The Survivor (Dead Rising X O...

By MichaelJCantu

611 22 0

When the dead start to rise in the small town of Willamette, what sort of horrors will two people find? Follo... More

Ch.1: Welcome to Willamette
Ch.2: All hell breaks loose
Ch.3: Food Court Shootout
Ch.4: The Not so Good Doctor
Ch.5: Gun Store Shootout
Ch.6: A Crazy Clown
Ch.7: The Terrorist Returns
Ch.8: Medicine Run
Ch.9: Getting Some Answers
Ch.10: The Hatchet Man
Ch.11: The Last Resort
Ch.12: A Secret Hideout and A Butcher
Ch.14: Overtime
Ch.15: A Way Out
Ch.16: Escaping The Mall (Finale)

Ch.13: Pachamama

17 1 0
By MichaelJCantu

Jason POV

We couldn't get the password from Carlito before he died, but maybe Isabella's already figured it out.

I know I shouldn't feel bad for Carlito. He started the outbreak, and killed almost everyone in Willamette. But, honestly, I kinda understand. It's still no excuse for what he's done, but his hatred is justified.

All we got from him was a pendant. He asked us to give this to Isabella, so that's what we're gonna do.

Frank and I arrived back at Carlito's secret hideout, and Isabella still hasn't been able to get into his computer. She must've heard us, because she turned to look at us. I guess I gotta break the news once again.

Jason: He's dead.

Isabella:....... Oh...

Isabella went back to trying to log into the laptop, but I could tell she was crushed by the news.

Jason: All he worried about was you in the end....... But, he died before he could say anything.

I then walked over to Isabella, and stood right above her. I could see the tears welling up in her eyes.

Jason: You know, I thought he was just a terrorist. But... In the end, all he really cared about was his sister.

I pulled out the pendant and held it to her.

Jason: Here... He wanted you to have this.

Isabella looked at the pendant, then her eyes widened. She took it and opened it to reveal a picture of man and a woman with two kids.

Isabella:...Papa... Mama...

Isabella clutched the pendant while lightly sobbing. I couldn't say anything. All Frank and I could do was just sit in silence. Isabella sobs being the only audio in the room.

Isabella:... Pachamama...

Isabella then typed that word into the computer, and was able to log in. Much to our surprise.

Frank: Did you figure it out?

Jason: Pachamama...? *looks at Isabella* What does that mean?

Isabella: Pachamama... Mother Earth. Our parents said that a lot. The place we lived, Santa Cabeza...was blessed with nature.... Please believe me when I say my brother didn't want all this... He only wanted to live in peace in Santa Cabeza.

I put my hand on her shoulder, and Frank and I gave her a reassuring nod.

Isabella: I know he was wrong. He harmed too many innocents and thought only of himself.... Even so... God... Carlito...

Just then, the transceiver goes off, and Jessie calls us.

Jessie: Frank, Jason! The emergency line's been freed up! I'll give headquarters a call. Hang on.

A few minutes later, Jessie called again.

Jessie: Frank, Jason... It's over. HQ's decided to ignore us.

Frank and I looked at each other with shock, before Frank called back.

Frank: What?! What do you mean "ignore us"?!

Jessie: I contacted headquarters, but... The government has decided to deny all knowledge of what happened here. Special Forces will arrive for cleanup at midnight. They'll take everyone out... Zombies, people...everyone...

Jessie hung up, and Frank and I looked at each other with shock.

Isabella:... It's happening again... The American Government refusing to take responsibility for their mistakes... Just like Santa Cabeza.

Isabella typed in the computer for a few seconds, and I heard the sound of a lock being opened in the hidden weapon room.

Isabella: You heard her. Special Forces will be here in an hour and a half. If you want to save her, you need to go now.

Frank and I nodded, and went into the weapon room. I opened up one of the weapon lockers to see multiple rifles, and SMGs. I grabbed a MP5 with an integrated suppressor.

Frank decided to use a M14 rifle.

After grabbing a few more magazines for our guns, we left the hideout to go back to the security room to get everyone back to the hideout.

3rd Person POV

With Jessie, she was sitting in the security room with her sitting with her knees to her chest, looking defeated. Just then, the sound of a helicopter could be heard landing, and two soldiers got off, and approached the door to the security room.

The soldiers entered the security room and saw some survivors that were rescued by Jason. Without saying anything, they began to execute all the survivors. Jessie hears the sound of gunfire, but doesn't flinch or move a muscle. Otis on the other hand, hid himself away.

After killing all the survivors, one of the soldiers entered the monitor room to see Jessie sitting on the couch. The soldier pulls out a picture of Jessie and holds it up to compare the two.

SF Soldier: Jessica McCarney?

Jessie continued to stay silent, and the SF Soldier put the picture away.

SF Soldier: Talk about your close calls. You contacted us just in time. Your boss thought we should have a talk with you before the operation begins. We'll be taking you into custody. If you sign an agreement to keep your mouth shut about all this, then you'll be free to go.

The soldier held his hand out to Jessie, but she didn't take it. She just continued to sit in silence. With the other soldier, he was standing outside the monitor room, when he suddenly heard a commotion from inside the monitor room.

He got himself ready for a fight, and opened the door, only to see Jessie on top of the other soldier with her teeth sunk into his throat. Jessie then rips the soldier's throat out, and the other SF Soldier screams in fear. The zombified Jessie turns to the soldier, and quickly rushes him. Before the soldier could defend himself, Jessie pushed him against the wall, and sunk her teeth into his neck.

Zombie Jessie then threw him to the ground and started to tear into him.

Back with Jason and Frank, they were on the roof outside the air ducts that led to the security room. That's when they heard the gunfire. Without thinking, they both rush to the air duct and quickly crawl through it to try and get to the security room.

However, they were too late. The sound of gunfire had ceased, and when they actually got into the security room, it was a blood bath. They entered to see the two dead SF Soldiers, and Frank spotted Jessie's glasses on the floor.

They then heard the sound of shuffling in the next room, followed by the sound of flesh being consumed. Jason and Frank slowly enter the room to see Zombie Jessie eating a corpse of a survivor.

Frank and Jason were completely shocked to see that Jessie had turned. That's when Jason remembered that she had been attacked by Barnaby. She must've gotten infected from the attack. Jason raised his gun to the back of Jessie's head.

Jason: I'm sorry...

Jason then pulled the trigger, and put Jessie out of her misery. Frank and Jason look to see if anyone survived, but found no one. Except for a note left by Otis.

Jason, Frank, if you're reading this, that means I got out. The military showed up and started executing folks. I managed to sneak out and hijack their chopper. I know I may not look it, but I do know how to fly. I wish you both luck. And, if you make it out, I'll definitely owe you two a drink.


Jason: *sighs* At least someone made it.

Frank:... We should go back. There's no reason to be here anymore.

Jason:... Alright.

End chapter

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