Owning Her| NEW

By Shawty_melodies

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This is the NEW version of Owning Her, the old one is still up on my page!! "So Professor Jones, does this me... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chaoter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Grayson's B-Day pt.1
Grayson's B-Day pt.2
Grayson's B-Day pt.3
Grayson's B-Day pt.4

Chapter Fifty-Two

924 29 13
By Shawty_melodies



I walked into the packed sorority house. Music was blasting through the speakers. The boys were behind me and we walked through the crowd. I was heading for the booze first. Football season was over and I needed to get shit into my system.

"Adam, you came," Eva squeals.

"Yeah, you know I always come," I smirk.

She kisses me on the cheeks and I kiss her back. I look back at the boys and I nod my head towards them. They gave me an amused look. Eva was dressed as one of Santa's elf, but Elf met the strip club.

She wore short green dress, with her chest out and her breasted pushed up. She had white embroidered hat, on her her head. She wore plain black shoes, her dress rode up so high, if any more, I could see her panties in a second.

We went into the kitchen and I got a cup. I saw a sharpie and wrote my name on it. I had Eva mix something up for me. We could drink since it was the end of the season, but it wasn't anything too heavy.

"I miss you Adam," she says.

"Mhm, why?"

"What do you mean why? I can't miss my ex?"

I look at Eva. She was still the same girl I remember. We dated last year, but it was a up and down thing. We kept breaking up and getting back together. We was toxic together, probably why she misses me. I liked her cause she had a pretty face and good mouth. She had a small bum and small perky tits. She was a petite girl.

"I can show you all the ways I miss you," she purrs.

"Really?," I chuckle.

I drink whatever she gave me. I watched her put everything, so I know she didn't spike it. A another girl comes up. I forgot her name, I might have fucked her, but that's it.

"Hey Adam, how you been?"

"Good, you?"

"Good," she nods.

I started hear cheering and I heard an all to familiar voice. I walked away from them and headed towards the noise. I looked at the ping pong table as some guy threw a ping pong. He missed it. Iris threw and she got it. Another round of yelling came and she tipped the cup to her lips. She drank the alcohol in the cup.

Iris wore when heck of an outfit. Everyone was obviously dressed up, but she still caught my attention. Her boobs were being pushed up in her top. She wore a red body suit that had a mini skirt that didn't cover anything. She had such an obsession for mini skirts.

She was dressed up as Mrs, Clause. I found it ironic that we were matching. I was dressed as Santa, but I only had on the coat he wore. I didn't wear a shirt underneath. I wore red pants that were low, that showed the top of my boxers.

She jumps a little and her tits jiggled. If she was jump up and down one of them might pop out. She had naughty Mrs Claus written on her chest as well. I wonder who the fuck wrote that. I watched as she won the game. She claps and I walked over to her. She seemed surprised to see me here.

"Adam, Heyy," she says.

"I didn't expect to see you here."

"Neither did I," she nods.

"You're ghosting me," I stated.

"Am I? I have just been really busy," she stammered.

"Iris, you don't need to lie," I said.

"Fine, I have," she groans.


She had started to answer my messages less and I had even went to uncle Gray about it. He didn't give me much insight on how to deal with it. He just said give her space something might be happening. I listened to him and gave her space, but I thought we were cool being friends.

"I don't think we should talk about it here."

"Your right, let's just have fun."

She nods her head and we stand there awkwardly. I get pulled away by someone and I lost sight of her. Fuck, she looked sexy in that outfit close up. I was actually thinking to tell her to fuck the guy she's with, because fuck I wanted her.

Strangely enough she was the only girl I wanted this year. I went back and forth between girls, but I wanted her. I didn't want her because she was a freshman, but I liked her energy. I liked how cute and idiotic she could be.

For the rest of the night I would look out for her. I would spot her a few times and she was always drinking. She was laughing or dancing. I started to enjoy myself and slowly eased my mind elsewhere.

Time had passed and I was tipsy. I wasn't planning on getting drunk. I danced with a girl and she rubbed against me. I was considering taking her back with me tonight.

"Yo Adam, upstairs now," Shawn shouts.

I could barely hear him over the music. I furrowed my eyebrows and he motioned to upstairs. Why the fuck am I going upstairs for? I swear to god if these lot have walked in an orgy, I'm walking away. I followed him and the music made the floors vibrate upstairs.

Kaylen came out the room and I got even more confused. I walked into the room and looked at the scene in front of me. Iris lays on the bed she looks like was going in and out.

Parker was beating some guy on the floor. There were two more, but they had been knocked out and by Parker. Parker was the violent one of the group and we all know it. So if he was beating them up, then shit.

I sobered up so quick and went to Iris. Her outfit was ripped in some parts and I took off my coat to cover her up. She was trying to push me off of her, but it was like weak shoves. Iris didn't have a chance against the three of them with how weak she was.

"No, stop. Stop," she mumbles.

"Iris, it's me. It's okay," I hushed.

I picked her up and she kept trying push me away. She probably thinks I was one of the guys that was raping her. I didn't know what the fuck to do. I looked at the three guys and I looked at Kaylen.

"What the fuck happened?" I asked.

"I was coming upstairs to take a piss and then I walked in on them. I thought it was the bathroom and I just saw them holding her down," Kaylen explains.

I was lost in a daze. I didn't know what to do. I have never dealt with anything like this before. I just looked at she slowly gave up. Parker was finished beating one of the guys.

"I have their phones, they recorded it," he says.

"Take their phone, that's basically all we need," Shawn groans.

"I will deal with them from here," Kaylen sighs.

"Mayn what the fuck do we do?" I asked.

"Take her to Elijah and Grayson," Parker spoke.

We all agreed that would be a smarter choice. I walked downstairs and pushed past the crowd of people. We got outside and I held her against me as I headed towards the my Jeep.

"Are you good bro?" Parker asked.

"I don't know," I answered.


Kaylen pulled into the driveway. He didn't drink at all while we was there, so he decided to drive in case anything happened. We got out the car and she was silent. She didn't say anything. She was a rambling her words earlier, but now she was silent.

She was probably replaying the whole night in her head. Parker banged on the door and Uncle Elijah opened the door. He was only in red and black flannel Christmas pajama pants and he seemed to be half asleep. He scowled at Parker with the most aggravated look on his face.

"Do you boys see the time?" He shouts.

"Look, we don't have time for that we have an issue," Parker says.

"What issue could you possibly have at this time?" He asked.

I walked up to the door and showed him Iris. His face dropped and he seemed to become wide awake. He took her from me and brought her into the house. We followed behind him and I was glad we came here. I wouldn't have been able to know what to do.

"Grayson," he yells.

The house was decorated in Christmas decorations. I saw all the stuff, but they hadn't put it up yet. Now it looked like a christmas storm had hit the house. He took her to the living room and the Christmas tree was on. I looked at the stockings. GIE.

He put her on the couch and he looked around to cover her up with something. Instead of just using my santa coat.

"What the fuck happened?" He asked.

Uncle Gray came down the stairs and he was ruffling his hair. They must have been sleeping. I hope their girlfriend wasn't here to see this. It would be better actually since were all guys.

"Adam, why are you and your miscreant friends here?"

"Iris," I murmured.


He looked taken aback when I said her name. Parker was explaining to Uncle Elijah what had happened. His eyes follow my head. He turned his back to me and I don't know how he responded, but it definitely had to be shock.

He turned to look at me and he pointed towards her. His eyes building with anger and frustration, I saw his fist clench at the side.

"Why does she fucking look like that?" He seethes.

"Some guys were on her. I didn't know what to do, so I brought her here."

"Gray, leave him," she mumbles.

We turn and look at her. She seemed to be awake now. She looked dazed and they had to drug her. She wasn't drunk that's for sure.

"Angel," he says.

"He brought me here."

He walks to her and she shakes her head. I looked at the boys. Why did he call her Angel? They seemed just as confused as me. Although Parker had an expression of trying to hide his reaction. I watched them and concern filled their faces.

"Angel," he repeated, softly.

I have never heard my uncle like that. He was always the quiet type and if he was mad, he was mad. He wasn't a very emotional person. Hearing his voice like that confused me more. It sounded soft and hurt.

"Who did this?" Uncle gray asked.

"I don't know, but I beat the shit out of them. Shawn is trying to figure that out," Parker answered.

"Iris, I'm sorry. I didn't know where else to take you," I said.

"It's fine."

I walked over to her and she smiled softly. She blinks a couple of times and sobs escape her mouth. She holds her self and uses my coat to shield herself. This is not what I was expecting tonight. She looked towards Uncle Elijah and her words flowed out.

"I couldn't get them off me," she cried.

"They, they. I couldn't do anything. I could barely move my body. They," she stammers.

"I know princess, but you're safe now. We have to take you to the hospital."

She starts to shake and she hugs herself. I went towards her, but Uncle Gray motioned for me to move back. I couldn't help her and they just kept calling her pet names like that's going to help. Pet names really is that supposed to do anything.

"We have to take you to the hospital," Uncle Elijah reasoned.

"They didn't... th-they didn't rape me I'm fine," she stammered.

"You still-."

"No, if I was raped they would care more, but just because I got held down and groped they can't do anything."

She still kept herself in ball, she still looked so affected by it. She was still assaulted and they gave her something. Surprisingly it didn't last long, but she was still shaken up by the whole ordeal.

"I want my mom, where's my phone?"

"Shit, we didn't get your bag. It's probably still at the party," Kaylen spoke up.

"Is your Macbook upstairs?" Gray asked.

She nodded her head. Gray got up off the couch and I furrowed my brows. Why would her Macbook be upstairs?

"You guys can go, we can deal with it from here."

"No, I wanna stay for a bit. Make sure she's okay."

"I'm fine, I just.."

She stares off and she eases the coat off of her. The black writing was still on her chest. Her dress was torn and she had to hold it up. Elijah asked permission to touch her and she nodded.

"You need to change your clothes."

"I'm going to take a shower and I just need to call my mom."

"Alright princess, if you need anything I'm here."

She gets up off the couch and she holds the coat against her. She glances at us, but she looks away. Her eyes were full of sadness and pain. She walks off going up the stairs, I find it strange that she was going upstairs to shower and her Macbook was here. How much time has she spent here with them?

"Do you guys know anything about them, because I have to report it to the school board."

"Well it was three of them, I think they were sophmores. I'm sure Shawn is checking it out since he was there as well."

"Three of them?"

"Yeah, I beat the shit out of all three of them, so it would be easy to tell."

Uncle Elijah lets out an exasperated exhale and he runs his hands through his hair. He muttered a fuck and he sat down on the couch. He looked down at the ground and he held his head in hands. I have never seen Uncle Elijah so stressed out.

"Look Elijah, she's going to be okay I think," Parker said.

Uncle Elijah lifted his head up and he looked at Parker. His brows creased for a second and Parker put his hands in his pocket, glancing away before looking back at Uncle Elijah. He has to care about since she's his student and they have known each other on a personal basis since Thanksgiving. I looked towards the stairs and I wondered about Iris.

"Hopefully, although you boys can go. She's fine with us and will be okay," He spoke.

"After she comes out the shower, I just want to make sure she's okay. What she experienced is a big deal."

Again why would she shower here? That was making me question myself a lot, because that made no sense.

"I know it is, but we just have to be careful to make sure that we don't trigger her."

"Fuck this is not what I expected tonight," Kaylen sighed.

"Do you guys want anything?"

"Hell yeah, Iris get all these snacks in the pantry we can eat."

Parker started to head towards the kitchen, but didn't understand how the snacks in the pantry belonged to Iris. Did she come here after thanksgiving, maybe she left it while she was here after. Why would she have clothes here if she was going to shower?

We went into the kitchen and Parker went to the pantry. Uncle Elijah opened the fridge and he got three water bottles out putting them on the counter. Kaylen pulled out one of the bar stools and he sat down at the counter.

"So how was your birthday?" Kaylen asked.

"It was good."

"What did you guys do?"

"We went to a resort thing," he answers.

Parker put barbecue chips on the counter and it was funny how that's the first thing he took. He also took hot Cheetos and chips ahoy. I reached for the chips ahoy and opened it up. Parker kept trying to ask questions, but Elijah was just vague about what they did.

We sat in the kitchen just munching on their snacks for a while. We wait for a good twenty minutes and just every second had me questioning a lot of things.

I heard Uncle Gray's voice and Iris's. I couldn't make out the words, but I knew they were coming. I tried to register what I was seeing when they both walked in.

Uncle Gray was holding Iris in his arms. Her legs were wrapped around his waist, her head resting on his shoulder. She was wearing red and black flannel shorts, with a large black jumper over her. Uncle Gray was wearing red and black flannel pants.

I checked what Elijah was wearing again and just to make sure I wasn't going crazy. All three of them were matching. They were wearing matching clothing. Matching Christmas pjs at that. Her MacBook is here, she showered here, they keep calling her fucking Princess and Angel, the stockings over the fire place say GIE, the I stands for Iris.

"She's your submissive?"

I asked the question to no one in particular, but I looked at Elijah and Gray. My attention fixated on the three of them. They are both sharing her. What the fuck? Their was a silent tension in the room and they didn't even need to answer the question.

"What the fuck? Since when? How? After you met her at the football game? Elijah she's your fucking student!"

I was trying to process how the fuck in a short amount of time they were able to get her in a relationship with them. The fact is Elijah shouldn't even be fucking her, she's his student, he could lose his job. Uncle Gray... my own fucking uncle.

I glared at him as he stood there holding her so close to him. I came here a few days ago asking about her and he sat there knowing how I felt about Iris. He made me look like a fool during Thanksgiving. All the shit they were buying was right in front of Iris and it was right in front of me.

"You're my fucking uncle, you knew about Iris and still continued with your shit. You..."

"Adam, don't be mad at them," she says.

Iris turned her head to look at me. How can she say that when I have known them my whole life? These two were my fucking uncles and I can't be mad. What a whole lot of bullshit. The loud crunch of chips sounded and I knew it was Parker eating off her food now.

"There my fucking uncles and you are my friend, you spent Thanksgiving with my family and pretend you barely knew them. In reality your fucking cozy as hell with their kinky asses. Iris tell me this isn't actually what you wanted and they just coreced y-."

"I wanted this Adam. I was the one who pushed for this relationship. I'm sorry you had to find out this way."

"You're into that...like actually?"

"Adam, much as this is difficult to comprehend. It's not about us, it's about Iris. She doesn't need to deal with this," Uncle Elijah said.

"What so I'm supposed to accept that you're sharing her? You both do whatever the fuck you do to her and still look me in my face and pretend we're good?"

"You're going to have to, We aren't going to end our agreement, because you're not okay with it. We didn't even know about you until Halloween, by then we had been together for a month," Uncle Gray said, bluntly.

His tone was uncaring and bleak. He didn't even fucking care, but why would he? He moved to the counter and he placed her on the counter. I just stared at them in shock. He asked her something and she replied, nodding her head. He kissed her forehead and went to the fridge.

I looked at the guys who were probably just as shocked at me. Parker usually had commentary, but he was silent, he didn't even look at them. He just had his phone in front of him. Kaylen was shocked to say the least. He kept looking between them crazily.

"Adam, we can talk about this another day," Uncle Gray spoke.

"Yeah sure," I grunted.

"Sir, I want Nutella with it as well."

"Didn't you finish the Nutella?"

"No, Daddy bought me a new one."

I twisted my face in disgust as I just watched them interact. Maybe she's forgetting we are here or is just doing it on purpose. She slowly looked over at us, her eyes soft and glossy, she fiddled with her hands, then looked at Uncle Grayson.

"We should leave," Kaylen said, slowly.

"Bye Elijah, Bye Grayson, Bye KayKay," Parker says.

He got off the chair and he took her chips as well. She stared at him, then looked down at the chips. Elijah told him to put them down and he took a few more before leaving the bag. She glanced at me and she looked away. Kaylen started walking off first and Parker was just being casual.

I walked off without saying anything else. I went back into the living room and I grabbed my Santa coat. I can't believe this shit. I walked towards the door and walked out not even saying bye. What the fuck man.

"They're in a relationship," Kaylen says.

"No shit Sherlock, if you saw what I saw you would go crazy," Parker laughed.

I looked at him as I opened the car door. Saw what he saw? Parker wasn't even shocked. He knew, Parker fucking knew and he didn't tell me?

"You knew...?"

"Yeah, it was obvious. After you showed me thanksgiving photos. You know when we came to the house the other day, I saw Iris's Pandora bracelet on the counter. I did some snooping while I was at it. Elijah left his phone in the kitchen and I put in his password, went through his phone."

"What the fuck did you find?" Kaylen asked.

"A whole lot," he chuckled.

We were all in the car and Kaylen was driving, Parker in the front and me in the back. Parker pulled out his phone and was looking for something.

"Mayn y'all can't say shit that I have these."

He pressed on a video and I didn't even need to see it. One glance just threw me off straight away. It was Iris tied up on a bed, both her wrist and ankles were bound. Her legs spread wide open with a vibrator on. It had to be in there for a long time since in between her legs were soaked. Cum was sliding down her pussy.

I felt my dick twitch in my pants and I hated that. Seeing Iris like that wasn't something I expected. She looked good in a position like that, but fuck.

"Daddy, please I'm sorry," she whines.

"You won't do that again to Sir?"

She nodded enthusiastically as Elijah slapped her thighs. He went between her legs and he rubbed his cock against her pussy. He was taunting her while she repeated she was sorry. Parker swiped and this time it was a photo. It was dim since it was taken in a dark room, but I could make out the fact that she had cum on her face and her mouth was open.

"This one might just be my favorite."

Parker swiped again and this was another video. He pressed it and the video played. I should have told him to turn it off, but at the same time I couldn't. I was shocked, but it was just crazy to see a porno of Iris.

"Fill me up with your cum," she whimpers.

"Want all sirs cum in that naughty pussy don't you, Angel."

"Yes, I do, please."

Iris spreads her pussy apart and you can see that she was enjoying. Her pussy was throbbing and dripping. My dick jerked in my pants again and I had to move it down. We sat there watching the whole video as Uncle Gray came inside of her, craziest bit Elijah was there and he cummed inside of her as well. They told her what a good cumdump she was and she loved that shit.

I was shocked the whole time, I was lost for words. I seriously didn't need to see their dicks, but Iris? She likes the way they treat her? She likes that stuff?

"Damn," Kaylen murmured.

"I need a girl like this man," Parker said, enthusiastically.

"Don't tell me you keep those to jerk off to."

"This is better than porn, this real shit and not fake ass moaning. What else am I keeping it for?"

"I don't fucking know to blackmail her or..."

"Nah, I like Iris. Despite that's she's fucking your Uncles, she's alright. I don't plan on sending it to any of you motherfuckers."

I laid back in the seat. My dick was still hard and all I could think about was what they did to her. Obviously she enjoys it and she wants it, but why couldn't there be some other men, why my uncles?

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