Yearning | Hogwarts Legacy

Par smile_arigatou

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Hogwarts 1891. Sabrina Pryor-Lewis, the resilient daughter. Ominis Gaunt, the earnest heir. Sebastian Sallow... Plus

Author's Note
Chapter One : Welcome Home
Chapter Two : First Day of Class
Chapter Three : Potions Class
Chapter Four : Quidditch Tryouts
Chapter Five : Electives
Chapter Six : Missing
Chapter Seven : Ache
Chapter Eight : Siblings
Chapter Nine : Living In A Mad World
Chapter Ten : The Gaunt Family
Chapter Eleven : Broken Promises
Chapter Twelve : Helping
Chapter Thirteen : The Auror
Chapter Fourteen : Wise Men Say
Chapter Fifteen : Only Fools Rush In
Chapter Sixteen : Away From Prying Eyes
Chapter Seventeen : Small Victories
Chapter Eighteen : Slytherin vs Gryffindor
Chapter Nineteen : Truths
Chapter Twenty : Dark Magic
Chapter Twenty-One : The Dragons and The Unicorns
Chapter Twenty-Two: Sebastian Thomas
Chapter Twenty-Three : Fistful of Roses
Chapter Twenty-Four : Burning Hearts
Chapter Twenty-Five : Change In The Winds
Chapter Twenty-Six : Losing Game
Chapter Twenty-Seven : Rookwood
Chapter Twenty-Eight : Yearning
Chapter Twenty-Nine : I Want You...
Chapter Thirty : Reunion
Chapter Thirty-One : The Den of Serpents
Chapter Thirty-Two: Cross My Heart
Chapter Thirty-Three : Hope To Die
Chapter Thirty-Four : Strength
Chapter Thirty-Five: Falbarton Castle
Chapter Thirty-Six: Storm of Ice and Truth
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Let It Hurt
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Auld Lang Syne
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Play With Fire
Chapter Forty: Ominis Lucian
Chapter Forty-One: Observation
Chapter Forty-Three: Bananas
Chapter Forty-Four: I Wanna Be Yours
Chapter Forty-Five : Raising Hell
Authors Note
Chapter Forty-Six: Snakes and Eagles
Chapter Forty-Seven: Changes
Author's Final Thoughts
Up Next....
It's Only The Beginning....
*Extra* Yearning Bloopers

Chapter Forty-Two: Hate

208 7 38
Par smile_arigatou

TW: Mentions of LGBTQ+ discrimination and name calling.


"I have thoughts."

Aurelia snickered when she felt her girlfriend plop next to her on the deep blue couch. A second later, Anne had laid her head on Aurelia's lap, like a cat begging for attention. This caused the red-haired Ravenclaw to lift her arms up so Anne wasn't laying on top of her book. "When do you not have thoughts?" Aurelia joked. "And how did you get into the common room?"

Anne raised her eyebrows. "I have hands but I cannot touch you, a face but I cannot see you, what am I?"

Aurelia thought for a few seconds. "A clock?"

Anne reached up and poked Aurelia's nose. "See? I told you, your doorknob needs better riddles."

This caused Aurelia to fully laugh. "You know, it's normally not an issue. Not many students are trying to break into the Ravenclaw Common Room."

"I see that," Anne replied, turning her head to look around the near empty common area decorated in white marble and blue and bronze constellation curtains. "It also looks like not many are wanting to stay in the common room either."

Aurelia frowned. "Our common room is just fine! It's light and airy and open, not nearly as dark as I'm told the Slytherin common area is."

"That's because we're underneath the Black Lake. You know, you can actually see mermaids swimming outside the windows."


Anne looked back at Aurelia, smiling at her curious look at this new information. "One day, come down to the dungeons and I'll show you."

Upon seeing how happy that made Aurelia, Anne felt her chest warm at the small bit of joy she was able to bring to her girlfriend. Merlin, she's so pretty.

"You said you were having thoughts," Aurelia said, changing the subject suddenly.

Anne had completely forgotten. She cleared her throat. "Well, Valentines' Day is this Sunday, and the Slytherin versus Hufflepuff quidditch match is on Saturday. I was thinking that when I win–"

"Don't you mean 'if' you win?"

"Aura, we're playing Hufflepuff. There's no 'if' in this conversation. Anyway, I was thinking that when I win, maybe the day after you and I could go for a little picnic."

"In the snow?"

"We'll have all the privacy."

"Yes, and we'll be freezing."

"Not if we're doing what I want to do."

"Annabeth!" Aurelia exclaimed before playfully smacking Anne with her book.

Giggling, Anne sat up and leaned over to kiss Aurelia's cheek. As she did, the Ravenclaw common room door opened, and a few seconds later Everett Clopton walked in. When he saw the girls, he gave them an obviously annoyed look. "Keene, I thought they told you no more letting students in from other houses."

Anne felt Aurelia's body tense underneath her touch as she looked at Everett.

"Don't make me tell the prefects," Everett threatened.

"She didn't let me in, I solved the riddle," Anne told him firmly. "And why is it a big deal if I'm in here?"

Everett's gaze turned towards Anne. Something about it made Anne shiver, but she didn't divert her eyes. "You are not a Ravenclaw. If you want to be inappropriate, go back to your den."

Anne raised her eyebrows at the boy's tone. Why in Merlin's name was he being so hostile all of a sudden? Sure, he had always disliked her, but this seemed new.

Immediately, Aurelia grabbed Anne's hands and nearly dragged them down the stairs and out of the common room. When they were nearly out of Ravenclaw Tower, Anne stopped them. "What was that about?"


"Aurelia, talk to me." Anne gently turned her girlfriend to face her.

Aurelia sighed before looking back at Anne. "He's just upset," she explained. "Everett came up to me a few days ago and almost demanded that I spend Valentines' Day with him as a couple."

"But... Everett knows you're with me," Anne said. "Why would he do that?"

"He said I was going through a phase."

Anne scoffed. "He's just a horny prick."

Aurelia couldn't help but chuckle as they began to walk again. "He didn't use to be like that," she explained. "Everett and I used to be best friends until last year."

Anne had not known this before, and it honestly surprised her. "Really? What happened?"

"It's embarrassing," Aurelia groaned then, trying to hide her face in Anne's shoulder.

Anne instead used this opportunity to wrap her arm around her girlfriend's waist to hold her closer. But her curiosity was itching for an answer. What could have happened with them? "You don't have to tell me," she told her when they walked down the stairs.

Aurelia looked over at Anne with a frown. She seemed to hesitate again, but eventually she sighed and began explaining. "I may have led Everett on last year."

Anne turned to her, surprised. "What?"

"It's... it was before I realized I was attracted to girls." Aurelia explained as she took another deep breath. "Everett and I had been best friends since we started at Hogwarts, and as we got older a lot of people told us we would be a cute couple. It's embarrassing, but I had convinced myself that I liked Everett in a romantic manner, so I confessed to him right before Christmas."

Anne had never heard this story, and she was shocked. Aurelia had always seemed so confident and sure in how she felt towards people. To hear her sound so uneasy and self-conscious was new. "Did you like him?"

Aurelia shook her head. "That's just it. I let everyone talk me into thinking that I did. I had always found girls to be prettier and better company, but I didn't realize what that meant at first."

"So... what happened?"

At this, Aurelia gripped tighter to Anne. "He laughed at me."

Anne stopped again so suddenly that Aurelia almost tripped. "He laughed at you?"

Aurelia nodded. "He laughed and told me I was delusional in thinking anyone would like me romantically."

Anne was utterly stunned. She couldn't move, feeling her chest get tight as she thought about Everett being so cruel.

"It's not all bad," Aurelia said when she noticed how uneasy Anne seemed to be now. "I went home for Christmas thinking I was the biggest fool. But I went home, and I realized that I was more upset about others being disappointed than the fact that my best friend turned me down. I wasn't even attracted to Everett."

"So how did you realize you were gay?"

Aurelia smiled. "I came back to Hogwarts last year after New Years, and when I did I noticed a cute new girl sitting at the Slytherin table, laughing with the prettiest smile I'd ever seen."

Anne thought for a moment. "You had a crush on Sabrina?"

This earned her a punch in the arm. "I was talking about you!"

"OH!" Anne laughed. "You had me scared for a moment!"

Aurelia laughed with her as they finally reached the Great Hall.

"'Going through a phase'?" Sebastian repeated when Anne told him what happened that night in the Undercroft. He seemed in utter disbelief, and stared at her to see if Anne was joking. "What a fucking prick."

"That's what I said," Anne said.

Ominis and Sabrina were sitting on the couch with them with Ominis' arm wrapped around Sabrina's shoulders. "But why would he still think Aurelia would spend Valentines' Day with him? Did Everett not think you two were still together?" Sabrina asked.

Ominis sighed. "His father was against gays and lesbians dating too, remember? Your father mentioned that he used to bully Sirona for it, perhaps it's an unfortunate trait."

"I think he's just jealous," Sebastian added. "Jealous that Anne has something he wants."

Anne sighed. "That would make him like a spoiled child."

Sebastian looked back at her. "Am I wrong?"

Sabrina quickly changed the subject. "Your first quidditch game of the winter season is this weekend! Are you excited?"

"Yes!" Sebastian smiled. "Whoever wins this game goes to the final."

Anne smiled back. "Meaning Slytherin will be in the finals."

"I am actually looking forward to seeing my first quidditch match," Ominis said. "I'll finally understand what the pair of you have been excited about."

Sebastian grinned at him. "Ominis, I'll make a bet with you. If we win, you have to try flying on a broom."

Ominis glared. "Nice try."

Anne loved walking onto the Quidditch pitch at the start of every game. It felt like an earthquake shaking the ground when the crowds screamed and cheered, and it was deafening and exciting all at the same time. It made her feel almost invincible.

Before Anne walked out, she made sure Aurelia's blue and bronze scarf was knotted securely around her neck and tucked into her emerald robes. Her hair had already been braided by Aurelia that morning, and it made her feel warmer knowing that she was able to carry small parts of her girlfriend with her.

When they walked out onto the grassy pitch, they all felt the excitement from the crowds above them. As usual, the two teams were made to face each other and shake hands. Hufflepuff's Seeker was a seventh-year girl named Gabrielle Pierce, who was about the same size as Anne. "Have fun," she told Anne as they shook hands.

Anne nodded. "You too. Good luck."

Everyone mounted their brooms and hovered above the crowd. Anne shivered as she felt a cold February breeze rush through her.

Madam Kogawa released the Bludgers, causing Sebastian to grip onto his bat harder.

Anne watched as the Snitch came out next, hovering in front of her and Pierce before it also disappeared.

When Madam Kogawa picked up the Quaffle, everyone went silent. A few seconds later, she threw the ball high into the air, and then it was a battle of emerald and gold as the players fought for the ball.

Lucan Brattleby's voice rang out among the screaming student body. "Slytherin takes possession as team captain Imelda Reyes rushes forward. Merlin, look at her fly!"

Imelda had gotten a new broom over the winter holidays, and after a month of practice it seemed like she had finally gotten the handle on how fast she was now. She bolted through players so quickly you hardly saw her. She passed the Quaffle to Rosier, who threw it back to her as an agile Hufflepuff went after him. Imelda easily caught it, then she aimed and threw.

"Imelda Reyes scores! Ten points to Slytherin!"

Anne watched as Imelda raised her fist in victory as the crowd cheered for her. As she did, Anne noticed the slight green mixed in with the blue Ravenclaws. She felt like she would never get used to seeing Aurelia's red hair looking so pretty with her scarf.


She looked up just in time to dodge a Bludger rushing towards her. She pulled her broom up, barely missing the ball as it whizzed past. When Anne got grip back on her broom, she looked and saw Sebastian was throwing daggers at Adrian Pucey. "What is your issue?!" Sebastian yelled at him.

Adrian glared back. "It was an accident, Sallow!"

"That's the second time you've tried to hit her this season!"

"Calm the fuck down, I wasn't going after your dyke sister!"

Anne and Sebastian both froze in shock when she heard Pucey's words. As Pucey flew off, it made Anne feel sick as the word sunk further into her mind.

Sebastian called back to her. "Anne, focus! You have to get the Snitch!"

She nodded but did so numbly.

After that, it took a long time for Anne to snap out of it, but as soon as she saw the golden sparkle of the Snitch, her instincts took over. Over by the goal posts, she saw the small ball hover in the middle, and she quickly leaned forward and took off. As far as she could tell, the Hufflepuff Seeker hadn't seen it, so she had the advantage.

She bolted underneath the Chasers before she pulled up, arm up and extended towards the Snitch. It flew off, giving her a challenge, which was exactly what Anne needed as she pulled up and chased it.

By now, Hufflepuff's Seeker had seen them and was trying to catch up to Anne. However, Anne was so far ahead that she knew if she could just get close enough then the Snitch would be hers.

She reached out her hand, her fingers grazed over the gold metal. Come on, Anne told her. Just a bit further!

She made a final desperate reach and pulled up, extending her hand to show the crowds the Snitch in her grasp.

The stands all went crazy in celebration. When Anne landed back on the grass, she was instantly lifted up by her brother. The rest of the team had joined them, all cheering and shouting in victory as their spot was solidified in the Quidditch Finals.

Gabrielle Pierce approached her. "Good game," she said, holding out her hand.

Anne shook it. "You did good too."

Pierce shrugged. "Yes, but you were better."

Anne took her time getting changed after the game. Despite winning the game, Adrian Pucey's words still rang in her ears, and she wasn't sure how to get it out. Sebastian had told her to forget about it, but the discrimination hadn't been aimed at him, it was aimed at her.

Pucey was her teammate. She needed to trust him, but how could she if she now felt like she was going to be a target every time she stepped out onto the field.

"The boys are talking about going down to The Three Broomsticks to celebrate."

Anne turned and saw Imelda walking up to her. "Right," she said. "I'll have to see. I'm not really feeling it."

Imelda sighed. "You're the reason we won, Anne, you should be there." When she saw further hesitation in Anne's face, Imelda frowned. "What is it? Why aren't you excited?"

Anne shrugged, not really interested in sharing.

"Did something happen? You know, I'm the team captain. If someone did something–"

"Adrian Pucey called me a dyke."

Imelda's face turned into utter shock before she was scowling in anger. "He did what?!"

Anne sat down and quickly explained what happened during the game, and the more Anne spoke the more red Imelda's face seemed to get. When she finished, she sighed. "I understand we just have one game left, but how can I play with someone who makes me worried he's targeting me on purpose? I don't even know if he is."

"A comment like that means that he is, though," Imelda replied. She was still angry, but her voice had turned softer. "I'm sorry I didn't see it sooner. If I had seen it on the field, I would have grounded him."

"What do I do?"

Imelda frowned in thought. "Let me think about it. I don't really want to ground him in the finals, we'll need him. But that conduct is unacceptable."

Anne felt a little bit better. "Thanks."

A few days later, Imelda told Anne that Madam Kogawa wanted to see her regarding Pucey's comments, and when she relayed her story again the professor kept a stern and serious face. "Do you want to ground him, Miss Reyes?"

Imelda groaned. "Unless I can find someone else before the finals, I don't think I have a choice but to keep him up."

"You don't have to find a replacement," Madam Kogawa advised. "You can play with one less player if you feel it necessary."

Still, Imelda hesitated. "Let me think about it."

"In the meantime," Madam Kogawa said as she stood up. "I feel I have no choice but to deduce points. It's unfortunate that his actions will affect Slytherin house as a whole, but he must learn that actions have consequences."

Anne still felt rattled, but she was feeling better that things seemed to be taken care of. She was looking forward to finally putting all of this behind her, and when she met up with Aurelia that afternoon for classes she felt like finally it would all calm down.

However, when Anne walked out of class a few hours later, Adrian Pucey was waiting for her. "You're such a fucking princess, aren't you, Sallow?"

Anne stopped and stared at him as Aurelia took her hand in hers. "You think it's okay to just call someone that?" Anne asked, almost incredulously.

"I just call it as I see it," Pucey spat as he approached her. "Or would you prefer that I call you what you actually are, you sodomite?"

For the first time in her life, Anne was feeling truly angry. She approached the taller boy, looking up at him in disgust and fighting to hold herself back. "For a pureblood, you are disgusting. I am your fucking teammate, and I have the support of the entire team on my side. If you don't like it, then just leave!"

Pucey laughed. "You think I'm the only one on the quidditch field who thinks this? You're even dumber than I pegged you for." He then looked past Anne. "Isn't that right, Clopton?"

By now, a crowd had gathered around them to watch the spectacle, and as he said that everyone quickly turned to Everett, who had been standing next to Aurelia. Aurelia turned to him, her face paling as she realized what exactly Pucey had meant.

Everett looked back at her. "Are you really all that surprised?"

Aurelia's eyes narrowed. "Do you really think that about me? I was your best friend!"

"Was, Aurelia. And then you had to go and humiliate me."

"Humiliate you?! You're the one who made a fool out of me first!"

"That's an extreme exaggeration, isn't it?" Everett fully diverted his attention on Aurelia. "You know, the only reason I let you on the quidditch team was because you made me think you were still interested. And then you turn me down for a fucking queer? You have some audacity."

Aurelia's face was almost as red as the smack she left on Everett's face.

Everett stared at her, eyes wide for a moment in realization at what she did. "Oh, you have no idea what you've done."

"I was on the quidditch team before Black canceled it last year. I am the only current player who has played on the Hogwarts team before, so don't be thinking you're so high and mighty," she told him. "I am the best Seeker that Ravenclaw has seen in years, and you know it."

"I can always find someone else," Everett spat.

"I'd like to see you try."

Everett snarled. "Are you threatening me?"

"Depends, should I be threatened by you?" Aurelia asked him.

Anne walked up to her and wrapped her arm around Aurelia's waist. She stared back at Everett, daring him to continue. Everett glared back at her before he finally just smirked. "You both are disgusting and immoral."

"Takes one to know one, Clopton," Anne said.

Before he could say something else, they heard a large booming voice interrupt the group. "Children, break it up," Professor Ronen called out. "Disperse, all of you. No more name calling or fighting in the corridors. Go on now."

As Everett and most of the students walked away, he spit on Anne's shoes. "Sodomizer."

Aurelia held Anne and Sebastian back. "Leave him alone."

Anne looked at her. "You seriously are just going to take it?"

Aurelia's blue and green eyes met hers and sighed. "We don't have a choice."

"What if he kicks you off the team?"

"Then he would have the entire Ravenclaw student body after him. He can't kick me off for something like this."

Sebastian looked at his sister. "Are you alright?"

Anne nodded. "I'll be fine."

Sabrina approached the girls. "Are you sure you're alright? What are you going to do?"

At this, Aurelia turned to her and smiled. "I'm going to win the Ravenclaw match. If he wants to say I'm not meant to be on this team, I'll just prove him otherwise."

Anne pulled Aurelia closer and kissed the top of her head. She hated this, and it hurt knowing that there wasn't anything she could do to make it better.

"Don't worry," Sebastian said. "He won't win."

- - - - -
A/N: comments are love! Thank you for reading!

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