Yearning | Hogwarts Legacy

By smile_arigatou

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Hogwarts 1891. Sabrina Pryor-Lewis, the resilient daughter. Ominis Gaunt, the earnest heir. Sebastian Sallow... More

Author's Note
Chapter One : Welcome Home
Chapter Two : First Day of Class
Chapter Three : Potions Class
Chapter Four : Quidditch Tryouts
Chapter Five : Electives
Chapter Six : Missing
Chapter Seven : Ache
Chapter Eight : Siblings
Chapter Nine : Living In A Mad World
Chapter Ten : The Gaunt Family
Chapter Eleven : Broken Promises
Chapter Twelve : Helping
Chapter Thirteen : The Auror
Chapter Fourteen : Wise Men Say
Chapter Fifteen : Only Fools Rush In
Chapter Sixteen : Away From Prying Eyes
Chapter Seventeen : Small Victories
Chapter Eighteen : Slytherin vs Gryffindor
Chapter Nineteen : Truths
Chapter Twenty : Dark Magic
Chapter Twenty-One : The Dragons and The Unicorns
Chapter Twenty-Two: Sebastian Thomas
Chapter Twenty-Three : Fistful of Roses
Chapter Twenty-Four : Burning Hearts
Chapter Twenty-Five : Change In The Winds
Chapter Twenty-Six : Losing Game
Chapter Twenty-Seven : Rookwood
Chapter Twenty-Eight : Yearning
Chapter Twenty-Nine : I Want You...
Chapter Thirty : Reunion
Chapter Thirty-One : The Den of Serpents
Chapter Thirty-Two: Cross My Heart
Chapter Thirty-Three : Hope To Die
Chapter Thirty-Four : Strength
Chapter Thirty-Five: Falbarton Castle
Chapter Thirty-Six: Storm of Ice and Truth
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Auld Lang Syne
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Play With Fire
Chapter Forty: Ominis Lucian
Chapter Forty-One: Observation
Chapter Forty-Two: Hate
Chapter Forty-Three: Bananas
Chapter Forty-Four: I Wanna Be Yours
Chapter Forty-Five : Raising Hell
Authors Note
Chapter Forty-Six: Snakes and Eagles
Chapter Forty-Seven: Changes
Author's Final Thoughts
Up Next....
It's Only The Beginning....
*Extra* Yearning Bloopers

Chapter Thirty-Seven: Let It Hurt

318 12 41
By smile_arigatou

A/N: Hey... so this chapter is 8000+ words. Consider it like two chapters in one. 
TW: I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH. Mentions of torture, forced marriage, possible SA, suicide, familial abuse, death, child abuse. If you feel you cannot get through this, reach out to me for a summary.


The next morning, Minerva made breakfast as usual, however hardly anyone spoke. Everyone was still taking in everything that had happened the night before, and Ominis especially seemed completely lost in his thoughts as the anticipation built.

Finally, Sebastian and Anne stood up. "We'll be heading to Feldcroft this morning," Anne announced. "We wanted to pack up the last of the house and get a bit of last minute Quidditch practice in before school starts next week."

As the twins left, they finally turned to Ominis. "We thought we would let you be the first to witness the memories," Minerva explained. "And then afterwards, if you feel it appropriate for us to view them, we will. We can use them against Atticus at the Ministry to help build a strong case to get you disowned officially. Maybe we could even bring forth charges to get him arrested."

Ominis nodded, but Sabrina could see him tremble. "I appreciate your concern," he said. "Thank you."

They were led to the pensieve behind the fireplace, and once Minerva was done pouring the memories into the basin she turned to Ominis and Sabrina again. "These memories will not be pleasant," she advised. "And I do not know the effect viewing the memories will have on Ominis and his eyesight. If something happens and you want to come out, all you have to think about is coming back to this moment and it'll pull you out. Otherwise, you'll be in there for the entire duration of the memory."

The pair nodded.

Minerva put her hands on Sabrina's shoulders. "You know what to expect. If you feel at all in danger, don't panic." She then turned to Ominis. "It will feel like a dream. Keep in mind they cannot see you or hear you, and what you're witnessing will have already happened. You cannot change anything."

"I understand," Ominis said.

Taking a deep breath, Minerva finally left the room.

Sabrina took Ominis' hand in hers and squeezed gently. "I'll lead you to it. When you're up to the basin, all you have to do is put your face down. It will feel like you're putting your face in water, but you won't drown."

Ominis squeezed back. "I know you had to do this a lot last year. I remember your recollections well." He took a deep breath, shaky and nervous. "I'm glad you're the one coming with me."

Sabrina felt her cheeks get warm. "Of course." She also took a shaky deep breath. "Shall we?"

They walked up to the basin, and Sabrina could already see the dark swirls of the memories decorating the water.

Before they lowered themselves down, Ominis stopped her. "Wait. Will I feel you with me?"

Sabrina shook her head. "No, we'll be sort of on our own once we're inside. But just know I'll be nearby if it helps. I don't think I'll be forcing my way out of it."

"I know," he said fumbling. "But... this isn't your family history. You don't have to do this."

She carefully reached out and placed a hand on his cheek. Instantly, Ominis was leaning into her touch, and it seemed to calm him. "I will be with you until the end."

After another nervous moment, Ominis finally responded. "Alright."

Taking an involuntary deep breath, she directed Ominis and herself down into the bowl.

They landed among the familiar bookshelves and pages of the Hogwarts library. Sitting at one of the study tables on the ground floor sat two teenage girls, one with bright blonde hair wearing a green dress and silver tie while the other sat in a blue dress and bronze tie with her dark hair pulled up into a tight updo. She guessed they had to be in their seventh year.

"Look," Noctua Gaunt said as she further turned to her friend. "All I'm suggesting is before you look for a job in the Ministry, you may want to learn how to get along with others."

Minerva snapped her neck at her. "I get along just fine!"

"Oh yeah, of course you do. Because people love it when you scowl at them as a way to say 'good morning'."

"I don't scowl!"

Noctua laughed. It was bright and carefree, very out of character for a Gaunt. "You're so funny, Minnie!"

Before Minerva could say another word, Sabrina watched as a young man suddenly approached their table, clearing his throat. "Pardon me, ladies."

The two girls stopped and examined him with great interest, similar to how Sabrina was doing. He was tall and lanky with a slight curl in his brown hair, bright blue eyes that held a twinkle along with a hidden sadness behind his gold rimmed glasses, and small freckles on his cheeks that danced with his slight smile. He held his head high and stood proud in his golden Hufflepuff vest, trousers, and black robes, something that wasn't missed by Noctua.

"I was hoping you may be able to help us with a little problem," he explained. "You see, my friend here—" He turned to his side as if expecting someone to be standing with him. When he saw no one there, he quickly turned around and glared at a blonde curly haired boy by a bookshelf hiding his face in a book.

Sabrina couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of her father's face, almost as red as his scarlet Gryffindor vest.

The Hufflepuff huffed but turned back to the girls. "My embarrassment of a friend over there seems to be failing his Magical Theories class since Professor Fig has taken over, and in order for him to play quidditch and get into the Ministry Auror program, Theodore needs a passing grade. Would either of you be willing to help out his poor, pathetic self?"

"Not to be rude," Noctua said as she raised her eyebrows. "But why don't you help him?"

"Believe me if I could, I would. However as fate would have it, Professor Weasley has forbidden me from helping. She said I would just 'give him the answers' or something along those lines."

The way he held himself and spoke reminded Sabrina so much of Ominis. It was almost startling.

Noctua turned to Minerva. "You are the smartest one in school. Plus, this would be good for you! Making friends will be fun!"

Minerva frowned, looking around the boy to glance at Theo. After a moment, she sighed. "Fine. Alright, Grayson, I'll do it."

He beamed and clapped. "Wonderful! Thank you! Let's say Thursday after dinner, around six o'clock here? I'll make sure he's on time. I cannot thank you enough!"

The girls giggled as he ran back to Theo. "Who is that?" Noctua whispered.

Minerva looked at her. "That was Oliver Grayson. You know! Hufflepuff's honorary prince?"

"Oh, makes sense. I don't pay attention to Hufflepuffs."

They were now in the Three Broomsticks. It was a celebration, as there was a lively jig playing and many students dancing and laughing, enjoying a butterbeer after a long day to release tension. Sabrina was shocked by how many familiar faces she saw aside from her parents. Sirona Ryan, although her hair was much shorter, was dancing happily along with a young Professor Garlick, and a man who looked surprisingly like Everett Clopton was trying to show off in front of a bunch of girls. In the crowd she could see Minerva was dancing with Oliver, who was not wearing his reading glasses and whose blue eyes were now twinkling as he smiled with her.

Noctua and Theo were sitting at a table next to the fireplace. "So, what's the story about Grayson?"

Theo took a sip of butterbeer and looked at her. "What do you mean?"

"I mean who is he?" Noctua explained. "I know you two are very close, so close you're almost brothers, but he doesn't want to talk about his family or anything when I ask him."

"That's because he doesn't want to talk about it," Theo explained. His accent was much thicker now, and definitely more Welsh sounding than how he sounded after his time in America. It suited him more, Sabrina felt. "Look, Ollie is a very private person. He doesn't share that information with anyone."

Noctua sighed. "Which is why I'm asking you." When the boy didn't respond, she huffed. "Is he a muggle? Or half-blood? Is he poor? Is he a street urchin? Are his parents the type of people you see in alleyways trying to sell coal? Or perhaps he is rich. He is very well-spoken and educated, so perhaps his parents are nobles. Oh, my parents could get behind that."

Theo laughed loudly. "Oh please! Your parents would never approve of him even if he was rich."

"So you're saying he's poor!"

"I'm saying you need to drop it!" Theo was starting to get irritated, and Noctua stopped her line of questioning finally. "He doesn't share that information on purpose, Noctua. Leave him alone."

At that moment, Oliver and Minerva approached the table still laughing and smiling after their lively dance. As soon as he saw Theo's face, Oliver's smile disappeared. "What is it? What happened?"

"Nothing," Theo snapped before he stood up.

Oliver turned his gaze to the Slytherin girl. Noctua looked away embarrassed.

They were back in the castle now. Sabrina recognized it as the dungeons nearby the Hufflepuff Common Room. She heard them before they came around the corner.

"There is a reason I don't want to tell you," Oliver exclaimed. He was angry and stomping away, but Noctua was right behind him.

Noctua tried reaching for his arm. "Wait, Ollie–"

Oliver suddenly stopped and almost ran into the girl. "Why is my parentage so important to you? Isn't it enough that you know I'm muggleborn? Why do you have to keep asking?"

Noctua's face hardened. "What is so wrong with wanting to know? We're supposed to be friends. You already know everything about me!"

"Everyone knows everything about you! You're the damn Princess of Slytherin! My existence should mean nothing to you!"

"Then why isn't it?!"

Oliver went to say something, but quickly held his tongue.

"I don't understand what the big deal is," Noctua told him. "Is your family that much of a disgrace?"

Something seemed to snap in the boy. "I have no family! Alright?"

Noctua stood frozen in shock.

"I was born in a cold London alleyway and left on the doorstep of a chimney sweep," Oliver explained. "I was then sent to an orphanage where I ran away when I was eight years old to sell rags and newspapers until Professor Trelawney showed up to tell me I was a wizard. I came here with nothing to my name, not even a robe to wear until the house elves found me a spare. Now, I go back with Theo every summer to help him make money for school books and to pay for his mother's living. I steal books from the libraries in Cardiff so I know how to behave and act around people like you so that maybe when I eventually leave this place I'll be able to get a decent job instead of having to survive the streets again."

The girl didn't move, but she now had tears in her eyes.

"So there. You wanted to know so badly. Are you happy now?"

A few beats seemed to pass between them. Then, suddenly without warning, Noctua walked forward and leaned in to kiss him.

Oliver closed his eyes and took in the feeling for a few seconds, but then he quickly grabbed her shoulders and stopped her. "Stop. Nox, we can't–"

"Why not? I thought you liked me."

"I-I didn't say I didn't."

"Then why?"

"I don't want you to die.."

His words caught Noctua off guard. "What are you talking about?"

Oliver was beginning to shake now. Sabrina knew instantly that was a sign he was beginning to panic. She could see he desperately wanted to kiss Noctua as well, but something was stopping him from taking that step forward. It reminded her of Ominis in the Undercroft when they confessed.

He was afraid, and it was overcoming him.

Gently, Oliver explained. "I just know, Noctua.... Staying away from me is a good idea, alright?"

Noctua gasped. "No, wait–"

"If you want to live and survive, then stay away from me." Oliver's eyes had hardened and was now more determined. "It's the only way I can protect you."

He didn't let Noctua process the words before Oliver finally let go and walked away, knocking on the barrel before disappearing within the wall leading into the Hufflepuff Common Room.

It was evident a few months had passed. Sabrina could tell from the cold wind and the snow outside in the courtyard that it was around Christmastime.

Noctua was standing outside wearing a gorgeous silk green dress and a fur shawl, but she was still shivering. It looked as though she had been ready for the annual Yule Ball that Hogwarts held every year for upperclassmen.

Sabrina could also tell that the girl had been crying. Someone had broken her heart, and despite the cold it was probably better than having to face who or what was inside the warm castle.

They heard footsteps coming closer, and when Noctua turned around she saw Oliver coming towards her. He was also dressed in a pair of fancy dress robes and he had his hair combed back so his face could be properly seen. He saw Noctua and slowed down his steps until he was a few feet from her.

"I'm sorry," he said softly.

Noctua shrugged, sobbing. "It's not your fault Rookwood's such a prat."

Oliver walked forward until he was within arms length from her. "Would you like me to escort you back to your common room?"

"Minerva told me."

Sabrina watched the shock wash over Oliver's face as Noctua looked back at him.

"She told me you're a Seer. Which is why you didn't want to be with me."

Oliver shook his head. "I never said I didn't want to be with you."

"You think you saw me die." Noctua finally met the boys' eyes, and she saw the tears threatening to overcome him too. "You think you saw me die because of you."

"I did see you die," Oliver corrected.

"I'm the spare in my family, Oliver, they don't care what I do with my life."


"We can be together, you and I!" Noctua was pleading now as she walked up to him. "We can be together, run away. There is nothing my family could do that would make me turn away from you!"

"Noctua!" He was close to breaking.

"And even if they find a way, isn't it better to have loved me for a while than not at all?"

"You don't understand," Oliver said, he had tensed up, holding back.

"Then help me to."

Instead, Oliver shook his head. "It's better this way."

The scene changed, and they were now inside Gaunt Manor. Sabrina had never been inside of this room, but it made her uneasy as she saw the many dark artifacts along the walls with the overwhelming bookcase behind the large ornately carved desk. A very young Atticus Gaunt was sitting behind it, and an older woman with white hair dressed in all black was sitting in a seat in front of him. She turned her head when the study door opened, and Noctua was barging in, very visibly upset.

"I have half a mind to hex you!" She exclaimed at Atticus as she ripped off her gloves and hat. "You told me I could go to work! You told me that I had no more responsibilities to the Gaunt household and I could do whatever my 'puny heart' requested! Why did you tell the Ministry officials not to accept my application?"

"Things have changed," the old woman snapped as Noctua sat down. "Now close your mouth and listen to me."

"Yes, Mother," Noctua said in a heavy sarcastic tone.

Atticus scowled at her but otherwise said nothing.

Lady Gaunt turned to Noctua. "As you know, your brother and his wife have yet to bear an heir to the family despite their many years of marriage. We had a meeting with the healers at St. Mungo's and they have informed us that it is just not possible for Atticus and Lilith to have children naturally."

Noctua scoffed. "Well, I should feel sorry for you," she told Atticus.

"Which now brings us to our solution," her mother ignored.

Noctua turned to her. "'Solution'?"

Lady Gaunt's pursed face turned back to Noctua. "We will go ahead with the marriage of you and Andrew–"

"Nine hells, I already told you–" Noctua began.

"--and you will shut your mouth when I am speaking!"

Noctua finally stopped talking, cowering slightly at her mother's tone before the old woman continued.

"You will marry your second cousin, Andrew Gaunt. You will do so without argument or complaints. And any children you carry will instead be given to Atticus to be raised as his heirs. To be raised as a proper Gaunt should be."

Noctua looked between her brother and her mother in shock. "Are you mad? You can't be serious!"

Lady Gaunt ignored her. "Andrew has already expressed he does not want children, and with his prestigious role in the community–"

"What about me? What about my life? I want to work in the Ministry! You can't do this! I would be kept here as a prisoner! You told me–"

"Family obligations–"

"You promised–"

Atticus finally reacted by slamming his hand down on the desk, making a loud THUD! that echoed in the room. It stopped the two women from fighting finally, and Noctua stared at her brother with hate in her eyes.

"This is what's best for the family," Atticus told his sister. "You will do this."

"I will not," Noctua argued back. "You only want me for the sole purpose of breeding. You have no regard for my feelings or thoughts on the matter. I will not allow you to force this on me!" She stood up and began to storm out. "You cannot control my life!"

"Do you care for that mudblood Grayson, sister?"

Noctua instantly stopped. Sabrina saw a violent shiver go through her as her face dropped.

"Do you want him to live, sister?"

Slowly, the young woman turned around to look back at him. Tears had started to gather in her eyes. "You wouldn't dare."

Atticus stood up and walked towards Noctua in a slow and calculated way. It was like watching a predator go after his prey. "You are an insufferable complainer," he spat. "First, you complain about being the 'spare Gaunt', and now you complain about what use we finally found you for. I wonder how hard I would have to torture him to break you. I like having a challenge."

"You can't hurt him, he's a Ministry Auror."

"That hasn't stopped me before." Atticus was now in her face. "You will marry your cousin. You will give me the children needed to continue the Gaunt family line. And for once in your insignificant life, you will do as you're told."

Sabrina watched as Noctua stared back at Atticus. She wanted to fight. She wanted to argue.

But she also needed Oliver to live.

"Are we in agreement?"

Slowly, Noctua nodded.

They were back in the study, but it was a different day. Everyone was now wearing fancier clothes, with Noctua wearing a beautiful black gown and a tortured expression. She was holding Atticus' wrist, while his grip on her was almost vice-like. Next to them stood Lady Gaunt and a much older man whose eyes and face were as defined as Marvolos'.

Around their hands was a magical white rope, and Sabrina could tell it was burning their hands.

Lady Gaunt spoke. "Will you, Carina Noctua Gaunt, swear to marry the man that Atticus has instructed you to?"

Noctua responded clearly. "I will."

"And will you swear to lay with your new husband and birth the children he empties into you?"

Noctua swallowed but held her head up higher by an inch. "I will."

"And will you swear to give the children you birth with Andrew to your brother Atticus and his wife, and do you swear not to interfere with the children any more than what is permitted to you by Atticus?"

At this, Noctua hesitated. Atticus narrowed his eyes before his grip became so hard on Noctua's arm she winced in pain. Finally, she closed her eyes and spoke. "I will."

The rope disappeared on their hands, leaving behind a slight burn mark in its place.

The bedroom they landed in was brightly lit from the sunlight, but despite the warmth overflowing the room, the air and demeanor in the room was cold and stifling.

Noctua was curled up in her bedsheets, her eyes open but unmoving. Next to the bed was a bassinet with a screaming baby inside, however Noctua seemed completely oblivious to his cries as she lay with her back to him.

The bedroom door opened and Atticus walked inside. "Come now, sister," he said, walking forward. "The child won't harm you. Well... not anymore than he did already."

Noctua still didn't move. The closer Sabrina looked the more she could see the darkness closing around the woman.

"My wife has requested that you provide a name."

Finally, Noctua answered him. "Marvolo Atticus."

Atticus leaned down and picked up the child. It's crying faltered, which seemed to please the man. "What a fine son," he praised. "He'll make the perfect heir."

As Atticus left with the babe, Noctua never moved.

Sabrina knew this bridge.

It was dark. The only lights illuminating the old cobblestone road were the lanterns on the London Bridge. The sky and buildings were dark and unfriendly, and under the bridge you could only tell the water was underneath by the sounds of it rushing past. The only person out at this late hour seemed to be the woman standing next to the railing.

Noctua looked skinny and sullen. The dark circles under her eyes almost made her seem like a ghost in the darkness, and her dark silk dress only added to that illusion. Sabrina could tell the despair and agony that was wrecking her mind was beginning to take its toll, and it was so hard to see her in that state.

However, Noctua's face was hardened and resolved. She was in obvious agony, but she seemed almost content with it.

From her own experience, Sabrina recognized this emotion immediately, and her fears were realized when she watched Noctua climb up onto the stone railings. It was a feat considering the railings were chest level, and she had to hang onto a lantern for stability, but once she was up Noctua stood tall and proud, facing forward as if she was afraid to look down.

Sabrina heard the cry. It was faint but urgent, and when she turned she saw a man running towards them out of the darkness.


She wasn't listening. Noctua let go of the bridge, and then Sabrina was falling along with her.

"NO!" The man instantly jumped off the bridge and pointed his wand. "ACCIO!"

Noctua was pulled forward until she was clinging to the man. Right before they hit the water, he apparated.

They landed on a soft grassy part of the riverbank. Noctua was coughing from having the air knocked out of her, and when she looked up she saw the man was breathing just as heavily.

"What the fuck were you thinking?!" Oliver snapped as he tried to catch his breath.

Noctua only stared at him. Finally she responded. "I was thinking I had never gone swimming before."

Oliver stared incredulously. "Oh, you're enjoying this are you?"

"Oh absolutely."

Finally, Oliver chuckled. It then led into a laugh, which only caused Noctua to finally react by laughing with him. They did that for a moment until Oliver reached over, wrapping his fingers in her hair with tears in her eyes as he pressed their foreheads together. "God, you fucking scared me!"

They were suddenly now walking into an old brick apartment building. They walked into a decent sized living area with a couch and a rug next to a wooden stove. A wooden desk covered in books and papers sat in the corner, a single bed with a trunk underneath sat in the opposite corner, and a table and two chairs stood next to the porcelain sink on the opposite end of the room.

From the look of slight disarray and lack of decorations, Sabrina guessed this was Olivers' flat.

Oliver gently sat Noctua down on top of his kitchen table as he lit a lantern. "Wait here," he instructed before he went to grab something underneath his sink.

As he did, Noctua looked around the flat with interest. "Is this where you live?"

Oliver took off his jacket and hat and began rolling up his sleeves. "Yes. It's close to the Ministry so getting to work isn't an inconvenience. And truth be told, I'm hardly here except to sleep." He approached Noctua and gently took her hand in his. "Now, let's see."

Sabrina looked and saw Noctua had a cut on her left hand. As the woman let Oliver look it over and clean it, she studied his features. For the most part, Oliver still looked the same as he did when they were in school, except his hair had turned into almost tamed curls, and his features had softened slightly as he grew into them. He was very handsome, and a slight blush came over Noctua's face as he worked. "How did you know where I would be?"

Oliver was refusing to meet her gaze, and instead was keeping it on her hand. "I saw you," he answered. "In a vision."

Noctua bit her lip nervously. "Why didn't you let me die?"

"What sort of gentleman would I be to allow a woman such as yourself to fall to her death?"

"I wanted to die."


"And you stopped me."

"Do you have a point to your observation?"


"I just told you—"

"Why, Oliver?"

He didn't answer her. His eyes never looked up as he finished his cleaning and began to bandage.

Noctua continued. "I deserve to die."

Oliver shook his head. "That's not true."

She looked at him. As she did, something clicked, and Sabrina felt the tension begin to rise. "You said you saw a vision of me dying. Was this the vision you saw?"

Oliver's movements slowed as he lifted his eyes. His face was indifferent, but his gaze gave him away.

Noctua swallowed as he stared at her. "You cheated death for me. Why?"

He didn't say anything.

Shock was starting to rise in Noctua's own eyes. "Was it because.... Oliver, do you...?"

Oliver looked away then and quickly finished wrapping her hand. "Don't be absurd," he responded before she could finish her thought. "You're a married woman."

"Married for convenience."

"Married nonetheless."

"I didn't have a choice."

"One always has a choice."

"And why do you care? You didn't want me anyway!"

The man snapped, putting his hands on either side of Noctua on the table as he stared back at her. "I never said that!"

"I begged you to give me a chance! I begged you to want me!"

"Noctua, I have always wanted you."

The pain in which Oliver said that was enough to break Noctua. He seemed surprised at himself, but he didn't move, standing dangerously close to Noctua now.

Noctua's tears began to fall. "I don't believe you."

"Nox, I am trying to protect you."

"From what, exactly?"

"If you get involved with me, your family will kill you."

"They're killing me anyway, Ollie. Why did you think I jumped tonight? If I knew you loved me, I could have fought."


"I could have run away!"

"Why didn't you?"

"Because my life is miserable!" She was close to sobbing. "I thought you didn't want me. I was so in love with you that I thought nothing could be worse than not being loved in return by you."

Oliver diverted his gaze. He was trying to be strong, but he was failing.

"I am unloved, unwanted, and I've accepted that. Oliver, I can't...." Her voice began to falter.

For a moment, neither person spoke. The only sounds in the room were Noctua's now quiet cries and Oliver's breathing as he tried not to give in to what he obviously wanted.

Oliver's words came through in a strangled whisper. "Do you still love me?"

Noctua looked back at him in surprise. Sabrina felt like she could also see a bit of desperation in her face as well. "I shouldn't."

"And yet you haven't pushed me away."

"They threatened to kill you," she whispered back. "That's why I did it."

Oliver hesitated. Carefully, he reached up and wiped a tear off her cheek.

Noctua sobbed. "You broke my heart."

He trembled. "And yet you still haven't answered me."

She looked up. The pair were so close to each other now, they could feel their breaths on each other's faces. "What about you? Do you love me?"

Oliver swallowed. "Yes. Do you love me?"

Noctua didn't hesitate. "Yes."

He swallowed again. "Then God forgive me for what I'm about to do."

Oliver leaned forward and finally captured Noctua's lips on his own, swallowing her breath and gasps as she closed her eyes and returned the kiss with the same passion and longing. Oliver's hands moved to her waist and pulled her closer to him, and she instantly wound her fingers in his curls as if determined to never let him go.

When his lips eventually moved down to her neck, Noctua leaned her head back, moaning softly as she allowed herself to finally feel.

Noctua walked back into the study and approached Atticus at his desk. She was looking better than she had in the last memory. Her face seemed brighter and more clear, and some of her confidence had returned as she held her head high.

Atticus put down his quill and stood up. "I heard from the nurse that you are again with child."

The woman stood firm. "That is correct."

"I find that interesting since your husband states he has not lay with you in almost three months."

Noctua shook her head. "You know how much of a drunken fool he is. You can't expect him to remember every single time he's pulled my skirt up, can you?"

Atticus didn't seem amused. He stood up and walked around the desk to face her. "You wouldn't lie to me, would you?"

Holding her head higher, Noctua responded. "Why would I do that?"

The man hummed in thought and studied her before taking a few steps away from her. "Fine."

Some tension released from Noctua's shoulders.


Everything went dark. Sabrina could tell that Noctua had fallen to her knees and was crying in shock. She couldn't see, and it was beginning to cause panic.

Atticus came up and hissed in his sisters' ear. "Now... I'll ask you once more. Who is the father of the babe you're carrying?"

Noctua gasped. "Andrew."

For a few thoughtful seconds, Atticus was quiet. "I suppose I have no choice but to believe you. But remember this, sister. The next time I hear about you whoring yourself out, your sight won't be the only thing I take away."

Finally, the darkness lifted as Atticus released her, and Noctua struggled to stand up.

They were back in Noctua's bedroom. She was now laying in her bed, but unlike the last time she was now sitting up and holding a small bundle of blankets in her arms as she cooed to him.

"Just look at that blonde hair," she said softly to the baby. "And those gorgeous hazy blue eyes. You, my son, are one that will bring pride to the family. I can feel it in my bones."

The baby let out a small cry, but immediately calmed down as soon as Noctua lay a kiss on top of his head.

The bedroom door opened, and Atticus walked inside. He seemed surprised by the scene in front of him. "So it's true what the midwife said. You're bonding with this child." He came over to them and pulled the blanket away from the baby's face before scoffing. "Such a waste."

"There's no guarantee the blindness will linger–"

"You gave me a defective child! What use are you?!"

Noctua instinctively held the baby closer to her. "If you're that upset about it, then let me keep him."

Atticus instantly stopped and narrowed his gaze at her. "What did you say?"

She trembled. "If you think he's that defective, then let me raise this one."

"Your husband wouldn't allow it."

"My husband won't care. He's not around anyway."

"Absolutely not. We made a deal."

"It can be broken if you allow it to be so."

Atticus' slap across her face made Noctua fall onto the bed. She held onto the child, who had started to cry. A second later, she felt her brother trying to take the baby from her.

"No!" she pleaded. "Atticus, stop!" But in her weakened state, Atticus was able to grab the baby and hold it away from her scrambling grabs.

"A deal is a deal," Atticus snapped. "And a male Gaunt can still father Gaunt children, regardless of eyesight or not."

Noctua had begun to sob, still pleading. "Please, Atticus...."

"What is this one's name?"

She gasped, but still didn't move from her collapsed state on the bed. "Ominis Lucian."

A moment later, Atticus' hard footsteps echoed on the hardwood floor, and he slammed the door behind him.

"You're lost in thought, my dear."

They were back in Olivers' flat, but now Oliver and Noctua were laying under the covers in his bed snuggled together. It was obvious some years had passed by the circles under their eyes and the comfortableness the pair now seemed to have between them.

Noctua sighed but snuggled closer. "I was just thinking how much I love you."

Oliver hummed and kissed the top of her head. "I wish these monthly meetings were so quick. It would be heaven to wake up to you like this every day."

A sad smile passed over Noctua's lips. "It would be."

Shifting slightly, Oliver looked down at his lover. "Nox.... I've been thinking."

She looked up at him.

"What if we ran away?"

His question surprised her, and Noctua sat up. "What? Run away?"

Oliver sat up with her. "Why not? We could go to America, start over and get legally married there."

Noctua was on her feet in a second and was grabbing her clothes. "No, Oliver."

He got up and tried to stop her. "I saw it." That caused Noctua to stare at him. "I had a vision of you and I together. We had grown old with a little farmhouse, our grown son and daughter surrounding us as we talked–"

"Oliver, stop it!"

"If I saw it, it happens!"

"You also saw me dying by jumping off the bridge, and yet that didn't happen!"

Oliver stopped. He looked like he had just been slapped. "I can make this one come true."

Noctua ignored him and quickly waved her wand to get dressed.

When all of her clothes were on her body, Oliver embraced her from behind. "Please.... We'll go somewhere where they can't find us. We'll be safe and happy, just as it should be."

"I can't leave Ominis."

Oliver sighed with an exasperated sound.

She turned to him. "They torture him! They treat him horribly just because of his lack of eyesight. I'm the only one there to protect him. I can't just leave him!"

"If you take his son, Atticus will come after you. Regardless of how imperfect Ominis is, Atticus will never let you take him."

"You don't understand."

"Then help me to!"

Noctua didn't respond. Instead, she sighed again and ran her hands over her face. Sabrina saw as she weighed her options, but ultimately chose to stay silent.

Oliver hugged her tighter. "Please... let's not end our monthly meeting this way. I don't want to be upset at you."

Noctua turned around and stood in his arms. "I don't want to be upset either." After a minute, she let go of him. "I have to leave. Atticus will wonder where I am."

Noctua sat in her bedroom with a look of shock on her face. She looked like she was absolutely stunned, and she almost seemed incapable of moving.

The door slammed open and Atticus stormed inside. Before Noctua could move, he was already slapping her hard against her face. She yelped and collapsed on her bed. "You fucking whore!" Atticus screamed. "I knew you were sleeping around. You just couldn't wait until Andrew's death to go fuck somebody else, could you?"

She tried to sit up, but as soon as Noctua lifted her face then Atticus was hitting her again. "Stop!" Noctua screamed at him.

"Don't think for a moment this gets you out of the vow," Atticus spat. "You don't deserve a child after this! You are a fucking disgrace to the Gaunt name!"

"At least I'm a better slut than you!" Noctua hissed back.

This time, the hit was sure to leave a mark on her face. Noctua held a hand to her cheek, crying in pain before she looked down at her hand. Blood was starting to leak from her cheek, but she only winced.

Atticus didn't say another word before he stormed out just as violently as he came.

As soon as she was gone, Noctua stood up and made her way to her desk. Scrambling, she found her quill and some parchment and scribbled a message onto the paper. Sabrina looked over and saw the letter.

He found out I'm carrying your child. Meet me outside of the Gaunt apparition line in three days.

When she was done, Noctua went to her window, summoned an owl, and attached the small letter before it flew away.

She stood there and helped the family welcome the cold and familiar sight of Victor Rookwood as he walked inside the manor. "Mr. Gaunt," he said, greeting Atticus with his cold and harsh voice. "I'm so glad we could arrange this meetup."

"As am I," Atticus said politely. "You remember my sister?"

Victor smiled and kissed Noctua's hand. "How could I forget the Heartbreak of Hogwarts?"

Noctua smiled bitterly. "Good to see you too, Victor."

When her task was done, Noctua went back to her bedroom and began writing at her desk. Sabrina could see she was writing in one of her diaries, and she had completed only one page before a soft scuffle was heard along the walls. Noctua looked up just in time to see a small boy, no older than four years old, dragging his hands along the wall as he felt his way around.

Sabrina felt her heart jump at the familiar face and blue eyes.

"Ominis!" Noctua called, causing the boy to stop. "What are you doing?"

"I was hungry," the small boy responded. "But I cannot find the kitchen."

Instantly, Noctua's entire demeanor changed as she closed her diary to approach him. She knelt next to him and smiled softly. "Would you like some help?"

"Yes, please."

"Alright," she said, gently pinching his cheek. "Let's–"

As soon as she went to stand up, they both heard a larger scuffle downstairs. Someone had called out in surprise and panic before a hard thud! was heard on the stairs. Noctua instinctively grabbed Ominis and held him close as the footsteps got closer and closer. Someone was inside Gaunt Manor!

When the man reached the landing, Noctua almost dropped the child in shock. "What are you–?"

"There's no time," Oliver told her quickly. "Theo is distracting them downstairs, so we have to hurry."

"Theo? What is he doing here?! Oliver, what is going on?!"

"I'm getting you out of here," he explained quickly. He then noticed the child she was holding and quickly and warmly smiled at him. "You must be Ominis. I'm Ollie."

Ominis huddled closer to Noctua and didn't say anything.

"I know, I probably scared you. But it's alright." Oliver directed his gaze. "I'm not leaving you in this house any longer."

Noctua stared at Oliver. So many emotions were running through her that Sabrina could see. Panic, desperation, shock, love. Finally, she nodded. "Alright."

Oliver grabbed her hand and then he was dragging them downstairs. Instantly, a few guards apparated in front of them. Oliver quickly disarmed them before shocking them, causing them to fall to the floor. A few more showed up, but they were quickly disabled just like the others. The pair continued to make their way through the house until they reached the ballroom.

"If we go through the ballroom, we can reach the kitchens," Noctua explained. "We can get out through the gardens."

Before Oliver could agree, they heard a spell being cast. The next second, Oliver was collapsing onto the ground in pain.

Noctua turned around and saw Atticus and Victor Rookwood walking towards her with a triumphant look on their faces.

"I'm impressed," Victor told Atticus. "Although, he didn't put up nearly as much of a fight as Lewis did."

Noctua held onto Ominis, shoving his head into her shoulder as she tried to cover his ears.

"Go ahead and take Mr. Lewis, Victor," Atticus said calmly. "I'll leave his punishment to you." Then he stared cold daggers at Noctua, causing her to shake. "I'll take care of my sister."

Oliver's wand was taken away and he was dragged to the center of the ballroom before being shoved to the ground to his knees by Atticus. Lilith quickly came and took Ominis away from Noctua before she too was being shoved to the ground. Behind Atticus, Noctua could see his wife and three children standing there with looks of excitement on their faces.

All except Ominis, who was shaking.

"So you're the filthy mudblood my sister has been whoring herself to," Atticus said as he approached Oliver. He used the tip of his wand to lift up Oliver's face so he could get a proper look. "I wonder how much fun I can have with you."

"Atticus, please," Noctua gasped as she begged. "Don't hurt him."

"Quiet, sister!"

"I love him!" she cried out. Her declaration echoed in the marble hall loudly for everyone.

"YOU LOVE HIM?!" At this, Atticus began to laugh. "Gaunts are incapable of love. Something you know too well."

"Kill me. Not him."

"And kill the bastard inside of you? I think not."

"Atticus, please! I beg of you, have mercy!"

The slap across her face reverberated through the room, causing Noctua to fall again. "I warned you of the consequences of your disobedience, sister." Atticus leaned down and pulled Noctua up by her hair, causing a pained scream to escape her. He growled in her ear. "Now, you have the great honor in watching me take away the very thing you care about most."

He released her and shoved her back down on the floor next to Oliver. "NO!" she screamed as she frantically tried to grab onto Atticus' arm. "Atticus!"

"Nox, it's alright." Oliver spoke finally, soft and kind as he looked at her. He seemed prepared and ready for this. "Don't fight it."

"Oliver, I can't lose you!"

As soon as she said this, Atticus pointed his wand. "CRUCIO!"

The red hot magic left his wand and landed squarely on Oliver's chest. At first, he was able to fight it, but then as the pain became more intense he began to scream. Oliver collapsed and withered in pain, finding that the more he fought the worse the pain got.

After a minute, Atticus let go. Oliver began panting as he tried to catch his breath.

"Wife!" Atticus called to Lilith. "Would you like to teach our two oldest how to cast the spell?"

The vile woman smiled. "With pleasure."

Marvolo, who was now seven, and Verena, who was six, stepped forward with Lilith. "Watch, children," she said before she too cast the torture curse on Oliver. He screamed in pain, but she released him after half a minute before she handed her wand to Marvolo. "Now remember, he is a mudblood. He means nothing to you."

As the oldest boy smiled, he pointed his wand at Oliver and cried out. "Crucio!"

Oliver withered again, but the spell only lasted a few more seconds. Marvolo jumped for joy before he passed the wand to his sister. Her spell only lasted longer, but the children were now screaming in delight at the scene before them.

This was getting to be too much. Sabrina was feeling sick watching it. She felt like she had to pull up as the fear and panic washed over her, but she couldn't. She had to stay. She had to know what happened.

Atticus approached Oliver again, who was now laying on his back trying to catch a breath. He looked red as all the nerves in his body were on fire, and his eyes were struggling to stay open from the pain. However, he was staring intently at something before the words left his mouth. "I understand now...."

Sabrina followed his gaze and saw he was staring at Ominis. The child had his hands clasped around his ears tightly and was on the verge of tears himself.

Oliver gasped and chuckled as a knowing smile graced his face. "I understand now."

Atticus grabbed Oliver and pulled him back up to his kneeling position. "Any last words?"

Noctua tried to grab Atticus' arm again as she sobbed.

Oliver, however, finally tore his gaze away from the child and met Atticus' cold, hard stare. His eyes had darkened considerably, and Sabrina could see the determination rise in his voice. "Fuck you," Oliver spat out. "You and your house will fall eventually. And oh, what a glorious morning that will be for you."

Noctua had stopped and was listening. Sabrina knew at that same moment what was happening.

"I've seen it," Oliver smiled, tauntingly. "Your den of serpents, corrupted by name and power, will fall and burn by that evil which you created. A storm of ice and truth will ignite and leave a glorious hellfire as snake and crow, the eggs stolen by greed, finally determine which legacy will survive to see the sun and which will live to grovel in ruin."

"Enough of this!" Atticus raised his wand. "Let go of me!"

Noctua screamed and sobbed. "NO! DON'T KILL HIM! PLEASE!"

"Do it, Atticus." Oliver's eyes were hard and set on the Gaunt. He no longer showed fear, only a challenge. "Let it hurt you son of a bitch. My only regret is that I won't have the personal joy of seeing you get sent to the bottom of Hell where you belong!"



This spell landed so hard on Oliver, it instantly dropped him. He screamed in pure agony, feeling as if he was being set on fire from the inside out. Atticus didn't relent, casting it again and again on him, each time harder and more forceful than the last.

Finally, Oliver stopped screaming. The spell released, and the silence was deafening in the ballroom. Noctua scrambled to his side, shaking as she rolled him over to see his face.

His eyes were facing forward and glazed. Sabrina couldn't tell if he was breathing.

Noctua wailed. Her heart was shattering right before everyone's eyes, and yet no one seemed to care in the slightest. She cried for him, screamed at him to wake up, and she was inconsolable the longer she went without an answer.

"Let this be a lesson, sister," Atticus told her before the family was walking out. "Do not go against me again."

Finally, it was just Oliver and Noctua alone, and she could only sit and cry over his body as she called his name again and again.

But he was gone.

Sabrina came out of the memory gasping for air. When she looked over, she saw Ominis standing still over the basin, white knuckles on the rim and also panting as everything sunk in for him. He was shaking, but something about this shake seemed more angry than devastated.

"Ominis?" Sabrina asked quietly.

He turned his head in her direction. "Sabrina, come here."

She stood in front of him instantly but was still unprepared for how forceful his grip on her would be when he embraced her.

Sabrina held onto him, determined to never let him go if she could help it. She was shaking with fear and despair, and the longer she sat on the memories the more anguish she felt for Noctua and Oliver. "Are you alright?" she asked Ominis.

Ominis, however, only held onto her tighter. "I'm going to kill him myself."


A/N: I will be away from some internet for the weekend, if you need anything wait to yell at me until Monday. Comments are love! Thank you for reading!

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