By Tvdargent

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Victoria Lockwood is girl who was living in 1864. She had fiance, Jason Salvatore. His sister was her best fr... More

act 1


51 3 0
By Tvdargent

chapter 24
Elena is missing


In Stefan's room, Victoria is sleeping on his bed as Stefan is putting some clothes away. She fell asleep there yesterday. She wakes up and groans to see light. Stefan smiles at her.

"You still are not a morning person, are you?" He asked doing what he was doing.

"I hate waking up. I wish I could sleep all night." She said wanting to sleep and he chuckles smiling.

"You sound like Jason who hates waking up. He even hates school" Stefan said and she nods.

"Yeah, that's true. I am glad I don't have to go to school." She said smiling and Stefan smirks. She notices his face. "What? Why are you smiling like that?" She asked confused.

"You are still fifteen years old right?" He asked and she nods.

"Yeah but technically I am older" She said still confused.

"Then you have to attend the school after giving birth to my nieces or nephews" Stefan said and her eyes widen.

"No! I will not attend school" She said.

"Oh you will. Sabrina made Damon to be your legal guardian" He said and and her eyes widen in shock.

"Damon is my favorite Salvatore brother. He will respect wishes" She said.

"You will attend the school in few months." Damon is leaning against the door frame.

"Where the hell you been?" Stefan asked Damon as Victoria stood up and started walking to Stefan.

"Aw, you know, being held against my will, shot in the head, now I can't find Elena." Damon said walking into the room and he smirks at Victoria and Stefan "How was your evening? Anything out of the ordinary happen?" He asked smirking.

Victoria glares at him angrily. "Shut up. nothing happened."

"What a minute. What do you mean you can't find Elena?" Stefan asked and Victoria shrugs.

"Why do we care?" She asked.

"Shut up." Damon told Victoria before looking at Stefan "I mean, she's not picking up her phone, she's not in her dorm, she's nowhere in this house, which leads me to believe that Dr. Creepy Ken-doll has her somewhere." He said.

"Are you talking about the Whitmore bio teacher?" Stefan asked and Damon nodded.

"Jason told me about him. He is an ass" Victoria told them.

"Yeah, the one that operated on vampires during business hours, yeah, that one. Put your hero hair on, Stefan. Let's go get Elena." Damon said and he starts to walk away.

"You just said you don't know where she is."

Damon turns around "I don't, which means we are gonna have to find us some leverage. So come on." He said.

"Wait!" Victoria said and two of brothers look at her confused "Brina just texted me. She said that Aaron Whitmore must know where Elena is. Jason, Natalie and Sabrina are coming to rescue your Juliet from Ken- doll, Damon" she said.


Aaron is sitting on a couch, headphones on, writing on a notebook. Damon and Jason sit next to him. Damon pulls his left earphone off his ear. Aaron looks at him.

"Pop quiz." Jason said looking at Damon. Aaron looks around scared.

"So your girlfriend's taken by a mad scientist. Now, do you: A, get a new girlfriend; B, call the police; or C, kill someone close to the mad scientist?" Damon asked and Jason thinks.

"I would go with A if we are talking about Elena" Jason said and Damon glare at him.

Aaron stands up to run. Damon stays seated on the couch, smirking. Stefan, Victoria, Natalie and Sabrina meet Aaron right next to the couch.

Aaron looks at Natalie who is standing in front of him. He could see how angry was she. "Sit." She said angrily as Jason smiles at her proudly and pats the couch next to him as a gesture for Aaron to sit there.


"I have no idea where Wes took her." Aaron said and Jason smiles.

"Great, now we can leave" He said and started leaving but Damon, Sabrina and Stefan grabbed him. "Just let me go home to sleep" Jason groaned.

"I want to come as well" Victoria said.

"No" Sabrina, Damon and Stefan said at the same time as Natalie was too busy with glaring at Aaron.

Stefan rolls his eyes at others looking at Aaron. "Well, they are not at his lab, so where else could he hide a vampire?" He asked.

Aaron looks at Sabrina, Victoria and Stefan with saying "I am sorry. Am I supposed to know who you are?" He asked.

Jason and Damon share a look nodding with smirk before Jason starts. "That's my little twin sister, Sabrina and her best friend, Victoria. I would watch your tone with them because Kol Mikaelson might kill." He said.

"And that hero hair is Stefan our other brother, I would watch your tone with him as well because he's kind of in the midst of a psychotic break." Damon said smiling as Stefan, Sabrina and Victoria roll their eyes.

"What a great family" Sabrina said.

Aaron looks at Damon confused "How are you not dead? I shot you." He asked.

"You did what?" The Salvatore twins exclaimed at the same time.

Damon looks around as if he's making sure no one is listening. "Well, because you went for the head. You got to go for the heart." He smacks the back of his head. "Go for the heart next time. Now, where's Elena?"

"I have no idea. All that Wes told me was to go about my life as usual." Aaron told him.

"We are gonna call Wes, and you are gonna tell him that if he doesn't give us Elena the next experiment that he conducts it's gonna be sewing your arms back on." Natalie said still glaring at him.


Stefan, Jason, Natalie, Sabrina, Victoria and Damon are walking beside each other behind Aaron on the campus outside.

"You want to give me a little back story as to how you know one another?" Stefan asked making Damon and Sabrina to share a look.

"I would like to know that" Jason said.

"Aaron is Aaron Whitmore, and he comes from a very long line of vampire-probing, blood-testing, organ-removing freaks called Augustine." Sabrina replied and Damon looks down as others look confused.

"Why do you know this?" Stefan asked.

Damon and Sabrina share a look sighing. "Because we were their test subject in the '50s." Damon said as Jason's and Stefan's eyes widen.

Victoria and Natalie walk up to Sabrina wrapping their arms around her.

"What do you mean test subject?"

"Meaning I donated my body to science except I was alive and it was against my will." Damon explained.

"Wait. Hold on a minute." Jason said as they stop walking. "How do me and Stefano not know about any of this?" He asked and Stefan glares at him.

"It's Stefan"

"I know"

"Don't get all guilt-ridden, JJ, on me. Me and Stefan were on the outs back then, and you were with Stefan. By the time it was over, you know, it was over." Damon explained.

"Also me and Damon agreed to never talk about this" Sabrina said.

Damon starts to walk away.

"Why don't you finish the rest of the story, Damon?" Aaron asked making everyone confused.

Victoria looks at Aaron "don't recall saying that you could talk." She said before looking at Natalie and Sabrina. "Did I say that he could talk?" She asked.

"I don't remember anything." Sabrina said.

"I didn't think so." Natalie added.

"Now shut the hell up" Victoria told Aaron before girls started walking away.


Aaron, Natalie, Victoria, Jason, Sabrina, Stefan, and Damon enter a building.

"Which one is it?"

"It's right here."

They approach Wes' classroom and Aaron opens the door and enters, followed by Natalie, Victoria, Jason, Sabrina. Stefan and Damon. The classroom is empty except for someone sitting in the back, with their feet up against the backrest of the chair on front.


"Enzo?" Damon and Sabrina look shocked as they said at the same time.

Enzo stands up, his eyes still locked on Damon and Sabrina. "It's been a while, mate. I hope you have missed me, gorgeous" He said sending wink to Sabrina.

"Gorgeous? Kol is gonna be so angry" Jason whispered to Victoria who chuckled.

Enzo starts walking towards the front of the room. Damon looks concerned.

"And do you mind telling us, who the hell are you?" Natalie asked.

"Lorenzo, but my friends call me Enzo. Ah. Kidding. I don't have any friends." Enzo said and he offers his hand to Stefan but he doesn't shake it. Enzo scoffs.

"He is so not gonna spend time with my nieces or nephews, he is bad influence. He didn't even shake his hands" Jason whispered to Victoria who giggled.

"Jason" Damon, Sabrina and Stefan said at the same time.

"What? Aren't I right?" He asked.

"Well, kind of" Sabrina and Damon said at the same time.

Sabrina looks at Stefan, Jason, Victoria, Natalie and Aaron "Enzo's another Augustine vampire. Damon's and his cells were next to each other." Sabrina said as Jason doesn't like idea of his siblings being in cells.

Damon looks at Enzo "So we are here to meet somebody -- Wes Maxfield. You know him?" He asked Enzo.

"That's your first question for me? Not 'How are you? How would you survive in that fire I left you to die in?'" Enzo asked.

"Uh, does somebody want to tell me what the hell is going on here?" Aaron asked them.

"I would love to. Have a seat. Been waiting seventy years to tell my story." Enzo said and he points them to sit on the classroom chairs while he sits on the teacher's desk. Victoria and Natalie share a look not wanting to be there.


"Brina, Damon and I had been locked in those cells for years, tortured, beaten, humiliated, but we were not gonna let them break us, no. We decided if were going to escape, we needed to work together." Enzo said and he puts emphasis on the word 'together,' implying sarcasm to Damon "We needed each other."

Stefan enters the classroom.

"He's not sending her."

"Tragic. Can I continue my story now, please?" Enzo asks as Jason, Natalie and Victoria nod.

"Yes, it's interesting" Jason said.

"Jason!" Stefan and Sabrina said at the same time.

Damon ignores what Enzo said, began talking to Stefan "Doesn't he know we have Aaron?"

"He doesn't care. He's willing to risk it."

"What? Let me to talk to him! He will listen to me." Aaron said.

"Just shut up" Natalie told him.

Enzo jumps off the desk. "What part of 'he doesn't care' are you not registering?" Damon asked.

Enzo got pissed off of being ignored, makes a scene to get attention by ripping a classroom chair from the floor and throwing it out the window.

"Dude" Jason said.

"Where were we? Uh, ah, right. I was telling my story, and you were all politely listening. Huh?" Enzo said as hw starts walking back to the front of the room "So Sabrina and I would given Damon all of my blood ration so he would have the strength to escape and save me and Sabrina in the process. Our plan began perfectly, didn't it?"

Sabrina looks confused, she doesn't understand what going on. Victoria is confused as well.

"I was waiting in the cage for him to release me, waiting for my friend, my cellmate, the only soul with whom I would connected with in all those years of captivity." Enzo said. "Then a fire starts, burns out of control, but Damon just can't get the damn cage open. He only could save Sabrina."

Sabrina looks confused. Damon saved her over his friend? He never told her about anything like that.

"He looks me in the eye as if he doesn't even recognize me, turns around, saves himself, leaving me to die." Enzo said.

"But Damon told me that he save time as well." Sabrina said looking at Damon who tries to avoid her looks. She shakes her head disappointed.

"Well, you didn't die, obviously." Victoria said. "Now can we leave? I have had enough of this drama?" She asked.

"No. Unfortunately I lived. I was spared by one of the scientists so I could spend another fifty years on a table being opened and closed. Now that we have all been acquainted, I am gonna find something to wet my whistle." Enzo leaves the classroom.

Stefan looks at Sabrina and Damon.
"You two didn't tell me about him.'

"It was the 1950s. I am supposed to remember every moment of my life?" Damon said starts changing the subject "Do you want to kill Aaron, or should I?"

"This guy was your cellmate for five years, you left him to die, he comes back, and you are completely unfazed? What the hell is wrong with you?" Victoria asked.

"Fine. I will." Damon said talking about Aaron. He walks towards Aaron.

Natalie quickly stands in front of him. "You won't touch him" She said.

"Calm down, witchy. I will do it quickly. Jason get your blonde girlfriend away from me before I kill her" Damon said.

"Natalie" Jason said sighing.

"Nat come here" Victoria said.

"No! He will kill Aaron. I won't let him." Natalie said.

"Okay fine. I will do it myself" Damon said and is ready to grab Natalie but Jason speeds in the way.

"You won't touch her, Damon" Jason said glaring at his brother as Damon glares back.

"Why are you and me always against each others, brother?" Damon asked.

"I don't really care"

Aaron looks at Natalie and starts standing up scared "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Wes gave me a bunch of files on my family history. They are in my dorm, okay? Maybe there's something in there you need, a name, I mean, another lab."

"That's a timely revelation."

"Yeah. Well, you know, he's not gonna help me, why should I help him?" Aaron asked.

"Betrayal sucks, doesn't it?" Jason asked as Victoria tries not to laugh.

Damon starts walking slowly towards Aaron as he walks backwards "I don't like you, I don't like your family, I don't like you messing up my relationship. If you are lying, I am gonna take my thumbs, and I am gonna gouge out your sad little eyes out of your sad little head!"

Enzo walks in with two bottles of booze. "Ah. It's frightening what you can find on campus these days."

"Why is this guy still here?" Victoria asked.

"That's what I don't understand" Jason said.

"Knock yourself out. We are going with plan B." Stefan asked.

Enzo is pouring himself a drink "Damon's not. Damon's staying right here. He knows all my secrets, so he knows how ornery I can get when I don't get my way. Sabrina can go because I trust her." He said sending wink to Sabrina.

"Ohhh, Kol is gonna be so jealous" Victoria said.

"Jealous Kol is funny" Jason said.

"You have never seen jealous Kol" Victoria told him.

"I have"

"Stop chatting and go. Call me if you find anything, kill him if you don't." Damon said to others.

"No" Natalie told him.

"Let's go."


Aaron, Sabrina, Jason, Victoria, Natalie and Stefan enter his room. Jason smiles to see the bed and jumps on it.

"Yes! The bed!" He yelled as girls start laughing.

"All the files of my family history are in here." Aaron said. He looks under the bed.

"Hurry up.'

Aaron pulls a gun from under the bed, but when he stands up to point it at Stefan, he has super-sped behind Aaron. Stefan then super-speeds pushing Aaron against the wall and making him drop the gun. He grabs him by the neck.

"Was this all a lie, huh? If you want me to kill you, I will kill you. Do not test me." Stefan said as Victoria and Stefan hold Natalie.

Aaron is struggling to speak. "Do it. I am dead already. Damon's been planning my death since before I was born." He said.

"What are you talking about?" Everyone is confused.

"Damon left out the best part of the Augustine story, the part after he escaped." Aaron said.

After two more seconds of holding him by the neck, Stefan decides to let go of Aaron so he can explain himself. Aaron starts to cough.


"It wasn't enough for Damon to kill the doctors who tortured him. He had to torture their families and their future families. He spent the last sixty years killing every one of my relatives except he's a psychopath. He leaves one alive so that they can continue the family line so that he can destroy future generations of innocent people. So go ahead and do it, kill me because I don't want to give Damon the satisfaction, so do it." Aaron said. He closes his eyes. "Do it!"

"You know, not all of us are like my brother." Stefan said.

He starts to walk towards the door to leave. Everyone starts walking away except Aaron. Aaron open his eyes.


Natalie turns around and walks back in. Others follow her. Aaron pulls files and papers from under his bed.

"This is everything Wes gave me on Augustine. I saw Elena's last name on a few pages. Maybe it will help." Aaron said.

Natalie grabs the files from Aaron's hands and opens the first one and looks inside, then looks at Aaron.

"Thanks" She said and she and others start walking away.

"Wait." Aaron stopped her.

Natalie looks at other "Wait for me outside" she said.


"Don't kiss him" Victoria told her.

"Don't listen to him, kiss him" Sabrina said.

"No, kiss me" Jason said.


In Victoria's room, Katherine is looking at herself in the mirror. She sees that she's now getting wrinkles around her eyes and she pulls back the skin around them. Victoria opens the door.

She looks at her confused "Can I come in, or are you gonna steal my room from me?" She asked.

"I am getting wrinkles."

Victoria chuckled. "Katherine Pierce's chickens come home to roost in the form of wrinkles. It's kind of brilliant." She said.

Katherine around to face her "What's the opposite of funny? Oh, right. Not funny." She said glaring at her.

"So what are you, uh, doing in my room?" Victoria asked annoyed.

"I want to talk about our past." Kathrine said as Victoria gives her confused look. She was confused.

"So talk." Victoria said giving her small smile which Katherine returns.

Katherine sighs "First thing, I want to say is that I am terribly sorry about what I did. If I never showed up, you would have married Jason. Scott somehow would have meet Sabrina again. I would not ruin Stefan's and Damon's lives. Diana and Giuseppe Salvatore, would never die. Neither you would. Everything would be perfect but I ruined it" She explained and Victoria smiles at her as she grabs and squeezes her hand.

"I don't blame you, Katherine." Victoria said and Katherine gave her confused look.


"Because you are not a bad person. You regret it. Also, if you have never done anything, then Brina would never meet Mikaelsons, Caroline, Bonnie, Ellie, Naomi and others. Same with Jason. He would never meet people she cares about. I would never meet Naomi and Samantha, and others as well. So, I am kind of thankful, even if Tommy is still dead" Victoria explained making Katherine smile. "But I still hate you. I can't help but hate Doppelgängers. I only liked Amara. She was so innocent"

"Thank you, Victoria." Kathrine said.

"Why would you apologize to me?" Victoria asked. "As I know, you haven't apologized to others"

"I don't know. Maybe because you are my favorite" Katherine said and before Victoria would add something, Katherine looks down.

"What's wrong?"

"I am dying"

"I know you are, and I am sure that you will figure a way out of it. I believe in you, even though everybody else hates you" Victoria said.

Kathrine shakes her head "No. I am in this for real, this time." She gets close to her and removes her hat, revealing a lot of gray hair mixed in with her brown locks. "Look at me. I am dying."

"147 years is a long time to forgive in one night but I forgive you and I willing to make others as well." Victoria said. "But it their choice."

Katherine puts her hand around his neck. "Thank you. Good night, Victoria."

She starts to walk away to leave the room, but Victoria grabs her by her arm. Kathrine is still facing the door, Victoria is facing the opposite direction, standing side by side.

"Hey." Victoria said and she slides her hand down until she meets Katherine's hand and interlace their fingers. "I am sorry that you are dying."

Katherine looks at her with tears in her eyes."Trust me. I am, too."

She lets go of Victoria's hand and walks away.





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