One Night Changed Everything...

By NeenaDiHope

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A Wangxian Modern AU πŸ”ž In the virtual realms of online creativity, Wuxi (Wei Wuxian) thrives as a recently s... More

Author's Note
Author's Update
Author's Update


372 39 34
By NeenaDiHope

Mr. Li looks at the rest of the photos in admiration "My, my, for a pretty little virgin you sure took Lan's huge cock like a champ, didn't you Wuxi? Sorry Mr. Lan but I need to keep these for my personal stash, you never know when I will need the leverage, at least you got to fuck that little beauty when no one else has been able to pluck his cherry. Too bad I was busy with my own little harem of beauties and wasn't able to get in on that action. Maybe sometime in the future, who knows." He laughs to himself and looks at the pictures again his cock hardening as he watches the beauty getting a pounding. He wires every room with cameras for these parties, he gets some of the best porn he owns that way.

Wei Wuxian had dinner with Jiang Cheng that night and met his roommate the next day. He's a sports kind of guy but he deals well with Jiang Cheng's personality. He has a great roommate who can tolerate the angry lotus and his sneering countenance. Wuxian finds that he likes the guy and feels better about Jiang Cheng having a roommate since he isn't the easiest person to get along with. He and Jiang Cheng walk around the campus and eat in the canteen on his food card a few times then eat pizza that night and watch horror flicks until they both pass out. He gets up the next day knowing he has to go home, the convention has ended and it is time for him to get back from it.

He is getting ready while Jiang Cheng watches him "Hey I forgot to ask but how did the convention go, aside from the breakup?"

Wuxian smiles "It went great, I sold all of my art pieces; I was so happy. I made a good amount of money from the sales. There are no commissions or anything but the fact that I was able to sell out is amazing."

Jiang Cheng nods "That's good, keep it up, you are very talented and I have a feeling you will be very successful as an artist in the future."

Wuxian grins "Thanks Jiang Cheng, that means a lot coming from you. I better go before your mother blows a gasket and beats me to death. I'll come visit you soon, see ya."

He walks out of the dorm building and gets into the car he called to come pick him up. He sighs as he lays his head on the back of the seat and closes his eyes. The car pulls up to the mansion and he gets out and waits for the driver to hand him his luggage. He takes a deep breath and lets it out before walking into the house. He sees his twin who runs over to him with a worried look on her face.

She grabs his hand with both of hers "Gege, watch out for Auntie she is on the warpath."

He scrunches his eyebrows "Why? I just got back, what could I have possibly done when I haven't been home?"

She gives him a confused and somewhat innocent look then lowers her head and steps back when Madam Yu comes storming into the room. She makes a beeline straight for Wuxian and when she gets close to him she slaps him so hard he staggers back, his lip splitting and blood running down his chin.

"How dare you, you little slut. You are always doing things to bring shame to our family!" she screeches at him.

He holds his cheek in bewilderment tears springing to his eyes "What have I done Auntie?"

She throws something at him that scatters all over the floor and he looks down and what he sees brings horror to his face as he bends down and picks up the photos of him that night. More tears spring to his eyes and he frantically sifts through them looking at himself with another man having sex, the photos are very graphic. He collects them all and puts them to his chest trying to hide them, his shame and embarrassment making him want to die.

She grabs his arm jerking it away from his chest "You filthy little slut, I'm so sick of you bringing shame to this house. No need to try and hide them now I have already seen your shameless and disgusting acts."

He is openly crying now "I didn't mean to, it's not my fault."

She slaps him again "You look like you are enjoying yourself just fine in those pictures. Such a shameless creature, why can't you be more like your sister, demure, obedient, and respectful instead of being the way you are? Always such a troublemaker, fighting, causing trouble, get out of my sight before I beat you to death!" She screams at him.

He takes his luggage and runs up the stairs to his room, his heart pounding out of his chest and his shame bubbling up from his stomach until he has to run to the bathroom and throw up. He collapses on the cold tile floor and cries his heart out. How did they find out his shame? How did they get those pictures? God, they showed everything, how can he ever face any of them again? He cries harder and startles when he feels arms wrap around his shoulders, he looks up and sees his sister and dissolves into a hysterical mess in her arms.

After what feels like years he calms down and she hands him some toilet paper so he can blow his nose and wipe his face off with another wad. He looks at her with tear-swollen eyes "Meimei Bai Zhi set me up, he took me to a party where they put aphrodisiacs in the air and everyone went wild, I tried to hide but I was still found. I would have never done this, I wasn't ready to have sex, I wanted to wait until I was at least engaged before I gave myself to someone. Now it's all ruined, how can I face Auntie and Uncle again? I am mortified and those pictures." He shutters and tears fall from his eyes again.

She strokes his hair "It's alright gege, I will try to talk to them and see if I can get them to listen to your side of the story. I hope you broke up with that repulsive man. I don't know what you saw in him in the first place."

He laughs sarcastically "He was sweet, and caring and he didn't pressure me into doing things I wasn't ready for. He was obviously not that in reality since he said absolutely disgusting things to me while trying to have sex with me." His breath hitches "Meimei I don't know who I had sex with, I don't remember. It could have been Bai Zhi or someone else, I don't know." His tears run down his cheeks faster as he hiccups trying not to cry.

She hugs him tighter "Oh my poor gege, I'm so sorry this happened to you. I promise everything will be alright, don't worry, Auntie will calm down, just try to stay away from her for a while and don't do anything to provoke her wrath."

He nods holding tightly to his sister needing comfort after everything that's happened. He fails to see the smile on his sister's face as she holds him. He gets off the floor with her prompting and lays down on his bed, she pulls the covers over him and strokes his hair again.

"I will bring you some food later gege, don't worry just get some rest and I will check on you later." She kisses his forehead as he nods and closes his eyes.

Jia Li walks out of the room and down the stairs to her very pissed-off aunt "Well what did he have to say for himself? What excuse did he use to justify his lewd and disgusting actions?" Madam Yu asks her eyes red and face pursed in anger.

Jia Li demurely puts her hands in front of her and bows her head "He says his boyfriend drugged him."

Madam Yu scoffs "And you believe him?"

Jia Li looks away "Well he seems more upset that you have the photos than anything Auntie."

She huffs out a humorless laugh "Of course he is, the little slut got caught and now he is regretting his actions, you tell him that I had better not see his face and if he embarrasses this family one more time he will not be shown an ounce of mercy. Thank goodness at least one of you is sensible and well-behaved, my beautiful girl, you and ACheng are my pride and joy, I love my daughter but she coddles that ingrate too much behind my back. She thinks I don't know that she spoils him and always has, this is why I have been so strict with him because I knew something just like this would happen. At least the scandal didn't get out into the public or it could ruin the Jiang and Wei names and reputations, I don't want any of this to affect you children. I know that we can get, at the very least, you and Yanli set up for excellent marriages when you are older." She says as she dotes on Jia Li playing with her long silky hair and tidying her hair and clothes.

She smiles prettily at Madam Yu "Don't worry Auntie I will keep him away from you. I don't think he means to agitate you on purpose it is just his nature, I will handle him for you."

Madam Yu humphs "Make sure you do and you keep being a sweet and pure girl, don't follow in your brothers' shameful footsteps and become a slut, I will give you the same treatment as him, none of you children are allowed to besmirch the Jiang name and sully our reputation."

She bows "I understand Auntie I won't, I promise. If you will excuse me I will take AXian's food to his room so he will stay out of your sight."

She nods, dismisses her and walks off towards her husband's office. She throws the door open, and stalks into the room, throwing the photos on his desk "Do you see what your precious favorite has done? Maybe now you will concentrate on your own flesh and blood and stop wasting time on that brat who is nothing to us."

He picks up the pictures and the blood drains from his face at the graphic pictures of his nephew, without looking at any of the others he puts them away in a drawer and looks at his fuming wife.

"Did you let him speak in his own defense or did you scold and hurt him without hearing a word from him?" Jiang Fengmian asks his wife.

She points to the photos "What is there to explain it's all there in full color and detail. I will not stand for that kind of behavior in this house Fengmian, I will not have our reputation strewn through the mud because of scandals like this. Our company has an excellent reputation and I won't see it or our family brought down by a slut that can't keep his legs closed. Mark my words Fengmian he has one more chance and if he steps even a toe out of line, he will face the consequences of his actions for it." She turns and storms out of his office leaving a tired and sad Fengmian to lean back hard in his chair.

'Oh AXian, you just can't seem to stay out of trouble, can you? I will have to stay out of it this time or it will be even worse for him in the long run. Why my wife takes such exception to just him is beyond me, she has always been this way with him. His twin sister she treats as one of her own but she can't seem to do the same for AXian.' He sighs and answers a call that comes into his office.

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