Deck of Cards Series: Life Is...

By TeddyBearbearElsa

3.9K 175 78

Book 1-complete Life Is A Deck Of Cards ~you never know what happens next~ When something is broken, it... More

Strange Device
A New Beginning
A New Friend?
Decisions/Today's The Day
A Team
A Leader
Flying Monkeys!
Now You See Me, Now You Don't
Another Day, Another Battle
The Return of the Red's
Adapt & Overcome
Magic, Here, and There
Truth Be Told
The Teacher VS. The Protege
Authors Note Important
Authors Note 2
Book 2


143 7 1
By TeddyBearbearElsa

Amber was not happy. Right now she is standing in front of a large building with a sign reading Gotham Academy.

Amber was dressed in the Gotham Academy's uniform as she made her way to the school

While doing so she recalled how this all happened in the first place.


It was about six weeks ago when Amber had her training gear in hand and was making her way to the training room.

As she made her way over she happened to catch wind of Superboy's, Megan's, and Kaldur's voices coming from nearby.

She heard them talking about names and an outfit and then she heard Megan say Kent Nelson's name.

When the group finally came into view Amber realized why. The three along with Red Tornado and Martian Manhunter were standing together helping 'Connor' come up with a last name.

Megan had thought Kent meant Kent Nelson, not Clark Kent. But knowing the relationship between Superman and Superboy it was probably for the best that Superboy believed it was in honoring Nelson.

After hearing their conversation Amber remembered that today was the first day of school for Megan and Connor.

Not bothering to intrude Amber made her way through the room and headed for the training room.

Before she could get far she heard a squealing sound come from M'gann as she shouted with the utmost happiness.

"Amber, are you going to school too?"

Not bothering to stop Amber looked over her shoulder to reply, "No."

Before leaving she heard a disappointed pout from Megan and a grumbling response from Superboy along the lines of, "Why does she not have to go?"

Upon reaching the training room Amber put her gear on the ground and pulled out Fate's helmet.

Today was supposed to be Amber and Nelson's usual get-together however, due to certain circumstances that was not possible.

So Amber went with meditating to pay both Nelson and Nabu a visit. For her to train her abilities and to see a familiar face.

Sitting down on the matt floor Amber crossed her legs and closed her eyes, placing the helmet on her lap, a hand on each side.

When Amber opened her eyes she saw a blank space before turning around to see Nelson smiling at her.

"Hello Kent."

The man let out a chuckle, "Hello to you too, Amber."

From there the two conversed before Nabu interrupted and began Amber's training.

Amber spent hours training and working to control her abilities.

After some time the training was over. Amber went back to talking with Nelson catching him up on everything that had happened.

"So Megan and Superboy or I should say Connor are going to school now?" There seemed to be a hidden suggestive tone in Nelson's vaice as he asked Amber.

"Yes, I believe it was somewhere in Happy Harbor."

Nelson hummed in reply before asking, "And what about you?"

"What about me?"

"Well aren't you gonna go to school. It would be a wonderful opportunity for you to learn more about this Earth."

Amber raised and eyebrow at his suggestion.

"I can already do that by researching it from my trips or online. I don't see how school will teach me any of that. Besides, my world is not so different in that field and there would be no point. They have nothing to teach me. I learned from a young age, Kent."

"Hmm, maybe. But things change over time, and don't you think it would be strange if someone your age were not to be in school."

"If someone were to ask I can simply tell them i was homeschooled and graduated early."

"At sixteen?"

Amber shrugged her shoulders. "It can happen."

Letting out a sigh Kent tried again, "But wouldn't it be an experience to see what it's at least like."

Amber thought for a moment.

"Maybe....but it would get in the way of work. And not to mention it could risk putting the school in jeopardy should they learn who I am at all."

Nelson felt a twitch in his eyebrow at the girl's stubbornness to at least consider it.

"I think you should at least give it a try."


That was how Amber ended up here. She decided to take Kent's suggestion and give it a try. But instead of coming as Amber, she decided to come as her civi cover: Sarah Good.

However, Amber was already regretting it.

Hearing a familiar voice, Amber looked from the corner of her eye to see a blond girl with a low ponytail. Amber immediately recognized her as Artemis.

She then saw a boy with slicked back black hair with blue eyes come up to her and take a selfie.

She recognized him from the party at Wayne Tower.

Dick Grayson, aka Robin.

Letting a sigh Amber shook her head.



School was an interesting experience to say the least but not something she had enjoyed.

The classes were all far too easy, leaving her bored with nothing to do, the class she dreaded the most though was P.E. In order to not stick out though Amber had to hold back a lot.

After school ended Amber had made her way over to one of the Zeta Tubes to bring back to Mount Justice. Once she arrived Amber held out her arm pressing a small button on a bracelet she wore. Her suit then spread across her body just as her uniform enveloped in a white light and turning into a card.

Once the suit fully covered her Amber flicked her wrist letting the card disappear and then entered the Zeta Tube.


Amber B-00

A flash enveloped her as Amber was brought back to Mount Justice.

When the light disappeared Amber saw a burst of flames heading straight for her. Amber dodged immdietly avoding the burning hot flames. She then heard Robin calling her.

"Amber!" Seeing Robin nearby she moved to get closer. Just as she did she heard the Zeta Tube go off signaling someone had arrived.

Robin knowing who it was shouted out, "Down!"

Smoke arose as the two went to join Artemis. Robin threw batarangs threw the smoke at whoever was causing the attack.

Another shout of flames came their way as all three dodged it Amber flicked her wirst and quickly threw the cards at two figures in the smoke.

Explosions went off however her attack seemed to do nothing as she saw them approach.

Artemis fired her arrows at them one after another.

"Who are we fighting?"

"Don't know, but we're sitting ducks by these tubes. Head for the exit."

The three took off escaping just as another burst of flame shout through.

But before they could get far a wave of water cut off their exit as it swallowed them up.

It pushed them against a wall be dispersing. The three were quick to recover before a ball of flame hit right where they were moments ago.

They ran as they entered the training room and the doors closed shut behind them.

"Robin to team. Come in, Aqualad"

Amber then tried to get in contact with Megan using the mindlink.

"M'gann! Are you there?! Can you hear me?"

With no luck and a flame of tornado chansing them the three made their way to shower room.

"Robin to Batcave. Override R-G-4. Cave calling Justice League H-O-J-Slash-Watchtower B-0-1. Priority Red."

Three hurried to turn on all the shower heads in order for some protection against the flames.

"Comms is down, blocked."

Amber heard a creaking sound come from the walls.

"At least the water's helping."

The knobs to the water came off as water gushed out.

"Or not."

The room began to fill with water.

Both Amber and Robin swam to a nearby wall placing their explosives onto it. The wall exploded letting them and the water to escape.

Arriving at the kitchen next Robin spoke, "We need to get lost."

Looking around both Artemis and Amber looked to the air vent.

"The air vent." Artemis and Amber headed over to it as Amber pulled the screen out. Both turned to see why Robin wasn't following as they saw him hooked up to a screen.

"What are you?" "Downlaoading cave blueprints. Could come in..." hearing footsteps Robin unhooked his gauntlet from the computer.

"Go, go." Artemis went up the vent as Amber waited to make sure Robin go in. After he was Amber jumped in pulling the vent screen with her closing it.

With Artmeis in the lead, followed by Robin and finally Amber. Robin gave out directions as the three of them ventured in the vents.

"Go left."

Just as Amber turned a flame passed by just barely skimming the end of her shoes.

"Ugh. Too close. Take the first right."

"There should be a vent cover right in front of you." The three of them dropped down the vent landing on a walkway.

Robin took the lead this time as he led them through the room.

"This way"

An explosion occurred as a figure shrouded in flames appeared. Flames then burst warming up the area.

"I know that other access tunnel is around here somewhere."

Looking around Amber saw another door.


Amber opened it as she held it open for Robin and Artemis.

Taking a look back, Amber jumped into the tunnel.

Amber saw Robin hook a cord from his gauntlet to a plug as he accessed the cave.

"Locking out cave's motion and heat sensors to prevent the enemy from tracking us."

"And I ask again, who is the enemy?"

"Let's find out. Downloading cave security footage. There." Robin then pulled up the cave's camera footage as Amber and Artemis peaked over Robin's shoulder.

They watched as a video pulled up showing Kid Flash working on Superboy's bike with Superboy and M'gann standing next to it. Aqualad then came up asking if they were having any trouble with school.

The conversation went on when suddenly Aqualad asked if them if Artemis would have any problems keeping her loyalties to the team.

Now this had caught Amber's full attention, while she knew that Artemis was not all who she said she was, she found it strange why Aqualad would be asking.

'Interesting. I better look into it after were not trying to be killed.'

The footage suddenly went out as the four were attacked.

"What happened?"

"Explosion took out the camera. I'll find another angle."

However each camera was wiped out leaving them clueless on who they were dealing with.


"That's it all four are dead." Artemis eyes' widened as she looked at Robin.

Realizing his mistake, "The cameras. I meant the cameras. I'm sure the others are okay." That seemed to bring Artemis some relief.

"Just give me a sec to find the fastest route to the hanger."

Amber on high alert listened in mean while for any sign of danger. Artemis on the other hand leaned back onto the tunnel looking defeated.

"Yeah. They're fine. They all got superpowers. They can handle anything."

After, Robin got their route the three headed to the library. Dropping out of the vent Amber looked to see any signs of the enemy.

"There's a secret passage behind one of these bookcases."

"Seriously? Cliche much?" Amber had to agree on that one.

"You should see the Batcave."

Hearing a noise Amber pulled the two by the back of the shirt behind a bookshelf for cover.

A voice then sounded that sounded an awful lot like Red Tornado.

However doubt filled Amber, knowing better.

"Artemis. Robin. Amber."

"It's Red Tornado." Before Amber could stop her Artmeis rushed out from the cover of the bookshelf.

"Artemis wait–" Ambers call went unheard.

Robin tackled Artmeis out of the way as Amber took the spot between the look alike and Robin and Artemis acting as a barrier.

As she covered them Robin and Artemis fleed for cover.

Seeing them out of the way Amber brought out her swords.

Her swords clashed against his metallic body leaving only a few scratches on him.

'Dammit, my weapons aren't doing anything.'

Amber suddenly ducked as she felt a hot sensation on her back. She doged just in time to avoid the flame as it hit the other robot.

Taking the opportunity Amber fled to regroup with Robin and Artemis who who busy looking for the next exit out.

"Who? What are they?"

One of the robots punched a bookshelf causing the rest to fall like dominos. Amber pulled Artemis down with her as they barely slipped into a hidden door behind a bookshelf and joining Robin.

Running down the hallway Artemis shouted out, "Did you know Red Tornade had–Siblings!"


Coming to a four way cross Artemis tugged Robin to stop.

"So now what? Red Tornado is one of the powerhouses of the League. How are we suppose to take down two of him?"

"They do seem pretty user unfriendly."

"Don't joke. They..."

Artemis was cut off as a mechanical voice went through the speakers.

"Attention, Robin. Attention, Artemis. Attention, Amber. You have exactly ten minutes to surrender or the lives of your teammates will be extinguished."

The robot then beagan a countdown as they three ran.

"Eight minutes."

"We can access the hanger from here."

Hearing the sound of water the three stopped to turn around, as water came rushing down the hall.

"Or not."

"Will you please stop saying that?"

The three took off, however, they were not fast enough as water engulfed their surroundings.

Amber's mask began to filter oxygen allowing her to breath under all of the water.

She saw Robin pull out a rebreather as he swims over to Artemis to give it to her after using it. Artemis was about to give it Amber but Amber tapped her mask in show of the rebreather not being needed.

Amber then saw the red male robot swim towards them making a grab for Artemis. Both Robin and Amber swam forward. Robin grabbed one of Artemis' arrows sticking it through the robot as Amber grabbed Artemis pulling her away from the robot and into her arms.

She then saw a grappling hook fly past her as Robin was tugged with it. Robin grasped a hand out as Amber grabbed a hold of it.

The three then breached the surface as Robin and Artemis took in the much needed oxygen.

But before either of them could fully recover a voice shouted out, "look out!"

All three duck under the water in time to avoid the fireball.

The three swam over to the stuck Superboy and Kid Flash.

"You guys okay?"

"Forget us! Help M'gann!"

They all looked up to see Aqualad and M'gann in a cage of fire.

'That's not good.'

"Aqualad! Is she?!"

"She is unconscious. I fear she...we cannot survive much longer."

Hearing that a shred of fear overcame her.

However Amber pushed to the side to focus. Another blast of fire hits as the three ducked down again.

Amber saw Artemis and Robin swim off to get to ground level to save M'gann and Aqualad.

Looking at the two robots Amber know that they were gonna need a way to keep the two preoccupied.

Amber swam over to the two as she tackled the male robot.

"Go! I'll keep them busy. Go save the others." Not wanting to argue Artemis and Robin ran off to save the others but are stopped by the female robot.

Amber pulled out one her dagges stabbing it deeper into the whole previously made the robot shot out of the water. Glancing to see Robin and Artemis fighting off the other robot Amber used all of her strength to tug the robot and throw it at the female one.

She then tugged Robin and Artemis into the water.

Robin swam to another vent, Artemis and Amber following.

Going up the three found a spot to get air.

Robin and Artemis grasped for their breaths as Amber stayed on the ladder looking down at the water.

"Six minutes."

"What do we do no?!"

Amber listened on the conversation but kept her e to the water.

"We save them. That's how it works."

"Maybe that's how it's suppose to work, but those robots already took out our four superpowered friends!"

"You seem distraught?"

"Distraught? M'gann is dying." Amber flinched ever so slightly at that.

"We have no powers, except for Amber, and I'm done to my last arrow. Of course I'm distraught."

Robin voice filled with a sterness, "Well get traught or get dead."

"How can you both be so calm?"

Amber didn't bother responding, but Robin did.

"Practice. I've been doing this since I was nine."

"What good is that now?" The three were back to crawling in the vents as Amber reamined quiet and Artemis grow agitated.

"What chance do we have against unrelenting machines?"

Robin stopped gasping in realization, "Duh! They're machines. And one electromagnetic pulse will shut down any machine within range."

"Great! Except you better have an EMP in your utility belt, because I know I don't have one in my quiver."

"I'm fresh out."

Artemis then turned to Amber with hope. Knowing what she was going to ask Amber shook her head no.

"But I'm betting me can make one." Robin the pressed his comm. "What do you say KF. Doable?"

From the comm they could hear him reply, "Totally doable. You know if we had more time."

Opening yet another vent the three arrived at a lab.

While KF instructed Robin how to make one Amber ventured back into the vents.

Amber planned on buying the two some extra time.

Going back the way they came, Amber quietly reached the stairs and crept up them.

She spotted the two robots by Aqualad and M'gann. Amber pulled out her duel guns as she aimmed them at the two robots.

Amber pulled the trigger as the energy blasts hit their target leaving scorch marks and some dents. The robots drew their attention onto Amber as they both launched to attack.

'Haaa, those two better hurry up.'

Sighing Amber ran towards the two robots flicking her hand as multiple card appeared in her hand.

The cards attached themselves to the robots and exploded. Smoke appeared as Amber then used her grappling wire to attach itself to the male robot.

Using her enhanced strength she swung the bot right into the female one. Both of them were knocked against the wall creating a large dent.

From below in the water Amber could hear KF cheering her on.

The female robot raised her arm shooting out shots of flames. Amber dodged each one as she jumped off the platform and onto the female robot. Careful to not get burned Amber pulled out one of her guns and aimed it right at the bots head.

The shots hit their target causing the robot to take some damage but still not enough to destroy it.

Hearing the sound of water, Amber looked down to see a burst of it shooting forward at her. Bringing her legs up she pushed off the blazing robot. Flipping through the air Amber landed on the cemented rock substance trapping Superboy and Flash.

"Robin how much longer?"

"Almost got it." Amber let out a grunt as she pulled both guns out and started firing at the two robots.

"Come on Amber! Show'em who's boss."

Amber jumped up as she grabbed a hold of the male robot swinging onto his back, however Amber wasn't so lucky this time. The bot grabbed a hold of Amber's ankle and was able to throw her off and slam her onto the hard ground.

Amber heard her name being called but pain rushed through her body.

Forcing through it Amber dodged another flame.

But as soon as she did she came face to face with the male bot. The bot then punched her right in the gut sending Amber flying once again into the wall.

Amber then listened as Kid Flash and Superboy began to make taunts at the two bots.

The taunts were working as well, as both bots turned their attention to the two.

Seeing an opportunities, shadows began to wriggle around Amber as her eyes grew a dark red.

Glaring daggers at the two bots, the black–shadow's shot out as they wrapped themselves around them trapping them to keep still.

Hoping that Robin's plan was almost done, Amber used all of her strength and concentration to use her power to keep the bots still.

However the longer she kept it up the more it was beginning to drain her of energy.

Despite keeping the bots still they were still able to use their powers. The male one was able to send a wave at Robin as it took him out and the female one shot flames at Artemis location.

Seeing Artemis retreat Amber focused on Robin.

Making sure to keep the bots in place even more she had the the shadows wrap around them more putting them in a tight hold.

Seeing Robin floating in the water. Amber shot out another black–tentacle at Robin. Carefully using it to pick him up Amber brought Robin closer to her, dropping him to the ground gently. Amber got off the wall she was leaning on to go stand in front of Robin.

Amber focused more on her powers to prevent the bots from using their powers and getting loose. However all the battling and excessive expense of her energy was starting to take a toll on her.

'Artemis. Where are you?'


Artemis was crawlled up into a ball as fear overtook her.

"No, no, no, no." Flashes of the others dying passed through her mind.

'I surrendor or I die...or if I find a way out, out of the cave, out of the mountain...I can get help. Call in the league.'

Artemis slipped as she fell out of the vents and onto the floor into a room.

"Who am I kidding? Best I can do is hide. Hope the League finds me before the Reds."

Suddenly Artemis felt a poking at her head.

"Artemis! Artemis! Can you hear me?"

"Amber? Is that you? Your okay. Wait how are you–"

"No time for explanations. I–ugh-I can't hold them for much longer, they're still counting down. Artemis I need your help. You need to finish what Robin started. And quickly."


"Artemis! Listen to me if you don't come help we are all going to die. And I don't want that to happen. I don't want to see you all die. Please, Artemis. I know you can do–"

The link was suddenly cut off, "Amber! Amber. Are you there?"

Turning to look at the wall Amber spotted Chesire's mask. A memory relapsed as determination filled her body.

"Not this family."

Grabbing the arrow from the shelf Artemis walked back to finish the fight.



Amber's control was loosening as her body and power's started to fail her.

'C'mon just a little longer.' But it was no use Amber's power slipped allowing the two bots to break free.

As the bots turned to fire at her they halted turning around to see Artemis walking through.

"Stop the clock. I surrender." The bots held out their hand for Artemis's bow.

As Artemis began to hand it over she flipped over them hitting the male as she stepped onto the female one and backflipping releasing her one and only arrow.

Amber watched the arrow soar as it landed right under the EMP connecting it. An electric pulse was sent out shutting down the robots. The fire cage then went out and the water fell back to normal. Revealing a nearly drowned Kid Flash and Superboy.

"Kaldur! How's M'gann?"

"She breathes. I believe she will recover. What of Robin?"

Amber dropped down to her kness as she checked him for pulse and breathing.

Amber let out a sigh as Robin shook coughing out water. Amber positioned him better to allow him to cough it all out without reswallowing it.

Artemis kneeled down beside Amber. "He..he's breathing too." Relief flooded Artemis grateful for him still being alive.

Waking up Robin looked at Amber then to Artemis, "Way to get traught."

Artemis let her body lean back relaxing. As relief left her breath.

Going to help everyone Amber stood up grunting. First she brought Robin over to the stuck Superboy and Kid Flash, then dragged Artemis over to keep an eye on him. Walking over to Aqualad she helped him stand up as he quickly regained his footing. Seeing that he would be able to walk without her assistance Amber kneeled down to pick up M'gann.

Trodding slowly behind Aqualad to make sure he wouldn't fall Amber walked back over to the rest.


"Figured my only shot was to surrender, pretend to drown before I actually did. Blacked out though."

"M'gann.." Superboy looked at M'gann with worry who was leaning on Amber.

"I'll be fine." Superboy then grabbed M'gann's hand.

"Will you quit playing with that thing and cut us free already!" Artemis was busy trying to set Wally and Superboy free.

"It's not working genius. EMP shuts down all machines, remember?"

"All machines present at the time." Everyone turned to look to see the real Red Tornado flying in.

"What has occurred?"

"Had a little visit from your family."

"Your extremely nasty family."

"I was not aware I had relations."

"Where have you been?"

"Monitor duty on the Watchtower."

Red Tornado then began making his way over to the other red bots and Amber got a bad feeling. Amber gently pulled M'gann off her to lean on Aqualad instead as she discreetly placed herself between the team and the reds.

"When it became clear communications were down. I attempted to investigate. But your Zeta tubes were also non-functional. I transported to Providence and Proceeded here." Red Tornado then kneeled down by the bots as Amber's hand hovered over her guns.

A buzz sounded as the ball rolled over to Superboy.

"Hey, boy."

Artemis was finally able to use the tool to start unfreeing Wally.

"The pulse has worn off."

Amber saw as Red Tornado reached out at the bots, Amber went no high alert.

Red Tornado suddenly stood up as Amber yelled, "Get down!"

Everyone ducked as Red Tornado attacked. Amber threw one of her cards putting up a temporary shield to deflect the Tornadoes.

However Red Tornado began to suck in the wind taking that oxygen with it. Amber's mask began to provide her the oxygen as she took aim at Red Tornado. Pulling the trigger a blast hits him on the shoulder distorting his abilities for the moment.

Red Tornado then left taking the two red robots with. Amber was about to give chase however looking behind her she saw all of her teammates passed out.



Groans were heard as Artemis groggerly began to wake up from her unconscious state.

Artemis woke up to the sight of Superman as he helped her stand up.

"She's alright."

Standing up Artemis glanced around ot see more of the Justice League.

"What happened here?"

"What happened? The Red's happened! Tornado and his...wait! Where are they?"

"Gone." Amber's voice rang out from a distance as her boots clicked against the ground.

"Amber!" Artemis rushed over to her as the others turned to face her. Amber was dressed in her civi clothing, her suit in need of repair.

"Amber, what do you mean their gone."

"Eactly what I said gone."

Robin's voice then interjected, "All three of them."

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