The Owl House X Reader

By Rubyraccoon12

14K 340 86

Y/n is a teenager in a school called Hexside School of Magic and Demonics with her best friends Willow and Gu... More

How Willow And Y/n Met


582 17 2
By Rubyraccoon12

╔.★. .═══════════╗
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Author's POV:

Y/n, Willow, and Gus standing outside of Hexside. "This isn't gonna work out at all," Willow said. "Well, I feel like I took care of any potential problems," Gus says.

"You lied to our best friend and told her you got the ban lifted. That seems like a potential problem to me!" Willow exclaimed as Y/n nodded.

"You don't understand. The members were going mad. They were bloodthirsty. They were touching objects. I had no choice!" Gus exclaimed. "Oh, Really? What about all the wanted posters around school?" Y/n said.

Gus pulls the wanted posters out of his bag. "What wanted posters? I also got this." He pulls out a cowl. "To keep her undercover." "Undercover from what?" Luz asked before Gus slammed the cowl backward over her head as she squeaked. "Behold your new cowl."

"Whoa. I love it!" Luz exclaimed. Gus turns the cowl around and pulls the hood down. Luz sniffs. "On the Boiling Isles, new things smell old." "Yep. Put it on. Hide your ears." Gus chuckles. "Wanna keep you under wraps 'till the big reveal."

Y/n and Willow frown and stare at one another. "Oh, a showman. I totally get it. You bring the razzle," Luz pulls the hood back up. "I'll bring the dazzle." Luz throws handfuls of confetti. Y/n, Willow, and Gus stare at her.

"Do you always have confetti on you or..." Gus watches the demon scream and bites his arm. He pokes it in the eye to make it stop. "That's my alarm. Uh, we better get going." He drags Luz away. "See you after school, Y/n, Willow!" "Bye, friends. Be safe. Make good choices!"

"Oh, Gus. I hope you know what you're doing."

Luz looks through the window. "Ooh. What's in here?" "The Plant Homeroom!" Gus said. Various students in Plant uniforms are tending to the greenery. A carnivorous plant eats Amelia, who had been standing next to it with a clipboard.

Willow runs over and tickles the plant's stem. It laughs and spits Amelia back up. She gives Willow a thumbs-up.

"Willow, hey!" Luz whispered. Willow turns around and waves at Luz. Gus looks through the window. "Hi." Willow's face falls. She shakes her head. "Bye." Gus drags Luz away again.

Luz looks through the window again. "What's in here?" "The potion Homeroom!" Gus answered. Various students in Potion uniforms are mixing or stirring up big pots.

One of the student's pots exploded. The student backed away from his pot. Y/n runs over and throws in some mushrooms to reverse the potion. "Y/n, hey!" Luz said as Y/n turned around and waved at Luz. "Hey, Luz!" Y/n whispered. Gus drags Luz away again.

The door bangs open, school guards step in. Mattholomule points at Luz. "There she is!" He pulls out Luz's wanted poster. "She's the intruder!" School Guard sniffing. "Trouble." "No, it's fine. The ban's been lifted. Tell 'em, Gus." Luz said.

Screams as she's dragged away. "Gus! Tell them!" Luz yelled. "Oh, who's the liar now, Augustus?" Mattholomule asked.

Cut to the Plant Homeroom, where Willow is watering the carnivorous plant. "Maybe I've been too hard on Gus. I mean, what trouble could they get into?" Willow asked herself. "Help!"

The plant and Willow turn to the door. Through the window, they can see Luz being dragged off. "I don't even learn here!" Luz screams.


Y/n turns to the door. Through the window, she sees Luz being dragged off. "I don't even learn here!" Luz screams. Y/n's jaw dropped. "Oh my Titan, Luz!" Y/n yelled before she made an illusion of herself as quickly as possible.

'Illusion is so hard to make!' Y/n thought. She sneaked out of class.

Cut to Gus and Mattholomule being dragged away by a school guard. "But I didn't pull the alarm! It was Augustus! Are you even listening to me? I demand justice!" Mattholomule screaming.

Willow and Y/n peek around a corner as they pass. Cut to the door to detention growling and opening its mouth again as Gus and Mattholomule are thrown inside, they grunt. "Wait!" The door growls and closes.

Mattholomule bangs on the door. "Get me outta here! Open up!"

"Luz!" Gus yelled. Luz hiding behind a rock. "Gus! You said the ban was lifted!" Luz yelled. "Well, I-" He tries to stand, but the ground cracks open at his feet.

The crack widens until nearly the whole room is a hole, revealing teeth, eyes, and blue tendrils and pods, inside of which are students. Luz screams.

Several snakes hiss as they surround the three of them. "This is part of the plan, right?" Luz asked. "Or the illusion of a plan." He draws a spell circle, then puts his hand in it and drags it through the air.

Several other spell circles appear, and from them several clones of Luz and Gus. A snake flicks its tongue at one illusion of Gus, making it disappear. It hisses.

"A genius and a wordsmith," Luz said as Gus picked up a giant bone and the two climbed out of the hole. Snakes hiss as they follow. Gus reaches the top first, taking Mattholomule from Luz.

Luz kicks a snake in the face when she pulls herself up, then spins and kicks another. Gus hits a third with the bone, then runs.

"We're gonna have to bust down the door!" Gus exclaimed. "Right behind you." Luz picks up Mattholomule and follows him.

The three snakes follow them out of the hole, hissing. Luz takes hold of the bone, and they both run for the door. The pair scream and the snakes hiss.

Cut to the outside of detention, where Y/n and Willow are sneaking to the door. They strain to lift the crossbar off the door, managing to get it half off before freezing when they hear Eda.

"I washed off all the graffiti. Apologized to Jenkinmeyer for stealing her teeth. Caught all the wild Celebi. Ah, we should be good." Eda asked before Principal Bump shook Eda's hand. "It will be very exciting to have a real human exchange student."

"And you won't tell the Emperor's Coven about this, will you?" Eda asked. "No. Hexside School is safe for you both. I'm the principal, not a stooge. Consider your pupil our pupil."

Banging interrupts them.

Willow backs away from the door as it's hit again from the inside. A third hit shatters the door, and Gus and Luz burst through, panting. "Eda?" Luz said. "Guess who got you into Hexside!"

Snakes continues hissing, and Luz screams. Principal Bump snaps his finger. Snake freezes. "Uh, sorry, Principal Bump. Sir." He retreats. "What did you do?" Principal Bump asked. Eda facepalms. "Ugh, kid. Principal Bump"

"To think that any student of yours would be capable of doing anything but create chaos... Eda, take your student and leave! You are both banned from this campus!" Principal Bump yelled. Eda grunts. "Come on, kid. Let's go." Eda and Luz start to leave.

"Wait, Principal Bump. Don't blame Luz. I told her the ban was lifted. We were fighting over the Human Appreciation Society. I brought Luz in because I wanted to win. This is all my fault." Gus explained. "If that's so, Augustus, would you be willing to accept her punishment as your own?"

"Yes, Principal Bump. I would." Gus said. "Huh. Dang, dweebus." Eda said "Very well. In light of that, barring any more trouble, you shall officially be enrolled in Hexside School next semester." Luz gasps and smiles.

"Uh, hold on. Hold on." She puts her hands on Luz's shoulders, then glares at Principal Bump and gestures for him to step back. He takes exactly two steps back. Eda kneels down in front of Luz. "I'm only doing this because I have faith in you. And I know you're too smart to fall for that One-Witch, One-Coven nonsense. You can learn a lot from the witches here." Eda explained as she looked over her shoulder and smirked. "And maybe teach them some of that Bad Girl Coven magic too."

"I didn't hear that. As for you, I would be saying detention right now but that seems to be out of order. So, as of now, I'm removing you from the Human Appreciation Society." He takes Gus' crown.

"Does that make me president?"

"Impressive. Still alive. Yes, I suppose you are." He said before throwing the crown on Mattholomule's head. "Yes!" Mattholomule weakly said. "Now, with that accomplished, Eda, we have some paperwork to fill out." "Wait! I gotta do more stuff? Ugh!" Eda groans
"You better enjoy this place, kid."

Luz grins and looks at her friends. "Wanna finish off that tour?" "I can show you guys what plants not to touch in the greenhouse. And then I can let you touch them!" Willow exclaimed.

"Yeah! I'll show you how to make the most dangerous potion in all of Boiling Isles!" Y/n exclaimed. "Yeah! Let's go." The four join hands and laugh as they run off.

"Hey! Wait. Take me. I'm your president. Oh. Come on~"

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