Kakashi's Unexpected Love

By ShioriSenju7

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Kakashi & Ino's love story (This is too intense for a 12 years old 🙏🏻) Life experiences that lead to unexpe... More

The night
Meet Again
Comfort Him
The Stall Granny
Big Baby
Icha Icha series 📚
Mission together
Itachi Pursuit Mission
New Promise
Kiss me hard before you go 🍃
Leave 🍋
Morning 🍋
Dangerous Mission
Upcoming Busy Days 🍋
Busy Days 🍋
Helping Kiba
Before In Front Line ♨️🍋
Former Sensei
Old Enemy
Old Friend
Last words
The End Of The War
Reward 🍋
The path to leadership
Engagement 🍋
Tender Moments
Hokage Ceremony
Sasuke's Departure
Wedding Night🍋
Honeymoon Plan
Honeymoon 🍯🌕
Happy News
Shocking News
The End
Another book!


52 4 0
By ShioriSenju7

Word of Ino's pregnancy spread like wildfire through the village, sparking a wave of excitement and joy among their friends and fellow villagers. Rumors and whispers traveled from person to person, and soon everyone seemed to be buzzing with anticipation.

Ino and Kakashi were greeted with congratulations and well-wishes wherever they went, their friends and acquaintances eager to share in their happiness. The news brought smiles to faces and a sense of warmth to the village, as people celebrated the impending arrival of a new member of their community.

Ino couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support from their friends and neighbors. She was touched by their kindness and generosity, and she couldn't shake the feeling of gratitude that filled her heart.

Kakashi, too, was touched by the village's reaction, though he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride swell within him. He was thrilled to become a father, and he couldn't wait to share this new chapter of their lives with the people they held dear.

Together, Ino and Kakashi embraced the excitement and anticipation that surrounded them, knowing that they were surrounded by a community that would stand by them every step of the way. And as they looked ahead to the future, they did so with hearts full of love and hope, ready to welcome their little one into the world with open arms.

Kakashi's concern for Ino's safety weighed heavily on his mind, knowing all too well the dangers that lurked in their world. As Hokage, he was acutely aware of the threats that could arise, and the thought of anything happening to Ino filled him with dread.

Determined to keep her safe, Kakashi made the decision to hire a group of ANBU to protect her secretly throughout her pregnancy. He knew that having them by her side would provide an extra layer of security, ensuring that she remained safe from any potential threats.

However, Kakashi kept his decision to hire the ANBU a closely guarded secret, not wanting to worry Ino unnecessarily. Instead, he made sure that they were always nearby, watching over her discreetly from the shadows, ready to intervene at a moment's notice if the need arose.

Despite his efforts to keep her safe, Kakashi couldn't shake the nagging worry that lingered in the back of his mind. He found himself constantly checking in on her, making sure she was okay, and always being vigilant for any signs of danger.

But as the days passed and Ino's pregnancy progressed, Kakashi took comfort in knowing that he had done everything in his power to protect her. And as they awaited the arrival of their little one, he vowed to do whatever it took to keep his family safe, no matter the cost.


As Ino and Kakashi arrived at the hospital for their routine check-up, they were filled with anticipation, eager to see how their little one was growing. They greeted the doctor with smiles, unaware of the surprise that awaited them.

As the ultrasound began, the doctor carefully moved the wand over Ino's abdomen, her brow furrowing slightly as she studied the screen. Ino and Kakashi watched anxiously, their hearts pounding with anticipation.

Then, the doctor's expression changed, her eyes widening in shock as she made a startling discovery. "Wait a moment," she said, her voice tinged with disbelief. "I think... I think there's something you need to see."

Ino and Kakashi exchanged a puzzled glance, their hearts racing with uncertainty. What could possibly be causing the doctor's reaction?

And then, as the doctor adjusted the ultrasound machine, the image on the screen became clear. Two tiny figures appeared, nestled side by side in Ino's womb, their little hearts beating in perfect synchrony.

Ino's breath caught in her throat as she stared at the screen, her eyes widening in shock. "Twins?" she whispered, her voice filled with disbelief.

The doctor nodded, her expression a mix of surprise and excitement. "Yes, twins," she confirmed, her voice tinged with awe. "Congratulations."

Ino and Kakashi were speechless, their minds reeling with the enormity of the news. Twins - two little miracles growing inside Ino's belly, a double blessing they never could have imagined.

As they gazed at the ultrasound image, their hearts filled with wonder and joy, Ino and Kakashi knew that their lives were about to change in the most incredible way. And as they held each other close, embracing the miracle of their growing family, they felt a sense of gratitude and love that would stay with them forever.

Ino couldn't contain her excitement as she turned to the doctor, her eyes shining with anticipation. "Can you tell us the genders?" she asked eagerly, her voice tinged with excitement.

The doctor smiled, her eyes crinkling at the corners as she glanced back at the ultrasound screen. "Let me take a closer look," she said, adjusting the settings on the machine.

Ino and Kakashi held their breath as they watched, their hearts pounding with anticipation. They couldn't wait to find out if they were having boys, girls, or perhaps one of each.

Finally, the doctor pointed to the screen, her smile widening. "It looks like you're having two boys," she announced, her voice filled with joy.

Ino's eyes filled with tears of happiness as she processed the news, her heart overflowing with love for her unborn sons. "Two boys," she repeated, her voice trembling with emotion.

Beside her, Kakashi grinned mischievously, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Looks like they're going to be mommy's boys for sure," he joked, earning a playful swat on the arm from Ino.

As they sat together, reveling in the joy of the moment, Ino and Kakashi felt a profound sense of gratitude for the precious gift they had been given. And as they looked ahead to the future, they did so with hearts full of love and anticipation, eager to welcome their two little boys into the world with open arms.


Ino and Kakashi were overjoyed at the news of expecting twin boys, and their excitement spilled over into discussions about building their new home. With their growing family in mind, they wanted a space that was not only practical but also a reflection of their pride in both the Yamanaka and Hatake clans.

Excited at the prospect of building their new home, Ino and Kakashi began discussing their plans with enthusiasm. They agreed that their home must be spacious and grand, reflecting their pride in both their clans.

"We'll need plenty of space for our growing family," Kakashi remarked, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "And it should showcase the best of both the Yamanaka and Hatake clans."

Ino nodded in agreement, her mind already filled with ideas for the design and layout of their new home. "I want it to feel warm and inviting," she said, her voice filled with determination. "But also elegant and refined, like a true reflection of our families' legacies."

Together, they began sketching out plans, envisioning large living areas where they could gather with family and friends, spacious bedrooms for their twin boys, and a beautiful garden where they could relax and unwind.

As they delved deeper into their plans, their excitement only grew, fueled by the prospect of creating a home that would be a testament to their love and their shared heritage. And as they looked ahead to the future, they knew that their new home would be more than just a place to live—it would be a symbol of the life they were building together, filled with love, laughter, and endless possibilities.


As Ino entered her seventh month of pregnancy, they start preparing for their twin boys' arrival. She and Kakashi embarked on a shopping spree to purchase nursery furniture, baby clothes, and all the essentials they would need for their little ones.

To their surprise, they found themselves accompanied by Guy, who insisted on lending a hand despite their protests. "It's the epitome of youthfulness to aid your esteemed internal rivals," he declared with his trademark enthusiasm, flashing them a dazzling smile.

Ino couldn't help but chuckle at Guy's unwavering determination to be of assistance. "Well, if you insist, Guy," she said with a smile, touched by his eagerness to be involved.

And so, the trio spent the day browsing through baby stores, picking out cribs, changing tables, and adorable onesies in every color of the rainbow. Guy proved to be surprisingly knowledgeable about baby gear, offering helpful suggestions and sharing amusing anecdotes from his own experiences with children.

With their arms full of baby supplies and their hearts full of anticipation, Ino and Kakashi,with Guy tagging along , headed home, eager to begin preparing the nursery for the arrival of their twin boys. And as they worked together to set up the crib and arrange the baby clothes, they couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and wonder at the thought of the new additions to their family who would soon be joining them.


As Ino entered her eighth month of pregnancy, they are moving into their newly built home. With their friends rallying around them, Ino and Kakashi felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for their support.

Shikamaru, Choji, Kiba, Shino, Tenten, and Lee arrived bright and early, ready to lend a hand with the move. Naruto, Guy, Genma, and Raido soon joined them, eager to pitch in and help their friends in any way they could.

As the group gathered at the entrance of Ino and Kakashi's new home, Shikamaru stepped forward, his hands shoved into his pockets as he addressed the group. "Alright, everyone, let's get to work. We need to make sure everything is ready for Ino and Kakashi before the babies arrive."

Choji nodded in agreement, his expression serious. "Yeah, we can't let Ino do too much heavy lifting. Ino needs to take it easy at this stage."

Kiba chimed in, his voice earnest. "And we don't want her getting too tired either. We need to make sure she's taking breaks and staying hydrated."

Shino nodded, his gaze focused. "Agreed. We need to be efficient with our time and energy to minimize the strain on her."

Tenten placed a hand on her hip, a determined look in her eyes. "Let's split up the tasks so we can get everything done quickly. Who's up for helping with the painting?"

Naruto raised his hand eagerly, a wide grin on his face. "I'll help with the painting! Believe it!"

Lee pumped his fist in the air, his determination evident. "Count me in as well! I shall give it my all!"

Guy stepped forward, a proud smile on his face. "And I shall assist with the heavy lifting! It is the duty of a true taijutsu master!"

Genma and Raido exchanged a glance before nodding in agreement. "We'll take care of the cleaning," Genma said, his tone firm. "No dust bunny will escape our grasp!"

Ino watched from the sidelines, touched by the sight of her friends working together with such camaraderie and dedication.

As they unloaded boxes and began unpacking, Shikamaru took charge, directing everyone with his trademark efficiency. Choji and Kiba teamed up to tackle the heavy lifting, while Shino and Tenten focused on organizing and arranging furniture.

Meanwhile, Naruto and Lee took on the task of painting the walls, their enthusiasm infectious as they transformed the rooms with bright, cheerful colors. Guy, Genma, and Raido took turns cleaning and tidying up, ensuring that every corner of the house sparkled with cleanliness.

Throughout the day, laughter and chatter filled the air as they worked together, turning the move into a fun-filled bonding experience. Ino and Kakashi couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude for their friends' generosity and kindness.

Ino watched from the doorway, her heart swelling with gratitude as she witnessed the collective effort of their friends to help prepare their new home. Tears of appreciation threatened to spill from her eyes as she leaned against Kakashi, who stood beside her, his gaze fixed on the bustling scene before them.

"They're really going all out for us, aren't they?" Ino whispered, her voice filled with emotion.

Kakashi nodded, a soft smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "They're worried about you, you know," he murmured, his hand resting gently on her shoulder. "They just want to make sure you and the babies are safe."

Ino's eyes brimmed with tears as she looked up at him, overwhelmed by the depth of their friends' concern. "I know," she replied, her voice choked with emotion. "I'm so grateful for all of them."

Kakashi pulled her into a tender embrace, holding her close as they watched their friends work tirelessly to make their new house a home. In that moment, surrounded by love and support, Ino and Kakashi knew that they were truly blessed to have such amazing friends by their side.

And as they stood together, taking in the sight of their friends coming together to help them, Ino and Kakashi felt a profound sense of gratitude and love wash over them, filling their hearts with warmth and joy. They knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as they had each other and their friends by their side, they could overcome anything.

Determined to show her appreciation, she insisted on making food and drinks for everyone.

"Let me help," she said, gently pushing herself away from Kakashi's embrace. "I want to do something for them."

Kakashi smiled fondly at her, knowing how much she valued taking care of others. "Alright, but don't overexert yourself," he cautioned, placing a hand on her arm.

Ino nodded, her determination shining in her eyes. "I'll be careful," she promised, before making her way to the kitchen.

With Kakashi's help, Ino quickly got to work, whipping up a batch of her famous homemade sandwiches and preparing a large pitcher of refreshing lemonade. She moved with practiced efficiency, her movements smooth and graceful despite her growing belly.

As the delicious aroma of food filled the air, their friends began to take notice, their work momentarily forgotten as they followed their noses to the kitchen. Ino greeted them with a warm smile, handing out sandwiches and pouring glasses of lemonade with a sense of pride.

"Thank you, Ino," Shikamaru said, taking a bite of his sandwich. "This hits the spot."

Ino beamed at him, her heart swelling with happiness. "You're welcome," she replied, feeling a sense of joy wash over her as she watched their friends enjoy the food she had prepared.

And as they sat together, sharing a meal and laughing together, Ino couldn't help but feel grateful for the bonds of friendship that held them all together. In that moment, surrounded by the people she loved, Ino knew that their new home was more than just a house—it was a place filled with warmth, love, and the shared memories of a lifetime.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the horizon, Ino and Kakashi stood hand in hand in front of their newly built two-story house. The soft evening breeze ruffled their hair as they took in the sight of their home, feeling a sense of pride and contentment wash over them.

"It's perfect," Ino murmured, her voice filled with awe as she looked up at the spacious, modern structure before them.

Kakashi squeezed her hand gently, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "It really is," he agreed, his gaze sweeping over the neatly landscaped yard and the inviting front porch.

Together, they stepped through the front door, crossing the threshold into their new home. The interior was bathed in warm, golden light, casting a cozy glow over the spacious living room and the sleek, modern kitchen.

Ino let out a soft gasp of delight as she took in the sight, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "It's even better than I imagined," she exclaimed, her voice filled with wonder.

Kakashi wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close as they explored the rest of the house together. Upstairs, they found spacious bedrooms decorated in soothing colors, perfect for their growing family. Ino's heart swelled with joy as she imagined rocking their twin boys to sleep in the cozy nursery they had prepared with so much love.

Finally, they ended their tour on the second-floor balcony, where they could see the twinkling lights of the village spread out below them. Ino leaned against the railing, a sense of peace settling over her as she took in the breathtaking view.

"It feels like home already," she murmured, leaning into Kakashi's embrace.

Kakashi pressed a kiss to the top of her head, his arms encircling her waist. "It does," he agreed, his voice soft with emotion. "And it's all ours."

Thanks to the help of their friends, their house was now a warm and welcoming sanctuary, ready to welcome their twin boys into the world.

And as they settled in for their first night in their new home, surrounded by love, they knew that the journey ahead would be filled with joy, laughter, and endless adventures.

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