Pretending to be Married (des...

By sophiew67

516K 21.2K 9.7K

A case comes up at a councelling retreat and Sam, Dean and Cas go to check it out. Sam snatches up the only j... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
Chapter 32
chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48: the ending
Thank you for the love

Chapter 2

19.5K 797 987
By sophiew67

2 days later the boys set off for the retreat that was located 3 hours away from their motel. Sam had mentally sighed at the thought of having to spend all that time in the car with those two and their arguments. He double and triple checked he had his earphones so that when they did start he could tone them out.

Half an hour in and they had already begun. "Do you have to drive this fast Dean?" "Yes." "It could be dangerous and if we crash you and Sam could be seriously injured." Dean sighed before replying to the angel, "Cas I've been driving for most my life and this car has only had one crash and that was when Sam was drivi-" "HEY that was not my fault in case you'd forgotten a demon in an artic slammed into us, nothing to do with my driving" Sam butted in.

"I know that but still it proves my point. And Cas if by some incredible accident we do crash you have angel powers in your fingers and you can quite literally poke us better." "It's a little more than poke Dean" Cas grumbled, before flopping back into the seat, giving up the argument.

Sam grinned slightly before thanking Cas in his head for quiting before it turned into something big and Dean got unbearable.

What Sam had forgot was Cas could hear his mental prayer and only realised when he heard a chuckle from the back seat. Dean looked through the mirror at Case and asked "what?" Cas cocked his head before replying "nothing." However when Dean focused back on the road A small smile formed on Castiel's lips.

Halfway through the journey Dean needed to pee. They stopped off at a service station where Dean ran for the loo and Sam and Cas got out to stretch their legs. Sam lent against the car before asking Cas "Are you comfortable with all of this, I mean the fake marriage to Dean?" Cas stared at him cocking his head again and replying "I care for Dean very much so pretending to be in a relationship...will not be hard for me to do. I have watched humans that are together interact for many years now and I believe that replicating those actions will be simple enough. I will also have your's and Dean's guidance if I go wrong. Persides I must do this for those who are dying, what kind of angel would I be if I did not try to help humans?"

Sam smiled at the reply, thinking it over. "To make it look real, it's the little things. Like picking a piece of wool or hair off his shirt, glancing over at him occasionally for no reason. You have to rub your thumb on his hand when you're holding it, when he talks you have to smile a little and look proud. Mess with your ring. When you're at lunch sit next to each other and steal each other's food. You have to show, without showing that you want this relationship. But you have to remember you're going through a ruff patch, look upset when you argue, get pissed and call him up on the little things he's done that have upset. When you are with the councilors look away when he moans about you. It will show anyone who sees that you two are in love... That's how Jess and I used to be" Sam finished quietly. He looked down to hide the sudden dampness of his eyes.

At this point they saw Dean walking over with coffee and some crisps. Quickly, without looking at Same, Cas mumbled "I do some of that anyway." causing a slight smile from Sam who already knew.

"Right, we off?" Dean asked handing Sam and Cas coffee and a pack of crisps each. Sam and Cas spoke at the same time "Yeah" "I don't drink or eat..." Dean nodded at Sam's reply before turning to Castiel and saying "You have to pretend Cas, you can't spend the next few weeks sitting and not eating people will notice."

Cas nodded slowly before taking a sip of his coffee and going for the handle on the back door. "I'd actually like to sit in the back this last run, I want to spread out and go over the case again and when we get there and I slip out it would look odd for Cas to be sat in the back" Sam said stopping Castiel's hand. Dean nodded in agreement, mouth full of crisps, "Yeah you're right."

A little crisp bit flew out of his mouth and onto his shirt. Castiel's hesitated before picking it off the top, much to Dean's surprise. Sam got in the car quickly after that a little smile creeping onto his face.

Dean threw a bottle in the back hitting Sam on his shoulder "Rise and shine this is your stop bitch." "Urgh, jerk." Sam mumbled as he woke.

He sat up, rubbed the drool of his mouth trying to be subtle. Something he soon gave up when he caught his brother's eye, who gave a chuckle before turning back.

"Right I'll see you soon" Sam said leaning through the window. Standing up straight he carried on "How do I look?" "Like you work at a gay counselling retreat." came Dean's sarcastic reply. "Very presentable Sam." came Cas, ever helpful.

Sam smiled "Cya later guys." as he walked off leaving Cas and Dean behind. "Why did you have to be rude to him?" "Shut up." And that was that.

It was 15 minutes until either of them spoke again, "Alright, we're here Cas." "So it begins." Cas smiled awkwardly not looking over to Dean.

Suddenly, completely out of no where, Dean took Cas's chin in the tips of his fingers and turned his face to look at him. They looked into each other's eyes: Dean could see wonder and mild confusion in Castiel's shining blue eyes; Cas saw a emotion in Dean's stunning green ones, one that he couldn't quite understand. Dean leaned in slowly his hand still on Cas's chin. Slowly, slowly Dean placed his lips onto the angel's infront of him. Their soft lips crushed together, unsure and and warm. Both closed their eyes at the warmth and pleasure each felt. Their mouths moved togther slowly finding their ground, both surprised at how comfortable this was to them. Dean's tongue ran slowly over Castiel's bottom lip as Cas's hands found themselves in Dean's hair, making him smile. He moaned quietly and raised his other hand to Castiel's cheek. Dean's tongue slowly made it's way around Castiel's mouth, exploring the angel in a new way, making Cas moan a little louder than Dean had. Dean smiled into the kiss before finally pulling away.

"I...I just thought our first kiss, umm, shouldn't be for other people and should be kept for us." Dean said bitting the corner of his nail. A habit that Cas knew was reserved for the most nervous of moments that the Winchester's faced. Dean was nervous about Cas? What was this feeling Cas was having again in his stomach.

Cas nodded slowly, turning back to face forward, "Thank you for being considerate of that." he replied quietly, not really sure what to say.

Dean reached across and patted Castiel's shoulder "Here we go buddy."

So this is a rewrite, most is the same it is just the odd couple of sentences that I have added or changed and I have gone through spellings and shit because its awful

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