One Night Changed Everything...

By NeenaDiHope

17.8K 1.8K 956

A Wangxian Modern AU πŸ”ž In the virtual realms of online creativity, Wuxi (Wei Wuxian) thrives as a recently s... More

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Author's Update
Author's Update


304 41 10
By NeenaDiHope

Wuxi walks into the building and pushes the button for the elevator. He puts his hands in his pockets as he waits and thinks about everything that has happened since Saturday. 'It's been a long week and it's only Monday!'

He sighs to himself and steps into the elevator along with three other people he didn't even realize had walked up to wait with him. He glances around but doesn't really "see" anyone, he just has too much on his head right now. The elevator dings for his floor and he walks out along with two of the three other occupants. He and another person walk into the same door, he doesn't pay them any mind and walks up to the reception desk "Hi I'm here to see Mr. Xiao."

The receptionist nods "Mr. Wei?"

He dips his head and she smiles "He is expecting you please take the corridor to your left and his office is the second to the last on the right, just knock and walk in."

He smiles at her and turns to the left as he is walking away he hears a sexy hypnotic deep voice "I'm here to see Mr. Xue Yang."

Wuxi's eyes widen then his eyebrows scrunch up, he feels like he has heard that voice somewhere before but surely he would remember it if he had. He shakes his head and shrugs to himself before walking to the door the receptionist indicating he needed. He knocks and walks in and sees a very attractive younger man sitting in a largish office.

The man looks up and smiles then stands and comes around his desk greeting Wuxi "Mr. Wei it's a pleasure to meet you. Come in and sit down."

They bow to each other politely and Xiao Xingchen guides the teen to a chair. "Would you like anything to eat or drink? A bottled water maybe?"

Wuxi smiles "A water would be great thank you."

He inclines his head, walks over to a small refrigerator and gets out two bottles of water handing one to Wuxi. He walks back to his seat and puts down the bottle "Now then what can I do for you, Mr. Wei?"

"Wuxi, you can call me Wuxi, Mr. Wei was my father and I'm still a teenager being called Mr. is just strange." He opens the bottle and takes a small sip.

Mr. Xiao grins "Wuxi it is, you can call me Xingchen if you like, we will be getting familiar with each other it sounds like so we might as well start today, yes?"

He grins in agreement "Sounds good"

He nods and smiles "Now what can I do for you Wuxi?"

Wuxi tells him about his pregnancy and Madam Yu kicking him out and him moving into the villa. Xingchen listens without interrupting him and nods in the right places letting his client know that he is listening and understanding everything.

Xingchen sighs after Wuxi tells him everything "Wuxi you are an adult however per your parents will you are under the guardianship of the Jiangs until you either marry or turn twenty-five and gain your full inheritance. I will tell you a few things about your inheritance that they are not privy to because they do not have control over your inheritance. Besides being partners with Jiang Fengmian and you and your sister owning half of the company now, your parents invested heavily into a few things that turned into high-yield investments. You are the heir to a very large fortune; your baby will be the successor to your wealth and your twin has her own inheritance that is also very large but it is kept in a trust that her husband will have access to but will not be able to access fully, her husband will be able to adjust the amount of her allowance within reason and if any large withdrawals are tried it will have to be approved through me and I have strict instructions about those withdrawals. Divorces do happen from time to time and I hope that she marries well and is happy but if not the trust will revert to her fully if she is twenty-five at that time. If you don't mind, I would like to guide you and give you advice on your financial future."

Wuxi is stunned as he sits there and listens to the solicitor of his parents' estate. He just nods not knowing what to say. Xingchen smiles at the youth "The first thing I will recommend is that you get protection, you need to always have security around you and your home, you have enough wealth that it is a necessity, the budget for that will be added to the household expenses for the villa, secondly, we will set up a will for you naming your child as your heir this way they will inherit everything you have. I will move funds into your allowance account so that you will start to receive the allowance for your baby as well as yourself. I know this is a lot to take in but these are things you need to know and understand now that you will be living on your own. The Jiangs took care of you and your sister's security while you lived with them but now you will need to have your own."

He is still trying to process everything he just heard he swallows "What about my sister, will I need to."

He doesn't finish but Xingchen smiles "The Jiangs will still provide for her, you only need to worry about yourself and your child everything else will be handled the way it always has been."

Wuxi sits up straighter "Wait I have never noticed any kind of security around us, ever." he says shaking his head.

Xingchen's eyebrows crinkle "What do you mean?"

He takes a deep breath "I mean I have never had anyone that stays close to me or guards me. Unless they were invisible or really good at blending in which I doubt anyone is that good at, I have never had any kind of security person around me."

Xingchen's head tilts questioningly "What about your sister? Does she have anyone that always seems to be around her?"

He thinks for a bit then shrugs "I mean she doesn't go anywhere without a driver, Auntie is with her a lot of the time, I can't really think of anyone else."

Xingchen hums "Hmm, the driver is more than likely her security. What about you? Didn't you get driven places when you wanted to go somewhere?"

He shakes his head "No I usually had to call or use an app to call for a pickup."

His mouth drops open "How long have you had to do that? I mean if you weren't going somewhere with the family?"

Wuxi quirks his mouth thinking "Hm, I didn't really go places with the family much and I have been calling for rides since I moved in with the Jiangs. It's no big deal, I mean I was just never able to use the car or driver at the Jiangs so when I needed to go somewhere I just called for a ride. I didn't do it much when I was younger because I really didn't need to go places too often or if I did, like the mall it was usually with Jiang Cheng, Yanli or Jia Li. When I got older I got to know some of the drivers that would pick me up regularly so it was easy to get a ride to where I needed to go. Now I have a car, I got it this morning, and Uncle Fengmian took me to get it so I don't have to worry about calling for rides anymore."

Xingchen purses his lips tightly clearly irritated, misunderstanding his irritation Wuxi lowers his head "Was that wrong? I tried to get the drivers to give me rides places but they said they couldn't take me."

Xingchen shakes his head "No Wuxi, it's not that, you didn't do anything wrong, the Jiangs however."

Panicking he shakes his head "No, they didn't do anything wrong, I mean the drivers were usually busy when I needed to go somewhere or they were already gone, so I just stopped asking after a while it's not their fault."

Xingchen not wanting to upset the boy anymore nods "It's alright Wuxi, don't worry about it, you are fine and you didn't do anything other than what you figured out to do on your own." He smiles at the teen "We won't worry about that anymore, now let's talk about a few other things I think we need to do for you and then you can go enjoy the rest of your day, yes?"

Wuxi relaxes and takes a deep breath nodding "Alright, Uncle Fengmian suggested I have a finishing instructor come to the house to teach me how to live on my own, I would like to do that. I need to learn how to work things in my house and how to cook and clean before the baby comes. I want to be able to take care of them properly and be a good parent to my baby. I also think getting a nanny would be a good idea since I am still in school and would like to finish my education."

He hesitates for a few minutes then licks his lips nervously before asking "Should, should I maybe take some business classes since I have all of this wealth? I mean I don't really know anything about finance or how to manage money or a business. You said we own half of J.W. Corporation but neither my sister nor I know how to run a business."

Xingchen smiles at him "That is up to you, I don't mind showing you how to manage your finances and as for the business, I don't think anyone is expecting you to take over and run it. I know that Jiang Cheng is being trained to take over when he is finished with school and learns the ropes of the business. If you want to know how your half of the business is being run and handled, then yes I would recommend you take business courses so that you can learn how your business is running. As for the rest, I think they are excellent ideas and we can add to the household budget to pay for both the instructor and the nanny when the time comes."

He bobs his head "I'll think about it, thank you for all of your information and I hope you will still be willing to help me learn finance even if I take business classes. Sometimes seeing how to do things in a practical application is easier to learn than theory."

Xingchen grins "I would be happy to, you seem to be very intelligent and I think it would be in your best interest to learn as much as you can while you can before you turn twenty-five and receive the bulk of your inheritance. This way even if you keep me on as your financial officer you will have a good understanding of what it means to have that type of wealth and how I can affect not only you but your child as well."

He thins his lips together as he nods in agreement then smiles "I will definitely keep you on to continue the work you have been doing, if you are willing, my parents trusted you and so will I. Would it be alright to come maybe once a week, starting next week, to learn about my finances?"

Xingchen stands up and smiles wide "That would be great, we can set up a weekly schedule for you to come here, how does that sound."

Wuxi stands "That sounds great thank you again for everything Xingchen. I really appreciate you being so upfront and honest with me."

"It's my pleasure Wuxi, I will call you and set up our weekly lessons alright?" he walks him to the door.

He grins "Yeah that will work." He bows to Xingchen and walks out the door.

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