The Dawn

By Victowrite1999

277 0 0

Moving with your sister across the country to a small rainy town of Forks Washington is one thing. Being invo... More

To begin...
It all started with Baseball
The Crush
New Girls
Tales of Legend, Possibly Based on Truth
Vampires are Real ?!
Knowing is The Hardest Part
Revelations-end of twilight.
New Moon
The Girl Who Stopped Existing
Bella The Thrill Seeker
Wolf's Out of The Bag
Imprint (1)

Meeting the Family

11 0 0
By Victowrite1999

The months pass and Bella and Edward seem to be getting closer. I, on the other hand, keep my distance only talking to Alice and Jasper. "You should come over!" Alice exclaims while I glance at her nervously. "Are you sure ?" I ask playing with my finger tips. Feeling a calm wash over me, I let my fingers go and sit up straighter. "Okay." I mumble while class ends and we all get up to head to lunch. "I'll see you." I whisper while Alice hugs me and I smile kindly at Jasper before following the herd of kids to lunch.

"You're coming over?" Bella questions while looking from me to Alice then at Edward. "Yeah, I decided to come over. I don't see why not." I mumble looking back at Bella. "If she doesn't want me to go, she can tell me. I won't be mad." I think to myself while Edward smiles at me. "Come over, the family would love to meet you." Edward says and I nod while following Alice and Jasper. "I'll ride with them, if that's okay with you?" I ask Alice while she nods excitedly and Jasper smiles at me opening the door for me.

The drive is silent and small commentary is passed back and forth. Pulling up a long driveway, I smile softly at the beauty of the Cullens' Residence. "It's beautiful." I say getting out grabbing my back pack. Walking inside, I smell food and I get excited. "Oh that smells good." I say smiling at the woman in the kitchen along with the man. "Esme and Carlisle." Alice says and I shake their hands ignoring the chilling cold of them. "We're making your favorite. Bella told us you like chicken fettuccine." Esme says and I nod smiling while sitting down. "I could eat again." I say while Carlisle smiles at me. Hearing Bella and Edward coming in. I turn back and smile. Two others enter and I see the scowl on the blondes face and the smirk on the others. "Rosalie and Emmett." Alice whispers next to me and I nod looking at them. "Hi." I say softly and Rosalie's glare falls and she nods with a small smile at me.

"You guys aren't eating to?" I question while they glance at me before looking at Bella. "We ate earlier. We made this for you, seeing as Bella declined any food." Carlisle responds and I nod with a big smile on my face. "More for me then." I say and Alice along with Emmett laugh before I continue to eat. I get up and go to wash my plate but Esme grabs my plate from me and I get dejected while she washes it. "I could have washed it myself." I mutter while Esme laughs. "It's okay dear, go hangout with the family." She says and I nod turning around after saying a quick thank you for the meal. I head into the other room where everyone is sitting and I look over the many books. Pulling one out, I skim through the pages before hissing in pain. "Ouch." Looking down at the cut, I suck my finger before turning around. No one is looking at me though, they're all looking at Jasper who just blinks softly before relaxing. Weird. "Hmm." Carlisle replies before standing up. "I'll get you a bandaid for that." He replies and I nod sitting down next to Bella. "It looks kinda deep Bella." I say while trying to ignore the stinging.

Sitting forward slightly, I let Carlisle wrap my finger in a bandaid before he's standing back by his wife. "Well Bella has told you some things about us but we would like to hear about you." Carlisle says and my heart pounds and I smile before nodding.

"I'm younger than Bella, by a year, I'm allergic to tree nuts and I have a deep fear of the ocean. I've played sports all my life, along with music. I was on the swim team back home. And I love nature. Although, this climate took some getting used to, it's beautiful here." I finish while popping my knuckles. "Good to know about the allergy." Carlisle says before Alice looks at me. "Do you like shopping?" With that Rosalie rolls her eyes before looking at me too. "Yes, I really do, more so than Bella." I respond while Alice smiles wider. "Good."

       Leaning back next to Bella, I watch the family closer. They're mannerisms, pale-chilled skin, and all matching golden eyes I just now really paid attention to. The story relayed to me by Bella runs through my mind and I become anxious. Thinking maybe, the stories just might be true. Edward looks at me before I quit thinking about it all together. "It isn't my business." I think and he relaxes more next to Bella. Getting up suddenly, I see the piano in the next room and I look over at Carlisle then the Piano. "Go ahead." He responds and I grin walking over to the piano. My fingers lay against the keys and I begin to play. Suite bergamasque: III Claire de lune. A beautiful soft piece by Claude Debussy—Monique Haas. Once I finish, I relax and smile softly before turning back. "Beautiful." Esme says and I stand up before I head back to the group.

"I've played for years, I'm hoping to get into Julliard." I say shyly before looking at Bella who nods her head before smiling at me. "It's all she wanted for years. Music lessons, recitals, auditions for Julliard will be in Port Angeles in two months and she's been practicing non-stop." Bella tells them and Alice grins looking at Edward before looking at me. "I think you'll do amazing at the auditions." Alice replies while I smile wider. I hope so.

The evening ends and I'm sitting in my room before dad shouts for me. "It's mom!"

Taking the phone from dad I smile into the phone while saying a big hello to mom.

"How are you honey?"

"I'm good mom, just got home from Bella's boyfriend's house." I say nonchalantly and I glance at dad who rolls his eyes and I giggle softly before listening back to mom.

"Yes, his whole family is very sweet mom, very welcoming."

After the conversation ends I head back upstairs to hear soft voices coming from Bella's room. Smiling to myself, I head into my room to turn in for the night.

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