Shifters - The king of wolves...

By AnnaMaria_93

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Living in a human town, Esmara has little knowledge of the seven kinds of shifters who rule the world outside... More

Author's note
Update 2


169 26 19
By AnnaMaria_93

"Excuse me, do you know where I can find this address?"

The woman I approached raised her gaze and briefly glanced at the letter I had clutched in my hand before shaking her head silently.

Disheartened, I sighed and continued to walk down the busy street, hoping to encounter someone who could guide me.

Despite facing what seemed to be a challenge, I embraced the distraction eagerly. From the moment I woke up this morning, my mind has been consumed by thoughts of Egon and the situation with the skinners. I wondered if they already gained more details about the culprits, perhaps even formulating a solution.

The families of the victims also haunted my thoughts. Did they realize their loved ones had been murdered, or were they left in the dark, unaware of their tragic end?

The notion weighed heavily on my heart, and with the empty room I woke up to this morning, I had no one to divert my attention to.

Therefore, I was immensely relieved when Leif appeared at my door this morning, holding the letter in his hand and offering the distraction I was yearning for. He mentioned that it had arrived in Nebelwald during my absence. I instantly knew it was from Nadine as she had assured me she would write once she reached Blackbridge.

She was one of the very few people in Terrassen who possessed the ability to read and write, a skill that was passed down to her through generations. Apparently, some great-great-grandfather of hers was a teacher in his time. Though the skill somewhat diminished with each passing generation, she still managed to compose simple letters like the one clutched in my hand.

I grabbed the skirts of my dress tightly as I navigated my way through the dense crowd of people. The dress was another gift I received from Leif earlier today. Crafted from a simple burgundy fabric, it featured a white blouse tucked neatly under my corset. A black apron was tied around my waist. It was a uniform worn by the maids of Egon's pack.

I was expected to be at Castle Blackbridge later today where I would start with the disguise Egon and I had planned. I was nervous, to say the least. Uncertainty clouded my mind as I pondered what lay ahead. The only thing I knew for certain was that I needed to report to the head of staff upon arrival. Nevertheless, at the moment, I redirected my focus towards locating my best friend.

"Excuse me," I said, my voice tinged with desperation as I approached another woman. She peered at me from beneath her high hat, and relief washed over me as I realized she was human. "Do you know where I can find this address?" I asked, showing her the letter.

"Ah yes, Eldritch Passage. It's not far from here," the woman replied, pointing towards a clock tower that loomed above the buildings in the distance. "Just walk until you reach the clock tower, then take the street to the right."

With a grateful nod, I thanked the woman and made my way towards the towering landmark.

Blackbridge was a labyrinth of narrow streets and towering structures, each one seeming to lean ominously over the cobblestone roads. It was one of the largest cities in the south of the continent, and its size was evident in the crowded streets and tightly clustered buildings.

Despite the bustling crowds and the chaos, I chose to stick to the main street. I preferred the busy street over the dark and gloomy alleyways that lurked nearby.

Though primarily inhabited by humans, Blackbridge was also home to shifters. While I slowly became more open-minded towards them, I still hesitated to wander into the dimly lit alleys where they might lurk. Fortunately, Leif had assured me that he or Rolf would always remain close by, even if I couldn't see them.

As I approached the towering building, I glanced up at the clock's face. I had an hour before I was expected at Castle Blackbridge. With plenty of time to spare, I made my way down the street indicated by the woman, the crowds began to thin out slightly as I ventured further from the main street. Though this street was quieter than the bustling main road, it was still busy enough to avoid unwanted attention.

As I wandered through the street, my mind swirled with uncertainty. How would I ever find Nadine's house in this maze of buildings? Just as I was pondering my next move, a familiar voice called out my name.


I turned to see a young boy with short red hair running towards me, his curls bouncing with each step. He flung his arms around me as he reached me, his eyes brimming with excitement.

"Esmara!" Nadine's younger brother exclaimed once again, his voice filled with joy. "I'm so happy to see you!"

"Darrion," I said, hugging him back with a wide smile. "It's so good to see you too. I was actually trying to find your house." I entangled myself from him and he immediately took my hand, pulling me along with him.

"You're in luck, we're just around the corner," he said, quickening his pace. I had to hurry to match his stride. "Nadine will be so happy to see you," he added.

I followed his lead until we reached a narrow, bright orange house squeezed between two larger buildings. Darrion swung the door open and dragged me into a cramped hallway.

"NADINE!" Darrion shouted as he dragged me up the narrow stairs, leading up to the upper floors.

"NADINE!" Darrion called out again as his sister remained unresponsive.

As we reached the top, the door flew open. "Darrion, how many times have I told you not to shout like that? You'll wake up the entire neighbourhood!"

Nadine's brows were furrowed in annoyance as she scolded her brother. However, her expression softened when she saw me standing there, and tears started to well up in her eyes.

"Esmara!" she cried, rushing forward to envelop me in a tight hug. I returned the hug eagerly, tears streaming down our faces as we held each other close.

Finally pulling away, Nadine wiped her tears and bombarded me with questions. "How long have you been in Blackbridge? How did you get here? Oh, I've missed you so much!" She hugged me again before continuing, "I have so much to tell you. No, wait, come inside first. Would you like something to drink?"

I chuckled at her excitement. Nadine had always been a cheerful soul, quick to make friends with anyone she met.

Following her inside, I stepped into a small, compact room. Lit solely by the sunlight filtering through the window above and a flickering candle on the table. The room served as a living room, kitchen, and bedroom all in one, with a countertop against one wall and a bunk bed against the other. In the middle stood a small table, its surface covered in scratches and grooves from years of use.

As Nadine placed a pot of water on the stove, she began to speak. "It's not much, but we're grateful to have a roof over our heads at least." I took a seat at the table as she continued, "My parents have their own room, but Darrion and I have to share." She gestured towards the bunk bed with a sigh. "We're also sharing the house with two other families, yet it's better than where we were staying when we first arrived."

"What do you mean?" I questioned, curious.

Nadine's expression darkened as she explained. "We were staying in one of the refugee camps outside the city walls. It was filthy," she said, her voice filled with disgust. "I wouldn't wish it on anyone, not even my worst enemy. Thankfully, we found this place after only two days, all thanks to my father's new job."

As Nadine poured the boiling water into two mugs, adding some herbs as she continued with her story. "My father got a job at the brewery," she began. "And my mother and I both work as seamstresses at the shop around the corner. Mom's there now, and I have to go in tonight. We switch shifts so that someone's always home to look after my little brother."

Taking a sip of her tea, Nadine asked, "But enough about me, how are you? How's your father? What's happened since I last saw you in Nebelwald?"

I felt a pang of guilt as I realised I'd have to lie to my best friend, but Egon and I had agreed to keep details to a minimum to avoid arousing suspicion. I even couldn't reveal that I had been poisoned.

"My father is doing well," I explained, my voice tinged with unease. "A lot has happened. I arrived in Blackbridge yesterday. This morning, I came straight here to find you." I glanced away, feeling a bit awkward. "And, uh, I've got to be at Castle Blackbridge in an hour."

"The Castle? Why?" Nadine asked, surprised.

"I'm going to be a maid for the Alpha King."

Nadine nearly choked on her tea. "The Alpha King?!"

I nodded, and Nadine looked at me with wide eyes. "What made you do that?!"

"It's because of my father," I began, feeling a pang of guilt again for not being entirely truthful with her. "The Alpha King arranged for him to come to his kingdom to get the best of care. And as a gesture of gratitude, I decided to work for him."

"Working for a shifter, and an Alpha King at that," Nadine said as she looked at me in shock. "I thought you were terrified of shifters."

"Well, I still am," I admitted. "But the Alpha King isn't as bad as I thought."

Nadine shook her head. "You shouldn't be so sure," she started, expressing her concerns. "I've heard stories about him. Rumour has it, he's quite terrifying. If he wants to, he could crush you with just two fingers."

I felt anger rising at the demeaning remarks about Egon. He was nothing like she portrayed him to be. However, I had to suppress my emotions to avoid blowing my cover.

"By the way, how is Cyrus? Is he here with you?" Nadine asked, shifting the subject, a change I appreciated.

I shook my head. "No, he's gone up north with my father to Amsellhein Kingdom."

Nadine's eyes widened in surprise. "He left you alone to come to Blackbridge? I thought his crush for you was so intense that he'd follow you wherever you went." She looked at me teasingly, but I could see the curiosity in her eyes. I felt an urgent need to dispel any expectations she might have harboured.

"Cyrus and I will never be more than friends," I assured her. "I feel nothing more than that for him."

I thought back to the time when I was unsure of my feelings for him, unfamiliar with the sensation of love. But now, with Egon, the feeling was more than familiar and I knew that my feelings for Cyrus never surpassed friendship.

"How did he take the news?" Nadine asked, her tone sympathetic.

"I don't know," I sighed. "I didn't get the chance to tell him. But I'll make sure to do it the next time we meet."

Suddenly, the deep chime of the bell tower echoed through the air, reminding me that it was half past eleven. I looked at Nadine in alarm as I realized I had only thirty minutes left to reach Castle Blackbridge, and I had yet to figure out how to get there.

"I have to go," I announced hastily, regret evident in my voice as I rose from my seat. I felt a pang of reluctance within me. There was so much more catching up to do with Nadine, I wasn't ready to leave yet. However, I knew that if I lingered any longer, I would end up arriving late.

"I'll see you off," Nadine said, also getting up from her seat. "Do you know where you need to go?" She added, reading my mind.

I shook my head and as we rushed down the stairs, she started to explain. "You'll find the castle atop of a hill at the edge of the town. Just head back to the main street and keep on following the road. Soon enough, you'll see the castle rising up ahead, impossible to overlook."

Exiting the house, I turned to Nadine with gratitude. "Thank you," I murmured as I enveloped her in a final hug. "I'll catch up with you soon," I promised her, before turning away and heading towards the main street.

A sense of urgency propelled my steps as I made my way to the busy crowd once more. The people I passed by grumbled as I shot by them in a hurry, but I paid them no heed. I couldn't afford to be late for my first day at the castle.

Turning a corner, the imposing structure of the castle suddenly appeared before me, just as Nadine had described.

Its blackened walls and imposing towers seemed to absorb the sunlight, giving it a foreboding presence against the bright sky. Enclosed within the high walls that encircled the castle stood a massive gate, its iron spikes menacingly pointed downwards.

Two intimidating guards stood watch at the gate, clad in dark armour and long spears firmly clutched in their hands. Their breastplates were embellished with the family crest of House Blackbridge. The crest featured a majestic black lion roaring defiantly between two towers. 

Approaching the gate with apprehension I hoped to gain entry without trouble. However, my hopes were crushed as the guards intercepted me.

"What's your business here?" the guard on the right demanded, his voice gruff.

"I'm starting as a maid in the service of Alpha King Egon," I explained nervously, my eyes flickering between the two guards.

The guard examined me with a piercing gaze, his brown eyes scanning me from head to toe. I squirmed under his inspection, feeling distinctly uncomfortable.

"Have you got your letter of admission?" he asked, his tone sceptical.

Panic surged through me as I realized I had no such letter. "No, I don't," I admitted, my voice faltering.

"How do I know you're telling the truth, then?" the guard pressed, his brow furrowing.

I struggled to find an answer, but before I could respond, the other guard intervened. "She's clearly dressed for the Alpha King's court," he interjected, nodding towards my attire.

The guard with the brown eyes relented, albeit with a hint of amusement. "What's your name?" he asked abruptly.

"Esmara," I replied, my discomfort growing under his gaze.

A smirk played at the corner of his lips as he began to speak. "Stay sharp while you're in court," he warned. "A pretty girl like you will attract attention. However, if you're ever in need of a warm bed, mine is available." He chuckled as he noticed my disgust.

"Come on Thorren, stop teasing the girl," the other guard intervened, though a smirk betrayed his amusement. "You may proceed," he continued. "The service entrance is located on the left side of the castle, across from the greenhouses."

With a quick nod, I hurried through the gate, eager to avoid their leering stares. Following their instructions, I headed in the direction they indicated.

As I began to doubt my path, I noticed other girls in identical dresses hurrying ahead. Their height suggested that they were all werewolves. However, Egon's assurance that the staff consisted of Omegas and that they bore similarities to humans, eased my mind.

I quickened my pace, hoping they were also headed to report to the head of staff.

They entered through a small door nestled in a corner, hidden among the ivy-covered walls of the castle. I quickly followed and stepped into a narrow, dimly lit corridor. Flickering torches provided the only source of light, casting eerie shadows on the stone walls. The footsteps of the girls ahead echoed off the stone floor as we made our way forward.

Soon after, we passed through another door, leading us into a spacious chamber dominated by a majestic fireplace on the right. Though the fire lay dormant, its towering mantelpiece added to the room's imposing atmosphere.

In the middle of the room stood five other girls, all dressed in the same attire as me. Across from them stood an older woman, her stern gaze fixed on me as I entered with the other two girls.

"So, you've decided to grace us with your presence," the woman remarked with a firm voice. Her black hair was tightly bound in a bun atop her head, accentuating the severity of her wrinkled face. She stood at the same height as the other girls in the room, making me feel small in comparison.

Quickly joining the others, I listened as the woman continued with her briefing.

"As I mentioned earlier, I am Mrs Percy, head of Alpha King Egon's staff. It is a privilege for you to work for him. I expect nothing less than perfection, and if any of you harbour any hopes of forming a relationship with the Alpha King or, worse, believe that someone of your rank could be his mate, let me dispel those fantasies now. There are severe penalties for improper behaviour." Mrs Percy's gaze pierced through the group, daring anyone to challenge her. When silence reigned, she proceeded. "You are part of the daytime shift, primarily serving your superiors. You're all connected to a Delta of the pack. Should your services not be required, you need to assist the humans in the kitchen or with cleaning duties. Remember, we shifters are here as guests. The Alpha King expects that you all behave respectfully with the humans, understood?"

Everyone nodded obediently at Mrs Percy's words. However, a wave of panic suddenly washed over me as I realized I'd be working for shifters. I hadn't fully considered this when agreeing to Egon's plan. I had imagined confining myself safely to the kitchen or gardens. But working directly for a shifter? Fear gripped me, and I realized there was no turning back now.

Mrs Percy paced the room as she spoke, her dress billowing behind her. The high collar of her black dress enhanced the ominous aura she exuded.

"You have to be punctual. Your shift starts at seven in the morning and will end at seven in the evening. Now, line up to learn your assignments."

With a heavy heart, I shuffled forward, standing in line behind four other girls. My panic intensified with each step I took toward Mrs Percy.

"Your name?" she demanded sternly when it was my turn.

"Esmara Elway," I replied.

Mrs Percy's eyes narrowed slightly as she raised her gaze to meet mine. "Ah, the first human on the staff. The Alpha King had instructed me to place you under Lady Blackbridge's care during his stay. You would not serve his pack, for now. "

Relief flooded through me at this news. Egon must have known how uncomfortable I would be if I was in the presence of shifters all the time. I wanted to overcome my fear, but not like this. I felt grateful that Egon could anticipate my needs without me having to express them.

"Lady Blackbridge has high expectations of those who serve her. Only a few could endure it." Mrs Percy continued.

I nodded, although it wasn't the most reassuring prospect, I was relieved nonetheless to avoid serving a shifter.

"Karina will show you around and take you to Lady Blackbridge for an introduction," Mrs Percy explained as she gestured towards a girl with chestnut hair standing behind her. The girl met my gaze and flashed me a friendly smile.

Mrs Percy handed me a bundle of keys. "These are for the service entrance and Lady Blackbridge's chambers. You'll have access to everywhere you need to be," she explained.

I nodded as I accepted the keys from her, clutching them tightly in my hand as I followed Karina out of the room.

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