Finding Light

By tinyT730

415 67 2

Chibi faces the many realities of her life causing trauma, losing the ones she loves and sacrifice. In a worl... More

Chapter One-Pilot
Chapter 3- Fighting With Chaos
Chapter 4- No Time For Mistakes
Chapter 5- Balance Must Maintain
Chapter 6- Maintain Peace
Chapter 7- Peace Shall Win
Chapter 8- Fury and Pain
Chapter 9- Moving Forward
Chapter 10- The Celebration
Chapter 11- The Darkness
Chapter 12- Nothingness
Chapter 13: Our First Mission
Chapter 14- Be Calm, please.
Chapter 15- All Together
Chapter 16- Right or Wrong?
Chapter 17- The Mission
Chapter 18- When We Rise
Chapter 19- Lies....
Chapter 20- The Truth
Chapter 21- Being Real
Chapter 22: Everything Falls Apart
Chapter 23: Heading Back Home

Chapter 2- Our Fate

20 5 0
By tinyT730

I can't help but to think about what happened back there. Little? Like I can actually help that. Dumbass. I sigh which causes Monsai to look at me. He smiles.
"Chi?" He says so softly. I look over to him immediately. "Yes?"
"That guy back there used something called astral projection. He can make a clone of himself to confuse his opponent or either attack them." Shocking. Of course he'd know. He's very smart.
"So that's what that was back there huh? Astral projection?" I say sarcastically. "Yep. Just wanted you to know that." He then stops walking immediately after.
"Monsai why—"
"Let's take a shortcut Chi." He grabs my arm and I do nothing but follow him.
"Monsai what's wrong? Why are we going this way?"
He doesn't respond. I look behind us to see if maybe someone is following us but I don't see anyone. "Monsai—!" I stop and yank my arm back. He stops and turns around. His eyes sparkle as he looks to me.
"Monsai....? Is everything okay?" I take one step closer. So does he.
"This way is faster." He then smiles as he takes quick little glances behind me. I notice and try turning around to see and all of a sudden....
He karate chops... the top...of my...head...
"Monsai!!!" He immediately takes off and so do I just chasing him. "Damn Monsai" I say to myself and quietly giggle. We're running and running to our destination. I notice the flower shop coming up ahead and look to Monsai. He secretly flicks his hand, unnoticed by others, and water shoots out and lands on the flowers they have outside the shop. We both giggle and run faster. Hell, we're even racing at this point.
Here we are. Approaching our destination, the arena. Getting closer I see some familiar faces but others I don't recognize. Hmmm I wonder what these new people are going to bring. I let out an evil laugh.
Monsai giggles.
See when I said my papa was one of the strongest fighters, let me explain it because I meant literally. He has strength you wouldn't believe and knows all about Martial Arts! I developed those amazing talents as well. Strength, kind of an expert at Martial Arts for right now but also something I'll wait to share. That's why I'm excited to be here. I need to prove that I'm strong too. It was supposed to be the 4 of us...the Tsuyoi's, gifted beings..
Just Breathe. It is okay.
I'm just glad I still have her though. If anything would've happened to her I don't know what I would've done. Where is she anyways ? I know she's here but where. I start looking around but at this height it's more difficult for me. I tap Monsai. "Where is she? Can you see her?" He quickly starts searching and stops and I notice his face drop. "There." He grabs my arm and we head in that direction.
My body start tingling. What the hell? Why now? Shit. We are headed to the front so the path clears up. There she is. I have to get to her! I start moving faster and now I can clearly see the look on her face. She looks tired. No that can't be it. We finally make eye contact and I see her hand lift up just a little, signaling me to stop. I stop, worried. I look next to her and it gets worse. Her mother. Monsai catches up and stops beside me. Seeing her mother instantly made my blood boil. The ground 5 inches from my feet cracks just a little towards her direction. Enough for Monsai to notice. His eyes widened and he grabs my arms. He whispers "Chibi Chan you have to breathe. Don't let her mother be the reason we end it all right here, right now." Shocked, I look up at him. He's dead serious. Shit. When I said Monsai was fearless, I meant it. I start to breathe and loosen my body, jumping in place. "Wheww!!" I scream. I look over at her and she smiles at me. "Tsuki Hanami." If I could describe the relationship I have with Tsuki let's just say she is my moon and I am her sun. Cheesy. I know.
Her mother looks over to her and she looks irritated. She then looks at me and rolls her eyes. Looking over to Monsai she instantly looks away, grabs Tsuki and goes to stand somewhere else. I wanted to follow her so bad. She doesn't deserve that. I storm off to head to the sign in. I should just sign in so I can get inside. So I can at least be closer to Tsuki. Looking back to see if Monsai is following and—
The side of my head connects to someone else's chin. Damn. Stumbling backwards a couple steps I grab my head. "OuCHH! Now this don't make no damn sense!" I look up. Image is kinda blurry but at least I can still see colors, shit. I'm noticing a lot of colors right now, crap. Rubbing my eyes my view becomes clear. This guy was standing there looking at me. His silver and black locs hung over his face and he flicks them back. Looking worried. He's walking towards me???! "Ehhhhhh!" I tumble backwards into Monsai. Looking up to him, his face looks stern. The guy stops even more worried then before holding his hands up. His arms are covered in tattoos.
"You guys seem startled." He says.
"Let me start off by just saying sorry for not watching where I was going. I can't believe I didn't notice you" looking over to me. "The names Kash." He holds out his hand offering a hand shake. Seriously this guy has tattoos on his hands too!?! Monsai looks down at his hand then looks back at him, slowly. Kash notices. He grins and pulls his hand back. "Noted." Kash says in a serious manner. Now Kash and Monsai are just staring at each other. Shit!
"Alright! The names Chibi" I blurted out. They both look at me. Kash smirks and Monsai is giving me the side eye. Kash looks over to Monsai. "And you?" Monsai scoffs and replies. "Monsai" in a serious tone. I let out a deep breath. "Well glad we got past the introductions. I will say this though, you should really watch where you're going. While looking at Kash. He replies "You're definitely right. I wouldn't dare make that mistake again" and laughs. I am too stunned to speak. Normally I'd be swinging right about now. Good for him that he's not a total asshole. Monsai scoffs louder and starts to walk away. Of course grabbing my arm. I look back and he's just standing there. Hands in his pockets. I turn back around stunned at what just happened. We get to the sign in and get our names down. Now it's time to head inside. All the contestants were sent into a room where we were told to wait till our names were called. Good gracious these people look unprepared. Some actually look frightened. Oh my gosh I see her! Tsuki! I sprint to her faster than ever. Monsai follows behind. "Tsuki Chan!!!" I open my arms wide. She's smiling from ear to ear. "Chibi Chan!!" Tsuki does the same and we're just hugging jumping up and down. Monsai just grabs us, picks us up, and he's just swinging us back and forth. We all laugh. This is my happiness. I love them so much. I love when we're all together. We separate and all we can do is smile in this moment. I look over and see Kash sitting in the corner and he's just staring at me. My smiles fades and I roll my eyes. Looking back to Tsuki I start to say "I've missed you so—" but a paper air plane rushed into my head getting stuck into my hair. "Children really shouldn't be allowed in. You kids obviously haven't made it past preschool huh?" That voice sounds familiar. Wait is that....Kura? She's always been such an asshole. Tsuki grabs the paper plane out of my hair and burns it up as she balls it in her fist. Firey. You guessed it right. Kura looks to her friends and then back to Tsuki. One of Kuras friends hands her another paper plane and she throws it in our direction once more. It's moving really fast. Yes, she's manipulating the air to make it go faster. Tsuki raises her hand and shoots a fireball the size of the paper plane, hitting it and burning it to the ground. Raising her other hand quickly after, another fire ball is released heading towards Kura. Crap I won't have time to—
Monsai immediately lifts up his hand sending bullets in the form of water stopping her fire ball. He quickly looks over to Tsuki and walks over to her. I then look to Kura and her friends and I notice a guy behind her steps to the side and takes a couple steps forward. It's Carlos. Me and him make eye contact. In my head I am ready. Focused. Any move this guy tries to pull and I will crumble the ground he walks on. He looks at me in disgust and scoffs walking towards me. I suddenly feel a breeze on my right side. I can hear Monsai talking to Tsuki behind me trying to calm her down. In the corner of my eyes I see silver and black locs swinging.
"You're outnumbered so I'd stop right there you piece of shit!" Kash says so calmly.
Carlos laughs and goes to sit down with Kura and their other friend, pointing at Kash. I look over to Kash and he's still staring. Almost like he's plotting. Is his eyes normally bright red like that, what the hell?
He snaps back and looks at me. His eyes turn brown. Whoa.
"I'm good. Are you guys?" He says so happily.
"Uhh- yes!" I turn to walk back over to Tsuki and Monsai but Kash stays put.
"Tsuki are you alright?"
She whispers back "I am now but everyone in here almost wasn't." Then looks dead into my eyes. They're glowing. Her hazel eyes and red cheeks.
Monsai wipes his forehead and sighs. "Whew! You know I actually believe that Tsuki Chan." He says. "Like I said to you before, hold it all for your match."
She scoffs and looks over to me. She fixes my hair where the paper plane was stuck and gives me a soft smile. She leans in and whispers just so I can hear and says "I will
annihilate her in your name for every doing that to you." Leaning back to look at me. She smiles. In that moment, I knew she wasn't lying but I giggle anyway. Bringing down the tension. The three of us stand waiting for the call outs, patiently. Noticing Kura and her friends glancing at us here and there. They never made another move though. Still, Kash hasn't left that spot either. Went from not being noticed in the room to being in the center of it.
The intercom goes off and it's an older gentleman.
"Good afternoon to all of you lovely beings! I want to go ahead and announce what we will be doing here, just so everyone can be aware of course" he laughs "Today you have all came here to show your true strength, abilities, showing us a reason why we should recruit you. Why should you be able to make it?" The three of us look to each other and smile. He continues on.
"Today we will be looking for 4 strong, loyal, talented beings who have what it takes to be recruited. There are 16 of you and we will assign 2 people at a time to fight! Show us what you've got. Is everybody ready??!" He screams and so does everybody else. All 16 of us. He then led us to front row seats to be able to watch. Great. What a relief. As we're formed in a line, it's starting. It's so loud. The arena is pretty damn big.
"Attention folks from everywhere!! Hope we are all well. Now let's get started because I know you guys are ready." The crowd roars. "First up we have.......—"
Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shitttt!
"Kura facing Todo!!!!" The crowd goes crazy. At least I can watch her. As Kura and Todo head down Tsuki grabs the bars tightly. Watching. Preying. All I can hear is the sizzle from the bars. Shit. The guy spoke one last time. "Remember guys, absolutely no killing. Just knock them out to pass. Thank you. Ready.....set......FIGHT!"

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