Billionaire's First Love

By Taekookslove01

17.6K 915 94

Business tycoon Kim Taehyung, for whom everyone is crazy, but he is crazy over a village boy, Jeon Jungkook. ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 28

197 11 0
By Taekookslove01

Under the soft glow of the living room lights, the Kim family gathered for a cozy evening chat after the lively culinary event. Conversations flowed in random directions, laughter echoing in the room.

Mrs. Kim, feeling a sudden urge, gently held Jungkook's hand.

Mrs. Kim: "Jungkook, I know everything about you and Tae, please Jungkook forgive my son now and go back with us to the Kim mansion."

Jungkook, feeling a bit awkward, lowered his gaze, unsure of how to respond. Sensing the tension, Taehyung stepped in to defuse the situation.

Taehyung (with a reassuring smile): "Let's discuss that later, Mom. We're all here to enjoy the evening together."

The diversion allowed the conversation to shift towards Namjoon and Jin, who were sitting together. The atmosphere took a turn toward a more serious note.

Mr. Kim (thoughtfully): "Namjoon, Jin, we've been through a lot together. How about we make your marriage official soon?"

Namjoon and Jin exchanged glances, smiles playing on their faces.

Jin (grinning): "I have no problem with that."

Namjoon (nodding): "I agree."

Mrs. Kim (excited): "Fantastic! We'll plan a beautiful celebration. It's about time we officially welcome Namjoon into the family."

As the night deepened, the Kim family, having enjoyed a heartwarming evening, decided it was time to bid Taekook farewell. Goodbyes were exchanged in the doorway, and promises to meet again were made.

Mrs. Kim (hugging Taehyung and Jungkook): "Thank you for a lovely evening. We'll see you soon."

Jin (smiling): "Take care, you two. We're always here for you."

With embraces and good wishes, the Kim family left, leaving behind a sense of happiness and connection. Taehyung and Jungkook watched as the car disappeared into the night.

Taehyung (sighing contentedly): "That was wonderful, wasn't it?"

Jungkook (smiling): "Yeah, it was. I'm glad your family is so supportive."

As they closed the door and walked back into the living room, a shared smile passed between Taehyung and Jungkook. The warmth of the evening lingered in the air.

Taehyung (wrapping his arm around Jungkook): "Let's get some rest, Kookie."

Jungkook (leaning into Taehyung): "Sounds like a plan, huh?"

They made their way to bed, as Taehyung and Jungkook lay on their bed, the room bathed in the soft glow of the night, Taehyung couldn't resist a playful moment.

Taehyung (teasingly): "You know, Kookie, if looks could kill, you'd definitely be a weapon of mass seduction."

Jungkook (rolling his eyes with a smirk): "Always with the flirting, Tae. Just come here."

Extending his arms, Jungkook invited Taehyung to join him. Without hesitation, Taehyung scooted closer and nestled into Jungkook's embrace.

Taehyung (grinning): "You called, and here I am."

Jungkook (wrapping his arms around Taehyung): "Much better. Now, close your eyes and sleep."

Taehyung rested his head on Jungkook's chest, and Jungkook tightened his hold, creating a cocoon of warmth and affection.

Jungkook (softly): "You're like a big baby, Tae."

Taehyung (playfully pouting): "Hey, I can be cute too, you know."

Jungkook (chuckling): "Of course, you are."

In the quiet intimacy of the moment, their conversation shifted to more heartfelt expressions.

Taehyung (tracing circles on Jungkook's waist): "I love moments like these, just being close to you."

Jungkook (caressing Taehyung's head): "Me too, Tae. It's comforting. Sleep well, my love."

Taehyung, (murmuring with a contented sigh): "You too, Kookie. Goodnight."

As the moonlight filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow on their entangled bodies, Taehyung and Jungkook surrendered to the embrace of sleep.


Yn, with a mischievous glint in her eye, decided to sprinkle a little romance into the mundane routine of the office. Knowing J-Hope's vibrant personality, she couldn't resist planning a surprise for him. With a playful spirit, she called him.

Yn: "Hey, Sir! Can you meet me on the terrace? I have something important to discuss."

J-Hope (intrigued): "Don't tell me you're in trouble again! I'll be right there."

Curiosity dancing in his eyes, J-Hope left his cabin and made his way to the terrace. Little did he know, his day was about to take an unexpected turn.

As he opened the door to the terrace, he was greeted by a burst of color and the sweet fragrance of flowers. The once ordinary space had transformed into a whimsical garden, with blooms of various hues scattered around.

J-Hope (eyes widening): "What's all this, Yn?"

Yn: "Well, I thought our day could use a little sunshine. What do you think?"

J-Hope (still taking in the scene): "This is incredible! But what's the occasion?"

Yn (teasingly): "No occasion, just a little celebration of us being awesome colleagues."

J-Hope chuckled at her playful demeanor. However, before he could fully grasp the situation, Yn pulled out a bouquet and extended it toward him.

Yn: "And, um, maybe there's one more thing..."

J-Hope, raising an eyebrow: "What is it?"

Yn, grinning, knelt down in the midst of the floral surprise. With a twinkle in her eye, Yn took a deep breath.

Yn: "J-Hope sir, will you be my sunshine forever? Will you be my boyfriend?"

J-Hope, utterly surprised, stood there for a moment, the unexpected proposal catching him off guard. Then, a radiant smile broke across his face.

J-Hope: "You caught me by surprise, Yn! But yes, I'd love to be your sunshine forever."

He took the bouquet from her hands, and they shared a warm embrace amidst the sea of flowers.

Yn (relieved): "I'm glad you said yes! Who knew the terrace could turn into such a romantic setting?"

J-Hope (laughing): "Only you, Yn. Only you could make the ordinary extraordinary."

As they lingered on the terrace, surrounded by laughter and the sweet fragrance of blossoms, J-Hope and Yn began a new chapter filled with surprises, love, and the promise of forever.


As the anticipation for the grand bonfire of the crop ceremony built throughout the day, the villagers gathered in eager excitement. A large fire pit was prepared at the center, and the sense of unity and joy enveloped the community.

Taehyung and Jungkook found themselves side by side, helping with the preparations for the evening's festivities. They worked together, arranging wood and ensuring everything was in place for the celebration.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow on the village, the moment arrived to light the bonfire. Cheers erupted as the flames leaped into the night sky, casting a flickering dance of light and shadows on the faces of the villagers.

With the bonfire ablaze, the villagers began showcasing their talents - some sang with heartfelt melodies, while others expressed themselves through vibrant dances. The atmosphere was alive with the spirit of celebration.

In the midst of the performances, Bogum, with a mischievous grin, decided to stir up more excitement.

Bogum: "Hey, Tae, we've heard you can sing. Why not share your talent with everyone?"

The villagers, catching wind of this, started urging Taehyung to sing. Despite the friendly insistence, Taehyung hesitated.

Taehyung: "Oh, come on, guys. I'm not that good."

Jungkook, nudging him with a playful smile: "Come on, Tae. It's just us. Sing for me, please?"

Taehyung, unable to resist Jungkook's request, finally relented.

Taehyung: "Alright, just for you, Kookie."

As Taehyung's voice resonated through the night, a hush fell over the crowd, captivated by the melodic surprise.

I found a love, for me
Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead

Well, I found a boy, beautiful and sweet
Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me

'Cause we were just obstinate when we fell in love
Not knowing what it was

Taehyung's soulful voice echoed through the space, weaving a captivating spell that held everyone in rapt attention.

I will not give you up this time
But darling, just kiss me slow

Your heart is all I own
And in your eyes, you're holding mine

The lyrics spilled from his lips like poetry, carrying emotions that resonated with each listener.

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark
With you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass
Listening to our favourite song

His eyes were closed, immersed in the music, and his every note seemed to cast a spell, creating an ethereal atmosphere.

When you said you looked a mess
I whispered underneath my breath

But you heard it
Darling, you look perfect tonight

As Taehyung continued to sing, the bonfire transformed into a haven of emotions, with smiles and heartfelt gazes exchanged among the captivated audience.

Well, I found a boy, stronger than anyone I know
He shares me dreams, I hope that someday I'll share him home

I found a lover, to carry more than just my secrets
To carry love, to carry children of our own

We are still obstinate, but we're so in love
Fighting against all odds

I know we'll be alright this time
Darling, just hold my hand

The air became charged with the magic of his voice, each word carrying a story, each note stirring emotions.

Be my boy, I'll be your man
I see my future in your eyes

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark
With you between my arms

Jungkook, watching from the crowd, couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and love for the person whose voice held the power to enchant hearts.

Barefoot on the grass
Listening to our favorite song

When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful
I don't deserve this

Taehyung, nearing the end of his song, opened his eyes to find a sea of mesmerized faces.

Darling, you look perfect tonight
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark

With you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass

Listening to our favorite song
I have faith in what I see

Now I know I have met an angel in person
And he looks perfect

You look perfect tonight... Baby

The applause that followed was thunderous, a testament to the impact of his musical journey.

Taehyung (modestly): "Thank you, everyone. Your appreciation means a lot to me."

Jungkook, still caught in the spell of Taehyung's mesmerizing performance, couldn't help but shower his boyfriend with appreciation.

Jungkook: "Tae, that was incredible. Your voice has this magical quality that leaves everyone in awe."

Taehyung (blushing): "Thanks, Kookie. I'm glad you enjoyed it."

Their tender moment, however, was abruptly interrupted by a frantic young boy who rushed towards them, his eyes wide with fear.

Young Boy: "Please, come quickly! I saw something terrible in the forest!"

The urgency in the boy's voice spurred everyone into action. Leaving the festive atmosphere behind, they followed the boy into the forest, the ominous shadows swallowing their once joyous mood.

As they reached the heart of the forest, the flickering glow of the bonfire now replaced by the cold moonlight filtering through the trees, they stumbled upon a scene that sent shivers down their spines.

A girl, barely conscious, lay on the forest floor, her fragile form marred by bruises and blood. Her torn clothes revealed the extent of her ordeal. The anguished cries of her parents echoed through the night, each plea carrying the weight of a parent's worst nightmare.

Her dad (sobbing): "Help! Someone, please help our daughter!"

Her mom (cradling the injured girl): "She was a little sick so she didn't come with us to the bonfire and was resting at home, but I don't understand how this happened."

Jungkook, his expression darkening, took charge of the situation.

Taehyung: "Someone call for an ambulance! We need to get her help immediately."

As they waited for medical assistance, the forest seemed to close in, the once serene night now tainted by the tragedy they had stumbled upon. The villagers, a mix of shock and concern on their faces, gathered around, offering what comfort they could to the devastated parents.

Jungkook, his heart heavy, whispered to Taehyung.

Jungkook: "Tae, how could something like this happen?"

Taehyung (determined): "We'll find out, Kookie. Right now, let's focus on getting her the help she needs."

The forest, once a sanctuary of celebration, now held a somber air as they awaited the arrival of the ambulance, hoping against hope that the girl would pull through the darkness that had befallen her.


In the somber atmosphere of the village hospital, the girl's parents, Taehyung, Jungkook, and concerned villagers anxiously awaited the doctor's update.

Doctor (stepping out): "I'm sorry to inform you that the girl was brutally r@p€d and tortured. Her condition is critical, but she's undergoing treatment. We're doing everything we can."

The news hit everyone like a hammer blow, and the girl's parents crumbled into inconsolable tears. Amidst the collective grief, Jungkook turned to Taehyung with a heavy heart.

Jungkook (voice filled with frustration): "Tae, you have influence and power. Can't you do something for her?"

Taehyung (earnestly): "Kookie, I'm just a simple farmer now. I don't have the resources or connections to make a significant impact."

Jungkook (determined): "But you were Kim Taehyung once. You can't let this happen without trying to make a difference."

Taehyung (sighing): "Jungkook, being Kim Taehyung won't change the realities of this world. Sometimes, even with power, it's challenging to bring about the change we wish to see."

Jungkook took a deep breath, a decision forming in his mind.

Jungkook: "Tae, I want you to go back to being Kim Taehyung. You have the power to influence and bring attention to issues like this. We can't let this go unnoticed."

Taehyung (surprised): "But what about the proof of my love? What about the simple life we've built together?"

Jungkook (looking into Taehyung's eyes): "Tae, your true love is not defined by grand gestures or wealth. It's in the way you care for others, and right now, this girl needs someone with influence to fight for justice. We can rebuild our life, but she may never get the chance to rebuild hers."

Taehyung sighed, realizing the gravity of the situation, and nodded in agreement.

Taehyung: "Alright, Kookie. I'll do it for her, for justice."

Jungkook (squeezing Taehyung's hand): "That's the Tae I fell in love with. We'll face this together, and we'll find a way to bring justice for her."

As they braced themselves for the challenging journey ahead, Taehyung's heart echoed with the sincerity of their love, transcending the complexities that life had thrust upon them.

To Be Continue 💜

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