Red petal || KTH

By __NoorStory__

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The story follows the unexpected encounter between Mr. Kim Taehyung, the world's biggest business tycoon also... More

*PART 2*
*PART 3*
*PART 4*
*PART 5*
*PART 6*
*part 7*
*PART 8*
*part 10*
*PART 11*
*PART 12*
*PART 13*
*PART 14*
*Part 15*
*PART 16*
*PART 17*
*part 18*
*PART 19*
*PART 20*
*PART 21*
*PART 22*
*PART 23*
*PART 24*
*PART 25*
*PART 26*
*PART 27*
*PART 28*
*PART 29*
*PART 30*
*PART 31*
*PART 32*

*PART 9*

307 25 5
By __NoorStory__

SANA's pov

As Sana entered the washroom, she couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the recent events. Standing in front of the mirror, she took a moment to gather her thoughts and whispered a prayer to herself. "Oh Allah, you understand my pain and my trust in your plan. Please grant me the strength to face this situation and keep that man away from me."

After composing herself and wiping away her tears, Sana put on a brave face and exited the
washroom, feeling a slight sense of relief.

After leaving the washroom, Sana's phone rang again, and she saw it was Ameekha calling. Answering the call, she heard Ameekha's voice on the other end. "Hello, Sana," Ameekha greeted.

Sana replied with a simple "Hello," but Ameekha could sense something was wrong. Concerned, she asked, "Sana, are you okay? Are you hurt?"

Surprised by Ameekha's perceptiveness, Sana tried to downplay the situation. "It's not a big deal, girl... Have you..." Before she could finish, Ameekha interrupted her, expressing her worry. "Not a big deal? For me, it's a big deal. I can't stand seeing my little shine cry. It hurts me a lot," Ameekha confessed.

Sana felt a wave of relief wash over her at Ameekha's words, realizing her friend understood her without even seeing her. With a grateful smile, she said, "And now I know you can sense my change in mood. So, let me officially declare to my bestie that your bestie is officially okay, thanks to the great medicine of love from her friend, Ameekha."

Ameekha chuckled at Sana's declaration and added, "It's a good thing you lifted up your mood, or else I would break the neck of the person who made you cry."

Sana couldn't help but laugh at Ameekha's protective instinct. "Thank you, Ameekha. You're the best," she said before ending the call, noting that Salman was calling her on the other line.

She answered Salman's call, greeting him with a cheerful "Hello, big bro! What's the matter?" Salman couldn't help but chuckle at her endearing way of addressing him. "Looks like my princess is in a good mood," he remarked.

Sana smiled brightly and replied, "Yes, I am. Your lady lit up my mood. Wallahi, she's like a kind of medicine, a love medicine." Salman, with a slight blush on his cheeks, inquired about the person she was referring to. "About whom are you saying?" he asked.

Sana, teasingly, responded, "Oh, so my brother has so many ladies?" Salman played along, saying, "Yes, I do." Sana, taken aback, exclaimed, "What, Asthagfirullah, Salman! Don't you have any shame?"

Salman defended himself, saying, "Why should I have shame in saying that I have more ladies, including my sister, mom, aunt? Huh?" Sana realized he was trying to provoke her into mentioning Ameekha's name, so she played along, pretending not to understand. "Oh, so you're saying you don't know to whom I am referring? Hmm, it looks like you don't have any extreme connection with her. If a soul loves another soul, it should understand everything with just a hint. So, it makes sense that you don't have any more love for her," she teased back.

Salman chuckled, realizing Sana was onto his game. "You know I was kidding, right? Let's end it here," he said, his tone turning serious. "Can you come into my office? I want to discuss something urgent."

Sana agreed with a simple "Yes" before ending the call and making her way to Salman's office.

After Sana entered Salman's office, he gestured for her to take a seat and began, "Princess, do you remember the project I mentioned when you joined the company?" Sana nodded in affirmation. "And do you recall the file I mentioned that has been lost?" Again, Sana nodded, her concern growing evident. Salman continued, his tone heavy with worry, "They were both the same file."

Sana's concern deepened, and she asked, "Oh, that sounds serious. What should we do now?" Salman looked at her with hope in his eyes as he responded, "The CEO is in a tough situation because this project was significant. Unfortunately, we've lost contact with the file. So, I'm hoping you can design something even better."

Sana was taken aback, asking in surprise, "Me? Are you sure?" Salman nodded reassuringly, a warm smile on his face. Sana's confusion persisted as she inquired, "And what about the head designer?" Salman explained, "I personally asked her, but she can't contribute because the stolen idea was her creation."

Understanding the gravity of the situation, Sana's expression shifted to determination. It was her chance to showcase her design talent. She returned Salman's smile and affirmed, "Yes, bro, I'm up for it."

Salman wished her luck, promising to provide details from the lost project to avoid plagiarism. With his guidance, Sana felt more confident as she made her way to her working area. Salman entrusted Rachael to provide the details of the lost project, setting Sana on her path to creating something extraordinary.

SALMAN's pov

Salman made his way to Taehyung's office and pressed the bell to seek permission to enter. Taehyung granted it, gesturing for him to take a seat. As Salman settled into his chair, he noticed Park Hana in the office as well. With a playful tone, he addressed Taehyung, "Did I disturb you, bro?"

Taehyung played along, adopting a mock-serious expression. "No, bro, unless you're here to snatch her," he replied, teasingly.

Salman chuckled, shaking his head. "No way, bro. I can't snatch someone else's girl when I can't even snatch mine. I'm just here to watch over her," he quipped, lightening the mood.

Taehyung shifted to a more serious tone as he asked, "Have you got any information?"

Salman nodded, responding, "I'm working on it, and there's something important I need to discuss." Taehyung nodded, indicating for him to continue.

"It's clear that whoever had the file has already read it. So, there's no point in proceeding with that project. But catching the culprit is crucial to prevent further conflicts in the future," Salman explained, understanding Taehyung's attachment to the project.

Though Taehyung couldn't accept the loss of the project easily, he understood Salman's reasoning. Salman reassured him, "I know what you're thinking, but trust me, I've assigned someone capable to create a fresh, new project, even better than the previous one. You'll have it on your table on time."

Taehyung felt a sense of relief and gratitude hearing Salman's assurance. He agreed, saying, "Salman, let me know if you get any updates on the case." Salman nodded in acknowledgment before excusing himself, leaving Taehyung and Park Hana alone to continue their discussion.

SANA's pov

Sana immersed herself in her work, fueled by Salman's request, with Rachael assisting her. Their goal was to design the outlook of a mini aircraft. Sana poured all her creativity and effort into making it visually appealing and high-quality. After hours of intense focus, she glanced at her watch and realized it was time for the Dhuhr prayer.

She quickly called Ameekha and requested her presence on the top floor, where the CEO had allocated a room for prayer. Ameekha understood the significance, recalling their prayer session in the same room the day before.

As Sana reached the prayer room, she couldn't help but notice the CEO's office situated right across from it. A thought flickered in her mind: wouldn't it be nice to personally thank him for providing this dedicated space for prayer? Before she could dwell on it further, Ameekha's comforting touch on her shoulder snapped her back to reality. Together, they entered the prayer room, ready to offer their Dhuhr prayers. Right after they entered the prayer room park hana left Taehyung's office.

After performing her ablution, Sana spread her prayer mat and patiently waited for Ameekha to join her for the congregation. As Ameekha entered the room, having also completed her ablution, she joined Sana, assuming the role of the follower (mahmum), while Sana led the prayer as the imam. Together, they immersed themselves in the prayer, their hearts filled with love and sincerity towards Allah. With each posture and recitation, they poured their feelings and sincerity into their worship, illuminating the room with their unwavering faith. After completing their prayer, they engaged in dhikr (remembrance of Allah) and dua (supplication), further deepening their spiritual connection and sense of peace.

After connecting deeply with Allah through their prayers, Sana and Ameekha exchanged a meaningful glance. Sana broke the silence, expressing her gratitude, "Ameekha, words fail me, but I want you to know that you're irreplaceable to me. Your presence has a healing power that I cherish." Ameekha responded with a warm smile, acknowledging Sana's heartfelt words.

As they prepared to leave, Sana began packing her prayer mat into her bag. Ameekha suggested leaving the prayer mat and garments in the room, noting that only they had access to it. Understanding the practicality of her suggestion, Sana left the items where they were, ensuring they wouldn't need to carry a bulky bag to the office for prayer. With that settled, they exited the room, ready to continue their day.

As Sana and Ameekha approached the elevator to head to the lower floor, they noticed a gentleman stepping out, who courteously bowed to them. Returning the gesture with a respectful glance, Sana and Ameekha entered the elevator, acknowledging the polite encounter.


Taehyung, engrossed in his work on the laptop while indulging in the expensive alcohol Hana had brought him, was interrupted by a knock on his office door. With a casual tone, he invited the person to enter. To his surprise, it was his friend, Jeon Jungkook. Taehyung expressed his astonishment, asking, "Bro, what brings you here?" Jungkook responded with a playful smile, saying, "So, am I not welcome here?" Taehyung clarified, "It's not that, but your visit caught me off guard."

As Jungkook took a seat, he explained his visit, saying, "How could I not come when I found out my friend has built a prestigious aerospace company?" Taehyung chuckled at his friend's enthusiasm, welcoming him to the Kim Aerospace Design Company. Jungkook expressed his intention for collaboration, mentioning that Jeon Airports in Korea wanted to purchase planes designed by Kim Aerospace. Taehyung, intrigued by the proposal, remarked, "It's an honor to work with my childhood friend. Looking back, we've come a long way." Jungkook smiled at the sentiment and inquired about the contract signing day. Taehyung assured him he would decide and inform him accordingly.

As they discussed their collaboration, Salman entered the office, Jungkook, upon seeing Salman, turned to Taehyung with a quizzical expression, silently asking who he was. Taehyung, with a nod of acknowledgment, gestured for Salman to take a seat and introduced him, saying, "This is the COO of the company, Mr. Salman Sultan. And Salman, meet the CEO of Jeon Enterprise, Jeon Jungkook." They exchanged handshakes, breaking into smiles.

Salman, eager to discuss business, jumped right in, asking about their meeting. Jungkook, impressed by Salman's directness, grinned and exclaimed, "I love this guy! Straight to the point!" They shared a laugh, and Taehyung chimed in, confirming that Jungkook was interested in purchasing planes from their company.

Salman, with a playful twinkle in his eye, responded, "Ah, I see! So, Mr. Jeon wants to take his airline business to new heights, quite literally!" Jungkook chuckled at the pun, replying, "You got it! Our passengers will be flying high in style with your planes." Salman, leaning back in his chair with a grin, added, "Well, Mr. Jeon, with our planes, your passengers won't just fly; they'll soar like eagles in the sky!"

Jungkook, impressed by Salman's wit, nodded appreciatively. "I like your style, Mr. Sultan. We're in for a smooth ride with you on board," he remarked with a smirk.

Taehyung, joining in the playful exchange, chimed in, "Absolutely! With our team's expertise and your airline's reputation, we'll have the skies buzzing with excitement!"

Salman raised an eyebrow playfully. "Buzzing, you say? Well, I'd prefer a smooth glide, wouldn't you?" he teased, earning a chuckle from Jungkook.

"Smooth glide it is, then," Jungkook agreed with a nod, before turning to Taehyung. "When can we expect to finalize the details and get those planes soaring?"

Taehyung glanced at Salman with a smirk before replying, "Let's aim for a swift takeoff. I'll have my team draw up the contracts right away. How does that sound?"

Salman nodded in agreement. "Sounds like a plan. We'll have those contracts ready for signing faster than you can say 'first class'!" he declared confidently.

Jungkook laughed heartily. "I like your enthusiasm, gentlemen. Here's to a successful partnership!" he toasted, raising an imaginary glass.

With a final round of handshakes and smiles, the trio set to work, eager to turn their collaboration into a soaring success in the aerospace industry.

After discussing business matters, Salman seized the opportunity to extend a personal invitation. "Taehyung and Jungkook, I'd like to invite both of you to my brothers wedding. Since we've formed this company together, it would mean a lot to have you there," he said warmly.

Jungkook glanced at Taehyung, who silently encouraged him to accept. With a smile, Jungkook replied, "Bro, count me in. I'll be there."

Salman turned to Taehyung, awaiting his response. Taehyung nodded in agreement, assuring Salman that he would attend as well.

As Jungkook prepared to leave Taehyung's office for his next appointment, Salman gently reminded him of the wedding date, ensuring he wouldn't forget. Jungkook nodded, affirming his attendance before bidding them farewell.

After Jungkook left, Salman leaned in with a serious expression. "Taehyung, I have something crucial to show you," he said, unlocking his phone and pulling up a video.

As the footage played, Taehyung's eyes widened in shock. It captured a woman, carrying the same Gucci designer bag he had seen with his girlfriend, receiving a file from a man—likely the same one they had confronted the previous day.

Taehyung wasted no time. "Send me that video," he instructed, his voice urgent as he grabbed his phone and dashed out of the office without another word.

Salman watched him go, his own shock evident. Something big was clearly unfolding, and he couldn't help but wonder what Taehyung would do next.

Taehyung raced to Hana's apartment, his heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and dread. With a sense of betrayal gnawing at him, he punched in the password to the door lock, a code shared only between lovers. As the door swung open, his eyes immediately fell on a pair of unfamiliar shoes, sending a jolt of confusion through him.

Steeling himself, Taehyung stepped inside, his breath catching in his throat as he witnessed a scene that shattered his world. There was Hana, his beloved Hana, entwined with another man, their intimate whispers cutting through the air like knives. His mind reeled as he processed their words, the revelation of her deception hitting him like a tidal wave.

"H- Hana? What's going on?" Taehyung stammered, his voice barely above a whisper, his heart pounding in his chest.

Hana's voice, once filled with sweetness, now dripped with malice as she spoke of her deceit, her laughter like a cruel echo in the room. "Hey Aron, have you seen how stupid he was when I showed him my fake concerns?" she chuckled, her words twisting like daggers in Taehyung's heart.

Aron, a name etched into Taehyung's memory with searing clarity, reveled in their treachery, his laughter a chilling echo in the room. "I fucking wanna see his poor face when he learns it's you who stole the file," he remarked, his tone filled with malicious glee.

As Taehyung's heart shattered into a million pieces, he stood frozen, unsure of what to do next. Caught between the agony of betrayal and the disbelief of deception, he struggled to make sense of the cruel reality unfolding before him.

Taehyung's steps echoed through the hall as he made his way to the main hall of hana's room and shed his coat, his movements deliberate and calculated. With a determined gaze, he rolled up his shirt sleeves, revealing the veins coursing with fiery resolve. His eyes fixated on the punching bag, a gift from Hana on his birthday, now a painful reminder of their shattered love.

As he approached the punching bag, memories of their shared moments flooded his mind, each memory a cruel twist of the knife. With a primal roar, he unleashed his pent-up fury, his fists striking the bag with a ferocity born of betrayal and heartache. Each blow reverberated through the room, echoing his anguish and rage.

The sound of his relentless assault reached the ears of Hana and Aron, who hastily emerged from their room, draped in barely-there garments. Their eyes widened in shock as they beheld Taehyung's figure, his form illuminated by the harsh light of his fury.

Taehyung turned to face Hana and Aron, his demeanor calm yet simmering with underlying tension. Seating himself on the sofa with a casual air, he propped one leg over the other and rested his hands on the back of the sofa.

"What's going on, baby? And who's this man?" Taehyung inquired, his voice laced with a hint of amusement. Hana, her frustration evident, retorted, "First, tell me why you're trespassing in my apartment?"

With a smirk, Taehyung countered, "Oh, so I'm not welcome here, baby girl?" Aron, his tone seething with anger, interjected, "What do you think you're doing, breaking into someone's room and resorting to violence?"

Taehyung's roar silenced Aron's protest. "Shut up! And if I'm such an unwelcome guest, Hana, then why does the punching bag I left here still remain? Don't tell me you traded it to this fu**er without my knowledge," he accused, his voice dripping with contempt.

Aron, fueled by rage, lunged toward Taehyung, aiming a punch. But Taehyung swiftly countered, twisting Aron's arm and pinning him to the ground. "You don't measure up to my standards, bro. Find someone else to play your dirty games," Taehyung spat, his eyes flashing with superiority.

Hana, trembling with fear, pleaded with Taehyung to leave them alone and promised to return the stolen file. But Taehyung's smile turned sinister as he dismissed her offer. "I don't want that file tainted by your touch. Keep it, and never show your face to me again," he declared coldly.

With a final jerk, Taehyung released Aron and stormed out, leaving behind a trail of shattered trust and broken promises.

SALMAN's pov

Salman's heart skipped a beat as he caught sight of Ameekha, the one whose presence always managed to brighten his day. He patiently waited until her colleagues dispersed before approaching her, his eyes fixed on her familiar gaze.

"Have you prepared the document regarding the items that need to be imported?" Salman inquired, his voice tinged with anticipation. Ameekha, taken aback by his sudden appearance, stammered, "Um... yes, sir."

Despite the pang in his heart at being addressed so formally by her, Salman pressed on, unable to resist the chance to spend time with her. "Shall we grab a coffee and discuss them?" he suggested, offering her a warm smile.

With no other option but to comply, Ameekha followed him to the cafe bar. As they reached their destination, Salman skillfully prepared two delicious cups of coffee, handing one to Ameekha with a gentle gesture.

"I rarely make coffee because Sana doesn't like it, so I usually stick to tea," Salman confessed, his eyes reflecting his affection for his sister. Ameekha, touched by his thoughtfulness, took a sip and marveled at the taste.

"You rarely make them, but it's really good," she complimented, a smile tugging at her lips. Salman chuckled softly, feeling a warmth spread through him at her words.

"I take extra care when it comes to my loved ones," Salman replied, his gaze softening as he watched Ameekha's reaction. However, his amusement quickly turned to concern when he noticed her choking on her coffee.

As Ameekha regained her composure, Salman's phone buzzed with a text message from Taehyung, delivering unexpected news. "I got the culprit. It was Park Hana. Close the case now, and focus on the upcoming project," the message read.

Salman's shock was palpable as he excused himself from Ameekha, his mind swirling with questions about Taehyung's next move. With a heavy heart, he left the cafe bar, wondering what the revelation meant for their company and for Taehyung himself.


I hope you enjoyed this part of the story! Your feedback and support mean a lot to me. If you're interested in reading more, please let me know by voting for the next part. Your encouragement keeps me motivated to continue sharing this tale. Thank you for being a part of this journey!

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