Ki-ur Kakkabu

By AlbanusAurelius

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Almost two centuries have passed since the mysterious tragedy of the Poseidon's Fury left its entire crew sla... More

Copyright Acknowledgement
Prologue: A Moonlit Discovery
Chapter 1: Demise at Sea
Chapter 2: A Determined Soul
Chapter 3: A Cryptic Clue Revealed
Chapter 4: A Gathering of Seekers
Chapter 5: Summoned to Ruin
Chapter 6: Revelations in the Moonlight
Chapter 7: Tension in the Night
Chapter 8: Toward Delphi's Oracle
Chapter 9: The Arrival at Delphi
Chapter 10: Prophecies at the Oracle
Chapter 11: Pilgrim Plots and Preparations
Chapter 12: Setting Sails for Delos
Chapter 13: Arrival on Delos
Chapter 14: A Sailor's Tip
Chapter 15: A Woodland Haven
Chapter 16: Through the Trees to Truth
Chapter 17: Through Words, We're Wraven
Chapter 18: An Old Hermit's Thread
Chapter 19: Departing Delos Once More
Chapter 20: Arrival at Susa
Chapter 21: A Handsome Stranger
Chapter 22: Awaiting the Trader's Return
Chapter 23: The Trader's Fragment
Chapter 24: Revelation in the Archives
Chapter 25: The Legend is Revealed
Chapter 26: A Merchant's Memories
Chapter 27: Into the Waterworld
Chapter 28: Crisis of Faith
Chapter 29: Revelations Beneath Ancient Roots
Chapter 30: An Unexpected Lead
Chapter 31: Shelter Among Friends
Chapter 32: A Confrontation with the Past
Chapter 33: A Demon's Bargain
Chapter 34: Collapse or Continue?
Chapter 35: A Long-forgotten Relic
Chapter 36: All Threads Woven...
Chapter 37: Milos' Embrace
Chapter 38: Secrets in the Ruins
Chapter 39: Secrets Revealed
Chapter 41: Mysteries Solved, Secrets Shared
Chapter 42: Finding Peace Where All Began
Chapter 43: Documenting the Discovery
Chapter 44: New Beginnings
Chapter 45: Towards Tomorrow
Epilogue: Under the African Sun

Chapter 40: The Final Revealing

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By AlbanusAurelius

"Ki-ur Kakkabu

Ki-ur Kakkabu, where the heavens fell,
When a fiery stone from the night sky expelled.
Cleft into the earth with terror unbound,
It formed the abyss where only shadows sound.

Within the cave's depths, a horror took shape,
Born of the rock that rent the soil's drape.
With limbs elongated in form uncouth,
It lurks in the dark, a nightmare's truth.

Its jerking movements flow with grace malign,
Stretching and bending beyond design.
Summoned by the words that sealed its genesis,
From the meteor's impact still faintly genesis.

The gods watch in dread as its power awakes,
Lunging from the darkness with speed that shakes
No feet nor hands to grasp nor impede,
Only its endless limbs as it hunts with speed.

Ki-ur Kakkabu is the pit it beholds,
Where its daemonic presence forever folds.
In the crater's depths demonic essence lingers,
And with incantations its avatar fingers.

The lines that call it cannot be undone,
Once spoken its coming cannot be outrun.
Through twisted motions its prayers are imparted,
In the cave where shadows lie ever harrowed.

Mortal souls beware invocation's source,
Once loosed this evil sets its course.
From the stars a terror to earth was sent,
In Ki-ur Kakkabu its dark intents are rent.

Lest you face the chill of the daemon's stark dance,
Speak not the words that reopen its trance.
For in blackest depths where light cannot touch,
Evil yet lies in waiting as such."

A quiet stillness covered the ruins as Mnesarete finished translating the scary poem, bringing the truth of their puzzle into clear focus.

With caution, Mnesarete lifted the final runes, expecting coded writing. However, instead of words, she found a strange pattern carved on the blue surface.

Confusion showed on her face as she looked at the remaining runes, discovering similar shapeless marks. Yet, she suddenly realized that they were not words but rather a diagram meant to be connected.

Carefully, Mnesarete started putting the final runes together like pieces of a mysterious puzzle. As she assembled them, a vaguely human shape appeared, horribly twisted in a way that defied nature. Its limbs stretched unnaturally from a bent body.

A collective gasp rose as the horrors described in their translations became real and threatening. With the last symbol in place, it seemed as if a nightmarish face lunged out from the dark surface towards them.

"By the gods..." Ikkos whispered, fascinated by the monstrous creature. "Finally, we have discovered what truly happened to the Poseidon's Fury all those years ago. This same creature described here haunted the ship's decks in the darkness."

Focused, Chrysomallo examined the grotesque figure, her brow furrowed in deep thought. After a moment, she spoke.

"If I may express my thoughts... there are hints in the verse that reveal the nature of this creature."

She gestured towards the assembled runes. "It speaks of being 'born of the rock that splits the earth's veil', most likely referring to the meteorite's impact that created this cave."

Turning to the others, a sparkle appeared in Chrysomallo's eyes. "The poem describes the evil essence left in the crater and how the creature can be summoned through a chant. What if the meteorite carried an unknown harmful essence from outer space?"

Themistonoe slowly nodded, pieces of the puzzle falling into place. "And the impact's violence unleashed and fused this essence with earthly matter, giving form to this monstrous thing."

"Exactly," Chrysomallo agreed. "It is neither purely heavenly nor earthly, but a corruption born from the collision of celestial and earthly realms. And the Oracle's words..." 

Chrysomallo paused, her eyes shining with newfound understanding. She took the note again, reading its prophecy with clarity.

"'Wealth, golden gates shining... blessings flow, or curses grow?'" she recited. "The surface text depicted Ki-ur Kakkabu as a realm full of good fortune favoured by the gods."

"But the hidden message warned of more sinister rituals that could create curses instead of blessings," Ashamshemesh concluded.

Chrysomallo nodded. "Then the vision changed to 'a large and dark cave-like Styx,' clearly referring to this very cave."

With a gesture towards the ancient carvings, she continued, "The being shown here is described as having a form that goes beyond human understanding. Its shape stretches unnaturally, becoming longer than what is normal. It is said to have long limbs or tentacles that are impossibly lengthy and move frighteningly fast."

Chrysomallo, concluding her statement with significance, added, "This description perfectly matches what we have deduced about the creature's nature and abilities."

Suddenly, Themistonoe remembered the clay tablet that Kyros had given her. She now took it out, her eyes widening. "Take a closer look at these carvings."

The scratched designs that had seemed meaningless before now revealed a new pattern. Chrysomallo took out her own tablet and began reproducing the frantic marks with her stylus. Gradually, a clear form started to emerge under her skilled touch as she removed unnecessary details.

The likeness of the creature became unmistakable. Disfigured, elongated limbs curled and twisted in an unnatural position. Its wide mouth appeared poised to strike at any moment, seemingly frozen in a brutal attack.

The artist's purpose was evident despite the fact that desperate hands created the artwork on the verge of death. They had witnessed this being in their final moments and tried to leave a warning for those who might stumble upon this place long after.

A collective gasp escaped the companions. Finally, they had tangible evidence etched into weathered clay of the horror that had not only wrecked one ship but entire civilizations throughout the centuries.

Themistonoe, always the logical voice of reason, spoke next. "The answers have been right in front of us all along, hidden in plain sight. Anyone who simply reads the surface words of this chant unknowingly summons the terror within and unlocks its secrets."

Mnesarete nodded solemnly. "Imagine Captain Ahiram and Kalos, driven by curiosity, reading the cursed scroll aloud on that fateful night. Its surface words described a place called 'Ki-ur Kakkabu' that held immense wealth and promised everlasting fortune to those who ventured inside. 

"However, the true meaning of 'Ki-ur Kakkabu' reveals that it is the dwelling place of this horrifying being. They unintentionally summoned the frightening depiction of the creature that dwelled in that dreaded cave."

She continued, "The scroll showed 'Ki-ur Kakkabu' as a treasure hoard but didn't reveal that the name also called the monster. By unlocking that secret by reading the entire chant, they accidentally let loose the horror that quickly and violently destroyed the ship and its crew."

Mnesarete paused seriously. "It's a clever trick, promising wealth to the greedy but only bringing a horrifying fate. We're lucky that we understand this warning before suffering the same tragic end."

A shudder went through the group as they imagined the terrible scenes that might have happened to the doomed ship and villages. Themistonoe spoke up, sharing an important detail.

"Do you remember when I mentioned Kyros' ancestor, Glaukos? He went crazy and started screaming about seeing this exact creature in a vision," she said. "This happened after he wanted to study and decipher the scroll we now have without reading it aloud. The same madness also affected the Athenian archaeologist who examined these artefacts."

"Meanwhile, the priestess and her village suffered an even worse fate," Themistonoe grimly continued. "They were torn apart after the priestess recited the contents of the scroll. Now it's clear - just studying the writings drives people crazy while speaking them out loud summons this dark entity that's described within."

The others listened closely as everything started to make sense. Mnesarete nodded, understanding. "Based on your accounts, it seems that one can catch glimpses of this horror through intense study alone, but saying the words brings it forth in all its terrifying power and speed."

The group felt a collective chill as the lingering mysteries of their quest were finally revealed. All the clues had led them to this horrifying revelation. When Mnesarete spoke again, her serious tone took on a calculating edge.

"Think about how this creature attacks with such fierce speed and frenzy. Using my knowledge of the classical elements and the mechanics of motion, I think I can explain its devastating effects."

She paused to gather her thoughts. "Air and water offer little resistance to movement because of their elemental properties, allowing for fast and smooth motion. This beast clearly takes advantage of that to jump on its victims with immense, uncontrollable force."

Mnesarete drew diagrams in the dust, illustrating Empedocles' understanding of the interplay between forces and the consequences of strong collisions. "Even a light object, if it strikes a body with enough speed, can cause serious harm. Multiply that impact many times over, coming from its agile body and frantic scrambling, and the result would be catastrophic."

Her companions watched closely as basic physics unfolded before their eyes. "No human body could survive such a brutal attack. So, in this way, the nature and abilities of this 'elemental' creature seem perfectly designed to cause deadly injuries."

She paused, struggling to understand what they had learned based on established scientific principles. Its long limbs can extend and contract in seemingly effortless ways.

However, the momentum and force it generates are greater than what its small body suggests. No other animal that controls the elements displays these unusual features. Mnesarete tried to capture this strangeness in her sketches, but they couldn't even fully capture it.

"The force behind its attacks seems to go against the laws of mass and speed in our world," she explained. "It's as if the creature exists beyond our understanding."

A nervous tension settled among the group. "Essentially, this 'creature' isn't limited by our material world. Its powers come from something beyond human science and theology. What kind of forbidden being have our actions unleashed?"

The question hung in the air, intensifying the growing sense of mystery. As the others thought about Mnesarete's words, Themistonoe expressed doubt. "How can this being be summoned so easily just through words? Traditional forms of magic require more complex rituals and ingredients."

Themistonoe walked back and forth, struggling with her doubts and logical reasoning. "Even our shamans' whispered prayers, songs, and offerings must accompany incantations. It's hard to believe that speaking alone can summon a creature without further rituals or mystical practices."

She paused and looked at Mnesarete with a pleading expression. "There must be something we're missing, some hidden aspect of these writings that serves as the true summoning. I can't believe that our voice alone can have such power over this being."

Mnesarete solemnly shook her head. "Friend, all the evidence suggests that the power lies within the words themselves—a power over this dark being. Although it's difficult to accept as something beyond our understanding, the outcomes have proven true with every unintentional utterance. Some secrets, it seems, are best kept hidden in the shadows of the past."

Themistonoe bit her lip, unable to argue further, disturbed by the implications of words having control over nature. Mnesarete continued sharing her thoughts. "I've also noticed that the entity only attacks when everyone present is confined within a space. On the ship, the entire crew fell victim with no way to escape. And in the villages, all the residents met the same tragic end within their walls and gates."

She continued, "Even Echephron's unlucky brother suffered alone because he was the only one in their house at the time. If there had been another person, a servant or slave, present, they too would have been killed within those enclosed quarters.

"The serious implications continued to become clear as Ashamshemesh spoke. "We can now understand what happened to the ancient villages of Nippurum and Lagashkum thousands of years ago. Someone must have come across the cursed runes and unknowingly read them aloud, causing disaster for the entire population."

Ashamshemesh's revelation about the ruined villages weighed heavily in the air. Chrysomallo couldn't keep the horror to herself any longer and broke the solemn silence.

"Entire communities were wiped out in an instant... I can't even imagine the magnitude of the loss and suffering. These weren't just solitary travellers or ship crews; they were entire populations! Families, elders, children... all condemned to unimaginable fates because one person said the wrong thing."

Her eyes shone with pity and anger. "Think of the mothers futilely protecting babies, neighbours being killed while trying to help each other. All because someone foolishly said words they didn't understand."

Ikkos joined in seriously, "Generations of lives and culture, traditions that went back to the beginning of time, completely erased in one moment of cursed chance. Bloodlines and histories, art, knowledge... all lost because of one unintentional sound."

Even the typically composed Themistonoe seemed shaken. "The fall of Troy or the great plagues we've endured were terrible enough, but they were contained. This evil destroyed entire communities beyond salvation, condemning thousands because of one mistake."

A single tear rolled down Chrysomallo's cheek. "If we don't make sure these ancient artefacts are completely destroyed, who knows how many more villages and lives could suffer the same fate without even understanding their crime?"

Once again, the group fell into silence, their hearts heavy with newfound grief and determination to make amends for the wounds they unknowingly caused to humanity. They sat in awe-struck silence, struggling to comprehend everything they had discovered. Months of travelling, discoveries, and close calls inevitably led them to this chilling turning point.

But now that the final piece had fallen into place, revealing a truth more sinister than anyone could have imagined, a shocked stillness settled over the ruins. For several long moments, no one could find the words to express their thoughts in the face of such a revelation.

Ikkos stared blankly at the ancient runes, his grip gone weak. Themistonoe's sharp mind was also at a loss, unable to articulate her rational thoughts in the face of the seriousness of their journey's answers.

Ashamshemesh stroked his grey beard, closing his eyes to block out the terrifying nightmares that were now becoming vividly real. Dex also trembled, unsure if it was from fear or the cold.

Chrysomallo tightly held onto her protective charm, feeling its gem turn cold and providing no comfort. Mnesarete forgot about her script and sat back on her heels, overwhelmed by the immense power they had unleashed.

Each person was consumed by their own private horrors, unable to meet each other's gaze. The excitement they had once felt now seemed like a distant dream, shattered by an incomprehensible truth.

Throughout their dangerous journey, their determination pushed them forward. But now, at the end of the road, they were left speechless, feeling both awe and terror as they finally understood the secrets that were meant to be hidden in the past.

In that heavy moment, uncertainty loomed before them like never before. They had sought answers and found them, but those answers surpassed their expectations. The silence stretched on until Themistonoe found her voice once again.

"Friends, it is now clear to me that by uncovering these secrets, we have unintentionally unleashed forces that are beyond our control, forces with deadly power," Themistonoe's voice quivered.

She instinctively held onto her protective charm, its gem faintly shimmering in the flames. "As long as these cursed remnants exist, they pose a great threat to all of us. Removing these protective stones now would likely lead us to the same terrible fate that befell those who first released this horror."

Taking a deep breath, she continued, "There is only one step left to complete our quest safely. We must find and destroy the cursed verses in the scroll and the runes, ensuring that no one can access their secrets again and ending the terrible powers of this entity."

Themistonoe reached for the worn scroll, holding it solemnly. "This rhyme holds powers that were never meant for humans to use. We must completely erase it, removing its words from this world."

With a swift motion, Themistonoe set fire to the top of the fragile scroll, reluctantly watching as the flames consumed the ancient paper. The crimson writing writhed and burned away, disappearing into the dancing flames.

A creepy light came from the burnt scroll as more lines burned and folded inside. Scary symbols and pieces of words seemed to float and twist in the smoke, not wanting to let go of their mysterious power fully.

Fascinated yet uneasy, the friends watched as the smoke started to move on its own. It coiled and twisted, making fun of the verses that had tied them to this grim revelation.

Slowly, very slowly, the fiery words in the ash changed the smoke into a boiling mass, pulsing with a strange intelligence. It swirled and squirmed before their eyes, giving off a heavy feeling of something hiding in the darkness.

Just as the last bits crumbled into dust, the creepy smoke disappeared with a soft sigh, seemingly unwilling to give up its haunting imitation of the terrifying verses that had troubled this place for centuries. A sense of weightiness remained in the ruins long after the final embers had vanished into darkness.

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