By mitruworld

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Gorgeous Symone Riley had no worries in her life until being betrayed put fear in her pure heart. But soon, s... More



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By mitruworld

This is supposed to be one of the happiest days of my life. I'm marrying the mother of my child. I'm giving my son a stable two parent home, which is a good thing...but I can't stop thinking about Symone.

I would've done anything to make things right with her. She didn't give me a chance.

Symone cut me off so fast. The next thing I know, I'm blocked, and she moved somewhere else.

Messing with Jalia was a horrible move on my part. Out of all the women I could have dealt with, I picked her sister.

Fucking idiot.

I believe I could've had a chance if Jalia didn't get pregnant. Then again, Symone saw the video of us having sex, which I'm still pissed at Jalia about.

My son is the only reason I got married today. His mother is happy, and my in-laws have forgiven what Jalia and I did to Symone. I knew I wasn't getting her back, so I tried to do the right thing for my son, EJ.

Damn, I miss her.

Everything about Symone is perfect for me. I really messed up a great thing thinking with my dick and I regret it till this day.

I just wish I could see her again or at least hear her voice. I need to tell her I'm sorry for what I've done and I hope she can forgive me.

"Are you okay, babe?"

Jalia's voice is irritating. I'm trying my best to play it cool and not spoil the day for her.

"I'm fine."

She kissed my cheek, and I cringed inside.

"Evan, let's go dance."

I gave Jalia a nod while my heart ached for the woman I truly love.

Symone, I pray I see you again.


It was 11:48 p.m., and I was tired of sulking. I took a shower, then sat at my vanity desk in my dressing room.

All the things that happen, I let take over my thoughts. I decided to go for a ride to get some fresh air and different scenery.

I dressed in all black...leggings, v-neck shirt, ankle boots, and a black hoodie. After my hair was put into a ponytail, I was ready to go.

I got in my car feeling better about my little road trip. When I first got my license as a teen, I would take long drives to clear my head and enjoy the wind blowing in my face.

I giggled at the memory of me singing at the top of my lungs to my favorite soul music classics.

My aux cord was plugged in, and I got my soul and 90's R&B playlist ready. I smiled with nervous energy and excitement.

I pulled out my driveway and drove to the highway. It was late, so there should be nothing but open roads and night skies.

My car drove onto the roads while I pressed play. The first song comes on, and I giggle.

🎵 I wanna freek you. I wanna freek you. I wanna freek you.

I roll down my window and let the music take over my mind. The night skies and trees on both sides made me feel like I was in another world.

My breaths were slow as I took in the breeze from the open windows. On my right, there was a building with the word Thirst in neon red letters.

There were a few motorcycles and vehicles parked out front. I could use a drink, so I pulled into the dirt parking lot.

I looked around while my car was still running. The banner on the front said Grand Opening. I parked but still was leary about getting out.

"Symone, stop being a wussy."

I took my money out of my purse along with my driver's license. My purse was put on the floor in the backseat, and I got out.

After I locked the car doors, I made my way to the bar entrance. As soon as I walked in, a bell went off.

"Welcome to Thirst."

"Thank you."

This bar was a nice size. There were a few people spread out at a couple of tables. I took my seat at the bar. The time said 12:54 am.

"What can I get for you?" The pretty bartender asked.

"Umm... Corona, please."

She walked to the side and popped the cap off the bottle. I put a ten dollar bill down.

She gave me change. "Thank you."

There was rock music playing as I sipped my beer. I was happy I decided to get out for a little while.

After a few sips, I was ready for another one. The bartender popped the cap off another bottle without me asking for one.

"My bottle's not empty. How did you know?"


I placed the change she gave back on the bar.

"No worries. He's paying."

I looked back to see the nice gentleman, and the place was filled up. My thoughts were so zoned out that I didn't notice all the people that came into the place. My eyes went to the clock.

"2:10? But it was just..."

"What's your name?"

A deep voice asked next to me, and when I faced the man, I couldn't get out my words.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm sorry...it's Symone."

He had long jet black hair and sky blue eyes. The black tank he wore showed his tattooed muscle arms and part of his chiseled chest.

"Did you pay for my beer?"


"Thank you.

"It's just a beer.

"That you didn't have to pay for."

He smiled. "You're not from around here."

The man sat on the barstool next to me. His hand touched my ponytail while staring into my eyes. I was nervous.

"N-No, I'm not."

His eyes went to my lips. "I'm Caine."

He is so gorgeous.

His eyes went back to mine. "No, you are, Symone."

My eyes widened. "Huh?"

I must be drunk. I didn't say that out loud.


Another twenty minutes went by, and Caine continued to sit with me, letting me talk. Although I was feeling tipsy, I didn't tell him any drama that happened with my family.

It was getting really late. I had my fill of beer and got off the barstool.

"It's time for me to go."

Caine got up to get his leather jacket. I was shocked at his height compared to mine. My eyes looked up at him while we walked outside.

"Oh shoot, I forgot to tip the bartender."

"It's fine."

I ignored his words and went back inside. When I came back, he was smiling.

"Follow me."


"You heard me."

"Wh-Where?" I was nervous again.

"It's a surprise."

I took a deep breath, building up my courage. He got on his motorcycle and I got in my car.

"Am I really doing this?"

Caine started his motorcycle, and I yelped at the roar of its engine. He sped off, and I followed.

I made sure I paid attention to the direction he was going. My eyes looked up at the dark sky...it was so beautiful.

We pulled up to a nice house sitting on acres of land. Two willow trees were on each side, and I stared in awe. I shut off my car and got out.

Caine took my hand, leading me to the back of the house. In the distance was a lake with the moon shining on the surface.

"How lovely and peaceful."

There were two chairs sitting at the edge. Caine sat down and patted the seat next to him. I sat and slowly became comfortable.

"What happened to you, Symone?"


"If you don't feel comfortable telling me, I understand."

Caine looked towards the lake. He pulled out something from the inside of his leather jacket. It looks like a rolled up cigarette.

"Is that marijuana?"

"Weed? Yes..."

"I thought they were brown or something."

"That's a blunt... this is rolling paper."

He lit the end, then pulled from it. The smoke escaped his nostrils.

"Right, like...dang it...it's on the tip of my tongue."

He smiled. "Reefer."

"That's it!"

"You want some?"

I shook my head. "Oh no! I don't do those types of activities."

"You act like its crack." Caine chuckled.

"I know it's not..."

"You think alcohol is better?"

"No... but it's legal. And I needed to take my mind off things."

He blew smoke in my direction.

"I'm listening..."

The crickets continued to talk while I told him everything. I didn't skip any details. Caine kept his eyes on me while I looked at the sparkling lake.

Once I was done, it was like a boulder being lifted off my chest. I looked at him.

"How did you know something was wrong?"

"You were in a random bar by yourself and left with a complete stranger."

"I don't usually do this..."

He smiled. "I know."

After his words, I got up thinking I should go home. Caine left his seat and stood in front of me.

"Where are you going after this?"

I stretched. "Home, I guess."

"Can I make you cum before you go?" His hand caressed my face.

My heart raced while I waited for myself to be appalled or upset. Him asking me that should be taken as disrespect...but for some reason, I didn't feel that way.

Caine smirked as the moon shined on the side of his body. He leaned down and softly kissed my lips.

When he pulled away, my body yearned for more. He stared into my eyes.

"I'll be waiting inside."

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