One Night Changed Everything...

By NeenaDiHope

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A Wangxian Modern AU πŸ”ž In the virtual realms of online creativity, Wuxi (Wei Wuxian) thrives as a recently s... More

Author's Note
Author's Update
Author's Update


258 29 13
By NeenaDiHope

Wei Wuxian's eyes are wide with terror "I'm what?" he looks at each person in the room pleadingly.

"It's not true right? It can't be true, I'm not, right Uncle?" He asks them, fear making his heart beat fast and hard.

Fengmian looks at him sympathetically and sighs "I'm sorry AXian, you are, it's true."

Wuxian looks at him and shakes his head in denial "I can't be, it can't be true, what am I going to do? I don't even have a place to live anymore Auntie just kicked me out. How am I going to live, where will I go? He begins to hyperventilate tears streaming down his face as he just keeps repeating the questions over and over again in a low voice.

Fengmian rushes forward, takes him into his arms and holds him as he breaks down, overwhelmed with the situation he now finds himself in. Fengmian pats his back and coos soothingly at him "Don't worry AXian, you won't be out on the streets, we will take care of you. Remember that villa of your parents that you all used to go to in the summers? It still belongs to you, it is part of your inheritance, the other one that you used to go to in the winter is your sister's. You have a home AXian, take deep breaths, son, come on now calm down. I will have the staff send your belongings there and Madam can't do anything about it because it belongs to you fully, it is in your name and your name alone. You will still get your allowance as well, that won't change either so take some breaths and calm down."

Finally hearing his words and knowing he won't be out on the streets he calms himself enough to listen to what his uncle has to say. He closes his eyes and takes some deep breaths, when he has collected himself he opens his eyes and looks at his family. "I'm glad I have all of you, thank you. I have no idea how I am going to do this, I will somehow."

Yanli smiles at him "Of course you will AXian and we will help you, you know we will. You aren't alone you have us, and we won't abandon you."

He nods and tries to smile but his tears fall again "Uncle I will need some things and I don't know if I can get them at my age or with the income I currently have, can you help me?"

He nods "What do you need?"

He sniffs "Um well the first thing I will need is a car of some kind, it doesn't have to be nice or anything but the house is kind of far from school and I will need to be able to go to the store and things like that. Second I will need a bank account that I can deposit money into that only I have access to, since I won't have access to the bank card that you and Auntie provided me with. I have to be able to have access to money so I can buy things at the store after I drive there."

Fengmian nods "Yes I see your point, we will make a list of things you will need and get them for you. You both already have a car allowance but haven't needed it until now. With it, you should be able to get a good car and we will go to the bank and set you up with an account of your own and I will transfer funds to it from your portion of the account you have access to now. We will figure out the rest as we go alright? Don't be scared AXian, your parents left you and AJia with a sizable inheritance you and your child won't live in poverty or anything like that, I wouldn't let that happen anyway."

"Get some rest and I will come to get you tomorrow and we can get you a car and bank account. I guess it's a good thing I taught all of you how to drive when you were younger, those skills are needed now." He stands up and walks out of the room.

Yanli still holding his hand leans down and kisses his forehead "Don't worry AXian we will help you as much as we can, I will come see you soon alright?" he nods and she smiles before walking out the door behind her father.

Jiang Cheng looks at Jia Li and then at Wuxian "I'll be outside waiting, when they release you I will take you to your house."

They nod at him and he walks out the door as well leaving the siblings alone "Meimei do you think Mom and Dad would be disappointed in me?"

She scoffs and sits down on the bed next to him "Of course not, they would be thrilled to be blessed with a grandchild. Stop blaming yourself gege, none of this is your fault, and there is nothing you can do to change it so stop blaming yourself for it. You have always been way too self-sacrificing and self-blaming. When will you stop doing that to yourself huh? You don't see me, ACheng or hell even ALi doing that do you? Stop taking on the burdens of the things you can't change or control because how are those things your burden to bear?"

He huffs out a laugh "I know you are right meimei, thank you, I think I just needed to hear that right now with everything that's going on."

She smiles and squeezes his hand affectionately "Hmph do you really think that I wouldn't help you when you are carrying my little niece or nephew in your tummy? What kind of Auntie do you take me for huh?"

He laughs "A great one who will spoil this child rotten if I let you."

She smirks "I will do that whether you let me or not, it's my right as the Auntie!"

The doctor walks into the room and smiles at the twins "How are you feeling Mr. Wei?"

He nods to the doctor "I'm fine but a little shell-shocked to find out I'm pregnant, I'm freaking out a little, not gonna lie."

He nods "I understand, try not to stress yourself over much, I am giving you prescriptions for a few things to help with your pregnancy, vitamins, some anti-nausea meds and so on. They will have instructions on how to take them, I suggest you not get too emotionally agitated, it's not good for you at this stage of pregnancy."

He nods "I will try to do everything you recommend doctor."

He smiles "Good, I also have a recommendation for you to see an Obgyn that specializes in male pregnancy since they are a bit different from female pregnancies."

He smiles tentatively at the doctor "Thank you, I will make an appointment for next week."

The doctor grins "Great, you are free to go just take it easy and rest for the next twenty-four hours to make sure you are not having any complications. Here is a list of things you should avoid." He hands the paper to Wei Wuxian and nods before walking out of the door.

Wuxian looks at his sister "Meimei you don't need to stay, I need to change and then I have to have Jiang Cheng take me to the store so I have some supplies for when I move into the house later today. I will call you when I get settled, we can meet for lunch this week and I will see you at school alright?"

She nods "If you are sure, I can come with you to the house if you want and help you get settled in."

He smiles at her "No, I need to get used to doing things for myself and I know if you are there you will insist on doing everything and not let me do any of it. I only have about eight months to learn to take care of myself so that I can be a good parent to my child and take care of them when they are born."

She hugs him "Alright gege, I will go but I'm coming to check on you and I can help you learn how to do some things around the house. Yanli and I can come over and help you learn to cook and organize and we can bring one or two of the staff to teach you to clean. We will also find you some motherhood classes so you can learn to change diapers, as well as bathe and feed them before the baby is born."

He smiles at her "Thank you meimei I didn't even think about that, I will definitely need you and Shijie to help me learn a lot of things before the baby comes."

She leaves and Jiang Cheng comes in as Wuxian is finishing changing his clothes. "Are you ready to go?"

He nods "Yeah but we need to stop by the store, I will need some things like food and stuff since I don't have a car yet. Hopefully, the staff will pack up everything of mine including my hygiene products so I can take a shower when I get settled. I might grab some travel-size stuff just in case. Auntie is pretty mad so she might not let them pack everything but my personal items." He shrugs quirking his mouth.

They leave the hospital and pull into the parking lot of the store, Wuxian looks over at his cousin "You don't have to come in with me if you don't want to, I won't be long."

Jiang Cheng shakes his head "Nah I'll come with you, I don't want to just sit here and do nothing besides I think I want something to snack on since I didn't get to eat my ice cream."

Wuxian ducks his head "Yeah sorry about that Jiang Cheng, I have no idea how he found us."

Jiang Cheng shrugs "It doesn't matter, but now I have a craving for ice cream so let's go."

They walk into the store and grab a shopping basket they walk around the store and they both look a little lost as they walk around the store. Wuxian turns to Jiang Cheng "I have no idea what to buy, I've never had to go shopping before. I can remember going with my mom when I was younger but I never paid attention to what she bought I just ate what was in the cupboard."

"Well why don't we look for the things you like to eat for now and you can come back with Yanli or Jia Li and they can help you shop." Jiang Cheng offers.

He nods and shrugs "I guess we can do that, at least I won't starve or anything. It's not the healthiest of stuff though, I don't usually go for healthy foods when I am fixing myself something at home. It's usually a ramen or something easy and that's probably not what I need to be eating right now."

An attractive older lady who is walking by them overhears their conversation and stops "Is this your first time having to buy your own groceries?"

He nods "Yes Auntie, I'm sorry we didn't mean to block your way or anything." Wuxian smiles at her.

She smiles back "Oh sweetheart you weren't I just happened by and overheard you two talking. If you like you can walk with me and I can show you some healthy options for you to purchase."

Wuxian's eyes light up "Really? You wouldn't mind? If so that would be so amazing thank you, Auntie."

She chuckles at his enthusiasm "I don't mind in the slightest, come on with me and we will get you some healthy food and maybe a few not-so-healthy snacks hmm?" She grins and winks at him.

They follow her around the store and she picks out some healthy ready-made items, some ingredients for other meals and a lot of fruits and vegetables. She shows him how to pick out the good produce and what to look for to make sure they are ready to eat or if they need to ripen a bit first. She shows them how to pick out lean meats and sauces he will need to make some of the dishes he has ingredients for. Then she takes them around for normal everyday use items and things he will need to clean his clothes and house since he told her he is moving into a house on his own for the first time. By the end, he had an entire shopping basket full of everything he would need for a few weeks without having to go back to the store.

He bows to the lovely woman "Thank you Auntie, you have no idea how much help you have been to me today. Is there anything I can do to repay you for your kindness?"

She smiles at Wuxian "No darling I am more than happy to help you. Here is the list of dishes that you have items for, just watch YouTube videos to see how to make them, I made sure they are easy to make but healthy and delicious. Now the only other thing I will ask is your name." she chuckles lightly and watches him blush.

He bows embarrassed "I didn't introduce us, I apologize for being rude Auntie, I am Wuxi and this is my cousin Cheng."

She grins at them "It is very nice to meet you boys, my name is Carmen, I put my number on the back of the list if you are stumped you can call me anytime and I will help you hmm?"

His eyes light up "You are so kind, thank you, Auntie Carmen. I will try not to bother you but since you have given me permission I will call if I am desperate."

She laughs "Alright darling, it was nice meeting the two of you, go on to the checkout and pay for your items and I will speak to you soon yes?"

They nod and thank her again before walking to the checkout and paying for everything, she keeps an eye on them until they put their groceries in their car and drive off. Her phone rings and she is still smiling when she picks up the call "Hello sweetheart how is your day?"

Lan Wangji nods "It's going alright, we have one of our clients that wants you to design the interior of their offices and the CEO has requested that you do the interior design for his office and he is willing to pay extra if you will give him a "Carmen" original."

"I'm in a good mood today, I agree, tell him I will be there first thing in the morning to do a walk-through of each floor and then we can sit down and I can design his office for him to his taste." She puts her groceries in the car.

Wangji hums "Mn, what's got you in such a good mood Mother?"

She chuckles softly "I made a friend at the grocery store and it made me happy."

Wangji huffs out a laugh "You, a wealthy and famous interior designer would make a friend at the grocery store of all places. I'm glad you are happy today. I will talk to you later Mother, let me know if you need anything on our end like the schematics for the floor layouts beforehand and I will have them delivered to you later this afternoon."

She nods "Sounds good darling, let me get the rest of the groceries into the car and I will talk to you later."

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