn't. You weren't there when I woke up. You were up there." It dawned on her, the true meaning behind Katsuki's words; They weren't there when I woke up. They were here. He didn't remember waking up the first time. He remembers waking up in the basement. He didn't remember his dad. Mina held her head in her hands. They watched him lose his memories.

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