One Night Changed Everything...

By NeenaDiHope

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A Wangxian Modern AU πŸ”ž In the virtual realms of online creativity, Wuxi (Wei Wuxian) thrives as a recently s... More

Author's Note
Author's Update
Author's Update


543 33 36
By NeenaDiHope

Qin Bai Zhi rolls over, his chest heaving and sweat covering his body. He coughs a few times before he laughs "Damn girl you are one wild ride, too bad your twin isn't more like you."

She puts her hand on her chest, willing her heart to slow and smirks "He is too self-righteous to enjoy a good fucking, it doesn't matter though, you have everything ready for the trip, you have confirmed everything?"

He rolls over, bends his elbow and props his head on his hand nodding "Yeah, my client has already confirmed so everything is good to go."

She smiles "Good don't forget to take pictures, I need them."

He leans down and kisses her lush lips "Don't worry babe, I got this" he trails off and takes a pert nipple in his mouth and nibbles.

Her breath hitches and she grabs a handful of his hair and pulls his mouth to hers, she kisses him hard nearly bruising his thin lips "Do not fuck this up or you will wish you had never met either one of us, got it."

He chuckles "You are such a vicious bitch, I love it, yeah I got it don't worry, I will give you what you want." He says as he shoves her thighs apart and slams his cock back into her wet heat.

Three days later Qin Bai Zhi is watching his boyfriend bounce from booth to booth at the Shanghai Convention Center for the annual fantasy, comic and anime convention. His dark hair bounces as he flitters from place to place and takes pictures of the convention goers who have dressed up as their favorite characters. His brilliant smile is contagious and everyone he meets and takes pictures with smiles at him in an almost trance-like fascination. His eyes are bright and shining with happiness as he finishes up a picture with a guy dressed up as a smartass dual sword-wielding hero/antihero in red and black leather.

He skips back over to Bai Zhi laughing "Did you see that guy? He does a great impression of the dead dude. His swords are real replicas too, how awesome is that?" he leans up and kisses Bai Zhi's cheek.

He looks at his energetic boyfriend "Wei Wuxian aren't you ready to go yet? We haven't eaten anything in hours and you have already sold all of your artwork, come on, let's go get something to eat. Besides we have that party to go to tonight and even though it's cool to be fashionably late, we don't want to be so late we are being rude. This is a high-paying client of mine, and this party is almost impossible to get into. He only throws three of these a year and during the convention is usually his best one."

Wei Wuxian smiling nods "Okay we can go, I'm hungry anyway and I want to go back to the hotel, take a shower and change. We have been at the convention all day and frankly, I smell like latex and cosplay makeup after taking so many pictures with the convention goers."

Bai Zhi nods and smiles "Great, we can just eat at the restaurant in the hotel and then we can go to our rooms to freshen up before heading to the party."

Wei Wuxian hums nodding "Mn" he takes his boyfriend's arm, wrapping both of his around him and they make their way out of the convention center and back to their hotel. They grab a quick dinner and get cleaned up and meet back in the lobby an hour later.

Wei Wuxian looks at his boyfriend of almost a year coming out of the elevator, he is so handsome, kind and patient. Most guys would have left him by now since they haven't done anything more than some light chaste kisses. He is only eighteen, he isn't ready to do anything more and if the person he is with really loves him then they will wait until he is. He smiles as he watches his tall, dark and handsome boyfriend walk across the marble floor to him.

He whistles low wiggling his eyebrows suggestively "Damn boy you look good, you are a six-foot-four-inch piece of candy baby."

Bai Zhi chuckles at his antics and wraps him in his arms and kisses the side of his head "Well you are a six-foot-tall lollipop I really want to lick."

Wei Wuxian blushes and hides his face shyly "Hush, don't say things like that its embarrassing."

Bai Zhi laughs and grabs his hand, walks to the door of the hotel and calls for the car to take them to the party. "You are so cute when you blush" he whispers as he waits for Wei Wuxian to get into the car. He gets in and Bai Zhi closes the door and get in on the other side.

Wei Wuxian looks out the window and sees the scenery change from the city center to more neighborhoods and then to luxury homes until they get to the mansions and estates on the outskirts of the city. He turns to his boyfriend "Wow you said this guy was a high-paying client but I didn't think he was stinking rich, it looks like he has more money than my uncle. These houses are probably twice the size of our house, damn babe you really got a good client with this guy. You will be a well-known artist in no time with this guy backing you and buying your pieces, I'm really proud of you." He smiles at his boyfriend feeling really happy for his future success.

Bai Zhi nods smiling "Yeah I lucked out with this guy, he is loaded and is willing to spend his money on all kinds of art including some of the more risqué pieces I have drawn." He wiggles his eyebrows at Wei Wuxian.

He grimaces "Oh he likes that kind of stuff? I mean, if you have a buyer beggars can't be choosers at our level right now but I still don't see how you can draw all of that stuff, I would be mortified if I even tried to draw anime porn. I'm not knocking you or anything, you have paying clients for your work and that's fantastic but I personally just couldn't do it."

Bai Zhi taps Wei Wuxian's nose "That is why I have more clients than you do, it's alright though, it's what has allowed us to go on this trip and pay my bills. As long as I have clients willing to pay me for my artwork, I will keep drawing it. Sooner or later, I will be able to sell my serious works and not have to do the anime porn anymore to get a paycheck."

Mr. Lan, we should be at Mr. Li's home in just a few minutes is there a set time that you would like for me to call you to retrieve you?"

Lan Wangji looks up from his phone "No, I will call you when I am ready to leave, I would prefer it if you remained close though so that I can leave at a moment's notice. I don't like gatherings and I hate parties but this is a potential client with a large contract at stake and I want this project."

The driver nods "Very good, I will find a place to park and make sure we are not blocked in so we can leave whenever you are ready."

He nods then puts the phone to his ear "Lan Jingyi tell me again why I have to attend this party. This could have been taken care of at his office instead of a party."

"Hanguang Jun, he insisted, he said he likes to get to know the people he works with on a personal level so he can better judge who they really are. It should be a pretty bland party, he said it was a pleasure party so it's probably nothing more than cocktails and snacks. A bunch of stuffed shirts talking about boring crap er I mean business stuff and you can leave in like an hour tops."

Lan Wangji sighs "Remind me again why you are my assistant instead of Lan Sizhui?"

Sounding indignant he huffs "Because he is Zewu Jun's assistant and I'm the only other junior qualified to know business secrets and junk. So, you got me and it's rude to say you want Sizhui instead of me, it makes me feel like you don't value me as an assistant and that hurts Hanguang Jun, it really does."

Lan Wangji sighs "Alright I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like it sounded. Take the rest of the night off and I will speak to you tomorrow."

Lan Jingyi scoffs "Fine, have fun at your boring party, I will talk to you tomorrow."

Lan Wangji shakes his head and pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration. He loves the kid to death, but he is just so rambunctious, they just don't mesh well. He is right though, he is the only other one that has been trained to be an assistant at the firm. He puts a note on his phone to make sure that one of the senior architects takes the time to train a few more people in case something happens and Jingyi can't perform his duties. They need at least two backups trained in case either he or Sizhui cannot be there to do the job.

The car pulls up to the mansion and there are lights on in every room making the mansion look lively. He looks over the soft off white marble and sighs resigned to getting this over with as quickly as possible. The driver opens his door and he steps out of the car and walks up the stairs to the entryway.

A man in an expensive Italian suit greets him with a bow "Mr. Lan I'm so glad you could join me this evening, I'll be honest I am quite surprised that you would agree to attend this kind of thing, you don't seem the type."

"Mr. Li thank you for inviting me to your home, indeed, I don't often find myself at gatherings such as this but how could I refuse such a kind offer for you to host me at your home? I think we can both agree that collaboration is beneficial for both of us." He nods politely.

Mr. Li smiles "I did not expect such eloquence from someone of your age. I find that those of us who are older tend to misjudge the youth of today. You are what? Twenty and yet you comport yourself as if you were someone ten years or more your senior. I like that, it shows that you have the maturity to handle business seriously."

Lan Wangji nods and bows slightly "Yes I am twenty and I feel that I am not your typical twenty-year-old, I have been head of our firm for two years now and I have nearly tripled our business in that time. We can talk more about this later, I see you have more guests arriving."

Mr. Li smiles at him and waves his hand "Yes please come in, enjoy yourself, we can always discuss business at another time."

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