One Night Changed Everything...

By NeenaDiHope

17.8K 1.8K 956

A Wangxian Modern AU πŸ”ž In the virtual realms of online creativity, Wuxi (Wei Wuxian) thrives as a recently s... More

Author's Note
Author's Update
Author's Update


316 43 17
By NeenaDiHope

Over the next several months Wuxi's pregnancy proceeded normally, he was able to get admitted into one of the top colleges for art in China and was able to take all of his classes remotely since his focus was on digital art. He reconciled with his sister, Yanli and Jiang Cheng but he was not ready to deal with Fengmian and Madam Yu. Carmen became his second mother, taking care of him and helping him as his belly got bigger and things became more difficult for him to do she even got to know the other three and really liked them all but Wuxi remained her favorite. Carmen along with Song Lan found a nanny that was also skilled in protection for the triplets. Her name is Li Qin she has also been helping Wuxi for the last few months of his pregnancy. Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen became normal visitors to Wuxi's villa and close friends of his as they spent more time together.

Xiao Xingchen used his time getting to know Wuxi and the type of person he is, he found him to be kind, intelligent, funny, caring and talented. He helped him learn about finance so that he would know how to understand his wealth and how to understand its value. Wuxi is extremely smart so he learned quickly and wanted to know more so Xiao Xingchen taught him almost everything he had learned about finance, stocks, trading, investing and so on.

Eight months into his pregnancy Wuxi lays in bed whining "Come on Carmen Mom just a few, that's all I ask, I am craving them so bad. Please just give me a few and I won't ask for any more today, I promise."

She shakes her head "No AXian it's too salty, how about I make you some rice with ginger sauce and seared fish? You really like that."

He pouts "But I really want salt and vinegar chips with fish sauce. Come on, please? I don't even have to eat half of a little bag I just want the taste in my mouth, a little bit that's all." His hand up showing a small space between his finger and thumb.

She shakes her head "You have to be careful AXian, you have preeclampsia, you need to avoid salty foods until after the babies are born, I'm sorry but the answer is no."

He pokes his lip out even further and crosses his arms over his chest "This is so unfair, what happened to what babies want babies get huh?"

She chuckles softly "That went out the window when it started to be harmful to you and the babies. Now pick something else or you are getting rice with ginger and fish."

He huffs still pouting "Fine I do like the way you cook that, no matter how I make it it's never the same as yours."

She leans down and kisses his forehead "That's because I make it with love."

He huffs a short halfhearted laugh, and she giggles, walking out of the room to make his food. Li Qin is grinning at the banter between the two of them. She actually finds Wuxi's interactions with most people humorous; he is an adorable man-child that everyone dotes on but teases at the same time. She finds it all quite funny as she watches the people in his life interact with him.

He cuts his eyes to her "And what are you laughing at?"

She grins "Nothing, just watching a baby cub argue with his momma bear as if it will do him any good."

He sticks his tongue out at her which causes her to laugh "Hey I just call it like I see it." Her laughter rang in the room.

Her radio goes off and she answers the security guard's call, her smile drops "He's back, do you want to see him?"

He scowls "No, tell him never means never, get lost and don't come back."

She nods and relays the message then stands up "I'll be right back; I want to see if he is actually leaving or if security has to remove him. Wuxi nods and lays his head on his pillow; he can't believe that asshole is trying to come back after all this time. Qin Bai Zhi can take a short train to hell and burn forever for all he cares.

Li Qin walks into the kitchen "Miss Carmen you told me to tell you when he came back, well he's back, he's out there now."

Carmen smirks "Take over this for me will ya? I need to have a chat with our young man out there. Let security know."

She nods "Yes ma'am"

Carmen takes off her apron and walks out to the front of the house and down to the drive where the young man in question is standing by his car. She will admit he is very good-looking but he's a snake and she doesn't like him one bit.

"So you're Qin Bai Zhi, I can see why he dated you, I also know why he broke up with you. Why do you keep coming here? What do you want?" she crosses her arms over her chest and watches him intently.

He fidgets for a moment "I want to see him; I want to apologize to him and I want to be here when he gives birth to my children."

Carmen raises an eyebrow "They are his children, not yours, even if yours was the sperm that helped create them it was done with malicious intent and we both know it. Now how much?"

He looks at her open-mouthed as if he were going to argue but then stops and relaxes "More than you are willing to pay." He gives her a slimy smile.

She scoffs "I said how much not whether I could afford it or not, give me a number."

He smirks leaning on his car lazily, then runs his hand down his jaw and over his chin thinking "Twenty million yuan and he won't see me again, I'll leave and never darken his doorstep."

She quirks her mouth annoyed at how easily he is bought off "Give me the account number."

He stands up straight and grins "Here you can send it to this account number, as soon as I verify the money is there and cannot be called back I'll leave."

She puts her phone to her ear after touching it "I need you to transfer twenty million yuan to this account number, make sure it verifies and cannot be called back. No pending just a full transfer, I need it done now."

She hangs up and looks at him "Go ahead and check your account, it should be there, if not it will be there within the next minute.

He pulls up his account and waits, he refreshes the page and smiles "Well that's that I guess, please tell Wuxi to take good care of my kids, I really do hope he has a good life. Thanks for the funds, I'll take my leave now."

She sneers at him "He won't be seeing you again so there is no need to tell him you said anything."

He nods, gets in his car and leaves, she takes a deep breath squares her shoulders, walks back into the house and finishes his food. She takes it to him and smiles "Here we are, some healthy white rice, a nice mild ginger sauce and some delicately seared fish. We also have a nice nettle tea for you to drink with a touch of milk and brown sugar in it.

His mouth waters "These smells so good, I really wanted the chips but I get so much more food this way."

She chuckles at him as she watches his eyes widen, he licks his lips and scoots to sit up better so he can eat. She puts the food on the tray and feeds him. At eight months pregnant he is too big to be able to do much but lay in bed, he can't reach the tray to be able to feed himself so she does it for him. if she doesn't then Li Qin does and between the two of them, they make sure he is eating properly and drinking plenty of water. He is allowed to get up only for short periods of time to walk, stretch and relieve himself but that's it, otherwise he is to stay in bed.

He takes a bite of the offered food and smiles as he chews, this is one of his favorite dishes. He opens his mouth to take another bite but sucks in a breath instead. Carmen pauses and gives him a speculative look "What was that?"

He shakes his head "Nothing just a twinge, the babies are out of room so I have been getting these twinges."

"When did these twinges start AXian?" she asks giving him another bite.

He chews and swallows "I don't know sometime this morning." He shrugs and looks at the food wanting another bite.

He shifts a bit and sucks in another breath "Ow, now that one hurt. Some of them hurt more than others." He chuckles.

She puts the chopsticks down "AXian how often are you getting these?"

He shakes his head "I don't know pretty often as of late, every few minutes or so I guess why?"

She puts the food tray to the side and calls for security to come and help them "AXian, sweetheart I think you are in labor."

He chuckles "I can't be, it's way too early, I have another month before my due date. Besides it doesn't hurt that much, isn't labor supposed to be really painful?" He looks at her with innocent eyes.

She shrugs "Yes normally but every pregnancy is different, I would rather be safe than sorry when it comes to you and the babies health. If you aren't in labor, they can send us home no big deal alright?"

He nods "Alright if it will make you feel." He gasps in pain and collapses back onto the bed unable to finish his sentence.

Carmen directs security to pick him up and get him into the car, he holds her hand the whole way there and then they are taken back to the delivery room. Li Qin per instructions calls the family to let them know he is in labor and to come to the hospital.

Jia Li, Yanli and Jiang Cheng all show up at the hospital and find Li Qin waiting for them "He's fine, don't worry, he is in labor, Carmen is with him and they have been through all of the birthing classes so they know what to do. With triplets, it can take a while for the birth so why don't I get everyone something to drink and you call have a seat."

They all nod and she walks off Yanli looks worried "I hope he is alright, I heard that males that give birth have a harder time than women and it is more painful for them, AXian has to do it three times, my poor didi."

Jia Li takes her hand "Gege will be alright, he is strong and he has Carmen and the staff to help him."

Jiang Cheng nods "Besides he has been preparing for this for a few months now, I talked with him last week and he said they had a solid birthing plan in place so things should go pretty smoothly if there aren't any complications."

Yanli's worry deepens and she looks at her brother "You don't think there will be complications, do you? ACheng, he and the babies have to be alright; I don't know what I will do if something happens to him."

Jia Li pats her hand "I understand ALi he is my gege and the only blood family I have in the world, I am worried for him also, I know that he will be alright though he is young, healthy and a strong person. Let's not get ahead of ourselves with this, let's just see how it goes, the doctors are in with him and they know what they are doing."

Li Qin comes back with some hot tea and coffee and lets them all pick what they want, whatever is left over she will give to the security team here with them. After everyone has a drink she takes out her tablet and starts reading the Wattpad story she has been so engrossed in, it's about two cultivators who fall in love while dealing with the dead, bad guys and their families, so far it's a fantastic read.

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