Owning Her| NEW

By Shawty_melodies

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This is the NEW version of Owning Her, the old one is still up on my page!! "So Professor Jones, does this me... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chaoter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Grayson's B-Day pt.1
Grayson's B-Day pt.2
Grayson's B-Day pt.3
Grayson's B-Day pt.4

Chapter Thirty-Nine

1K 32 18
By Shawty_melodies

I pushed the covers off me and slid to the edge of the bed. I was so tired, even though I took a nap, they used up my energy. I felt good waking up though, my throat was freshly double fucked. I yawned and stretched.

I took my phone off the charger and saw a message from Brooke. I replied and gave her a small lil catchup on the situation not including the late night blowjob. I pushed myself off the bed.

I walked to the bathroom and turned on the light. I yawned again and rubbed my eyes. I drifted towards the shower. I took a decent amount of time to shower. I brushed my teeth and washed my face.

I changed into some leggings and a baggy shirt. I was heading Gray's warning and decided by covering up that way I don't get into any type of trouble.

I open my door and close it behind me. Elijah walked out the room across from me. I didn't know that was his room. We stared at each other for a moment.

"Good morning, Iris," he says, dryly.

I feel my heart tug a little. I mean Iris is my name, but he always calls me princess. I just sucked your dick and you're calling me Iris? I have been getting in a bad habit of pouting. I pouted a little bit, I thought we were at least a tad bit okay.

"Good morning, Elijah," I mumbled.

I walked off and I could hear him behind me. I could smell the food being cooked in the kitchen. It smelled so good. I put a smile on my face and walk into the kitchen.

"Good morning everyone," I beam.

"Good morning sweetie, How was your sleep?" Selena asks.

"It was really good," I lied.

"Oh, this is my mom Isabella," she introduces.

I noticed a woman near the stove cooking pancakes. She looked at me, she smiled at me and she gave me a warm inviting smile.

I see where all of them get their genes from. Adam, Selena, and Gray had taken all their features from her.

"Oh, you must be the young lady that Adam has been talking about," she smiles.

"He really can't keep me out his mouth can he?" I joke.

"No, he was so excited when he called saying he wanted to bring someone," she says.

"Oh, yes. Mom I'm bringing a girl with me, you're gonna love her. She is so pretty and beautiful. She's perfect," Selena goes on.

"He said all of that?" I laugh.

"He did," Isabella nods.

Wow, he must have really been excited.

"Is the food ready or are you going to keep talking about me?" Adam says.

I turned around and he had his arm crossed. He was wearing sweatpants and a wife beater. He looked cute. His hair was wet, so I took it as he just came out of the shower.

"Go wake the twins up will you."

"Alright," he exhales.

He turns around and walks off.

"Oh and tell grumpy to come downstairs for breakfast soon," Selena yells.

"Okay," he replies.

I help out with making breakfast so time can go by faster. I put the eggs, breakfast potatoes, bacon all on different plates. I just needed to wait on the pancakes and waffles.

They finished fifteen minutes later and I started to bring everything towards the table. I was starving and ready to eat. I didn't eat anything yesterday as I had gone to sleep so early.

Everyone took their time coming to the table. I sat down across from his siblings. Gray sat at the far end near his dad and Elijah across from Gray. Adam sat down next to me. Kaia and Kameron sat down next to each other next to Gray. Gray's parents sat at the end and Selena sat in front of me. Her husband sat next to her.

"Isn't that Adam's shirt?" Kameron points out.

I pause and look down at the shirt. Is it his shirt? I wouldn't remember as in the early days, I had a lot of his clothes. I glanced at Gray, who didn't even look my way, but he gave Elijah that look.

"We have that same exact shirt," Kaia says.

"He gave it to me, I probably ruined one of my shirts," I smiled.

I glanced at Adam. That wasn't the truth, but hopefully he would just go with it.

"Yeah, she's clumsy," Adam brushes off.

I look away and start to put food on my plate. There was small chatter around the table, but I didn't engage much. I just felt nervous speaking to anyone.

"So Iris, tell us more about yourself, what are you studying?" Alan asks.

"I'm studying Economics and English Lit," I answered .

"Oh, who's your teacher? Elijah, don't you teach English Lit?"

"I do and unfortunately she's one of them," he says.

"Unfortunately? I actually turn in my work wayy before the deadline," I said.

"Oh my gosh, Elijah is your professor, why did you two act like you didn't know each other."

"It's probably weird having to spend holidays with your teacher," Kameron said.

"Honestly, he's so boring as well. Now I have to endure him in my free time," I sigh.

That makes the table laugh, but I could see that Gray was still just so unhappy. I didn't like seeing him so upset and I know it's my fault. I was going listen to his rules, I actually am. No weird business with Adam and Strictly formal relationship with him and Eli.

"The first time they met was even worse, she completely froze when she realized that Uncle Elijah was my Uncle."

"I would be shocked to meet a student with my nephew," Isabella said.

I looked in her direction and she was using a knife and fork to eat her food. I watched as she cut her pancake and put it in her mouth, she chewed agonizingly slowly, but she did while staring at me.

"Much as I appreciate my acknowledgement for being an amazing teacher, let's keep school separate."

I rolled my eyes. Amazing my ass.

"What else? What do your mother and father do?" Alan asks.

"My mom works as a nurse and my father passed away."

"Oh, I'm sorry for your loss," Alan mutters.

Apologies and sympathy were sent my way, but I didn't want them to feel the need to do it. It always makes things so awkward when people find that out.

"It's fine."

"Can we ask a question?" Kaia asks.

"You just did," Adam snorts.

"Shut up, nobody was talking to you," Kaia snaps.

"Sorry, but are you and my brother dating?" Kaia asks.

I was stunned. I look at Adam. He can take that one, but my attention went back to Gray. This time he did look my way, he leaned back in his chairs. His green eyes are so empty and distant.

"Why do you ask?"

"You're the first girl he has ever brought here since college," Kameron says.

Adam is like what twenty or twenty one and never brought a girl here? I was the first girl? Okay, that's crazy.

"She might as well be," he jokes.

"Don't even try play that with me, when was the last time we went out?"

"Like three weeks ago maybe, two? We went ice skating which was fun."

"Uhuh like three weeks ago, not happening."

"What so I gotta take you out more than?" He smirks.

"Iris, right? Elijah mentioned you a few times about your work, but I thought you were dating. What's that boy's name in your class Eli?"

"Um.. Keon."

I looked at him in shock. His usual cold emerald green eyes looked like a storm was brewing. Why was he bringing up Keon when he knows that's not shit. He seriously just wanted to rile me up or what?

"So Elijah likes to Gossip about his students? Well, we aren't dating, he's my friend. I'm just close with him, plus he's Shawn's brother so we hang out with Adam's group a lot," I answer, annoyed.

"Is it?"

"Gray, no need to let Grumpy out," Selena jokes.

"It's a question, She was capable enough of answering."

"Capable enough is rude as hell, Uncle Gray."

I just stared at him. Was he trying to hurt my feelings? Was he trying to embarrass me in front of his whole family?

"Anyways," Selena says.

"Son, I love how you're so interested in your nephew's love life. How's that darling of yours?" Isabella asked.

That caught Gray off guard and he pulled his gaze away from me. That also pulled me off guard as well, Elijah too, because all three of us turned to her. Please don't say my name, please don't say my name.

"What's her name..."

"She's fine, she's spending thanksgiving with her mom," he said.

"Oh, when did you get a new sub Gray?"

"A few months ago, just after September," Elijah answered.

"Hold on.. are you two sharing her?" Micheal asked.

"Honestly not any of your business if Elijah and I share her."

Adam leans down and whispers in my ear. This about to get awkward.

"I forgot to mention that these two are freaks, they own their own sex club and shit, so just ignore it."

Don't I know it?

"You would think that's only in Porn," Kameron laughed.

"I thought you two were over sharing the same woman, plus I didn't even like that last one," Selena said.

"She wouldn't stop flirting with me."

"We decided we wanted to try again."

"She's young as well, eighteen isn't she?," Isabella said.

The shocked faces that went around the table. I looked down at my plate. I just picked up some of my eggs and chewed on them. I glanced in their direction. This where I make zero comments and keep my mouth shut.

"She's the same age as Iris, when have you two..."

I glanced at his mom and she was looking at me. She had eyebrow raised slightly, her eyes going over to them. She knows.

"Jesus Christ, yes she's eighteen, but it's not like we forced her into it. It was her choice, mind your damn business," Elijah spoke.

"Predatorrrr," Kaia giggled.

"Kaia stop that!" Selena scolded.

"Maybe we should change the topic," Alan coughed.

"How's football Adam?"

I was glad that the topic had changed from us, but I kept quiet for the rest of the time. That whole talk just made me comfortable. I hated that Kaia said that as well, I honestly didn't even


The rest of the day was okay. I was stuck in my brain for most of it, but breakfast just threw me off. I'm not a quiet person, but I was super quiet throughout the day.

We spent a good few hours in the living room, playing board games, card games, talking, eating, drinking and having random movies in the background. I joined in obviously and didn't want to be the odd one out.

I just didn't want anyone to think I was weird or anything. I smiled and laughed through the ordeal, but sometimes I wouldn't respond. I would get occasional text from both of them asking me if I was okay.

I always said that I was fine, but I don't know if I was fine. I know Elijah would lose his job if anybody found out about us. That would ruin his whole career and his reputation. I'm sure that would affect Gray's and Adam's relationship as well, because now I'm the uncle fucker.

I could ruin both their lives, so easily, all because I wanna get freaky and have sex I wouldn't want to have with boys my age. I rather have grown ass men, who shouldn't have anything to do with me. A lot of people would say I was wrong, because of our age gap for sure, but that's what I like.

I like the fact that they're older than me, I have never seen either of them in a predatory way. People would call them that, all because of our age gap. Maybe some would even call me a gold digger, but I didn't see it that way.

I just saw it as us three, together in a relationship with sex, love and drama. We have had our ups and downs, but we easily got over that. Maybe our relationship isn't right and I would hate to have a big impact on their lives, all because I wanna be a sex addict.

I could try all of these things later on in the future, I don't necessarily have to do it now, but who knows if I will meet two other guys wanting to share me with each other. I want to get married at some point, I'm dedicating my life to one person. I wanna be able to enjoy this whole thing.

Have a different experience than others, but I never saw it from their perspective. That's why Elijah is so strict on our school interactions, grading and treatment. He doesn't want my silly ass to ruin everything for him. I know he likes the thrill, but he must still have some type of fear deep down.

I stared at the time on the oven clock. It was quarter past twelve. I couldn't sleep as everything had been on my mind and I was now in the kitchen sipping on water, wishing it was alcohol instead.

"What are you doing up?" Elijah asked.

I jumped a bit, not expecting him to be awake. Elijah isn't awake at these times like ever. He sleeps all through the night even when we sleep together.

"I can't sleep," I shrugged.

He came closer to me and rested his head on my shoulders. He kissed my shoulder and trailed his hands to my waist.

"Why not?"

"Why are you up?"

"You never answered my question," he says.

"I keep thinking about this morning, it got to my head and now I can't stop thinking about it."

He lifted his head off my shoulder and he leaned against the counter slightly, but his hand still lingered on my body.


"Nevermind," I shook my head gently.

"Tell me princess, what's wrong?"

"I'm selfish aren't I? I make you risk your job,
because I want you. If you ruin your lives that's it, but I have so many years left it honestly doesn't matter. Kaia called you and Gray a predator, other people would agree. I hate that and I'm thinking what if after this we just end it all? I mean it's not fair to you guys at all."

"Princess, I risk my job, because I chose to. You didn't make me risk it, I chose to be with you too. If I ruin my life, I could care less. Teaching is just an extra hobby for me, It doesn't hold any power over me. Kaia calling us predators did throw me off, but if you want to end it. Then you can, princess. This relationship is about you and what you want to do."

I stare into his eyes and I sigh. He kisses my forehead and I close my eyes. I didn't want to end it and that's why I felt so guilty. He tilts my head up and I open my eyes.

"I don't want to and I'm sorry th-."

"Don't be sorry, princess."

I purse my lips together not believing that he didn't mind. He kissed my lips softly and I felt my nerves going away. I kissed him back, but it was a sweet short kiss.

"Can you lay down with me for a little until I fall asleep?"


He takes my hand and we go up the stairs. We made sure to be as quiet as possible as we went into my room. We got in the bed together and he was a big spoon, while I was a little spoon. He kissed me a few more time.

"Goodnight Princess."

"Night Daddy," I yawn.

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