Kakashi's Unexpected Love

By ShioriSenju7

6.4K 353 79

Kakashi & Ino's love story (This is too intense for a 12 years old 🙏🏻) Life experiences that lead to unexpe... More

The night
Meet Again
Comfort Him
The Stall Granny
Big Baby
Icha Icha series 📚
Mission together
Itachi Pursuit Mission
New Promise
Kiss me hard before you go 🍃
Leave 🍋
Morning 🍋
Dangerous Mission
Upcoming Busy Days 🍋
Busy Days 🍋
Helping Kiba
Before In Front Line ♨️🍋
Former Sensei
Old Enemy
Old Friend
Last words
The End Of The War
Reward 🍋
The path to leadership
Engagement 🍋
Tender Moments
Hokage Ceremony
Sasuke's Departure
Wedding Night🍋
Honeymoon 🍯🌕
Happy News
Shocking News
The End
Another book!

Honeymoon Plan

39 3 0
By ShioriSenju7

In the soft light of the morning, Ino stirred awake, her hand instinctively seeking out Kakashi's warmth beside her. As her eyes fluttered open, a contented smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

Beside her, Kakashi still slept peacefully, his face relaxed in repose. She watched him for a moment, feeling a rush of love and gratitude wash over her. They were husband and wife now, bound together by vows spoken from the heart.

With a gentle touch, Ino brushed a strand of silver hair away from Kakashi's forehead, marveling at the peaceful expression on his face. She couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder at the life they were beginning together.

As she quietly slipped out of bed, careful not to wake Kakashi, Ino tiptoed to the window and drew back the curtains, letting in the soft morning light. The world outside was bathed in a golden glow, the promise of a new day stretching out before her.

With a smile, Ino breathed in the fresh morning air, feeling a sense of anticipation bubbling up inside her. Today was the start of their journey as husband and wife, and she couldn't wait to see what adventures lay ahead.

Turning back to the room, Ino's gaze fell on Kakashi, still asleep in their bed. She knew that whatever challenges they faced, they would overcome them together, guided by the strength of their love.

Quitely, Ino made her way to the bathroom to freshen up, her mind already buzzing with plans for the day ahead. She splashed her face with cool water, feeling the sleepiness fade away as she prepared for the morning.

Once she was ready, Ino headed to the kitchen, the enticing aroma of breakfast filling the air. She hummed softly to herself as she set about preparing a hearty meal for her and Kakashi, eager to start their day off right.

As the eggs sizzled in the pan and the toast browned in the toaster, Ino couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building within her. Today was the perfect opportunity for her and Kakashi to discuss their honeymoon plans, and she couldn't wait to see where their adventure would take them.

With breakfast ready, Ino set the table and poured two cups of steaming hot tea, her heart fluttering with anticipation. She wanted everything to be perfect for their first morning as husband and wife.

As Kakashi walk in the kitchen, Ino smiled warmly at him, her eyes sparkling with love. "Good morning, dear," she greeted him, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek. "Breakfast is ready."

Kakashi rubbed the sleep from his eyes, his gaze softening as he looked at Ino. "Good morning, love," he replied, returning her smile. "Everything smells delicious."

As they sit down to eat, the morning sun streaming through the window and filling the kitchen with warmth, Ino can't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over her. She was married to the love of her life, and their future together was filled with endless possibilities.

With a smile, she reaches across the table to take Kakashi's hand in hers, squeezing it gently. "Thank you for this," she says softly, her heart overflowing with love. "For everything."

Kakashi returns her smile, squeezing her hand in return. "Anytime, my dear," he says, his eyes soft with affection. "I'm just happy to be here with you."

With breakfast finished, Ino and Kakashi cleared the table together, their conversation turning to the topic of their honeymoon.

"So, where shall we go for our honeymoon, my dear husband?" Ino asked, a playful twinkle in her eyes as she dried off the dishes.

Kakashi leaned against the counter, considering their options. "Well, we could go to the Land of Waves and spend some time relaxing by the sea," he suggested, a smile playing on his lips. "Or perhaps we could visit the Land of Snow and experience the beauty of the snowy landscapes together "

Ino nodded thoughtfully, weighing their choices. "Both sound wonderful," she said, her mind already wandering to the possibilities. "But I've always dreamed of visiting the Land of Waterfalls. I've heard it's breathtakingly beautiful."

Kakashi's eyes lit up with excitement at the suggestion. "The Land of Waterfalls it is, then," he declared, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "I've heard they have some of the most stunning waterfalls in the world."

Ino grinned, feeling a surge of excitement at the thought of exploring a new destination with Kakashi by her side. "I can't wait," she said, her heart fluttering with anticipation. "It's going to be the perfect start to our married life together."

Kakashi stepped forward, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close. "I couldn't agree more," he murmured, pressing a tender kiss to her lips. "I love you, Ino-chan"

"I love you too, Kakashi," Ino replied, her voice filled with love and happiness. And as they stood there together, lost in each other's embrace, they knew that their honeymoon would be the first of many adventures they would share as husband and wife.

As they stood there in each other's arms, Ino and Kakashi felt a sense of excitement and anticipation building within them. Their honeymoon was just the beginning of a lifetime of adventures together, and they couldn't wait to embark on this new journey as husband and wife.

With a smile, Kakashi pulled back slightly, his gaze meeting Ino's with affection. "We should start making some arrangements," he said, his voice filled with determination. "I'll reach out to some travel agents and see what options we have for accommodations and activities."

Ino nodded eagerly, her heart skipping a beat at the thought of their upcoming trip. "And I'll make sure to pack everything we need," she added, already mentally planning out their wardrobe and essentials for the journey.

As they continued to plan their honeymoon, Ino and Kakashi decided it would be wise to have ANBU escorts accompany them on their journey. As the Hokage and his wife, their safety was of utmost importance, and having skilled and trusted operatives by their side would provide an added layer of security.

Kakashi reached out to the ANBU captain, requesting a team of elite agents to accompany them on their honeymoon. The captain readily agreed, assuring Kakashi that they would spare no effort in ensuring their safety throughout their travels.

Ino felt a sense of reassurance knowing that they would have capable ANBU operatives with them. Though she trusted in Kakashi's abilities to protect them, having additional support would allow them to fully enjoy their honeymoon without worry.

With the arrangements made, Ino and Kakashi finalized their plans and eagerly counted down the days until they would embark on their adventure together

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