CHASM : Worlds Will Burn

By Vinnianca

340 109 6

✧✧A DARK REVENGE ROMANCE ✧✧ He leaned in ,our faces so close .He raised my chin so I can meet his stare ."... More

01. Sermon
02. Video scandal
03. Flaws and blemishes
04. Found a new toy
05. Obsession
06. Blackmail
07. At the mall
08. Interesting game
09. The hook-up
10. Not a date, a friendly dinner.
11. Ego blowed and burnt
12. The misconstruction
13. Bloodbath and battle of knives
14. The chase
15. Touch me
16. little rabbit
18. Trigger warning
19. The Vault
20. Roomie
21. Deep into the night

17. His obsession

7 2 0
By Vinnianca



        Straightening up my pencil skirt,I let my thick curls fall to my shoulders. Grabbing my hand bag ,i headed towards the door. I had never been on a job interview before ,Mrs Hamilton said it was just some lame excuse to scrutinize someone. She made me apply to multiple jobs online and now I had five job interviews to attend this week.

         A week ago she was discharged from the hospital and I had spent the last week of my life recieving advice on how to live a more productive life from her. It wasn't as bad as I thought,we did argue a lot but it was more on a playful side.
            She had thought me how to make pancakes and now ,I'm proud to say I make the best pancakes on earth courtesy of Mrs Hamilton. She had taught how to make simple dishes , something my mother never taught me . To think that we would become best buds after our constant battering was absurd but look at us now.

           Smiling ,I walked a few feets away from my house to get a cab . I'll get a car with my first pay check if I get this job ,but for now I'll keep using the credit card my mother gave me .

           Arriving at the huge building,I did my survey . The skyscraper was so high I couldn't see the top. It wasn't as big as it was on the net ,guess photos appeared differently  in reality. Stepping into the building I was met with a receptionist and she led me to a waiting room. I wasn't the only applicant there ,there were a total of 112 people,men and women included. I started having cold feet. This was the first time I was doing this .

   I had practiced likely interview questions with Mrs Hamilton but my brain couldn't process anyone at this moment. I took a deep shaky breath and waited till my name was called. 
     I observed my surroundings,I wasn't the only one nervous. This was one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the country and from what I've heard ,getting a job here was like looking  for a coin in an ocean . The pay was good , perfect even and that was why I decided to apply. 

     Huffing a breath I turned to the lady at my side ,she was literally shaking."is this your first interview?" I asked .

     Mrs Hamilton had said that the first step to making good friends was knowing how to start up a good conversation. Funny how she sat me down and taught me like a child .

She nodded ,her hazel eyes dancing with both fear and nervousness. " This is my first time getting a job and I'm worried I'll screw up ".

I chuckled." I'm scared too but I'll just do my best ".

  "What post did you apply for ?" She asked.

I smiled at her. "Just a secretary" .

Her hazel eyes widened." Just a secretary?? Do you know what that means! ".

I Shrugged ." That I'll get to read hundreds of mails and adjust schedules ?"

"It means you'll work side by side with the boss !"

Not like i wasn't aware , i didn't want to settle for a lower position." Isn't it better ".  I shrugged.

She contemplated." I'm not sure ,I heard the boss is the harsh and strict type ".

I was about to respond when I heard my name. " Ohh ,that's me " I smiled at her ." Hope to see you working here soon ".

                   She waved as I followed the gentleman who led the way to were the interview was being held. Nervousness kicked in at full speed, it suddenly felt that there was a pit in my stomach.

       The hall was empty except for a long table covered with a grey cloth at the middle and then a single chair placed at a good distance from the table . The gentleman in black suit mentioned for me to sit and I did.

My eyes scanned the room.

There were a total of six people in the room, three women one of which was elderly and the other two quite young . And then three men , two were also elderly and one younger. My guts told me this was probably the CEO and maybe one of the old men was his father .
    One of them caught my attention in particular,he looked familiar but I couldn't quite pin down where I had seen him. I shaked it off and prepared my mind for what I would say .

      The room was utterly silent ,the six of them stared at me like they were about to devour my soul.

  What was I supposed to do ? Start a conversation?

     I did nothing but stare each of them in the eye while remaining tensed in my chair,my stomach roiling each second.
   The CEO was disturbing. He was actually smiling as he stared at me ,what the hell was funny !
  " So...Mrs Elizabeth Rhodes" One of the ladies started . " Why did you apply for this job ?" .

  At that moment,all the things I had practiced including this particular question evaporated through my head. I could particularly see the answer dancing in front of my eyes but it refused to leave my lips and so I  said whatever words were ready to escape my trembling lips .

" Well .....umm... because I need a job ?" It sounded more like a question. The CEO crooked a brow while the others  glared at me. Pretty sure I was already fired .

" Why this particular line of work ?" Another asked ,I could feel the sternness from her tone.

" Well.... because I studied business". My voice came out bolder than I expected.

I heard one of the older men sigh while the so called CEO relaxed further into his seat with amusement in his eyes .

"Why in particular did you choose this company ?" He asked stressing each word.

What was wrong with these people? What kind of question was that ?.

I straightened my back. " Because the pay is really high off course ".

"So you're saying if we paid our employees meager amount then you wouldn't want to work here ?" He continued.

I nodded gracefully." That's correct." I gave a small smile. I was not about to work my butt off without getting the pay I deserved.

  Silence was the only thing that followed . Then they began talking with their eyes . Well, except for Mr CEO . He just kept staring at me ,I couldn't help it so I raised a brow at him questioning him with my eyes .

What in the world was he starting at ? Haven't seen a sexy lady before ?

The only reaction I got from him was more amused look. He then cleared his throat amd all eyes fell on him.

   "Be here by 8am ,I dont tolerate tardiness and then you can go home by 7pm." His deep voice rang throughout the room.

I blinked at him , does this mean I get the job?
"Umm....okay ". I muttered.

  The other five started whispering amongst themselves and with just the raise of a finger they shut their mouths . " You're hired ". He said plainly .

I mouthed an 'oh'. Then I got up slowly and left the room .  Was this how an interview was?

Just like that ! I got the job just like that !.

It felt too good to be true . I ran my eyes trying to search for that lady,I should have asked for her name . I couldn't find her , maybe she was being interviewed somewhere else.

      I wasted no time and rushed home eager to tell Mrs Hamilton that I pulled it off. I should be telling my parents first but I didn't think much to it . 


  The cab stopped right in front of Mrs Hamilton's house and I hurried inside.

"Mrs Hamilton!...Mrs Hamilton!!" I screamed as I ran into her living room. She sat comfortably, knitting a piece of table cloth. Her  stern eyes fell on me ,a frown settling on her face.

"An elegant lady does not scream like a mad Zulu woman ".

I rolled my eyes as I kicked off my shoes and settled on the couch. "Guess what ??" I grasped.

"I do not like guesses ,go straight to the point !"

I squealed like a child and hugged her. " I got the job ,Mrs Hamilton. Thank you so much ".

She didn't smile ,instead she knocked my hands around her shoulders away . I didn't mind though,it was her way if expressing emotions. " Shouldn't you have a job before now ".

I pouted ." Come on , let's celebrate !!"

I ran to the kitchen . Champagne for me and juice for Mrs Hamilton.
  "Do not waste my champagne " she said . She wanted to hide the smile but I saw it.

  Finally,I could brag that I had my own money . The rest of the day was spent in Mrs Hamilton's house doing karaoke ,more champagne and juices and then some dancing. I did most of it ,Mrs Hamilton only sat and watched me with a bright smile on her face. She was probably proud of me , it was all thanks to her anyway.

         Deciding it was time I went home ,I got up and left . The first thing I did was have a bath then change into my sleepwear and collapse on the bed .
     Pixy was lying beside me and I was about to drift of to sleep when the door bell rang. I wasn't expecting anyone at this godforsaken hour .
    Trudging towards the door I cursed. I hated it when someone disturbed my beauty sleep. I didn't bother looking through the hole to see who it was and just flung the door open .

         There he was standing tall and handsome. His eyes scanned my body from head to toe and then he shoved his phone into his pocket . For one week straight I didn't get a call or text from my night in shinning amour and now he suddenly showed up in my doorstep.

    I raised a brow ." you want? ". There was slight irritation in my tone

He chuckled." You're mad that I didn't call or text ?"

I rolled my eyes . " It's late ,I'm going to bed ". I muttered and went to close the door but he held it. And then he pushed it open ,shoving me inside and locking it behind me .
  I took a step back ,he suddenly looked taller and more intimidating. Those blue eyes ran over my body for the tenth time and then I realized what I was wearing.

           Nothing but a thin night gown ....I mean nothing but that single thin material !

"Where's the fun if i called and texted you everyday ?" His voice was hoarse . His finger played with a strand of my curly short hair.

This wasn't the Eren I knew . There was something entirely different about him tonight .

My eyes widened." Are you drunk ?"

He frowned." I don't drink except on special occasions".

     He was so deadly close to me that I could feel his body heat , he smelt like a baby . The way his eyes was raking over my body made my face flush and he did it with no shame.

"Go change". He said

"Why " I forced out of my mouth.

"I'm taking you on a date ". He said looking at his watch.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. First he shows up without warning after seven freaking long days and then wants to take me out on a date. He didn't even ask for my permission,he just stated it .

    From the last one week I spent with Mrs Hamilton, I had found a new purpose. I had told myself that I had given up on my obsession on wanting to ruin men including Eren . And that meant that I wanted to focus on myself and end whatever was going on between us , so a date was a very big fat No !

"I'm sorry but I'll have to refuse". I stated not taking my eyes off him .

He quirked a brow. " You wanted a date and now I'm ready for one ".

I retorted" Well I no longer want one ".

He sighed . " If this is about me not keeping in touch ,it wasn't my fault . I had a lot of work to do".

I released a shaky breath. The anger that burned through me right now was enough to set this house on fire. Normally,ignoring me for a whole damn week was enough to put me off but then since I had found a new purpose for myself then there was no need. I no longer wanted anything to do with him so it was better I ended it right now.

I cleared my throat . "Eren,I do not want a date  neither do I want you here ". I stated.

There was silence as he stared at me . His eyes not leaving mine for a second and it freaked me out. The Eren I knew can't hold a stare for just two seconds.

"Get dressed". He eyed me once again.

"I just said ....." He cut me off.

Taking a step forward ,he raised my chin up to meet his stare with just a finger." Would you rather I do it for you ? After all, I've seen you bare ".

My face flushed .

Know what ?..... we'll talk this over on this so called date .
         I swallowed and turned around. I honestly thought something was wrong with Eren , maybe he had a little alcohol. I put on a simple sunset yellow dress making sure to take my time .    I was still fuming , It wasn't fair that he could order me around and my stupid self would oblige.

      He sat casually on my couch,flipping his keys on his finger while staring at the ceiling. Noticing my presence,he turned to look at me , and then got up .
     I followed him silently out of the house and to his car. It was another Mustang but this one was dark blue . Maybe he had a thing for Mustangs .

       He didn't open the door for me. I swallowed the tantrum that was about to escape my lips. I was a feminist,I should get my own doors .
     He took me to a fair. A fair bustling with people. It was nice and I really had fun. We both did. We played a lot of games and I won two teddy bears . I wanted to go on rides but Eren had bluntly refused.

"Are you scared of heights?" I chuckled.

He scoffed ." I'm not scared of anything".

"Then let's go on that ride ". I said pointing at the rollercoaster in front of us.

He paused staring at it in horror. I couldn't help it ,I had to laugh.

I laughed,the slight irritation on his face made me laugh harder ."You're scared of heights !!.....or rather you're scared of rides ".

"Rides are for kids ,it's a waste of time ". He said avoiding eye contact. Now this was the Eren I knew .

"No it is not ! .....look ,there are couples on it !" I pointed at the screaming set of people meters up in the sky.

"We can do something else ". He mentioned.

I grabbed his hand and dragged him towards the entrance. "We are going on that ride ".

   He kept grumbling as we got tickets and finally we were sitting on the train . Throughout the ride ,he didn't make a sound ,I was the only one screaming and laughing my lungs out . The only thing I got from him was his heavy breathing.
        When the ride was over ,he didn't even bother waiting for me to get out and just rushed past the others . I called him but he didn't respond and so I had to rush after him . I found  him seconds later bent over , throwing up in a corner .

      I had to muster enough strength to stifle my laughter as I rubbed his back. I handed him some water without saying a word . If I dared open my mouth ,I would laugh my guts out .

He grunted after rinsing his mouth "You ......can laugh if you want ".

And I let it out .

He glared at me ." You're evil ".

I wiped the single tear that escaped my eyelid ." I'm sorry .....I just couldn't help it ".

We secured a seat and bought some drinks . He was still breathing heavily as we sat down. He looked pale and kind of weak.

So that I wouldn't look entirely heartless,I asked. " Are you okay ?".

He groaned." I just need a minute". He said and collapsed on the table .

I suddenly felt bad for laughing."Was it that bad ?".  He doesn't look fine right now .

"I'm allergic to rides ". He said .

I raised a brow ." Is that even possible".

He finally raised his head ." I just haven't ridden for a very long time ".

"Oh , sorry for outburst". I whispered

He nodded and took a sip from his drink . 

We then starting talking ,we talked about stuff people talk about on dates . I couldn't help this lingering feeling I had at the back of my mind. I wanted to tell him I wanted to end things ,there should be no dates after this . But I didn't know how to bring it up .Taking a deep breath ,I straightened my back.

It was now or never .
I cleared my throat ." Umm.....Eren ,let's ....let's not do this again".

He raised a brow . " Do what ? "

I sighed ,I felt my stomach roil . " This ......I can't ,I no longer want this ".

He leaned further into his chair folding his hands across his chest . " You'll have to use more words ,Elle ".

I gulped the last of my drink,placed the bottle down before speaking ." I'm no longer interested in you ".

There ,I finally said it .

He shrugged ." So?"

I went silent for a moment. " So ....let's not date. I just want more time for myself ". I muttered ,my voice cracking .

He croaked a brow ." You're twenty eight ,you've had more than enough time for yourself".

"No ....I'm just not ready. ". I stated ,a lump forming in my throat.

"You're not ready or you're scared? ". He responded.

I paused,I wasn't sure either. Maybe I made this decision because I was scared of falling in love and getting hurt and not because I had quit my obsession on ruining men.

Shaking those thoughts out of my head I replied." I'm not ready , I don't want a relationship". I stated , although the tone of my voice didn't sound convincing .

His expression was cool and then he sighed . " Then you shouldn't have come up to me in the first place ."

I met his gaze and what I saw wasn't the shy,timid Eren I had met at the precinct. It felt Like I would never find a way out of this one. I might as well get in trouble just like I did with Felix .   For the first time ,I regretted playing someone.

He continued." You shouldn't have made us exchange phone numbers ,you shouldn't have kissed me in court and you shouldn't have asked me to take you out ". His voice was hoarse and a bit frightening.

I stayed silent as I fidgeted with my fingers .

He leaned in ,our faces so close .He raised my chin so I can meet his stare ." Amore , you started it and I'll end it when I want to ".

I swallowed the lump in my throat as he let go of my chin. " I can't do this , please.Lets just ........"

"I'm sorry ,Amore ". He cut me off as he relaxed back into his chair ."I'm already obsessed with you ".

  In that moment,I knew this was something I couldn't get out off. I didn't need anyone to tell me ,his look said it all. He had used the word obsessed,not love , obsessed. An obsession wasn't something you could get ride of easily.


Who else has an obsession??(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠) Well, I've got plenty of those.

   Hope you liked this chap ?

What do you think our dear Eren has in mind ?

Drop your comments below and please vote .

See y'all in next chap!!

~Vinnianca .


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