Nobody wins. (Hermitcraft x l...

Por ImpulseSvisyes

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Medieval Fic with hermitcraft and life series members, Dont know where this will go or how good it will be, i... Más

I'll be there.
The Beginning and The Ending
Unlikely alliance
State of Affairs
True King
The Kings Council
Origin Of Power
The Flower and the Pearl
Fâmily Ťree
Tears of the Forrest
The Ashes
Duty or Pride
Playing God
Everyone Burns
God's Grace
For you
Loyalty or Survival
The War to end all Wars
Rise and Fall

Everybody Loses

80 2 11
Por ImpulseSvisyes

Up until this very day, countless people had sacrificed themselves for the sake of the people they had loved, the people they cared about, in a true hope that after this is all over the realm can live in a state of peace, the truly honorable men and women that are willing to die for a cause so great. Those who are willing to die for the simple chance of it all ending, those who are willing to die so their people can survive and prosper, so that a new generation can live in a better world of their own creation.

People like Skizz, or like beef, or like Xb, or Jevin, or Joe, or Iskall, Wels, Cleo, Scott, Oli, Mumbo, Bigb, Pearl, Tango, and now Impulse, Every one of them dying so that the people they loved could march into these walls right now, or in an attempt to stand by their people even if it meant death, even to protect the innocent boy for a promise they made years ago to a dead person.

Every one of those people had more courage and heart than the men standing inside the Dogwarts castle right now. Each and every one of them a better person than Cub because they died for their people, and Cub wants his people to die for him.

And now the innocent children living inside Dogwarts have to experience a siege like no other, a battle which will claim the lives of their fathers, maybe their mothers, leaving them alone and scared, something no one should every have to experience at any age yet alone so young. All because of a wrong ruler, a pathetic ruler, a bad ruler, a selfish and narcissistic ruler who doesn't see the lives of these innocent children, all he could see is tools for his next battle.

Each and every one of these people who sacrifice themselves are doing it for those children, to create a better world for those children where war is forgotten, and one where they can see their children grow to old age.

So maybe in war, one side comes out victorious, but if you look to a singular person, an innocent child, or someone who fought their heart out on the battlefield, they all lost something, be it their parents, friends, home, dignity, or even the purity of their childhood, even if you survive war, Everybody loses.

And now Bdubs has to watch the man he hated for years, yet a man he came to love and care for, drop from the wall he had a part in creating, with nothing he can do to stop it, and less he can do to honour it.

Joel runs as quickly as his feet will allow him through the stampede of marching men, tears filling his eyes and blurring his vision as he feels himself dropping to his knees, picking up his best friends body into his arms as he looks down to him through blurred vision, "Jimmy!". He tries to shake him. "Jimmy, wake up!" He shouts down to the motionless body before seeing the arrow sticking out of him. "Jimmy, please! not like this!" Joel lets the tears roll out of his eyes. "JIMMY WAKE UP!" He shouts again before leaning back and wiping his eyes. "Jimmy, Jimmy! please, wake up.." He almost whispers as he continues to stare down at the motionless body. "Jimmy, you can't go. What am i without you, im nothing, Jimmy. Jimmy!" Joel starts shaking him again, trying to pleas to the gods through his sobs.

"Someone take him! help him!" He screams back towards the camp where he can see a few people rushing towards him, without a care in the world for how they would see him at the moment, his best friend is in his arms, and that's the only important part to him.

"Save him, don't let him die!" he pleads while staying on his knees as Jimmy is pulled away from him before standing up and looking towards Dogwarts and pulling out his sword as his eyes of sadness become those of pure rage.

"Like father, like son." Cub mutters as he watches Ren and his men march towards Dogwarts, reminding him of the countless times he watched Ren's father ride into battle with his blood curdling battle cry.

"What do you mean?" Xisuma asks as he walks up besides the obviously terrified man, the only time he ever saw Cub without an arrogant smirk he thinks.

"Can you not hear it? his father would always chant that as he charged into war, him and his army, now Ren and his army." Cub sighs as he watches them disperse throughout the city and the battle beginning.

"What are they saying? i can't understand it." Xisuma steps forward in an attempt to hear, but he only gets muffles.

"Red winter is coming." Cub mutters before turning around. "Command your men, win this battle." Cub nods towards Xisuma before walking back into the castle to escape the sight of fighting.

Xisuma pulls out his sword with a smirk on his face before beginning to walk down the steps towards the battle, just before he spots a familiar black coat sneaking behind the houses towards the castle.

Hypno keeps his back against a wall. He's only here for one person, really, and that person is Cub, the man who killed his best friend, the man who killed Wels, anyone else here is unimportant to him.

Xisuma starts walking towards the section of houses he had seen the sneaking man behind, trying to prepare himself for the slightly tough battle to come, but when he arrived, he had disappeared.

Hypno down from the rooftop he had climbed on top of when he heard Xisuma coming, trying to keep himself from making any noise to stop him from looking up.

"Hypnooo, where did you goooo?" Xisuma taunts as he carefully walks through the alleyways with his sword in hand, trying to search for one of the men who helped save his life.

Hypno sighs as he considers jumping down to try to fight him, something that is sure to get him killed, but something he feels he has to do to get rid of this traitor.

He shakes his head before climbing down from the roof behind Xisuma and pulling out his sword, "Right here, Traitor!" He shouts before taking a deep breath

Xisuma quickly turns around, swinging his sword, not wasting any time to talk to the yellow and black coated man as he's intent on kill.

Hypno jumps back before swinging back, his blade meeting that of Xisuma's with a loud cling ringing through both their ears, Hypno tries pushing towards the other but is outstrengthed and pushed away, Xisuma quickly brings his elbow to Hypno's jaw, watching the smaller man spit out blood and stumble backwards he quickly steps towards him and tries to bury his sword straight into Hypno.

Hypno barely hits it away with his own sword, now being backed up against a wall with Xisuma towering over him. He tries to push his way out of the situation, Xisuma swings his sword down towards Hypno before meeting the wall behind him, Hypno takes this as his opportunity to slip away behind Xisuma and smash his skeltal helm with the sharp end of his blade, causing Xisuma to fall towards the ground shaking his head.

Hypno wipes his mouth before spitting down onto Xisuma and kicking him in the side. "Biffa must be a bad teacher." He scoffs before starting to walk away.

Xisuma takes this as an opportunity to grab him by the foot and trip him to the ground, causing Hypno to hit his head on the concrete below him. "You may have beat me, but you shouldn't let your guard down like that." Xisuma stands up, showing his helm being cracked in half due to Hypno's sword as he looks down to him with one purple eye revealing itself.

Hypno tries to bring himself to his feet, but his dizziness stops him. His head takes a hard hit on the ground, and it's causing him nausea. He tries to shake it off, but he ends up falling to the ground again. The only thing he could see was the glowing purple eye staring down at him.

This is it. He's going to be killed by Xisuma of all people, Xisuma. He'd never get to Avenge Mumbo, or Xb or even Wels, because he died to Xisuma. No, no, he's not going to die to Xisuma. He can't, He has to avenge his friends, and he has to protect his kingdom. He can't die to Xisuma.

Hypnos' vision snaps back to normal as he catches Xisuma's sword headed straight towards his heart. He quickly moves to the side before standing up shakily and bringing his fist to the side of Xisuma's helm. He takes a deep breath and grabs Xisuma's hand, forcing him to drop his sword.

Xisuma tries to fight back but is met with a knee to the chest before Hypno drops him to the ground beneath him. "Im gonna kill you!" Xisuma shouts before he sees a boot smash into the front of his face.

"Whatever you say." Hypno scoffs before picking up his own sword and walking away towards the castle once again, with blood trickling down from his head and his coat dirtied up.

Grian looks back to the camp where people are running around like headless chicken, trying to save the life of the hand of the king, which had been shot trying to save Impulse, who is now laying dead infront of the walls.

"Grian! come into the tent, don't get too close to the battle." Stress starts walking up to him, watching as he looks back towards the walls with a considerate look on his face.

"Grian, don't." Stress says seriously before the winged boy starts to run towards Dogwarts. "Grian, no!" Stress shouts before sighing and shaking her head. "Children." she scoffs and turns around to walk back to the tents.

Ren slams his axe down into the armour of a dead dogwarts man, looking up and seeing the chaotic battlefield before him, "Give me more!" He shouts while laughing towards the castle, noticing a familiar orange faced man walking towards him.

"Python." Ren mutters as he sees the other pull out two shining swords, two of the most legendary swords in the entire realm, forged in the mushroom forrest and passed down through generations until they reached Iskall, and now Python.

"Ren the dog, oh how i have wanted to meet you on the battlefield." Python smirks before stopping only a few steps in front of Ren.

Ren pulls his axe out of the fallen man in front of him, leaving a bloof splatter across the concrete and his boots, "You've always been a snake Python, this time you chose the wrong side." Ren scoffs before taking a step forward.

"We'll certainly see about that. You can't beat me one on one, you must know that." Python lifts his swords and points one of them towards Ren.

"I don't need to." Ren says through gritted teeth before swinging his axe towards Python, meeting the blades of his two swords in conjunction. "Come on, Python, do something." He taunts before stepping back and catching a blade headed for his chest.

"Don't tempt me." Python laughs before sending another blade straight for Ren's neck, which Ren fully swings his axe to stop in motion, leaving the rest of his body more than open for any attacks. "Fight over Ren." Python laughs before jabbing his sword towards Ren, only to be pulled back and thrown away from the Dogwarts king.

"He's mine." Martyn snaps before pulling out his sword, a sword he had not cleaned since his last battle so it had been stained in blood, and his face being one filled with insanity, and a desire to kill everyone who had ever done him wrong.

"This is more like it." Python spits to the ground before looking back at Martyn, easily the most talented swordsman on the opposing side, which works well with his notorious level of insanity.

"Leave." Martyn looks back to Ren before preparing himself to fight, with every intention of returning to kill Ren after he finished up with Python.

Hypno runs his sword through a guards neck as he battles his way through the catsles hallways. He had found the secret entrance that Keralis had used to escape and now had made his way into the castle mostly undetected.

He bursts his way through a door into the cafeteria of the castle, fully expecting no one to be present in the room. Instead, he was met with a well-known brown cloaked man sitting down with a drink in hand.

His eyes widen, and he freezes as the man slowly turns to look at him, a bold expression on his face as he slowly stands up. "I know you, from when i took out the forrest, you saved them." Biffa places his hand on the hilt of his sword.

"That was me, i have business i need to deal with here if you wouldn't mind." Hypno tries keeping his composure as he intently analyses the man in front of him. One, he fears more than everyone else in this world, and everyone fears more than everyone else in this world.

"What business would that be, and how did you get here." Biffa smiles, an unusual expression for him and one that sends Hypno off track in confusion.

"I got in by knocking out your student, and sneaking through the tunnels below, and my business, well that's my business." Hypno smirks before stepping forward. He's willing to do whatever possible to avoid this fight.

"So you beat Xisuma, maybe you could even beat me, but if you tell me your business, maybe I'll just let you walk out of here alive, at least until I've finished my drink." Biffa nods towards his three-quarters full glass of wine before lowering his sword.

Hypno considers it for a moment before reluctantly speaking up. "Im here to kill Cub because he killed my friend, now can i go." Hypno refuses to lower his sword, who knows what kind of tricks a man like Biffa could have up his sleeve.

"Go, and good luck, for the rest of us." Biffa nods and watches as Hypno thanks him and quickly rushes out of the room and makes his way towards the throne room.

Hypno places his hand on his heart and lets out a long and deep breath, releasing the anxiety and fear he had only standing in the same room as Biffa, but that being said he had no time to waste, only until he finished his drink or Xisuma wakes up.

He picks himself up and continues his walk towards the throne room, slicing down several dogwarts men in his path, before he opens the door to the throne room and pulling his sword out of one of the guards. "Your security isn't very good." Hypno smirks before looking to Cub, who is sat on the throne.

Cub quickly stands up with a shocked expression before returning to his usual overconfident and arrogant one, even if it was fake this time. "Hypno, i thought you'd come. Isn't it great how revenge drives us to our strongest selves? When we're intent on destroying one particular person, you would've sacrificed anything to get here to avenge your friends." Cub laughs before walking towards him.

"Yeah, yeah, shut up, Cub, you killed Wels, You killed them all." Hypno scoffs before lifting his sword to Cub's neck, to a point where the tip was only millimetres from piercing his skin and bleeding him out. "End of the line now, ring the bells." Hypno spits out before poking his sword even closer.

"There's only one problem with that Hypno, Take off your helmet, kill him." Cub turns his head to the man in the background who slowly lifts his helmet off, revealing a face all too familiar to Hypno.

Hypno quickly lowers his sword as his face turns into one of full shock, like he had just seen a ghost, and maybe he had. Walking towards him was a pale and dead version of the man he once knew, one with a large scar across his neck and soulless eyes, eyes begging for life and for mercy.

"Wels? Wels! it's me, Hypno!" Hypno shouts as a small smile appears on his face, a smile which drains after he gains no response from the body walking towards him. He couldn't tell what was wrong with him until he looked into those eyes once again, This wasn't Wels. It was his body. "Wels, what did they do to you, my friend." Hypno sighs as he looks back to Cub.

"I upgraded him." Cub smirks before Wels steps in front of him, seemingly and obviously to protect him from Hypno. "You killed the man, then you killed his soul. That is truly low from you, Cub." Hypno shakes his head before bringing uo his sword with a tear in his eyes.

"Friend versus friend, i love to see it, Wels dispose of this intruder." Cub waves to Hypno before walking back to his throne and taking his 'rightful' seat.

"Come on, Wels, break through this." Hypno pleads as the other steps closer to him, the idea of fighting the very man he came here to avenge, sending a distinct shiver down his spine.

Wels takes another step forward before kicking forward and unexpectedly launching Hypno back towards the door, which he smashes into and falls into the hallways of the castle.

Hypno readjusts his eyes before pulling himself to his feet, finding the empty body of the man he once loved marching towards him with a sword in hand, and an iconic red feather hanging from the helmet he had donned once again.

"Wels, you're in there, i know it!" Hypno shouts before avoiding a swing from the large sword the man was wielding, he wanted to do everything in his power to avoid fighting Wels, but a small part of him knew that he had to eventually.

"Screw it, I'll give you the peace you deserve, no more playing god." Hypno sighs before blocking a jab from Wels, running his sword across the other until they are disentangled and heavily swinging for the other, Wels was a tough opponent now due to him showing no emotion, no signs of exhaustion and much more strength than he had pre death, an almost impossible battle.

Both men exchanged swings and blows until Hypno was almost falling to the ground from exhaustion. The fight with Xisuma and the countless guards he had to make it past didn't help with his energy levels. He tries to take a breath before he feels a hand on his neck, and his body lifts up and slams against a pillar. "W wels." Hypno pleaded through choked breaths as he attempted to wiggle free from his grasp.

He could see the body in front of him slowly lift his sword until it was lined straight towards Hypno's chest. "No-No!" Hypno shouted before he swung his sword up, hitting the others helmet and knocking him off balance. In that moment, Wels decided to Jab and ended up with his sword embedded in Pillar.

Hypno took a breath before catching the taller man trying to release his sword and pushing him away from it. "Im sorry, Wels." Hypno sighed before taking his sword and burying it straight into the Scar on his neck, causing him to fall back and towards the ground.

Hypno walked over to the already lifeless body and pulled his sword out, and barely any blood trickled out from the body beneath him for a reason he couldn't explain.

"I loved you, brother." Hypno frowns before crouching down and pulling his helmet fully over his head, covering the sword wound and his lifeless eyes. He then hesitantly took his sword out of the pillar and laid it across the body of his friend, his best friend.

Hypno turns his head to once again find the distinct brown cloaked man standing behind him with a sword in hand. "I finished my drink." He states boldly before placing a foot towards Hypno.

"I just killed a man i considered my brother, I dont care about the king anymore, I only have one man i need to get revenge on." Hypno sighs before holding his blood ridden sword out to the side, with his red stained head and rage induced eyes vividly showing themselves.

"Im feeling generous, leave the castle, find whoever you want to find, and when you return, i expect a good battle." Biffa smiles as Hypno exhaustedly smiles, letting out a small tear before walking past the other. "Leave him." He whispers to Biffa as he passes by.

Biffa only nods his head before looking back towards the body on the floor, a body that had received a great deal of respect from its own killer, something he could never imagine Xisuma doing, or even himself. When the supposed enemies treat your own with such respect and love, it makes you question if maybe you're the bad guys in this fight. Maybe you're the villain in this story.

Python grunts as he blocks another swing from Martyn, the Stratos man proving to be a challenging opponent for sure, and not one he's really sure he can beat. "Is this all you've got Martyn? it's embarrassing." He laughs before swinging towards him to try make distance.

"You seem scared, snake, can't beat me?" Martyn also laughs before jabbing straight for Python, which is expectedly blocked

"Not at all." Python continues to defend himself before he walks back into a large group of his own men, where he swiftly makes his escape from Martyn into the crowd.

Joel runs through the alleyways of the kingdom with his mind only set on revenge, with full tunnelvision to find the man who killed one of his oldest friends. He fights his way through wandering Dogwarts men before finding himself on the main street of the battle, where he could see Gem currently in a sword battle.

He quickly runs up behind the man she is duelling and buries his sword deep into their chest, leaving absolutely no chance for survival and an exhausted Gem.

"Is this ever going to end?" She looks around, questioning. It's almost like every man they kill another ten appear, and they've truly made little progress with their seige towards the castle.

"We'll break through soon enough, listen Gem, where is Hbomb?" Joel gently places his hand on his shoulder and makes direct eye contact, trying to streamline her answer.

"He's up there." Gem looks past him and points to further up the street to where Hbomb is stood shouting towards the men on the street.

"Get our men, and break this street as fast as you can." Joel scoffs before turning around and beginning to engage the Dogwarts men on the street.

"Make a wall, shields, and spears. No one gets past!" Hbomb shouts down to the men who follow his orders, quickly creating an unmovable barricade between Him and the opposition.

Grian had pulled a hood over his head and wings as he tried to pass himself as a citizen to make his way through the streets, pushing his way past unsuspecting men as he tries to find his way to his old home, just to see it one more time.

Scar looks around during the small break he has from fighting, spotting a small multi-coloured feather poking out from seemingly a citizen, and he only knows of one person in the realm with feathers of that colour.

"Joel wants us up this street now!" Etho shouts back to Ren, who's further downwards. Meanwhile, he's trying to stop Scar from running away despite how hard he may be trying. "Scar! Stay with me. Im not letting you get hurt."

"I need up there too, but that wall is far too strong to break through right now." Ren shouts back before he sees Stress at the broken down walls. "Avenge your king, Avenge my husband." She says through gritted teeth to her men who quickly fire hundreds of flaming arrows towards the wall of men the Dogwarts men had created.

"Etho, i saw something, i need to go." Scar shouts to Etho before running off into an alley. "Jesus." Etho complains before following quickly behind Scar, not wanting him to go anywhere alone.

Joel and Gem watch as the wall slowly weakens due to the arrows dropping down on them from above, "Break through, now!" Joel shouts back to his men who start to barge themselves into the remaining men who were forming the barricade, slowly but surely making their way through the bulk of them.

"I guess this is it." Hbomb sighs before dropping his hammer. He watches as the crastle and Stratos men quickly surround where he is, killing off any Dogwarts men in the process.

Joel walks up the blood-stained steps with a tint of wrath in his eyes, his purple cloak dragging across the blood on the ground as he gets closer to an increasingly scared Hbomb. "Traitor, you killed my friend, you killed your friend, and now, i kill you." Joel declares before grabbing Hbomb by the back of his hair and lifting his head up high.

"I believe this is where Oli was shot." Joel pokes his sword to a specific point on Hbomb's chest, fully knowing that it was exactly where the arrow had entered his friend's chest, and it's only right that it was where Hbomb had his reason of death enter. "Any last words?" Joel asks while glaring down at him.

"I loved him." Hbomb spits out in-between stutters before he feels a blade plunge itself deep into his chest. "Not enough." Joel lets out a deel brearh before dropping Hbomb's body at his feet, the sweet feeling of revenge and closure flowing through his body.

Grian picks up his old book that he used to write all his messages to Scar in, staring down at it as the memories of sitting at his desk and writing every night come back to him uncontrollably, back when his life was calm, back when these wings were unexistent and the people he loved were alive. Now the house which he grew up in has grown empty.

Grian hears a door opening behind him, making him jump and drop the book as he quickly backs himself up against the wall in fear of who may be walking through that door.

Scar runs up to the entrance to Grian's old house, his heart racing as he realises it really was him who was sneaking in the alleys.

Etho quickly races behind before stopping next to Scar. "I see why you were running now. We'll go in slowly." Etho says to Scar before getting ready to sneak into the house.

Before they could take their first steps, Hypno runs up behind them and pulls them back, just before whispering something in Etho's ear.

"Well, if it isn't the bird." Martyn smirks as he steps into Grian's room, his anger only growing as he looks towards the frightened boy backed against the wall. "Don't speak, im going to kill you this time, just like how i killed your father." Martyn laughs before stepping forward again with a tight grip on his sword.

Grian can't help but think that this is it, no one here to save him, his fathers killer will kill him all the same, in the same walls, during a similar battle, history repeating itself all over again.

"Scar, Scar! It's Martyn. Go find someone else, You can't come in here." Etho grabs an obviously distraught Scar by the shoulders before making sure he left. "Don't let him hurt, Grian!" Scar shouts while he quickly runs away.

"You ready?" Hypno asks, taking a deep breath and looking into the house where they could truly find anything. "About as ready as i can be." Etho nods to Hypno before they both slowly walk up the stairs in the house.

They both walk into Grian's old room to find a frozen Martyn standing over an unmoving body beneath him, one distinct for its colourful feathers and red jumper, one that made it difficult to see how much blood was now covering it.

"Oh my god." Hypno places a hand over his mouth as he sees Martyn turn around with more than an insane look on his face, it was a look of someone who fed off of the death of others, one that enjoyed slaughtering children.

"Martyn, what have you done." Etho asks softly, stepping forward, the idea of his sons best friend being dead in front of him, making him feel sick to the stomach.

"Dogwarts took my children, so i took theirs." Martyn laughs before turning to the two of them, "Now i take yours." He puts on a demented smirk before lifting his sword to his side.

"Let's kill him this time." Hypno lifts his sword while refusing to put on a smile due to the fact there's a dead kid in the room. No one should be excited for a battle under these circumstances.

Martyn swings his sword towards the two of them who equally jump back to avoid it. Just before they attacked back, Martyn somehow managed to block every swing they could throw at him.

Martyn jumps back and elbows Hypno in the cheek before laughing and pushing him against the window, trying to jab his sword into him but being pulled away by Etho.

"He's strong when he's insane." Etho laughs as Martyn grabs him by the arm and kicks him, causing him to fall down the stairs, ending up at the bottom and leaving Hypno and Martyn in a one on one sword battle.

"It's over Hypno." Martyn laughs before the two of them exchange attacks, ending in Martyn pushing Hypno against a wall once again, causing Hypno to drop his sword as he begind punching him in the face continually.

"For my wife, for my children, for my kingdom, and for Scott." Martyn chants before taking his sword and placing it inside Hypno's chest, looking down into the pain ridden eyes as he spits out blood from his mouth.

"O ok. Well, for Xb, for that boy, and for that boys father!" Hypno shouts through spitting out blood as he grabs onto the handle of Martyn's sword, along with his hand, to make sure he can't release him. "I die. You die." Hypno pulls himself towards Martyn, impaling himself on the sword before spitting blood onto his face.

Martyn tries his best to let go of the handle, but Hypno keeps his grip as hard as possible, Martyn barely being able to see due to the blood having covered his eyes slightly.

Etho runs up the stairs towards the two before picking up his sword, "For Skizz!" He shours before driving it through the side of Martyn's neck.

Hypno quickly lets go and falls to the ground along with Martyn, leaving Etho standing above three bodies, "Hypno, you're a hero, you deserve a statue built for you here." Etho crouches down to him before seeing the life fade away from him.

False slowly walks into the throne room with a large smirk on her face. After looking outside, she was almost positive that Cub had lost the war. "They're coming for you now, you know that, right?"

Cub leans back in his chair with a glass of wine in hand, his eyes closed, and his body relaxed as he tried to enjoy what could be his final hour alive, "I know False, i know." He sighs as he picks up another glass and hands it to her.

"It's been a long ride, hasn't it." He laughs before the door of the room swings open with Python barging in, "We've lost, give me the drink." He scoffs before snatching it out of False' hand.

"Hey, that was mine!" False shouts up to him before noticing he drank it in full. "It's poisoned. He just tried to kill you." Python smiles down to her before his throat begins to swell up. His mouth started to foam, and his eyes turned a stale blue colour.

"It was worth a shot, but you're like a parasite." Cub laughs and raises his glass to false before returning back to his throne, still erupting with laughter.

False watches as Python falls to the ground in front of her. Would he really rather this than death. One of the strongest people in the realm was too scared to go out swinging. It was funny in a way.

The doors open again as Doc walks in with a defeated look on his face and two more glasses of wine in his hand. "I brought some non poisoned wine if you'd like some False." He smiles before handing her one.

"That's very nice Doc, have you come to celebrate our final moments too?" Cub sighs before noticing a concerning smirk on his face.

"Your final moments, maybe." Doc shrugs his shoulders before clinging his glass against False' "For the revolution, for Dogwarts." They both say in conjunction right before drinking the wine.

"Oh, so you betrayed me too. That's great, I've got no one left now." Cub scoffs before sitting up on his throne.

"Guess I'll go back to my last resort." He laughs while walking over to the wall, picking up a torch from it, and walking over to the throne.

Xisuma holds his hand over his head as he tries to numb his pain, finding himself at the entrance to the castle looking down on a losing war, one he was commanded to win and one he is more than determined to win.

He starts shouting to any man who will listen to him, telling them to fight back any way they can, but in truth, not many of them were willing to listen.

"Xisuma, it's time. It's time to ring the bells." Biffa walks up behind him. Even from behind, he can see how far gone his student really is, how determined for revenge he truly is.

"I have to win. I have to kill them all! I will not ring those bells." Xisuma turns around with his purple shining eye piercing through Biffa's soul, just that one look told him what he needed to do.

"You're my student! Ring the bells now!" Biffa steps forward shouting, hoping that maybe, just maybe Xisuma would listen to him, even if it was the smallest chance he would take it.

"These are my men. They surrender when i say they surrender, not you!" Xisuma shouts to Hypno with pure rage in his voice, a rage he has never had towards his own teacher, and the rage of a man too far gone.

"Okay, we won't give up. Lead your men." Biffa surrenders, walking up to him and looking directly into his eyes, looking for any trace of humanity left in him.

Xisuma stares back into his teachers eyes, seeing sadness overflow them as Biffa's facial expression changes to one of guilt. "Biffa?" Xisuma asks hesitantly, right before he feels the tip of a blade poke his armour and a hand behind his head.

"You were my best student. I failed you. Im sorry, Xisuma." Tears fill Biffa's eyes as he slowly pushes his sword towards Xisuma, slowly piercing his armour and his skin even faster than that.

He lets a tear roll down as his eye as he drops to his knees with Xisuma infront of him, the idea of killing the man he had trained since he was onlt a boy being more than heartbreaking for him.

"Ring the bells." He mutters to one of the men walking past, and within moments, the sound of bells could be heard throughout the kingdom, the sound of surrender. The sound of Victory.

"That's it, it's all over, for my men at least, I still have to fight for myself." Cub sighs with his torch still in hand, looking over at False and Doc, who seem way to intent on celebrating for his liking.

Ren lowers his axe as he looks around his reclaimed home, the sound of the Crastle and Stratos men cheering being heard all around the main street. "We did it! Find me Hypno!" Ren shouts to a random man walking past before seeing Etho walking with an all too familiar trench coat around him.

Ren's face drops to one of sorrow as he walks up to him. "How did it happen?" He asks quietly, seeing the distress in Etho's face.

"Martyn got him, and the boy, I was too late." Etho mutters as he looks up to Ren with tear ridden eyes, knowing he should've fought harder to have saved them.

Ren sighs before bringing Etho in for a hug, "It's not your fault, my friend, Hypno was a noble warrior." Ren feels a small tear come to his eye as he releases the masked man.

"Come on, Ren, he's waiting for us, apparently." Joel says to Ren, who quickly nods his head and walks up to him.

"He's waiting?" Ren asks, confused. He expected Cub to have killed himself before the two of them could ever reach him. "That's what Biffa said." Joel answers, shrugging his shoulders.

"We can't trust Biffa. It could be a trap." Ren shakes his head. "He was the one who surrendered. He killed Xisuma to do it." Joel Informs Ren, placing all his trust in him.

"Alright, let's go." Ren eventually accepts it before the two of them walk up the steps towards the castle side by side. The king of Stratos and the king of Dogwarts, the only people missing here are Iskall and Impulse.

Biffa opens the doors to the throne room for them, leaving just after slamming the doors shut.

"Well, it's nice to see you both." Cub grins before standing up from the throne and stepping towards the two of them.

"It's over Cub, we won, put the torch back on the wall, and go outside so i can execute you." Ren almost demands, anger building up in him at even the sight of Cub.

"That's the problem, you see, under me is hundreds of barrels of what you call 'The flame of the void.' It spans the entire kingdom. If i drop this torch, then you all go up in flames." Cub laughs before pretending to drop the torch.

"Then you go up in flames." Joel scoffs, unconvinced that Cub would ever sacrifice himself for this. "Incorrect, i managed to use Tango to make myself immune to any flames, so i would be the only one to survive." Cub laughs again before stepping towards them.

"What do you want, Cub?" Ren frowns before asking, even in a loss he had the better of them. He was willing to kill tens of thousands just to save himself, a truly pathetic move.

"Fight, I'll put down the torch when one of you is dead, so fight." Cub smirks as Ren and Joel simply glance at each other, both considering the other as much as the other.

{2 days after the battle.}

Bdubs walks up the steps of the castle, finding himself walking through halls that smell of death and blood. Ever since the battle has ended, no one has seen any of the kings that entered the room, and nobody knows what happened to them.

He quickly finds himself at the large wooden doors of the throne room, a throne with no king at the moment, for a kingdom with barely any people. Truth is no one had seen Doc either, and False had decided only a day later to leave with Biffa across the seas, so him and Keralis were the only remaining members Dogwarts council.

Bdubs walks into the throne room where
he finds a blood-stained floor and an empty throne. He could feel his heart racing as he got closer, finding the crown placed on top of it alongside the very well-known white dagger, which had been bloodied from the battle.

"Go on, Bubbles, you deserve it!" Keralis shouts, trying to convince his friend to take what was rightfully his.

"It's all yours, Bdubs." Etho nods to him with a bright smile on his face, alongside Scar, who was smiling for the first time since he had found out the news that Grian had passed.

"Okay." Bdubs replies with a nervous laugh as he picks up the crown, slowly lifting it up to his face to the point where he can see his own reflection in it, a bright smile appears on him as he places it on his head and turns around to his friends.

"To the king of Dogwarts." Etho raises his glass as the other two that were there to watch it did the same, all in acceptance of Bdubs taking the crown.

Lizzie watches as a carriage rides towards Stratos. She had gotten the news that they were returning only a couple of days ago, but she had no clue who had died in the battle.

She could feel her heart rate flying as the thought of her husband being in a coffin made her feel almost dead, but her fears came true when she saw Jimmy, Gem and Zedaph leave from the carriage.

Jimmy slowly walks up to her with a patch over his chest and a small tear in his wing, but by a miracle, he survives being shot in the air, something most birds fail to do.

"Jimmy... what happened." Lizzie asks with tears already rolling down her eyes. She could see his expression sadden just by the thought of it.

"Nobody knows. He went into the Dogwarts castle and never came out, same with Ren." Jimmy shrugs his shoulders. They had made the assumption that he passed away due to the purple cloak being laid across the ground with blood across it.

"So, i am queen now." Lizzie looks to the floor. Her husband had disappeared, no body, just disappeared. They dont even know if he was killed. Nobody knows.

"You are queen now." Jimmy confirms what she said before bringing her into a hug, with tears streaming down both of their faces and sobs escaping their mouths.

{3 days after the battle.}

Etho looks up to dwarvern. Keep, having taken up Impulse's offer on leading his people if he was to pass, which he did, he had made his way here with the remaining dwarves to become their rightful king. His family had taken over Dogwarts, The Dwarvern Keep, and The Mushroom Forrest.

Stress and Scar had made their way back to the Mushroom forrest, where they would repair and make it their home once again, with Stress as it's queen alongisde Scar as it's king.

Doc looks up from the compass he had been following for the past three days, finally having found himself to wherever it led, which happened to be the burnt and broken town that he grew up in, a town in which there was one small fire burning, alongside a figure sitting by it.

He smiled to himself as he knew who he was looking at and what he was looking at, finally a peaceful life after all these years of war, and that's exactly what the figure wanted too.

Grian opens his eyes as he finds himself in a pitch-black void, trying to feel around his chest for the stab wound that Martyn had given him but findig nothing at all, alongside his wings having a tint off purple and his clothes turning an odd black colour.

"Hello?" He questioned while looking around endlessly, for all he could see it was an endlless black space, with an illuminating purple spreading across it but never leading anywhere. Was this the afterlife that people spoke about? Was this what the gods had created for those who died?

He looks around for what feels like hours before a large figure appears in front of him, one covered in odd symbols and black robes, with what seems like countless eyes.

End of chapter 25: 7429 words
End of Book : 99150 words

(I will be writing one more chapter to tie up the loose ends)


Also, i can't write battles. im so sorry it was probably underwhelming. It's just bad, ugh, im sorry.

Time for lists
The fallen.
BigB- Killed by Etho (Chapter 2)
Joe- Killed by Ren (Chapter 4)
Skizz- Killed by Martyn (Chapter 8)
Beef - killed protecting Grian ( Chapter 9)
Sam- Killed protecting Grian ( Chapter 9)
Pearl- Killed by Gem ( Chapter 10)
Iskall- Killed by Python ( Chapter 11)
Scott - Killed by Hypno (Chapter 12)
Xb - Killed by Martyn ( Chapter 12)
Wels - Killed by Cub ( Chapter 13)
Cleo - Suicide (Chapter 15)
Oli - Killed by Xisuma ( Chapter 17)
Mumbo - Killed by Hbomb ( Chapter 20/21)
Jevin - Killed by Xisuma ( Chapter 21)
Tango - Killed by Doc ( Chapter 22)
Impulse - Killed by Python ( Chapter 24)
Wels - Killed by Hypno ( Chapter 25)
Hbomb - Killed by Joel ( Chapter 25)
Grian- Killed by Martyn (Chapter 25)
Hypno - Killed by Martyn ( Chapter 25)
Martyn - Killed by Etho ( Chapter 25)
Python- Suicide (Chapter 25)
Xisuma- Killed by Biffa ( Chapter 25)
Joel/Ren? Who knows ( Chapter 25)
Cub? Who knows ( Chapter 25)


I really hope you enjoyed this Fic. I loved making it, and im considering making chapters in the past for certain peoples stories, but it was a pleasure to write for you all, and thank you for the support <3

Also, if you had a favourite chapter, I'd love to know what one it was to try improve :)

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