Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung...

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(Currently Editing the previous chapters as well as updating further. ) Kim Taehyung the ceo of Kim. Construc... Más

The History : Hunt Begins.
1. Parallel Realities.
2. Murderer
3. No emotions..
4. Words
5. Event
6. It hurts.
7. Sensitive
8. Stop please
9. Burns
10. Maybe
11. Sold
12. Wedding
13. Slut
14. U Deserve
15. His Toy
16. Guilt
17. Cold
18. Fever
19. Why?
20. Full moon
21. Full moon (pt.2)
22. Full moon (pt.3)
23. Scared
24. Forced
25. Comfort
26. sympathy
27. Humiliated
28. Blue eyes
29. Disturbed
30. Quiet
31. Her Sorrow
32. Back
33. liar
34. Pain
35. Truth
36. Hate
37. Thunder
38. Cries
39. Slap
40. Regret
41. Friends
42. Restless
43. Attacked
44. Stitches
45. Nightmare
46. Frustration
47. Beautiful Her
48. Panic Attack
49. Forgiveness
50. Dr. Kim seokjin
51. Let me
52. Blank
53. Remorse
54. The Alpha
55. The hallucination
56. Full moon (pt.4)
57. Things falling apart
58. Eachother's Support
59. Strangers
60. Whispers of sorrow
61. Untold secret ( Her )
62. Love unleashed
63. His Shelter of Trust
64. Protector's guilt.
65. Enchanted Beginnings.
66. A Husband's Warth pt.(1).
67. A Husband's Warth pt.( 2 ).
68. " Stone Head".
69. Moonlit Confessions and Sweet Kisses.
70. Dusk of Despair.
71. Strengthening Love.
72. Closer Together.
73. The Midnight Escape.
74. Mysteries Unfolded.
75. Horseback Bonds.
76. Fires of Passion.
77. Pampering.
78. Heated Affections and Sweet Melodies.
79. Unanswered calls.
80. Sensual Flames.
81. Mischief and Laughter.
82. Gentle Seduction : A Year Together.
83. Moonlight : My Lover.
84. Haunting Beauty of the Moon.
85. "I Crave Your Attention : Moonlight"
86. Mate's Desires : Kitten.
87. Drunken Whispers :Bigger Boobs.
88. Guardian's Farewell.
89. Protector and Predator.
90. Elevating Intimacy.
91. Quest.
92. Toyed and Torn.
93. Plaything?
95. Homecoming Tears.
96. Healing Bonds (pt.1).
97. Healing Bonds (pt.2).
98. Sheltered Passion.
99. Love's Ritual.
100. Proximity & Distance.
101. Embrace.
102. With You.
103. A Night of Terror.
104. Lost and Alone.
105. A Heart Divided.
106. A Twist of Fate.

94. "Brain-Dead-slut"

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As Taehyung's parents returned from their brief vacation, they were greeted by a scene of chaos and worry in their son and y/n's apartment. Taehyung's friends, along with Yeonjun, and a group of police officers had gathered, their faces etched with concern and urgency.

In the midst of the commotion, Jin stepped forward, his voice trembling as he relayed the distressing news. He explained that y/n and Taehyung had been involved in a serious accident, and y/n had been missing for the past four harrowing days.

The revelation struck Taehyung's parents like a thunderbolt, filling the air with a palpable sense of fear and uncertainty.

As if the news couldn't get any worse, they learned that Taehyung himself had gone missing since early morning, despite the ongoing efforts of the police to locate him. The weight of the situation pressed down on them like a heavy burden, leaving them reeling with shock and disbelief.

Unable to contain her anguish, Taehyung's mom broke down in tears, her heartache echoing through the apartment. Meanwhile, Taehyung's father's frustration boiled over, his voice laced with anger as he directed his ire at Yoongi, Jin, and Namjoon for keeping them in the dark about the situation.

Amidst the tumult, a sense of helplessness hung in the air, each passing moment feeling more agonizing than the last. Taehyung's parents clung to the fragile hope that their son and y/n would be found safe and sound, praying for a glimmer of good news in the midst of the darkness that had enveloped their lives.

The man forcefully dragged y/n's lifeless body back to the room where he had confined her, clutching her hair as he pulled her along. He was astounded that this seemingly fragile girl had managed to take down four of his men without any weapons.

Understanding now why y/n had dared him to release her hands, she had shown him her strength. Against the wall, he yanked the drugged girl and produced a bundle of chains, tightly wrapping them around her body and neck.

He delivered a brutal kick to her stomach, causing her body to convulse in agony, tears streaming down her face. Despite her inability to open her eyes, she keenly felt the searing pain coursing through her.

As the pain radiated through her body, y/n fought to regain consciousness, her mind clouded by the overwhelming ache. Each breath was a struggle, each movement a testament to her resilience in the face of relentless torment.

With every ounce of strength she could muster, y/n forced her eyes open, the world swimming in a haze of pain and despair. Yet, even in the midst of her suffering, a flicker of defiance burned bright within her soul.

She refused to succumb to the darkness, refused to let her tormentor break her spirit. With each labored breath, she vowed to endure, to rise from the ashes of her pain and reclaim her freedom once more.

The man left the room, his heavy footsteps echoing through the empty halls as he departed to manage his affairs. With a calculated move, he summoned more men to fortify the perimeter, ensuring his vile intentions remained undisturbed.

Resentment brewed within him like a toxic elixir, fueled by years of festering obsession and thwarted desires. He seethed with anger towards y/n, his captive, a symbol of everything he could not possess. Her mere existence taunted him, a reminder of his impotence in the face of her beauty and resilience.

His kidnapping of y/n was driven by a dark lust for revenge, a twisted desire to exact his own brand of justice for perceived wrongs. Since their high school days, his intentions towards her had been tainted by depravity, fueled by the darkest recesses of his depraved mind.

During his time abroad, he nurtured his sick fantasies, weaving intricate plans to ensnare y/n in his web of depravity. She was to be nothing more than his plaything, a vessel for his most base desires, a slave to his insatiable appetite for control.

When he laid eyes on her in the mall after years of absence, her beauty struck him like a thunderbolt, reigniting the flames of his twisted obsession.

In that moment, he resolved to make her his own, to bend her to his will and revel in the power he would wield over her fragile spirit.

Half an hour later, he anticipated that y/n would awaken from her drug-induced slumber. With a calculated sense of timing, he returned to the room where he held her captive, knowing that her torment was about to resume.

As he entered, he was met with the sight of y/n, her tear-streaked face contorted in agony as she writhed against the chains that bound her. Her cries pierced the silence, a stark reminder of her suffering and helplessness.

Approaching her, he watched as her sobs subsided, replaced by a haunting stillness that mirrored the depths of her despair. Her tear-filled eyes met his gaze, a silent plea for mercy in the face of unspeakable cruelty.

In that moment, he sensed the weight of her exhaustion, the toll that his relentless torment had taken on her fragile spirit. She longed for nothing more than to be reunited with her beloved taehyung, to find solace in the warmth of home and hearth. The fight had been drained from her, leaving behind only a hollow shell of the woman she once was.

Yet, despite her weariness, a flicker of defiance remained within her, a testament to the strength that lay dormant beneath her outward vulnerability. As he beheld her trembling form, he knew that breaking her would require more than just physical torture-it would demand the annihilation of her spirit, the obliteration of her will to resist.

And so, with a heart hardened by malice and a mind consumed by depravity, he prepared to unleash a new wave of torment upon his captive prey, relishing in the power he held over her fragile existence.

With a cruel sneer twisting his lips, he berated her for her futile attempt to escape, relishing in her vulnerability and fear. "Pathetic," he spat, his voice dripping with contempt. "You actually thought you could get away from me? You're nothing but a weak little girl, y/n, and you always will be."

His words were like venom, poisoning the air around her as he commented on her body, reducing her to nothing more than an object for his amusement. "Look at you," he scoffed, his eyes raking over her form with disgust.

"You belong to me, body and soul. I could keep you like a doll, but where's the fun in that? No, I think I'll break you piece by piece, until there's nothing left but a brain-dead slut begging for mercy."

Each word was a blow to her already battered spirit, leaving her feeling small and powerless in the face of his cruelty. But even as fear gnawed at her insides, a flicker of defiance ignited within her, a determination to resist him until her last breath.

As he continued his vile tirade, y/n felt the weight of his words pressing down on her, suffocating her with their malice. But amidst the darkness, a glimmer of strength flickered within her, a resolve to defy him even in the face of unspeakable cruelty.

"You think you can break me?" she spat, her voice trembling but filled with defiance. "You're wrong. I may be chained, but my spirit is free. You'll never conquer me."

His laughter echoed off the walls, a chilling reminder of his power over her. "Oh, how naive you are," he sneered, his eyes alight with sadistic pleasure. "I'll enjoy watching you squirm, watching as I strip away every last shred of your dignity."

But y/n refused to cower before him, refusing to surrender to the darkness that threatened to consume her. "I'll never be yours," she declared, her voice ringing with determination. "No matter what you do to me, I'll never submit."

His expression darkened, his patience wearing thin beneath her defiance. "We'll see about that," he growled, his voice dripping with venom. "You may think you're strong now, but soon you'll be begging for mercy."

But even as fear clawed at her heart, y/n remained resolute, drawing strength from the knowledge that she was not alone. As long as there was breath in her body, she would fight, her spirit unbreakable against the tide of his tyranny.

As y/n lay on the cold floor, tears streaming down her face, the weight of his cruel words hung heavy in the air, suffocating her spirit with their venomous sting. The echo of his insults reverberated in her mind, each word carving deeper into her already wounded soul.

To be labeled a "brain dead slut" cut deeper than any physical wound, the searing pain of his degradation seeping into every fiber of her being. She felt stripped of her humanity, reduced to nothing more than an object for his twisted desires.

Her body ached with every movement, the chains biting into her flesh, a constant reminder of her captivity. Each shiver sent waves of agony coursing through her, a cruel reminder of the relentless torment she endured.

But amidst the darkness, a flicker of defiance ignited within her, a resolve to rise above the cruelty that sought to break her. Though battered and bruised, her spirit remained unbroken, a beacon of light in the suffocating darkness.

Through the tears and the pain, she clung to the glimmer of hope that burned within her, a testament to her strength and resilience in the face of unspeakable cruelty. And as she lay there, broken but not defeated, she vowed to endure, to defy the darkness that sought to consume her, until the day she was free once more.

As Taehyung and the wolf trudged onward to their destination, Taehyung's strength waned, his body succumbing to the weight of his injuries. Collapsing to his knees, he felt the relentless ache coursing through his weary limbs.

The wolf's growl pierced the air, a stern reminder of their shared mission and the need to persevere. Despite his pain, Taehyung reached for his water bottle, seeking solace in its cool relief. Tears brimmed in his eyes as the wolf tenderly nudged his face, offering silent reassurance in the face of adversity.

In a bittersweet moment, Taehyung found solace in the unlikely companionship of the wolf. His laughter mingled with tears as he embraced the creature, drawing strength from their unspoken bond. With newfound resolve, he rose to his feet, ready to confront the challenges that lay ahead, guided by the unwavering loyalty of his faithful companion.

As Jiwon returned after almost three hours, he was met with y/n, exhausted and worn down, lying on the floor. He sighed heavily, his gaze softening as he observed her tired form.

With a sense of twisted affection, he settled down beside her, pulling her chained body into his embrace. Despite her resistance, y/n found herself too weary to fight back, too drained to summon the strength to resist his touch.

She flinched as his tongue grazed her neck, tears mingling with the pain that coursed through her. His laughter echoed off the walls, a cruel reminder of his power over her fragile spirit.

In a voice laced with malice, Jiwon whispered into her ear, his words dripping with venom. "You know why I haven't touched you yet?" he taunted, relishing in her fear and helplessness. "Because I want to see you beg for it. I want to see you crawl to me, begging for my touch."

Her heart pounded in her chest, terror coursing through her veins as she realized the depth of his depravity. She felt sick to her stomach, the weight of his words crushing her spirit beneath their oppressive weight.

But even in the face of his cruelty, a flicker of defiance ignited within her. She would not allow him to break her, to extinguish the flame of her spirit. No matter how dark the night, she would find the strength to endure, to rise from the ashes of his tyranny and reclaim her dignity once more.

Y/n's heart raced with fear and disgust as Jiwon's words pierced through her. She felt a surge of anger and defiance welling up inside her, but she suppressed it, knowing that resistance would only invite more cruelty.

With a trembling voice, she managed to muster a response, her words laced with a mixture of defiance and desperation. "You think you can break me so easily, but you're wrong," she whispered, her voice barely above a hoarse murmur. "I'll never give myself to you willingly. You can chain me, hurt me, but you'll never have my submission."

Her words seemed to agitate Jiwon, his grip tightening on her as a menacing glint flashed in his eyes. "Stubborn till the end, aren't you?" he sneered, his voice dripping with malice. "But mark my words, y/n, I'll break you. And when I do, you'll beg for my touch."

Y/n's resolve wavered for a moment, the weight of his threats bearing down on her. But she refused to let him see her fear, drawing strength from the memory of Taehyung's love and the hope of one day being reunited with him.

"I'll never beg for you," she declared, her voice trembling but resolute. "No matter what you do to me, I'll never betray Taehyung. He's the only one who owns my heart."

Jiwon's expression twisted into a cruel smirk, his fingers tracing a chilling path along her cheekbone. "We'll see about that," he murmured, his voice dripping with menace. "You'll learn soon enough that in this world, there's only room for obedience or suffering. And you, my dear y/n, will experience both."

The moment Jiwon's lips pressed against hers, y/n's body tensed with revulsion. With a swift motion, she turned her head away, refusing to yield to his advances. But her defiance only fueled Jiwon's rage.

A sharp slap echoed through the room as Jiwon's hand connected with y/n's cheek, sending waves of pain radiating through her skull. With a cruel grip, he forced her face back towards him, his lips claiming hers in a brutal display of dominance.

Y/n's mind raced with horror and disgust, her entire being recoiling from his touch. Every fiber of her being screamed for escape, for liberation from this nightmare. But chained and helpless, she could only endure his assault, her spirit battered but unbroken beneath the weight of his brutality.

As Jiwon withdrew from the forceful kiss, y/n felt a sharp pang of pain shoot through her body. Blood trickled from her bitten lips, a cruel reminder of the brutality of her captor's actions. She winced, the metallic taste of blood staining her tongue, as she struggled to contain the overwhelming fear and revulsion churning within her.

Jiwon's lips brushed against her cheek, leaving a trail of unwanted affection in their wake. Each touch, each caress, felt like a violation of her very being, a cruel mockery of intimacy in the face of her suffering. She closed her eyes, unable to bear the sight of her tormentor's face looming over her, a specter of darkness in her world of despair.

The taste of blood lingered on her lips, a bitter reminder of the violence inflicted upon her. She clenched her fists, her body trembling with suppressed rage and helplessness.

The sudden slap echoed through the room, leaving behind a stinging sensation on y/n's cheek. As Jiwon turned and walked away, leaving her alone in the suffocating silence, y/n's heart pounded with a mixture of fear and defiance.Her cheek throbbed with pain, a harsh reminder of the cruel reality of her captivity. But beneath the surface, a fire burned within her, fueled by a fierce determination to break free from the chains that bound her.

In the heart of the forest, where ancient trees stood as guardians of nature's secrets, Taehyung and the white wolf journeyed in harmony. The dappled sunlight danced through the leaves, casting patterns of light and shadow upon the forest floor.

Suddenly, the tranquility shattered as a black wolf lunged from the undergrowth, its snarls cutting through the peaceful symphony of the forest. Taehyung's heart clenched with fear, his senses overwhelmed by the sudden threat.
Taehyung's heart raced as he stumbled backward, fear coursing through his veins. Before he could react, the white wolf leaped into action, intercepting the black wolf's attack with swift precision.

In a blur of movement, the white wolf sprang into action, its form a blur of grace and power. With swift agility, it met the black wolf head-on, a guardian of light against the darkness that threatened to engulf them.

As the clash subsided and the black wolf retreated, Taehyung sank to his knees, trembling with relief and gratitude. Tears welled in his eyes as he reached out to the white wolf, his fingers trembling as they brushed against its fur.

The white wolf, its eyes gleaming with understanding, nudged its head against Taehyung's, a silent reassurance of safety and protection. In that moment of connection, Taehyung whispered softly, his voice a fragile echo amidst the towering trees, "I'm completely fine... Thank you."

As Taehyung followed the white wolf through the forest, he kept his focus on finding his wife, hoping she was safe.

Y/n fought to suppress the overwhelming waves of pain, determined not to give in to despair and grant her captor the satisfaction he craved.

With each passing moment, the weight of uncertainty pressed down on her. How much longer could she cling to the hope that Taehyung would come for her? How could she believe in his rescue when days had turned into an agonizing eternity?

For four interminable days, she endured the presence of the imposing guards, a constant reminder of her captivity's iron grip. Deep within the dense forest, hidden from the world, how could Taehyung ever hope to find her?

Her stomach gnawed with hunger, yet she had not tasted a morsel in days. Bruised and battered, her body throbbed with every movement, the restraints cutting into her flesh, leaving her limbs numb and lifeless.

And amidst the physical torment, the emotional onslaught was relentless. The vile taunts of her captor, his cruel assertions of Taehyung's demise, shredded her sense of self-worth, reducing her to nothing more than an object of his depraved desires.

But even in the depths of despair, a spark of defiance flickered within her. She refused to surrender to the darkness, clinging to the slender thread of hope that Taehyung would defy the odds and find her, rescuing her from the abyss of her suffering.

As the door creaked open once more, dread pooled in the pit of y/n's stomach. She braced herself for the onslaught of his presence, the stench of his malevolence preceding him like a foul miasma.

His looming figure filled the doorway, casting a sinister shadow across the dimly lit room. With each step he took, the air grew heavier, suffocating her with the weight of his cruelty.

He approached with predatory grace, his movements oozing with malice as he closed the distance between them. In his hand, he held a bottle of water and a handful of pills, a concoction of torment disguised as care.

With a twisted smirk playing on his lips, he forced the bottle into her mouth, water cascading down her throat like a bitter torrent. "I don't want you dead, my dear," he taunted, his voice a venomous whisper. "I want you to suffer."

As he towered over her, a sinister smirk twisted his lips. "These pills I gave you," he sneered, holding up the bottle for her to see, "will ensure your compliance. They'll keep you weak, submissive to my every command."

Y/n's heart sank at his words, dread coiling in the pit of her stomach. She knew she was at his mercy, trapped in a nightmare of his making. " I don't want them," she pleaded, her voice trembling with desperation.

But he ignored her pleas, relishing in her torment. "You'll take them," he spat, his voice laced with malice. "You'll take them and beg for more, just like a good little pet."

Tears welled in y/n's eyes as she shook her head in disbelief. She couldn't fathom the depths of his depravity, the cruelty of his obsession. Each pill he forced upon her was a reminder of her helplessness, a testament to his twisted desires.

Y/n wriggled and thrashed against her restraints, her cries drowned out by the sound of her own anguish. But her struggles were futile, her chains binding her to a fate she could not escape.

With callous disregard for her torment, he forced the pills into her mouth, his fingers prying her jaw open as she gagged and choked on their bitter taste. Tears streamed down her face, mingling with the water that trickled from her lips, a silent testament to the cruelty that surrounded her.

As y/n lay choking and crying on the floor, struggling to breathe amidst the overwhelming despair that enveloped her, her condition seemed to worsen with each passing moment. The weight of his presence bore down on her like an unrelenting force, crushing her spirit and extinguishing her hope.

When he released the chains around her legs and pulled her onto his lap, y/n's body tensed with fear, her heart pounding in her chest as she fought against his hold. She gasped for air, her lungs burning with each labored breath, her cries drowned out by the suffocating darkness that surrounded her.

But he held her close, his touch a mockery of compassion, his whispered reassurances a twisted mockery of comfort. "Shhh, shhh, calm down," he murmured, his voice a sickening blend of false tenderness and malevolent intent. His hands traced the contours of her trembling form, his touch leaving behind a trail of revulsion and dread.

Y/n writhed in his grasp, her body recoiling from his touch, her spirit unyielding in the face of his cruelty. As he exposed the bruises on her legs, his sadistic delight evident in his twisted grin, y/n's resolve hardened like steel against his advances.

"See, now you're getting scars. I don't like them," he taunted, his voice dripping with malice as his fingers caressed the marks of her suffering. "Why can't you just be mine, hm? Just say yes, and I'll open you and treat your wounds."

Y/n's voice echoed with defiance, her words a defiant cry against the darkness that threatened to consume her. "Shut up! Stay away from me! Stay away! I'm not a toy! Do you even understand that?"

But her pleas fell on deaf ears, lost amidst the twisted labyrinth of his obsession, a relentless pursuit of dominance that sought to break her spirit and shatter her resolve.

Y/n's heart pounded in her chest as she struggled against the chains, her breaths coming in ragged gasps.

With callous disregard for her suffering, he yanked her up and forced her down with a brutal shove, the impact sending shockwaves of agony through her already battered frame.

"You belong to me," he hissed, his voice a chilling whisper that sent shivers down her spine.

With ruthless efficiency, he tightened the chain around her legs, each tug sending waves of excruciating pain coursing through her veins.

Her cries fell on deaf ears as he raised his hand, the sharp crack of his palm against her cheek reverberating through the air.

"Know your place," he spat, his words a venomous reminder of her powerlessness.

With a heartless sneer, he silenced her cries with a strip of duct tape across her mouth, extinguishing her voice and robbing her of even the semblance of defiance.

Alone in the darkness, y/n's spirit flickered like a dying ember, her resolve tested but unbroken, a beacon of defiance in the face of unspeakable cruelty.

As Taehyung and the wolf stealthily made their way through the dense forest, the murmur of men's voices drifted through the air. Taehyung, eager to press forward, was halted by the wolf's sudden push and growl, a silent command to remain hidden. Understanding the urgency, Taehyung crouched behind the cover of trees, his heart pounding with anticipation.

Peering through the foliage, Taehyung's eyes locked onto the imposing two-story house ahead, guarded by six men. His pendant glowed with an otherworldly light, casting shimmering specks of fairy dust into the night air. Tears of relief and determination welled in Taehyung's eyes as he realized that y/n was close, her presence palpable in the air around him.

In a silent exchange, the wolf conveyed the gravity of their mission with a solemn gaze. Taehyung knelt in reverence as the wolf bowed low, a poignant acknowledgment of their shared journey's end. With a final, resolute nod, the wolf charged forward, a primal force unleashed upon their adversaries.

Taehyung watched with a mix of awe and dread as the wolf engaged the men, its ferocity unmatched as it tore through their ranks. Amidst the chaos, Taehyung steeled himself, his resolve unwavering as he seized the opportunity to slip into the house unnoticed.

With each step forward, Taehyung's determination grew stronger, fueled by the unwavering hope of reuniting with y/n. The air crackled with anticipation as he ventured deeper into the heart of the house, ready to face whatever trials awaited him in his quest to rescue his beloved.

As soon as Taehyung entered, the empty hall greeted him, its sparse furnishings echoing the emptiness of his heart. With cautious steps, he surveyed his surroundings, his senses on high alert for any sign of danger.

His eyes fell upon two men stationed near the staircase, their presence a formidable barrier to his quest. Taehyung's resolve hardened as he weighed his options, knowing that the path to y/n lay beyond that locked door.

With swift precision, he drew his gun and fired, the sound of gunfire shattering the silence of the hall. The men fell to the ground, their cries stifled as Taehyung silenced them with makeshift gags.

Racing against time, Taehyung rifled through their pockets, his fingers trembling with urgency. His efforts were rewarded as he retrieved a small key, its significance a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness that threatened to engulf him.

Heart pounding, Taehyung approached the locked door, the weight of his determination driving him forward. With trembling hands, he inserted the key into the lock, each turn a testament to his unwavering resolve to rescue y/n from the clutches of despair.

As y/n lay on the floor, her body weighed down by chains and her spirit clouded by the effects of the pills, a flicker of hope ignited within her as her pendant began to glow. Despite the overwhelming darkness that enveloped her, the stirring of her omega, that primal connection to her mate, Taehyung, stirred within her, a beacon of light cutting through the shadows of despair.

Desperately stifled by the duct tape gagging her cries, y/n fought against the bindings that held her captive, her heart pounding with the urgency to reach out to Taehyung, to let him know she was there, fighting, waiting for him.

As the door knob turned, a rush of emotions flooded y/n's senses as she beheld the figure of her beloved husband, Taehyung, standing before her. In that moment, amidst the chains and the darkness, his presence was a ray of light, a lifeline of hope in her darkest hour.

As Taehyung swung the door open, his heart lurched at the sight before him. There lay y/n, bound in chains, her body bruised and battered, tears streaming down her face, her eyes pleading for rescue. Without a moment's hesitation, Taehyung rushed to her side, collapsing beside her on the cold floor. With trembling hands, he tore away the duct tape stifling her cries, unleashing a torrent of anguish and relief.

"Tae," y/n whispered, her voice a fragile melody of pain and longing. Taehyung's heart shattered at the sound, his own tears mingling with hers as he cradled her in his arms, whispering apologies and reassurances. "I'm here, love. I'm sorry I'm late," he murmured, his voice choked with emotion.

Surveying the chains that bound her, panic surged through Taehyung's veins, his mind racing for a solution.

As if guided by fate, both their pendants began to glow, casting an ethereal light upon their desperate plight. With newfound determination, Taehyung grasped the chains, his hands trembling with resolve. And then, as if by some miracle, the chains shattered into pieces, crumbling at their feet.

In that moment, amidst the darkness and despair, Taehyung and y/n clung to each other, their bond unbreakable, their love a beacon of hope in the face of adversity.

As Taehyung held y/n close, his heart ached with every bruise and mark on her delicate skin. Tears flowed freely down his cheeks as he pressed tender kisses to her forehead, his love for her pouring out in each embrace.

Feeling her trembling in his arms, Taehyung's protectiveness surged, his senses heightened by the urgency of the moment. He held her tightly, his touch a lifeline in the darkness that threatened to consume them both. But as y/n's strength waned, her eyes fluttering closed, Taehyung's desperation grew.

"Love! Y/n! Look at me!" he implored, his voice filled with urgency and fear. With a gentle touch, he roused her from the brink of unconsciousness, her words a painful reminder of the danger they faced.

"He gave me pills," y/n whispered, her voice barely audible through the haze of pain and exhaustion. Taehyung's heart clenched at her words, his resolve steeling as he fought to keep her conscious.

"Love, look at me, try to keep your eyes open," Taehyung urged, his voice trembling with emotion. With tears streaming down her cheeks, y/n nodded weakly, her trust in him unwavering even in the face of darkness.

With y/n held close, Taehyung descended the stairs, his heart heavy with the weight of their ordeal. But as they reached the bottom, they were met with mocking laughter and taunts from their captors, their malice a stark contrast to the love and resilience that burned within Taehyung's soul.

As they descended the stairs, the man's taunts pierced the air like daggers, each word a cruel reminder of their captivity.

The man's voice dripped with contempt as he mocked Taehyung's efforts, belittling his resolve and daring him to defy the odds."You thought you could play the hero, didn't you?" the man sneered, his tone dripping with derision. "But here you are, alone and helpless, just like the rest of them. What makes you think you're any different?"

Taehyung's fists clenched at his sides, his eyes smoldering with a dark intensity. The man's words struck a nerve, igniting a blaze of fury within him. His thoughts swirled with images of y/n, her pain and suffering fueling his resolve to set her free.With each taunt, Taehyung's anger bubbled to the surface, his muscles tensing with a primal urge to lash out. His gaze bore into the man, a silent promise of retribution burning in his eyes.

To be continued 👀💚

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Love is beautiful, right? But at the same time, it can be a cruel and a complicated thing. Afraid of not finding the right one, Y/n was against the...
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What happened when a person who is cold falls in love with everyone's favourite girl Kim taehyung as a cold CEO Min yn as his secretary A simple love...
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" I love you..." "You are just a burden on me, I AM FORCED TO BE YOURS..." *** Hwang Y/N daughter of a successful bu...