Billionaire's First Love

By Taekookslove01

36.4K 1.3K 176

Business tycoon Kim Taehyung, for whom everyone is crazy, but he is crazy over a village boy, Jeon Jungkook. ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 24

605 27 5
By Taekookslove01

As the morning sun gently illuminated the room, Taehyung found himself waking up next to Jungkook, their bodies intertwined in a comforting embrace. Taehyung's gaze softened as he admired the peaceful expression on Jungkook's face, his fingers delicately caressing the skin that had been revealed in the warmth of the morning light. A shy smile played on Taehyung's lips as memories of the previous night flooded his mind.

Just as Taehyung was lost in his thoughts, his phone rang, breaking the tranquility of the moment. He carefully extracted himself from Jungkook's embrace, making sure not to disturb his peaceful slumber. Taking the phone with him, Taehyung stepped outside, leaving Jungkook to enjoy the serenity of the morning.


The twilight air wrapped around Taehyung as he stepped outside, his phone buzzing with an incoming call. Curiosity etched on his face, he swiped to answer.

Taehyung: "Jin hyung? What's up?"

Jin (voice held an unusual gravity): "Tae, listen. Mom and I left the Kim mansion. We're at Namjoon's place now."

Taehyung (eyes widened, shock rippling through him): "Left? Why? What happened, hyung?"

Jin (sighed, a heavy exhale audible through the phone): "It's complicated. I can't explain everything now. Just come to Namjoon's. I'll tell you everything. Here's the address."

As Jin recited the location, Tae's mind raced.

Taehyung: "Alright, hyung. I'll be there."

They hung up, leaving Taehyung standing there, absorbing the unexpected turn of events. A sigh escaped him, the weight of uncertainty settling on his shoulders.

Turning around, lost in thought, Tae collided with Bogum, who happened to be passing by. Laughter bubbled between them, a shared moment of unexpected clumsiness.

Bogum (teased, still chuckling): "Watch it, Tae!"

Taehyung (joined in the laughter, the tension momentarily forgotten): "Sorry, Bogum. Just got some surprising news from my hyung."

Taehyung joined in, the shared laughter providing a brief respite. However, the mirth caught the attention of Jungkook, who stumbled along the path. Seeing Taehyung and Bogum laughing together, a flicker of jealousy crossed Jungkook's expression.

Taehyung spotted Jungkook and, intending to reassure him, started walking toward them. But Jungkook, caught off guard by the laughter and perhaps a hint of insecurity, took a few steps backward, avoiding Taehyung's approach.

Taehyung (called out, confused): "Jungkook, what's wrong?"

Jungkook (still backing away, mumbled): "Nothing. Just... enjoying the view."

Bogum (catching on, smirked): "Looks like someone's feeling a bit left out, Tae."

Taehyung (chuckled, realizing Jungkook's jealousy): "Come on, Kook. It's just a laugh. You know you're the one I love."

Jungkook, his brows furrowed, remained silent, the anger in his eyes refusing to dissipate. Taehyung, sensing the need to break the ice, reached out and grabbed Jungkook's hand. However, Jungkook pulled away abruptly, causing Taehyung's phone to slip from his grasp and splash into the nearby pond.

A collective gasp echoed as both Jungkook and Bogum stared in shock at the phone now submerged in water. Taehyung's frustration boiled over, directed at Jungkook.

Taehyung: "Seriously, Jungkook? What's your problem?"

Jungkook (realizing the gravity of the situation, stammered): "I didn't mean to... I just..."

Bogum (chimed in): "Well, that escalated quickly."

Taehyung (seething with anger, shot a stern look at Jungkook): "This is ridiculous, Kook. I can't believe you'd let your jealousy lead to this."

Jungkook (remorseful, attempted to explain): "Tae, it's not about that. I just..."

Taehyung (unwilling to hear more, cut him off): "I don't want to hear it. This is too much."

With a heavy heart, Taehyung turned away and left the scene, leaving Jungkook standing there, a mix of sadness and regret etched on his face. The realization of his actions sinking in, Jungkook glanced at Bogum, who could only offer a sympathetic look as they both watched Taehyung disappear from sight.


As the car zoomed towards Mr. Sin's office, Suga glanced at Jimin, who looked like he had swallowed a bag of nerves.

Suga: "Hey, Jimin, relax! It's just a meeting, not a lion's den."

Jimin (fidgeting with his tie): "I know, but what if Mr. Sin is like a lion in a suit?"

Suga (smirked): "Well, I'll be your lion tamer. Just follow my lead."

Suga handed Jimin a stress ball shaped like a globe.

Suga: "Here, squeeze this if you feel the world collapsing. It helps."

Jimin (chuckled nervously): "Thanks, Suga. You always have the weirdest solutions."

Suga (winked): "Weird works. Now, let's go turn Mr. Sin's serious office into a comedy club!"

Jimin (gaining confidence, laughed): "I'm ready for the stand-up routine, Suga-sir!"

As the car sped down the dimly lit street, Suga and Jimin chatted animatedly, blissfully unaware of the impending chaos. Suddenly, a group of menacing figures blocked the road, forcing the driver to swerve.

Suga (alarmed): "What the...?"

Jimin (wide-eyed): "Are those... goons?"

The driver accelerated, weaving through the obstacle course the goons had created.

Suga (grabbing his phone): "Jimin, hold on tight. I'm calling the police!"

Jimin (trembling, clutched Suga's hand): "Suga-sir, what's happening?"

Suga (on the phone with the police): "We're being ambushed! We need help!"

As the car continued its frantic escape, Suga provided the police with their location.

Jimin (closing his eyes): "This can't be real. Wake me up when it's over."

Suga (trying to comfort Jimin): "Hang in there, Jimin. We're getting out of this."

The driver skillfully navigated the maze of obstacles, pushing the car to its limits. In the distance, the wailing sirens of approaching police cars grew louder.

Police Officer (over the phone): "We're on our way! Stay on the line."

Finally, the cavalry arrived. Police cars surrounded the goons, dispersing them like startled crows.

Suga (relieved): "We made it, Jimin!"

Jimin (opening his eyes): "Thank goodness. I never want to experience a car chase again."

Suga (with a smirk): "Well, at least we can cross that off our bucket list."

Jimin (laughing nervously): "Absolutely, Suga-sir. No more action movie moments, please."

Suga, still wary after the attack, leaned against the car.

Suga (to the police): "Find out who those goons are working for. I want answers."

Police Officer: "We'll investigate, sir. You stay safe."

As the police got to work, Suga turned to Jimin.

Suga: "Jimin, I'm not taking any chances. We're canceling the meeting."

Jimin (relieved): "Thank you, Suga-sir. I wasn't ready for a round two with those goons."

Suga (guiding Jimin back into the car): "Exactly. Our safety comes first."

They decided to head to a hotel, away from the chaos, where they could regroup.

Suga (while driving): "Jimin, consider this an unexpected day off. We'll figure things out from there."

Jimin (with a smile): "Sounds like a plan, Suga-sir. Maybe we can order some comfort food."

Suga (chuckled): "Comfort food it is. No more business suits and secret meetings for today."

Arriving at the hotel, they checked in, leaving the stress of the interrupted day behind. As they settled in, Suga couldn't shake off the feeling that the day had taken an unexpected turn, but at least they were safe and ready to enjoy an unplanned respite.


The evening sun cast a warm glow through the windows, painting the living room in hues of amber. Jungkook sat alone, the weight of regret heavy on his shoulders. He hadn't eaten anything all day, consumed by sadness over his impulsive actions. Tears welled up in his eyes, a silent testament to the remorse he felt.

In the midst of this melancholy scene, Bogum entered the room, his presence breaking the solitude. He approached Jungkook with a sympathetic expression, sensing the turmoil within him.

Bogum: "Hey, Jungkook. How are you holding up?"

Jungkook looked up, his eyes reflecting a mix of sadness and guilt.

Jungkook: "Not great, Bogum. I messed up big time."

Bogum (took a seat beside him, offering a comforting pat on the back): "We all have our moments, Jungkook. What happened?"

Jungkook (sighed, his voice carrying the weight of regret): "I let my jealousy get the best of me, and now Taehyung is so angry. I haven't seen him since."

Bogum (nodded understandingly): "Relationships have their ups and downs. Give it some time, he'll come around. But you need to apologize and make things right."

Jungkook (rubbed his temples, battling with his own emotions): "I know, Bogum. I just don't know how to fix this mess."

Bogum (offered a reassuring smile): "Start by talking to him, explaining your side. Apologize sincerely. Relationships thrive on communication and understanding."

Jungkook (sighed again, a heavy burden on his heart): "I hope he'll listen. I miss him."

Bogum (patted his head): "He will, Jungkook. Just be honest with him. We all make mistakes, but it's how we handle them that defines us."

As the evening unfolded, Jungkook wrestled with his emotions, contemplating the words of advice from Bogum.

Bogum's comforting presence faded away, leaving Jungkook standing in the doorway, a cascade of tears streaming down his cheeks. With a shaky hand, he wiped them away, the heaviness of regret settling in. Time seemed to stretch as he anxiously waited for Taehyung's return.

After what felt like an eternity, Taehyung finally arrived. He found Jungkook standing by the doorway, tears staining his cheeks.

Taehyung: "Kook, what are you doing here?"

Jungkook (voice trembled as he replied): "Waiting for you."

Without saying much more, Taehyung entered, and Jungkook silently followed him to their bedroom.

As Taehyung changed into more comfortable clothes, Jungkook gathered the courage to speak.

Jungkook: "Tae, you are still angry with me?"

He asked, his voice laced with desperation.

Taehyung (avoiding eye contact, replied curtly): "I just want to sleep, Jungkook."

Jungkook (pressed on): "But you haven't eaten anything. Please, Tae, eat something."

Taehyung (turned around, his eyes reflecting a mix of emotions): "Talk? I don't want to talk right now."

Silence settled between them as Taehyung turned back, crawling into bed. Jungkook, feeling the weight of the unspoken tension, sighed and reluctantly joined him. They lay side by side, the distance between them more palpable than ever.

In the quiet darkness, Jungkook couldn't hold back his concern.

Jungkook: "Tae, I'm sorry for my behaviour. Can we at least talk about it tomorrow?"

Taehyung, facing away, remained silent. With a heavy sigh, Jungkook resigned himself to the uneasy silence. They lay beside each other, both lost in their thoughts, the emotional chasm between them growing with each passing moment.


The morning light filtered through the curtains as Jungkook awoke, only to find an empty space beside him. A sinking feeling settled in as he realized Taehyung wasn't there. Determined to bridge the gap, he freshened up and headed to the field.

Upon arriving, Jungkook scanned the surroundings, but there was no sign of Taehyung. He approached Bogum, who was tending to the crops.

Jungkook: "Hey Bogum, have you seen Tae?"

Bogum (glanced up, noting the concern in Jungkook's eyes): "Yeah, he went to get pesticides for the crops. Is everything okay?"

Jungkook (shoulders slumped, and he sighed): "No, Bogum. Tae... Is not talking to me as I messed up, and now he's avoiding me."

Bogum (paused in his work, looking at Jungkook with empathy): "Relationships have their rough patches, Kook. Give it time, and try to talk things out."

Jungkook (a mix of frustration and sadness, admitted): "I've been trying, but he's not responding. It hurts."

Bogum: "Tae needs some space, but he'll come around. Just be patient and let him process things."

Jungkook (nodded, appreciating Bogum's support): "I just want things to go back to normal."

Bogum (offered a small smile): "They will, Kook. Relationships have a way of healing. Just give it time, and don't give up."

Jungkook observed Bogum meticulously cutting corn in the field, his mind swirling with thoughts. Summoning the courage, he approached Bogum and hesitated before speaking.

Jungkook: "Hey, Bogum, mind if I take some of those corns?"

Bogum (frowned, curious about Jungkook's sudden request): "What do you need them for, Kook?"

Jungkook (scratched his head, his nerves evident): "I... I was thinking of cooking something for Tae. Maybe if I make his favorite dish, it could help bridge the gap."

Bogum (recognizing the sincerity in Jungkook's eyes, softened his expression): "Alright, take what you need."

A small smile of gratitude formed on Jungkook's face as Bogum handed him a basket of freshly cut corn.

Jungkook: "Thanks, Bogum. I'll pay you back later, I promise."

As Jungkook walked away, Bogum remained in the field, his expression a mix of confusion and curiosity.

Bogum: "Cooking for Tae? A basket of corn? What's going on?"

He mused to himself, wondering about the intricate dynamics at play between Jungkook and Taehyung.

To Be Continue 💜

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