The kings and queen(Yandere W...

By CherryEclipse2648

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yandere wakfu x reader. Images do not belong to me unless stated. Wakfu does not belong to me, it belongs to... More

The Children from the Mist
Yugo and Y/N the eliatropes
The Black Crow
A Bandit Dog
The Ugly Pageant
Yandere List
A Nightmare
A story of the beginning
Poisonous Beauty
A half moon
A full moon
A blood moon
Xav the Baker
Ruel's Bag
The Gobbowl Inferno: Part 1
The Gobbowl Inferno Part 2
The Gobbowl Inferno Part 3
Calm Blue Sea
Moon Island
The Eliacube
Grougaloragran the Eternal
The Brotherhood of the Bow Tofu
Memes part 1
Stories and fun
Yandere Status
The Quest for the Dofus
Memes part 2
I am a legend
Mount Zinit
The eliacube and the dofus
The council of eliatropes and dragons
The Surprise Guests
The Date
Monsters and Chimeras
Remington Smisse
The Return of Percedal
Talk with Eliatrope Elders
Yandere Status Update
The Dragon Pig
The People of the Cania Plains
Part 2 of Prev chapter
Justice Knight
Art-TTOJM pt1
Art-TTOJM pt.3
The World of Rushu
Relaxing, but not really
The Mind
Star Training
Seperate Ways
A Nightmare or a Memory?
The Confrontation
First Days of Travel
State of Mind
Kriss Krass
The Masked Gobbowler
The Emporg
The beginnings of a true queen
❄︎☟︎☜︎ 🏱︎✌︎💧︎❄︎ 📂︎
A talk of Their Future
Talks with Qilby and Nora
Family Trees pt.1
Family Trees pt.2
Family Tree pt.3
Family Tree pt.4
Family Tree pt.5
Family Tree pt.6
A Starry Dream
Ideas and Visions
The Night of the Thirsters
The Voice Thief
Cave of Truths and Lies
The Loyal Hydra
Traveling and Catching Up
The Council of Twelve
Discussion of the Future

The Magnificent Six

576 19 25
By CherryEclipse2648

It was a sunny day out and our heroes were walking in a forest, with Yugo and Y/N holding hands ... .though Yugo does seem to be staring at Y/N for some reason with a soft look in his eyes.

Ruel: Those lousy Iops and their duels. Honor doesn't pay, let me tell you. So just keep your head down, keep out of trouble, that's what I say.

Yugo, now looking at Ruel, his grip slightly increasing on Y/N's hand: Yeah, but it's a pretty cool way to look at things.

Y/N, not minding the hand-holding: Mhm! I think it's cool the way he fights!

Dally: Don't bother Yugo, Y/N. Honor, courage, generosity. These are the values we Iops hold dear.

Y/N: I think those are good values to have!

Dally smiles and ruffles Y/N's hair abit, and Yugo slightly scowls, luckily hiding it before anyone can see.

Dally: How do you expect an old Enutrof to understand the pleasures of confronting an enemy eye to eye?

Ruel: You're dead right. Understanding your Iop philosophy is beyond me. I'd be out of my depth.

Eva, scoffing: They're like a pair of jealous teenagers.

The heroes soon walk out of the forest, spotting a village form the hill they are on.

Amalia: Hey! Look over there!

Y/N: It looks like a village!

Yugo: Yeah! We should check it out!

Eva: Yeah, but for how long? This valley won't escape Ogrest's Chaos for much longer. And how will the people survive when they have no more land to cultivate?

Y/N: I thought Ogrest's Chaos was just a story parents tell to their kids?

Eva: Even stories have some truth behind them Y/N. Even so, we have to be wary. If we want to go to the village, we have to be on our guard because we don't know if they are friendly or not.

Ruel: Well, why don't they turn to stealing? Then they'll become outlaws, and then Ruel Stroud will pick them up one by one for a nice reward.

Y/N, internally: Why does he always think about kamas?

Yugo glances at Y/N and shrugs, answering their unanswered question. Y/N looks at him and raises an eyebrow, causing him to grin slightly.

Dally: All he ever thinks about is getting rich off other people's misery.

Amalia: Guys, are we going? Or are we just going to argue here all day?

Ruel, putting his shovel and bag over his shoulder: The youth of today.

Y/N: oh come on Ruel, you know you like us!

Ruel rolls his eyes and the group of heroes walk towards the village. Y/N hums softly and Yugo smiles, being able to hear them because they are next to them. Yugo bumps his shoulder into you playfully, so you look at him and tilt your head. Yugo grins and kisses your cheek, and then runs off, causing you to squeak in surprise.

Y/N: Y-yugo! Get back here!

Yugo: Catch me if ya can Y/n/n!

Y/N blushes more and runs after him, as the rest of the group sighs softly, with Amalia rolling her eyes.

Ruel: ah, young love. I remember when I was in love.

Eva: With kamas i bet!

Ruel: Well, I'll have you know-

Ruel is cut off by a stampede of Taures raiding the village, with Yugo and Y/N watching with frowns. Though Yugo is blushing, presumably because Y/N caught him and gave him a kiss on the cheek in return.

Dally: I can taste trouble!

Eva:...because of the Taures?

Dally nods, his eyes narrowed as an Api rolls by his feet. He picks it up, curious.

Dally: An Api? What on Earth

Y/N: Everyone duck!

The group ducks quickly, and thanks to Y/N's warning, they manage to avoid getting him by a flying giant bucket that used to hold hundreds of api's. After the bucket lands, the group stands back up, now on high alert. Now, the heroes didn't notice this, but Az and Midnight did wander off and found another bucket filled with api's and explored it. The two animal companions then get startled when they see something slimy and blue near the api's and fall off of the bucket and onto the ground, causing the group to look over.

Yugo: Az!

Y/N: Midnight!

The two eliatropes portaled over, being careful of the stampeding Taures, and picked up their animal companions carefully. The two eliatropes then notice a small person made out of blue smile wearing a straw hat, looking at them in fear and confusion.

Dally: Are you telling me that's not a monster?

Y/N: they seem scared...

Yugo and Y/N ignored Ruel and Dally arguing in the background in favor of checking their animal companions health once again, being careful in case of any wounds.

Yugo: Oh, Az...Wake up, little tofu!

Y/N: Midnight....please wake up little bow meow...!

Yugo, Y/N: Come on, make a sound!

The tofu and bow meow then open their eyes, looking at their eliatrope companions. The heroes then get startled when they hear crashing noises coming close to them. They then spot Taures coming out of a store with fruit in their arms. Yugo and Y/N don't look pleased in the slightest as the rest of the heroes are wary, but still ready for a fight as they look around, noting that their are 5 stampeding Taures around.

Taure 1: Yeah, i'm so happy we came here, guys.

The taurus look at Dally, who is talking, but ignore him in favor of looking at the api's.

Taure 2: There are the apis! We're gonna turn 'em rotten, then we gonna suck out the little worms

Taure 3: Snack time!

Taure 4: On toast!

Taure 1: Oh, yeah, and with crunchy potatoes!

Yugo, narrowing his eyes: Hey, who do these guys think they are, hmm?

Ruel, his hand on Yugo's shoulder: Cool it, Yugo.

Y/N: but we can't stand by and do nothing Ruel!

Ruel: Sure we can! I'm sure this is some kind of local custom. They must be regulars of the inn.

Y/N: if they are regulars, then why are they destroying everything?

Ruel pauses, not having an answer to that.

Eva, agreeing with Y/N: Regulars? Looks like their first visit to me.

Amalia: And so at home with apis. What a bunch of idiots.

Yugo, glaring: And they're ignoring us, too. I can't believe it!

Y/N frowns, watching a Taure pick up the bucket of api's and eating them whole.

Y/N, sad: The villagers must have spent weeks collecting all those apis...and now all their hard work has gone down the drain!

Yugo and Y/N then go to face the Taure.

Yugo, Y/N: Hey!

The Taure looks, looking unbothered by them. Yugo and Y/N run at the Taure, determination in their eyes.

Y/N: Put that down!

Yugo: or else!

The Taure stomps the ground, causing a dust cloud to go up and the earth to shake slightly, but the force is enough to send Yugo and Y/N flying. The other Taures gather around the first one, snickering.

Taure 1: Hey, Pee-wee and Pee-wee 2. Make sure you don't fall on our apis!

The taurus snicker more, but taure five is just silently looking at the destruction caused. Dally looks smug...for some reason.

Dally: I knew there were monsters around here.

Taure 1, offended: The little runt is insulting us.

Ruel, smacking his forehead: Ohh, here comes round two!

Dally draws his sword, Rubilax, and transforms him into the green and white sword. The taurus look at Dally in surprise.

Taure 1: Is he gonna pick our teeth for us with his little tooth pick?

Rubilax: Pal, i'm no one's tooth pick.

Taure 2: the sword talks!

Dally, glaring: It's very easy to attack children and farmers, but now you've met someone your own size. Do you accept my challenge?

Rubilax: Okay, come on. Let's take them on together!

Taure 2: What did he say?

Taure 1: He knows someone our size?

Taure 3: Daddy's our size.

Taure 4: And Mommy, too. I'd prefer to fight with Daddy.

Taure 5, under their breath: I'd prefer not to fight at all.

Dally: I shall tan your hides for you!

Dally raises Rubilax, getting ready to swing. He then swings Rubilax, a gust of wind energy going through the ground and striking the taurus, causing them to skid back and one to crash into a bucket of apis. The other taures look shocked, then angry

Taure 2: You hurt my little brother.

The taurus get more angry, red going into their eyes.

Taure 2: You shouldn't do that.

Yugo: We're not gonna let Dally fight five monsters on his own, are we?

Y/N: nope! Now let's help him!

Yugo nods and gets into a fighting position, as does Y/N as Ruel tries to talk them out of it.

Ruel: I'm fairly certain "Sir Percedal" would be very insulted if we got involved.

Taures, doing a funky little dance: Ka mate, ka mate, Taurai tauri! Ka mate, ka mate.

Lightning then shoots out of the taures horns, launching into the sky. The lighting fuses together and becomes a sharp ring of lightning which flies at the group of heroes. It hits Rubilax and Dally fends it off, struggling as the others watch.

Dally: Is that all you have in those horns of yours?

Y/N: Why would you ask that? That means they usually have more!

The power in the lightning then increases as Rubilax gets closer to Dally's neck, but never cutting it. Dally swings Rubilax, sending the power right back at the taures.

Dally: Back at ya!

The taures look in shock at their own attack coming back at them, too dumbfounded to even move. It hits the taures, causing a smoke cloud to appear and the lightning to disperse in many different directions. Eva notices and gasps, a lightning strike going straight towards her. Y/N notices this and portals to Eva, shoving her out of the way and getting hit with the bolt instead, going flying into a roof. Lightning nearly strikes the rest of the heroes as well as Az and Midnight carefully go to check on Y/N. The smoke clears and Dally looks smug, holding Rubilax above his head as the taures look injured, groaning in pain.

Dally: So then, is that all you moo cows have got?

Taure 3: It's not over. We'll be back. You'll see.

Taure 2: Yeah!

Dally, throwing an api at them: Here's a little souvenir! Catch!

Yugo, sounding heartbroken: Y/N! Wake up!

Dally turned around, as did the rest of the heroes, and saw Yugo holding Y/N's limp body, a part of their shirt burnt away from where they got struck by the bolt of lightning, their skin looking burnt. Yugo sobs as he holds you close, not wanting to believe the fact that you got injured, badly injured. Midnight meows and rubs her head on your palm, hoping you would wake up as Az tweets and nuzzles your cheek. Eva gets angry and turns to Dally.

Eva: Now look what you've done Iop brains! You hurt someone because of the consequences of your actions!

Dally, looking guilty: Eva, I-

Eva: Don't apologize to me Iop brains! You have to apologize to Yugo and Y/N!

Dally nods sorrowfully and walks to where Yugo is holding a not moving Y/N, but Yugo turns to him, tears in his eyes.

Yugo: Go away Dally! I-I don't need you here right now...!

Dally nods regretfully as Yugo hugs you more, his tears wetting your shirt as Midnight and Az try to get you to move, to show that you are still alive. Ruel walks forward, but is stopped by Yugo glaring at him, hugging you close to his chest, so close that you could hear his heartbeat. Ruel goes to talk, but notices your fingers twitching. Yugo notices this as well and looks, hope and fear in his hazel eyes. Your e/c eyes opened slowly and looked up at him. Yugo sobbed in relief and held you close as the rest of the heroes relaxed, though Dally still looked guilty as his mind raced with ways to make it up to you both.

Yugo, sobbing into your shoulder: Thank the stars! Y-you're alive! I-I thought you were...

Y/N, smiling softly and patting his shoulder: You can't get rid of me that easily starboy...

Y/N goes to sit up, only to hiss in pain as their side flares up in pain. You put a hand to your side and feel some blood on your hand. Yugo quickly notices through his tears and picks you up bridal style, carrying you to the rest of the group as you blush in embarrassment, but allow it to happen because you know Yugo needs some psychical comfort after that scare. The group sighs in relief and smiles gently, seeing you're all right. The group then gets distracted by the villagers appearing out of blue huddles, and looks at them. The villagers approach them, looking up at them.

Dally:...where did those little guys come from?

Villager 1: He's so handsome. He's a real hero, like Persimol.

Yugo, internally: Real heroes wouldn't hurt their friends....

The villager then points up at a statue of a figure that looks like the Puddlies, but with a stone hammer. The village leader pops up infront of the group.

Village leader: The Taurs, you made them-

Dally:...all blow up. Say, Sir Percedal, Terrorizer of the Taurs sounds good.

Yugo then kicks his shins, causing Dally to look at him and Y/N to sigh softly.

Y/N:...please don't kick people's shins, Yugo...

Yugo grumbles as Dally continues his 'speech'.

Dally: No need to thank us, my friend. It is our pleasure to serve you....Um, What are you exactly?

Ruel: I think I've read some old stories about them. And if my memory serves me well, they are called Puddlies.

Y/N:...Puddlies? That's a cute name!

Yugo nods in agreement, not being his cheerful self for once as Az flies next to him and Midnight rests on Y/N's stomach. The leader then trembles in anger.

Leader: Oh, you fools! You've made them even madder! You're not real heroes! You even hurt one of your friends!

Dally winces back at that, not even Rubilax making a comment this time. He may be a shushu, but even he secretly cares.

Leader: N-now, we-we-we'll have to pay, not you! They'll be back! We're all done for!

Dally, guilty: Say, what? But what is this little puddle talking about?

Leader: Why didn't you leave the Taures alone? They would have taken what they wanted and left! Your friend wouldn't have gotten hurt! Now, they're out for revenge! Oh, we're gonna have to pay.

Dally goes to say something, but Ruel interrupts him with a look.

Ruel: I told you to respect the local customs.

Leader, shaking more: The Taurs have hearts of leather. They're gonna come back and reduce our village to rubble!

The Puddlies then fall back into puddles, hiding in them as their hats remain on the puddles they are hiding in. Amalia then looks at Dally, glaring.

Amalia: It's strange that every time you try to do something heroic, it turns into catastrophe.

Dally: But...

Ruel: Well, as far as I can make out, we've caused more than enough trouble here. So lets get Y/N healed and leave as quickly as possible.

Yugo: No, we can't just abandon them! We have to help them!

Yugo, internally: And get my revenge....if those Taures hadn't attacked, then Y/N wouldn't be injured....I don't care how long it takes, I will get my revenge....

Y/N looks at Yugo, mildly worried and concerned about the thoughts running through his head, but knowing they can't do anything about it at this current moment in their side is still screaming in pain.

Yugo, continuing: If we leave the village now, ho, you know the Taurs will come back and vaporize them! Besides, Y/N needs to rest for a bit!

Y/N, sighing: I agree. We need to help them.

Amalia: Yeah but with what? They're puddles.

Dally, trying to gain courage: You are already small, my dear Puddlies. If these Taurs then come back, what will be left? Flat Puddlies! Is that what you want?

You notice one of the puddles fangirling over Dally and mentally smile. You then notice Yugo's grip tightening around and how light headed you feel....

Dally: Come on, stand up for yourselves! Let's fight!

A wind rolls bye as none, but one, puddles stand up.

Villager1: I'M with you, Percedal.

Yugo: The Taurs are lazy. They come and take whatever they want from you just because they can....also, do you have a healer in your village? Y/N really needs your help!

Y/N:...I'll be fin Yugo.

Yugo, looking at you sternly: You are not fine Y/N! You got hit by a lightning bolt and passed out! You need help!

Leader, reforming himself: W-we do have a healer. F-follow me and I'll take you to them.

Yugo nods as the rest of the group makes a plan as the leader leads Yugo and you to the healer's hut, which is bigger than the normal puddly houses. The leader knocks on the door and out comes an Eniripsa, who looks surprised.

Eniripsa: Oh my! Let's get you inside dearies and take care of that wound.

They nod and walk inside, the Eniripsa showing Yugo where to put Y/N down. Y/N relaxes into the bed, still a bit light headed.

Eniripsa: now dearies, what happened? Was it the Taurs?

Yugo, nodding: Yeah! A stray bolt hit Y/N when they were pushing our friend out of the way.

Eniripsa: That's awfully brave of them....those Taurs don't seem to know when to quit.

The Eniripsa sighed then turned to Y/N, who was looking pale.

Eniripsa: now dearie, I'm going to lift up your shirt so I can see how big your wound is, alright?

Y/N nods, trying to stay still, but still clearly anxious. Yugo notices and gently holds Y/N's hand and squeezes it, which they are grateful for as they squeeze his hand back. The eniripsa then lifts up Y/N's shirt and gasps in surprise, seeing a lighting bolt scar go from one side of their stomach, to the other. 

(that's your scar, but on your stomach instead of your back. I found the image on Google)

Yugo's eyes widen and he squeezes your hand, to which you squeeze back because you are in pain. The eniripsa quickly gets burn ointment and other things she needs. You try to stay as still as possible as the eniripsa carefully treats your wounds, you hissing in pain occasionally.

Yugo, ears drooping: I could have helped you....

Y/N: It isn't your fault Yugo. You couldn't have known I would do that!

Yugo: I still feel like I could have helped somehow...

Y/N: It's fine Yugo! It could be worse! I could be dead right now, but i'm not!

Yugo:...yeah, that's true...Say Y/N, after this adventure is over, d-do you wanna take a couple of days to relax and ourselves?

Y/N, smiling softly: I'd like that Yugo.

The eniripsa smiles softly and starts to wrap your stomach in bandages, causing you to hiss in pain slightly. The eniripsa then finishes and stands up with a smile.

Eniripsa: Alright then dearie, your wound is treated.

Y/N, sitting up: So I can help my friends with the Taur problem.

You then immediately shrink back, seeing the looks the Eniripsa and Yugo are giving you.

Yugo: Absolutely not! I'M not having you get into more danger like that!

Eniripsa: He is right dearie. You need rest and you look like you are about to pass out!

Y/N: I-i am not-

Eniripsa, hands on her hips: Yes you are! You are resting here until you leave! Doctors orders!

You pout and cross your arms, only to squeak in surprise and blush when Yugo kisses your forehead.

Yugo: I'll be back soon to check on you. Midnight, stay here to watch Y/N and come tell me if something is wrong.

Midnight meows and nods in response, jumping onto the bed and curling up into a ball next to you. Yugo smiles at you one last time and portals away, going to the rest of the heroes.Y/N looks at the Eniripsa.

Y/N: what's your name Miss?

Eniripsa, looking mildly surprised that she forgot to introduce herself: Oh! My name is Amos! What's your name?

Y/N: I'm Y/N, and this is my bow meow, Midnight. The boy with the blue hat is Yugo, and the tofu was Az.

Amos, raising an eyebrow with a knowing look: and are you and Yugo together?

Y/N blushed furiously and Midnight meows in amusement, giving Amos her answer. Amos chuckled softly.

Amos: If you want some advice, I'd say act on your feelings instead of pushing them away.

Y/N nods softly and then yawns, much to Amos' amusement. Midnight bumps her head against Y/Ns palm, trying to tell her to sleep.

Amos: sleep. I'll wake you up when it's time for you to leave with your friends.

Y/N nods and closes her eyes, quickly falling into a much needed rest after the day they had. Amos smiles and tucks Y/N into bed, with Midnight curling up at their side.

~~timeskip of Yugo almost going crazy for several minutes~~

You were awoken by Amos, who seemed serious.

Y/N: hmm?...Miss Amos? What's happening?

Amos: Yugo is going to face off against the King of the Taurs!

Y/N, eyes snapping open: WHAT?!

Amos, helping Y/N up: there really isn't any time to explain! Now come up dearie!

Amos helps Y/N up and outside, with Midnight hopping off of the bed and following. Az flies in and flies around Y/N's head, chirping widely. Y/N nods and makes a portal to where the others are, Amos helping them through. The rest of the heroes look relived to see Y/N alright.

Ruel: Y/N! Just in time! Perhaps you can convince Yugo to not fight the king?

Y/N: I can try Ruel...where is he?

Ruel points to the direction of the well, where Yugo is, looking angry. Y/N nods and Amos lets them go after saying 'be careful'. Y/N makes it to Yugo and puts a hand on his shoulder, causing him to spin around, tense...but once he sees you, he relaxes a little, looking relived.

Yugo: Y/n/n! You're alright!

Y/N: Of course I am silly!...but I heard you were gonna fight the Taur King and got concerned.

Yugo immediately frowns, his eyes filling up with anger as his fists clench.

Yugo:...I will still fight him.

Y/N: But why? You could get hurt, Yugo!

Yugo, frowning: But you did get hurt Y/N....I'm not going to stop.

Y/N: Is this about revenge? You don't need to take revenge, Yugo...

Yugo: Yes I do....for you and for the puddles....You can't stop me...

Y/N: Yugo-

Before Y/N could finish their sentence, Yugo quickly gave them a quick peck on the lips, before portaling her over to the rest of the group, who looks shocked and amused....though Amalia appears to look jealous. Y/N is too shocked to actually respond properly as Yugo grins at them, a possessive look in his eyes. Yugo then turns his attention to the Mandhal, ready for battle.

Yugo: Hey, you big cow! How about we settle this now!

Mandhal: ha! As you wish! If you lose, then you will be my lunch pee-wee!

Yugo: it's a deal then!

Mandhal: now less, talking....more fighting!

Mandhal charges at Yugo, who portals out of the way. The puddles cheer and that snaps Y/N back to attention, now watching the fight with anxious eyes. Mandhal then punches the ground, sending a cloud and shockwave of dust up towards Yugo, who dodges it with his portals. Mandhal charges his lightning horns up as Yugo gets ready, his eyes narrowed in focus. Mandhal sends the lightning ring at him, and Yugo gets a flashback of seeing you injured from it earlier today, so Yugo makes a portal, the lightning blade going in it. He makes another portal behind Mandhal, and the lightning blade goes out, striking Mandhal's back and causing him to roar. The puddlies and taurus see this and gasp in shock, while Y/N's eyes widen, finding this out of character for Yugo to do...

Y/N, internally: be safe Yugo....don't go too far with this.

Yugo hears this, but doesn't respond, still focused on the task at hand. Mandhal glares at Yugo, smoke coming out of his nostrils as he charges at Yugo. Yugo dodges, portaling out of the way. Mandhal appears to be increasingly frustrated as he charges up his lightning horns again. Y/N catches Az before he can fly in and injure himself, but accidentally catches the eye of Mandhal.

Mandhal: Perhaps you will fight better if I get rid of your little girlfriend!

Mandhal goes to charge at you and you freeze up, your eyes dilating in fear. Yugo sees this and gets angry....very angry. He gets up and portals infront of you, pushing you behind him and he makes a portal, absorbing the lightning blast that Mandhal shot at you and Az. He makes another portal and the blast shoots out and back at Mandhal. Unknown to all of you, the emotions Yugo felt accidentally made the lightning blast stronger than it was after sending it back out of the portal. The blast hit Mandhal, causing him to collapse on the ground in pain. Yugo goes to make two portals together out of instinct, but you stop him, grabbing his arm.

Y/N: It's over Yugo. He's down....You can calm down now.

Yugo doesn't say anything, just glaring in the direction of the fallen Taur King, as the other taurus look in shock and the puddlies cheer. The noise of the Taurs talking seemed to drown out for Yugo as all he could focus on was making sure the Taur king stayed down and that you were safe.

Y/N: Yugo, look at me.

He didn't look at you, his eyes too focused as he watched the Taurs drag their father away. Yugo suddenly flinched back to reality when he felt you hugging him...causing his other emotions to catch up to him. Tears fell from his eyes as he hugged you back.

Y/N: Yugo, are you okay?

Yugo, nodding burying his head into your shoulder: I-i'm okay ... .a-are you okay? Are you safe?

Y/N, nodding: I'm safe Yugo....i'm safe thanks to you. Az is safe as well.

~~mini timeskip~~

The heroes were gathered at the edge of the village, prepared to leave.

Leader: We're so grateful. Is there anything we can do to repay you?

Amos: and make sure to take good care of those bandages Y/N. We don't want them getting infected and you getting sick, you hear me?

Y/N, who is in a new change of clothes, and nodding: Yes ma'am. Thank you for your help.

Amos: Of course dearie. Now I want you and your friends to have travels.

Y/N nods and smiles. Yugo glances at Y/N and holds their hand, feeling a need to be near them at all protect them no matter what.

Leader: We don't have much to offer, but please take all the provisions you need.

Y/N: The Taurs aren't really that mean. Why not share with them? We don't need-

Ruel covers Y/N's mouth, much to their surprise and Yugo's anger.

Ruel: He's right. Make an arrangement. They're strong. They can help you in exchange for a share of the harvest. We may need some provisions ourselves, though, for the journey.

Villager 1: Handsome knight...could you stay?

Dally: There's nothing left for me here.

The girl starts to tear up as the girls of the group look at each other and facepalm.

Eva, Amalia, Y/N: Iop brains.

The group then walks out of the village, traveling into the forest, with Yugo still holding onto Y/N's a pretty tight grip. Y/N nudged him slightly and he loosed his grip, but still kept holding onto your hand.

Ruel: You were right, Yugo, Y/N. It's always good to help others. You meet people that way. It's a very enriching experience.

Y/N, internally: For your purse, maybe.

Yugo chuckled softly, hearing what you said, as they kept walking.

Ruel: You know, I'm starting to think we should be helpful more often.

The group rolls their eyes and continue walking in the forest, to their next adventure...

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