Kakashi's Unexpected Love

By ShioriSenju7

6.4K 353 79

Kakashi & Ino's love story (This is too intense for a 12 years old 🙏🏻) Life experiences that lead to unexpe... More

The night
Meet Again
Comfort Him
The Stall Granny
Big Baby
Icha Icha series 📚
Mission together
Itachi Pursuit Mission
New Promise
Kiss me hard before you go 🍃
Leave 🍋
Morning 🍋
Dangerous Mission
Upcoming Busy Days 🍋
Busy Days 🍋
Helping Kiba
Before In Front Line ♨️🍋
Former Sensei
Old Enemy
Old Friend
Last words
The End Of The War
Reward 🍋
The path to leadership
Engagement 🍋
Hokage Ceremony
Sasuke's Departure
Wedding Night🍋
Honeymoon Plan
Honeymoon 🍯🌕
Happy News
Shocking News
The End
Another book!

Tender Moments

67 3 0
By ShioriSenju7

The morning sun cast a warm glow through the windows of Kakashi and Ino's home, gently rousing them from their slumber. As Kakashi stirred awake, he couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over him, the memory of their engagement filling him with happiness.

Turning to Ino, who was still nestled beside him, Kakashi brushed a soft kiss against her temple, his heart swelling with love for the woman beside him. "Good morning, my fiancée," he whispered, his voice filled with affection.

Ino stirred from her sleep, blinking her eyes open with a soft smile. "Good morning, my love," she murmured, snuggling closer to Kakashi's warmth.

As they rose from bed, Kakashi and Ino shared a knowing smile, their hearts still dancing with the joy of their engagement. With a sense of excitement bubbling between them, they decided to start their day by making breakfast together.

In the cozy warmth of their kitchen, Kakashi and Ino worked side by side, their movements synchronized as they prepared a delicious meal. As they chopped vegetables and cracked eggs, their laughter filled the air, mingling with the aroma of sizzling bacon and freshly brewed coffee.

"Can you pass me the salt, love?" Ino asked, reaching out her hand with a playful grin.

"Of course, my dear," Kakashi replied, handing her the salt shaker with a flourish.

As they cooked together, Kakashi and Ino couldn't help but steal affectionate glances and exchange knowing smiles, their hearts brimming with happiness and love.

Once breakfast was ready, they sat down at the table, their plates filled with food and their cups brimming with coffee. As they ate, they talked excitedly about their plans for the day, including their intention to share the news of their engagement with their friends.

"After breakfast, we should invite everyone over and tell them the good news," Kakashi suggested, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Ino nodded eagerly, her own excitement matching Kakashi's. "Yes, let's do it! I can't wait to see their reactions," she exclaimed, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

With their breakfast finished and their plans made, Kakashi and Ino set about tidying up the kitchen, their hearts filled with anticipation for the day ahead.

As Kakashi and Ino gathered their friends together to share their joyous news, the atmosphere was filled with excitement and anticipation. With smiles on their faces, they stood hand in hand, ready to announce their engagement.

With a nervous yet exhilarated energy, they exchanged glances before Kakashi took the lead "Everyone, we have some wonderful news to share," Kakashi announced, a gleam of happiness in his eyes "Ino-chan and I are engaged!"

Gasps of delight and congratulations echoed around the living room as their friends erupted into cheers and applause.

Sakura was the first to react, her eyes widening in delight as she squealed with joy. "Oh my gosh, congratulations, you two!" she exclaimed, rushing forward enveloping Ino in a tight hug, tears of joy sparkling in her eyes. "I'm so happy for you!"

Naruto's grin stretched from ear to ear as he pumped his fist in the air. "Believe it! This calls for a celebration!" he cheered, already planning the biggest party Konoha had ever seen.

Tenten clapped her hands together excitedly. "I knew there was something special in the air! Congratulations, you two," she said, her eyes shining with happiness.

Shikamaru and Choji shared their congratulations in their own unique way.

Shikamaru, with his usual laid-back demeanor, leaned back on the couch and offered a lazy grin. "Well, well, looks like our Copy Ninja finally found someone to tie him down," he remarked with a chuckle. "Congratulations, Kakashi. Just don't let Ino boss you around too much, alright?"

Choji, ever the gentle soul, beamed with genuine happiness for his friends. "I'm so happy for you both," he said, his voice warm with sincerity. "You make a great couple, Kakashi and Ino. I can't wait to see what the future holds for you."

Ino's smile faltered slightly as she heard Shikamaru's comment. She shot him a playful yet slightly annoyed look and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Hey, Shikamaru, watch it," she said with a mock scowl. "I'll have you know that Kakashi and I are equal partners in this relationship. Besides, someone has to keep him in line, right?"

Shikamaru raised his hands in surrender, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. "Hey, hey, I was just teasing," he replied, his tone apologetic. "You know I'm happy for you both. You're a great team."

Ino's irritation melted away at Shikamaru's sincere words, and she gave him a playful punch on the shoulder. "Yeah, yeah, I know," she said with a laugh. "Thanks, Shikamaru."

With the tension diffused and laughter filling the air once more, Ino settled into her seat, grateful for the support and camaraderie of her friends.

As Tsunade processed the news of Kakashi and Ino's engagement, a flood of memories washed over her, bringing with them a bittersweet nostalgia for days gone by. Among those memories, some of the most cherished were those spent with her dear friend and former teammate, Jiraiya.

She couldn't help but recall the memories with Jiraiya.

In the midst of her reminiscence, Tsunade couldn't help but imagine what Jiraiya's reaction would have been to the news of Kakashi and Ino's engagement. She could almost hear his booming laughter and see the mischievous twinkle in his eyes as he offered his congratulations in his own unique way.

"Ah, Tsunade-hime, it seems our young proteges have finally found happiness together," she imagined Jiraiya saying, his voice filled with affection and amusement. "They make quite the striking couple, don't they? Reminds me of us in our younger days."

Tsunade couldn't help but smile at the memory, the warmth of Jiraiya's presence enveloping her like a comforting embrace. Despite the ache of his absence, she took solace in the knowledge that their bond would always endure, transcending time and space.

With a sigh of contentment, Tsunade turned her attention back to the present, her heart filled with gratitude for the memories she shared with Jiraiya and the joy she felt for Kakashi and Ino's happiness. As she offered her congratulations to the newly engaged couple, "Well, well, it seems like the pieces of the puzzle have finally fallen into place," Tsunade remarked, her voice laced with a mixture of playfulness and genuine happiness. "I always did have a feeling there was something more between you two."

Her words carried a hint of knowing, as if she had suspected their deepening connection long before they had even realized it themselves. Tsunade had observed the subtle interactions between Kakashi and Ino over the years, and she had seen the way their bond had grown stronger with each passing day.

"As your former Hokage and a sensei , I couldn't be happier for you both," Tsunade continued, her tone sincere. "You make a formidable team, and I have no doubt that your love will only continue to strengthen as you embark on this new chapter together."

"Thank you Hokage-sama. Me and Ino appreciate your words very much" Kakashi said with close eyes smile

As Ino's mother learned about her daughter's engagement to Kakashi, her initial reaction was one of surprise, followed by sheer delight. She couldn't contain her excitement as she enveloped Ino and Kakashi in a tight embrace, her eyes shimmering with tears of joy.

"Ino, Kakashi, I couldn't be happier for you both!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with emotion. "You make such a wonderful couple, and I can see the love and happiness radiating from both of you."

Ino's mother couldn't resist the urge to share a lighthearted anecdote with their guests.

"You know, just a few days ago, Kakashi came to me with the most nervous expression on his face," she began, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "He stumbled over his words and fidgeted with his hands as he asked for my permission to propose to Ino."

The guests in the living room chuckled at the mental image of the typically composed Kakashi displaying such nervousness. Ino felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment, but she couldn't help but laugh along with the others.

"And then," Ino's mother continued, "he finally mustered up the courage to ask me , and the look of relief on his face when I said i give him my blessing was priceless!"

Ino's mother couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness at the absence of her husband, Inoichi. However, she knew that he would have been overjoyed by the news, and she felt his presence with them in spirit.

"Ino, my dear, your father would have been so proud of you," she said, her voice tinged with emotion as she spoke of her late husband. "He always believed in you and supported you in everything you did."

Turning to Kakashi with a warm smile, Ino's mother continued, "And Kakashi, I know Inoichi would have given you his blessing without hesitation. He trusted you to care for our daughter, and I can see now that his trust was well-placed."

Ino and Kakashi exchanged sheepish smiles, grateful for the lighthearted moment amid the excitement of their engagement. In that moment, surrounded by the love and laughter of their family and friends, they knew that their journey together would be filled with moments of joy, humor, and endless love.

As the congratulations continued to pour in, Kakashi couldn't help but notice the absence of one particular friend. Just as he was about to inquire about him, the door burst open and Guy appeared, his trademark enthusiasm filling the room.Guy rolled into the room with his wheelchair, his spirit undimmed despite his physical limitations.

"Ah, my youthful comrades! What's all this commotion about?" Guy exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Kakashi grinned at his old friend. "Guy, you're just in time. Ino-chan and I have some big news to share," he announced, gesturing to Ino with pride.

Ino stepped forward, her hand intertwined with Kakashi's as she beamed at Guy. "Kakashi and I are engaged!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with joy.

Guy's eyes widened in surprise before he erupted into a flurry of excitement. "Ah, such youthful love! Congratulations, my friends!" he exclaimed, sweeping them both up in a bear hug.

As the room filled with laughter and congratulations, Kakashi couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude for his friends' support and happiness. With their love and friendship surrounding them, he knew that their journey together was just beginning, and he couldn't wait to see what the future held for him and Ino.

As the celebration with their friends ended , Kakashi couldn't shake the thought of sharing their engagement news with Sasuke, despite the slight bitterness lingering from their previous conversation about age differences. Determined to mend any lingering tensions and to share their happiness with his former student, Kakashi turned to Ino with a determined look in his eye.

"Love, would you join me in telling Sasuke about our engagement?" Kakashi asked, his voice tinged with a mix of apprehension and determination.

Ino nodded, understanding the importance of including Sasuke in their joyous moment. "Of course, Kakashi. I'll be there with you," she replied, offering him a reassuring smile.

With their decision made, Kakashi and Ino made their way to the prison where Sasuke was being held. As they approached Sasuke's cell, Kakashi took a deep breath to steady his nerves, still feeling the sting of their previous conversation.

"Sasuke, we have something important to tell you," Kakashi began, his voice steady but tinged with a hint of vulnerability.

Sasuke regarded them both with a curious expression. "What is it, Kakashi-sensei?" he asked, his tone guarded.

Taking a moment to gather his thoughts, Kakashi looked at Ino, drawing strength from her presence by his side. "Ino and I are engaged," he revealed, his voice filled with determination.

For a moment, there was silence as Sasuke processed the news. Then, to Kakashi's surprise, a hint of a smile tugged at the corners of Sasuke's lips.

"I see. Congratulations, Kakashi, Ino," Sasuke said, his voice sincere. "I'm happy for you both."

Kakashi felt a wave of relief wash over him, grateful for Sasuke's acceptance and support. As they left the prison, Kakashi and Ino walked hand in hand, their hearts filled with gratitude for the opportunity to share their happiness with Sasuke, and hopeful for the future that lay ahead.

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