One Night Changed Everything...

By NeenaDiHope

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A Wangxian Modern AU 🔞 In the virtual realms of online creativity, Wuxi (Wei Wuxian) thrives as a recently s... More

Author's Note
Author's Update
Author's Update


232 30 17
By NeenaDiHope

The labor was difficult, it took him nearly twenty-seven hours to give birth to the three babies, they were born on the morning of October twentieth just eleven days before his nineteenth birthday. As they cleaned the babies, he began to hemorrhage but the doctor was able to treat it quickly without causing any damage to his reproductive organs.

Carmen came out of the delivery room "He is fine and so are the babies, he did hemorrhage but they were able to repair the issue quickly, he did need a blood transfusion but he is safe."

Everyone is crowded around her, and Yanli is wringing her hands nervously "This won't cause him to not have children in the future, will it?"

Carmen smiles at her in understanding "The doctor he has is amazing, she was able to treat him with no ill effects to his reproductive system so he can have future children without any issues. They are preparing him and the babies to be moved to a private room and we will be able to see him shortly."

Dr. Wen came out of the delivery room "Wei family."

They all turn and look at the doctor, and she smiles at all of them "Mr. Wei is doing fine and the babies are all healthy, he will be tired from labor and the hemorrhaging but he is stable and we will keep an eye on him for any complications. They are being moved to the maternity ward and will be in room six oh eight, you can go see him in about thirty minutes, this will give the staff enough time to get them into the room and make them comfortable. He had two healthy boys and a healthy girl, he wants to announce their birth order and their names to all of you once you are in the room. I need to get back to my patient but I'm sure I will see you all in the near future, we will be keeping him a bit longer than a normal birth since he did have complications and I don't feel comfortable sending him home until I know that there won't be any additional problems." She bows slightly to the family who thank her and bow to her in turn.

Jia Li sighs "Thank goodness they are all ok, I can't wait to see my niece and nephews, I just know they will be adorable."

Yanli smiles at her enthusiasm "They have AXian as a mother how could they not be adorable, I'm so glad he made it through the birth without any permanent damage to him. Why don't we go get some gifts for the babies since we have a little time to kill."

Jiang Cheng nods "Yeah let's do that, I want to get each of them something special, I ordered them a birth gift but they came a month early so what I got them isn't here yet, I thought I would have more time."

The three leave to go shopping and Carmen watches them go, she turns to Li Qin "Keep an eye on AXian, I know they care for him and he loves them but he is the priority. We need to keep him calm and happy so he can heal properly and be able to take care of his babies." She sighs and rubs her forehead tired to the bone after such a long labor.

Li Qin nods "Yes ma'am, why don't you try to get a little rest, you look dead on your feet. You must be exhausted after being in the delivery room for so long."

Carmen waves her off "I will have a bed brought into AXian's room and I will get some sleep then. I want to supervise the visits he receives to make sure no one upsets him. This is a beautiful moment in his life and I will not have anyone ruin it either intentionally or unintentionally. Make sure that security has the approved list of visitors that AXian made so that no one else tries to get in." Li Qin nods and gets up and walks over to the security team to verify the list and make sure they know their orders for Wei Wuxian's hospital stay.

Carmen walks into room six oh eight thirty minutes on the dot and sees that AXian is resting comfortably. She made sure that he was the first one to hold each of the babies as he gave birth to them. She knew he would be exhausted after giving birth and she didn't want anyone else to be able to hold his children for the first time but him. He is the one who carried them, he is the one who will be raising them, he is the one who will take care of their needs, and he deserves to be the first to hold them.

She walks over to the bassinet with the three little treasures and looks at them. They are so precious, each one is perfect with tiny little hands and feet with all ten fingers and toes. The two boys are dressed in blue and the girl in pink, luckily they had a bag packed and ready to go just in case with newborn clothing for each of the babies.

Carmen, Li Qin and Wuxi knew the genders of the babies but no one else did. He wanted to keep it a surprise for when they were born but wanted to be able to get the clothes they needed. He wanted them to be dressed in blues and pinks instead of gender-neutral colors so that he could differentiate between them.

She strokes their heads gently as she gazes at the little beauties and smiles. She is so happy she was there to witness their births, she feels like she was able to do something for her Cangse by being there for her son as she would have been had she still been alive.

She whispers "Your grandmother would have loved each of you so much, since she can't be here to be your grandma I will be. Your Na Na will love you with all of my heart my little loves. I will help your Mommy take care of you and I will take such great joy in watching you grow."

"Thank you Carmen Mom for wanting to be a part of our lives and thank you for being there for us when they were born, I wouldn't have wanted anyone else with me." Wuxi softly whispers.

Carmen looks over at him and smiles, she stands up and walks to his bedside, leans down and kisses his forehead "How are you feeling sweetheart?"

He smiles tiredly "I feel alright, I'm in a little pain and I really want to sleep. How are they?"

She glances over at the children "They are perfect, you did so good AXian, they are beautiful. I have Li Qin running an errand and then we will both stay with you today and she will be here with you and the babies for the duration of your stay. Dr. Wen said you will have to stay for about a week to make sure you are healed before you can go home with them."

He nods "That's fine with me, you need to get some rest, you have been up for a very long time Carmen Mom, please tell them to bring a bed in and get some sleep."

She strokes his hair "I will, I want to make sure you and the babies are settled and resting before I do. Your sister and cousins will be here any time to see all of you. Are you alright with them coming in and being here?"

He half smiles "Yeah I'm ok with it, I want to see them and I want to introduce them to the triplets. Do you think I could get something to eat? Not much but maybe some sort of snack or something and something to drink my throat is sore."

She nods "Absolutely, let me call them." She grabs the nurses' call button and lets them know what she needs in the room and to bring him what he wants.

Jiang Cheng, Jiang Yanli and Jia Li all come into the room a few minutes later, their arms are full of stuffed toys, flowers, balloons, fruit baskets and milk tea. They are all smiling from ear to ear and nearly stumble over each other to get into the room. Wuxi giggles as he watches them trip over each other to show him their gifts.

"Will you just put everything over there for me, please? Thank you for all of the gifts, it's very sweet of all of you." He smiles as he points to a table they can put everything on.

They do then tentatively come closer to the babies they each look at them and they all smile and coo over how adorable they are. Jiang Cheng scrunches his brows "Why do they look like tiny wrinkled old men?"

Yanli smacks his arm and Jia Li gasps "Don't say that about my niece and nephews, they are perfect and adorable."

Wuxi chuckles at the comment "You spend eight months in liquid and see how you look afterward. Their skin will smooth out just like your fingers do after being in the water for too long."

Jiang Cheng nods understanding "Ah I see, that makes sense, so what are their names?"

Wuxi smiles "Bring the bassinet closer?" they gently pull it closer to him so he can see his children better.

He points to the first boy "This is my oldest, his name is Wei Yuan Bo which means primary treasure, this is my second oldest his name is Wei Tian Li which means Heaven's Law and my youngest, my little girl's name is Wei Mei Xiu which means beautiful grace." He smiles lovingly at his three babies.

Everyone in the room shows their happiness at how beautiful their names are and how much they love what he picked for them. Yanli smiles her dimpled smile "I love their names AXian, you did so well, I'm very proud of you. Thank you for letting us be here today, you don't know how much it means to me that I can be here not only for you but to see the babies on their birthday. If you will let me, I really want to be a part of you and their lives, I miss you and would like to have a more active role in your life if I can."

He nods "I would like that, I know I said some things I probably shouldn't have before, I know that you and ACheng have no control over what Madam Yu did to me it just hurt that no one did anything about it. I am trying to get past it, just give me some time and I won't deny any of you seeing me or the babies I promise."

Jia Li smiles "Thank you gege, I know you have been really hurt by how you were treated there, I'm sorry I wasn't able to do more to get you out of that situation. You are out now and living happily and that is all any of us want for you."

The extra bed and his food come as he is talking to Yanli and his meimei and he eats a few bites between talking to them. He takes a sip of the milk tea and moans "Man this is good, I have missed having these, thank you."

They continue to talk while he finishes his meal and they watch the babies sleep. He nibbles his food almost too tired to eat anything but he knows he has to keep up his strength so he eats as much as he can but he is dozing off while eating.

Carmen steps in seeing this "Guys he is exhausted let's let him get some rest, you can come back tomorrow. He will be here for the next five days minimum so you will have plenty of time to come and see him and the babies alright?"

They nod and each one stops and looks at the babies before leaving the room glancing at a sleeping Wei Wuxian as they walk out the door. Carmen walks behind them to the door and addresses the security detail "We are going to get some sleep, the only people allowed into this room are me and Li Qin besides the medical staff, check every I.D. before they are let in. I don't trust his guardians that Madam Yu is capable of anything so stay vigilant." They nod their understanding and she goes inside and checks Wuxi and the babies before laying down to get some much-needed rest.

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