The beach house

נכתב על ידי nctizen24

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A group of old friends return to the beach for one last boys vacation before married life starts for one. All... עוד


Bonus chapter (MarkHyuck)

24 1 7
נכתב על ידי nctizen24

It's a long one...

As Mark walks over to say goodbye to Haechan his heartbeat intensifies. He's been trying to play it cool this whole time but he remembers every curve of this man's body, every whimper, every obscene noise that he made while they were together. The memory forever etched in his brain.
He also remembers how sweet he is, how much he cares for his family. How scared he was when he found out he was taken too and how worried he was that he may have been seriously hurt.

"Hey, so I guess this is good bye again?" Mark says softly. Haechan smiles nervously.
"Or maybe, until I see you again?" He says softly making Mark smile.
"That does sound better." He says before taking Haechan's hand.
"I want you to know that, no matter how it ended for us last summer, i never regretted one moment with you." Haechan nods, he tries not to let the tears fall that he can feel pooling in his eyes.
"Mark?" He questions but really all he wants to do is take that chance. He leans forward and presses their lips together.
"Thank you." He whispers. Mark nods and smiles softly to himself as he walks away.

"Oh my god, I kissed him. After what I did, I didn't deserve to touch his lips." Haechan complains to Taeil as they sit in a cafe.
"And you think this is why he hasn't called you? Why don't you just have Taeyong get his number from Jeno? Or in fact I have Jeno's number." Haechan shakes his head vigorously.
"Oh no, I couldn't. That would be too high school." Taeil laughs.
"What's it even been? A week?" Haechan frowns.
"Yeah." He says softly.
Taeil rolls his eyes playfully.
"He will call you don't worry." As if on cue his phone rings.
"Oh shit. This could be him." He says in a panic.
"Answer it dummy." Taeil says playfully. Haechan nods and hits accept.

"Hello?" He questions.
"Haechan? Hi. I uh, sorry it took me so long to call." He smiles brightly.
"It's ok. I understand." He says softly.
"I was a bit nervous, like where do I even take a well known celebrity on a date? I've been researching ideas and I have a few." Mark says.
"Oh yeah? Like what?" He asks with a smile evident in his voice.
"Well it depends. Do you want to keep it low key? You know, in case you decide you don't want to see me again, then there is no point in being outed to the public. Or do you want something flashy and extravagant?" Haechan hums.
"Well honestly, I'm not really the flashy and extravagant type anyway. I'm more of a laid back private person. So I think the first option, but not for the reason you said. More because I'd like to just keep you to myself for a while." He says getting a little shy at the end. He's trying not to look over at Taeil who's watching him like a proud father.
"Ok, tell me where to pick you up then and we will go with the first option." Mark says satisfied. He was a little nervous about being thrust into the public so soon anyway.
"Sure but where are you taking me?" Mark laughs.
"That's a surprise. Just wear warm clothes and plan for a few days. I'll pick you up Friday afternoon and bring you home Sunday." Haechan's cheeks get red even though he can't see him.
"A whole weekend?" He questions.
"If it's ok? I figured we've spent time together away before so it will be a good chance for us to really talk, alone." Haechan feels a warmth spread through him.
"I can't wait."
He tells him his address and they say their goodbyes.

"So, the date is on huh?" Taeil asks with a sly smile. Haechan just nods with a huge grin.
"I'm so nervous and excited at the same time."

When Friday finally comes Haechan is a nervous wreck, he really hopes he doesn't screw this up. He is packed for the weekend and waiting patiently. Well if pacing the floor is patient. When the doorbell finally rings his heart stops. He slowly walks over and opens it to an equally nervous looking Mark.
"Hi." He says softly. Haechan smiles.
"Hi. Come in?" Mark nods and walks in, admiring the nice place he has. He knows he must have a lot of money but his place is very nice and simple.
"This is nice." He says as he looks around.
"Thank you. I decorated it myself. I wanted it to feel like home." Mark nods.
"Would you like something to drink? Or should we head out? I'm all packed." Haechan asks not knowing how to even host his date.
"We should probably go, it's an hour drive from here." Haechan smiles and grabs his bag. He would never do this with anyone else but he knows he can trust Mark.

He falls asleep almost instantly in the car. Mark thinks it's absolutely adorable. He plays some music softly to keep himself alert and softly sings along. When he pulls in to the location Haechan finally stirs.
"We're here." Mark says softly. Haechan sits up fully.
"Did i sleep the whole way? I'm sorry." Mark chuckles.
"It's fine. Let's head in." Haechan looks the place over as they get their bags from the trunk. It's a cute little cabin on the bank of a frozen pond.
"Is this yours?" He asks as they walk up.
"No, I rented it. It is supposed to have everything we need, so let's hope I didn't get screwed." He puts a code in the lock box and grabs a key.

"Wow, it's so cozy." Haechan says excitedly. He looks around as Mark reads the instruction letter on the table.
Mark walks over and lights the fire place and goes to the kitchen to see what's in there.
"I put an order in for groceries so I hope they got everything I wanted." He says as he looks through and seems satisfied.
"Are you going to cook for me?" Haechan asks as he watches him grab some pans out of the cupboard.
"I'm going to try. I'll be honest, I'm not the best cook." Haechan smiles.
"Im a pretty decent cook, can I help?" Mark chuckles.
"I was kind of hoping we could do it together anyway, I thought it would be nicer that way." Haechan hums.
"I think so too." He says softly.
"I got a recipe for shrimp scampi and all the ingredients, I thought we could put it over pasta?" Haechan nods his approval.

They work together nicely, Haechan giggles a lot at Mark's clumsiness in the kitchen but he doesn't mind. He likes hearing him giggle anyway.
They eat by the table. Mark set it with candles and wine. He wants it to be somewhat special and not just like a camp out.

"So Mark tell me something I don't know about you?" Haechan asks. Mark thinks for a minute.
"I guess i never really told you what I do for a living?" He kind of asks.
"Ooh, no. What do you do?" Mark looks away.
"It's nothing glamorous like you. I work in construction. It's a decent living, but I'm worried it will affect us." He says softly as Haechan frowns.
"Why would it affect us? I think it's manly and I wouldn't mind seeing you sweat." Haechan says, then covers his mouth with embarrassment. Mark smirks at his red cheeks.
"I just, I don't know, do you want to be known for dating someone like me? Someone who isn't rich, someone who can't afford to take you on fancy dates every day of the week?" Haechan touches his hand.
"Mark, I already told you that stuff doesn't matter to me. I like you for you, not what you do, not for how much money you make. Besides, if we need to do the fancy stuff I can pay. I'm all about equality in a relationship." He says sweetly.

"What about you, what don't I know?" Haechan thinks for a while.
"It's hard to say, how much have you read about me?" Mark blushes a little.
"I've read some things I guess." He gets up and starts clearing their dishes so Haechan follows suit.

"So I had this boyfriend before and I thought he loved me. He only dated me because of my fame and was cheating on me through most of our relationship. I loved him, I was fooled. This is why it is hard for me to trust and why I, well you know." Mark shakes his head and turns to look him in the eyes.
"That's fucked up. If I was with you? I would treasure every moment." He says softly. He clears his throat and washes dishes after realizing what he said. Haechan makes an attempt to help but his head is swimming with those words.
He finally gets out of his daze and starts rinsing dishes and setting them on a strainer.

Mark finishes quickly and grabs some mugs and whips up some hot chocolate. Haechan follows him to the couch so they can sit in front of the fire and talk more.
"You know, this is really nice. I'm glad you brought me here. Haechan says softly before taking a sip of his drink. Mark smiles.
"Me to. I like the quiet." Haechan nods.

It's about one AM when Haechan's yawning is out of control.
"Ok, come on. You need sleep." Mark stands and helps him to his feet.
"The bedroom is upstairs, there is an attached bathroom so go ahead and do what you need to do." Haechan nods and walks upstairs as Mark puts out the fire and washes their mugs.
When Haechan walks down in his pajamas to see Mark making a bed on the couch he frowns.
"What are you doing? You aren't sleeping on the couch are you?" He asks tiredly. Mark nods.
"Yeah, there is only one bedroom and it's yours." He says as he finishes fluffing the pillow.
"Mark, that will be so uncomfortable." Haechan whines.
"I Don't see why you can't sleep upstairs with me? I mean, we've seen each other naked, you had your dick in my..." Mark stops him by holding up his hand.
" I know, I just. I rented this one because the two bedroom was a bit out of my price range and I don't want you to think at all, that this was some kind of plot to get you in bed. That isn't what this weekend is about." Haechan knows not to push too hard. He can tell this is a matter of pride.
"Ok but if you get uncomfortable or just need the bed for whatever reason, just know I'm not afraid of you." Haechan says softly. Mark smiles.
"Thank you, but for the record, I'm kind of scared of you." Haechan frowns again.
"Being this close to you already makes me want to relive our first meeting and like I said, this trip isn't about that." He says quietly. Haechan swallows thickly with a nod and turns to go back upstairs.
"Good night Mark."
"Good night Haechan." He says as he lays down with a sigh.

Mark wakes up early and wants to make breakfast for Haechan. Needless to say he goes through almost a dozen eggs before Haechan comes out and helps him. Of course Mark's pride is a little bruised but he will get over it. Haechan cooks amazingly so they end up having a nice breakfast.
"Maybe I should stick to toast." He says as they eat making Haechan laugh.
"I'll make your eggs for you, anytime." Haechan says with a cute grin. So cute Mark has to look away.
"So today, I thought we could go skating on the pond. If you are up for it?" Mark suggests. Haechan raises his brow.
"I've never been but I'm willing to try. Are you a good skater?" Mark shakes his head.
"I've never skated either, we will both be learning." Haechan smiles.
"This could be fun, but we may both end up with bruised asses." Mark laughs, a lot and Haechan is dying. In his mind Mark has the best laugh.

As they hold hands, facing each other on the ice, both a little wobbly on their feet Haechan laughs.
"You know, we will never learn if we don't actually try." Mark sighs.
"Well, maybe i just wanted to hold your hands?" Haechan smirks.
"Uh Huh, let's go." Haechan let's go of one of his hands and they both stumble.
"Let's just take small steps until we get used to it." Mark nods and goes along with him.
By the end they were both a little bruised but managed to actually get some skating done.
They walk in the house shivering so Mark starts a fire while Haechan does the cocoa.
Soon they are cuddled under a blanket sipping their warm drinks and talking softly.

"I was so happy to see you at the wedding, you know? Like, I thought maybe I can get a second chance but I was so nervous. And then when Jungwoo came over I thought for sure you were taken." Haechan says with a pout. Mark shakes his head.
"Don't do that." Haechan frowns.
"The pout, it's cute." Mark says kind of shyly.
"Ooh, I have a secret weapon now, whenever I want something I can just..." He proceeds to pout again but quickly stops when he sees a certain look in Mark's eyes. Mark clears his throat.
"Jungwoo and i have been friends for a long time. He's always been a little touchy, he means no harm. We certainly aren't a thing. That thought has never crossed my mind." Haechan smiles softly.
"Im glad. I really like you Mark. I really want to try this with you." He says seriously. Mark nods with a small smile.
"Me too." He simply says.

Mark watches as Haechan sets his cup down and takes his away too. He doesn't ask, just watches. Haechan has decided that It's time. He leans forward and cups his cheek before pressing his lips to Mark's. The kiss is soft and sweet, not rushed or heated, just gentle and full of promise. Mark looks in his eyes and finally says "Fuck it" and smashes their lips together.
Haechan's arms wrap around his neck as his hands clutch his waist.
"Is it bad that I want you?" Haechan asks as they pull apart. Mark shakes his head and tries to control the shaking in his hands.
"No, fuck, I want you too. I've been trying to control myself this whole time. I just, that's not why I brought you here." Haechan smiles softly.
"I know Mark, I believe you. I trust you. It may be harder for you to trust me but just know, this time I'm all in. I'm so ready to finally let myself fall again and I want that with you. Wether we have sex now or tomorrow or a week from now, I'll still feel the same."

Mark takes a deep breath and pulls away, of course Haechan can't help but feel rejected but when he grabs his hand and pulls him up, reconnecting their lips he knows Mark wants this too.
Mark slows down again and pulls away only to gently guide him up the stairs.
"This time Let's do it properly." Haechan just follows and allows him to take the lead.

Mark takes his time to undress Haechan, leaving kisses on each part as he exposes it. Haechan just wants to die, this is a whole new experience with Mark. He will now get to feel what it's like to be cared for by him. An act of intimacy shared between the two that isn't just about being drunk or wanting a good fuck. He knows this isn't love, but he can't wait until they both fall. He knows it will be even better, which is kind of hard to fathom at the moment because with each press of Mark's lips to his skin it feels like heaven.

Mark takes his own clothes off as soon as the other is undressed completely. Haechan watches, his hands reaching out to touch.
Mark has him lay on the bed as he crawls over him and kisses his lips gently.
"Are you sure you want this now?" He asks softly against his lips.
"Yes, no doubts, no regrets." Mark smiles, their lips still touching.
He kisses his chin, neck, shoulders, moving downward slowly, taking his time to get to know Haechan's body.
"You are beautiful, you know that right?" Haechan smiles shyly. Mark just keeps working his magic. His tongue lapping up his nipples like they are a meal only for him to feast on.

"Oh, wow, your tongue is fuck, it's amazing what you can do with it." Mark chuckles.
"Just wait baby." He gets down between his legs and licks his way around and up and back down his cock. Haechan is a mess, but when he pushes his knees up and dives in Haechan loses all of himself to this moment.
"Oh god, oh Mark, so good." Mark hums, causing vibrations that make his skin prickle.
He feels his finger glide in next to his tongue and moans lowly. Mark wants more, needs to hear more of these sweet sounds.
He pushes three fingers in and kisses and licks around his balls. He can feel him tightening around his fingers already and abruptly pulls out. Haechan whines until he feels Mark press against him.

He goes in slow and easy. This is after all about taking their time and as much as he's ready to chase his high, he knows he wants this to last.
He slowly pulls out and pushes back in at the same pace. Haechan feels everything as he drags against his walls.
When Mark finds the spot he slams in a little harder and faster. Haechan is a complete mess under him and he couldn't love this more.
"Oh, Mark I need to cum. So close, please?" He almost begs.
"Go when you need to baby, I'll be right here with you." Haechan gestures for him to give him his hand and pulls him down so they are flush together. He laces their fingers together as they softly kiss.
It doesn't take much more for Haechan to scream out as he releases violently on his stomach. Mark shudders with each squeeze as he pulsates around him and soon is letting go inside him.

He stays in this spot, still inside him for a lingering kiss before he finally collapses on top of him. They lay their sweaty, covered in each other's fluids and panting for air.

"That was amazing, perfect." Haechan says softly. Mark smiles as he lifts his head to look at his face. He can't help but want to kiss him again and again.

They spend the rest of their weekend cuddled together, talking about anything and everything.
When it ends it's hard for both to separate. It was a whole year they spent wishing for this.

As the weeks pass they spend most of their dates staying out of the public's eye. Not because Haechan doesn't want to shout to the world that he gets to be with Mark Lee, but because for now, he wants him all to himself. He didn't want to share him with the world just yet.

When they are finally spotted together holding hands in public it is a media frenzy at first but they could care less three months with each other has made a bond like no other. Soon it will die down and be old news and they will still be going strong. Haechan will not let him slip out of his hands again.
He already feels the L word bubbling up in his chest each time he sees this man walk into a room and he knows when they are old and gray he will feel the same.

המשך קריאה

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