Billionaire's First Love

By Taekookslove01

17.8K 917 94

Business tycoon Kim Taehyung, for whom everyone is crazy, but he is crazy over a village boy, Jeon Jungkook. ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 18

328 20 0
By Taekookslove01

The very next day. Jimin immersed himself in his work at his desk when Suga, the department manager, strolled in.

Jimin (greeted him with a warm): "Good morning. Sir"

Suga: "Morning, Mr. Park Jimin. Mind if I steal a moment?"

Jimin: "Of course not, Sir. What's on your mind?"

Suga: "Is the Wi-Fi signal on your computer working well?"

Jimin quickly checked his computer, and everything was fine.

Jimin: "It is, sir."

Suga: "That's why I'm feeling a strong connection from here."

Jimin immediately blushed and smiled as Suga's tone took a playful turn.

Suga: "You know, Jimin, I've been meaning to say... your smile can brighten up the entire office."

Jimin blushed more, caught off guard by the unexpected compliment.

Jimin: "Oh, uh, thank you, Sir. You're too kind."

Suga grinned, enjoying Jimin's flustered response.

Suga: "Well, it's the truth. Anyway, Taehyung wants us in his cabin. Seems like we've got some exciting news about a potential overseas project."

Jimin, still blushing, managed a nod.

Jimin: "Sure, sir, let's go see what Boss has in store."

They made their way to Taehyung's cabin, the air filled with a mix of professional anticipation and a subtle hint of connection between Jimin and Suga.


Taehyung welcomed them, unaware of the light flirtatious banter that had transpired.

Taehyung, seated behind his desk, looked at them with a determined expression.

Taehyung: "Glad you two could make it. Now, let's dive into the details of our upcoming abroad project."

Suga (leaning forward): "What's the game plan, Taehyung?"

Taehyung (tapping his pen on the table): "This week, we're venturing into the international realm. We've got business to take care of abroad, and I want both of you on the front lines."

Jimin (his eyes widening with excitement): "Are we talking about the Eiffel Tower abroad or the Great Wall of China abroad?"

Taehyung (chuckling): "Not quite the tourist destinations, Jimin. We're delving into some serious international business. I've got a vision, and I need both of you to turn it into reality."

Suga (nodding): "Count us in, Taehyung. What's the first order of business?"

Taehyung (passing them folders): "Here are the details. We'll be dealing with clients, negotiating contracts, and exploring potential collaborations. It's a whirlwind week, and I need your A-game."

Jimin (flipping through the folder with mock seriousness): "A-game? We're bringing the whole alphabet, sir. A through Z-game!"

Taehyung (smiling): "That's the spirit, Jimin. We leave in a few days, so make sure you've got everything in order."

Suga (glancing at the schedule): "Looks like a packed itinerary. I'll start preparing the team for the international venture."

Taehyung (leaning back in his chair): "Good. This is a big opportunity for us, and I trust both of you to make it a success."

Jimin (saluting jokingly): "Captain, we're ready to set sail into the international seas!"

Taehyung (with a twinkle in his eye): "Full steam ahead, my fearless crew. Let's make waves."

As Suga and Jimin left Taehyung's cabin, a familiar figure entered – Taehyung's elder brother, Jin. The room, once filled with the energy of business discussions, now shifted to a more personal tone.

Jin: "Hey, Taehyung. Got a moment?"

Taehyung (welcoming his brother with a smile): "Of course, Jin hyung. What brings you here?"

Jin (taking a seat): "Just wanted to catch up. It's been a while."

The conversation took a turn toward family, and as they reminisced, Taehyung couldn't help but inquire about their parents.

Taehyung: "How are Mom and Dad?"

Jin (leaning back): "They're good, Tae. Mom's still the reigning champion of home-cooked meals, and Dad is busy with his works as always"

Taehyung (looking thoughtful): "I see."

Jin: "You bought a hut and a field, recently. Since when did you become interested in farming?"

Taehyung: "Care to say, who brought up this information to you?"

Jin: "The owner of the hut and field, Mr Kim Namjoon. Your new employee."

Taehyung: "Did he beg for it, to you?"

Jin (smirked): "He never need to... I mean, you hand him a great job, why do he need to beg for his hut and field?"

Taehyung (hesitating): "Well, appreciated. About hut and field, it's more of a business venture. You know, diversifying the portfolio."

Jin (pushing for the truth): "Come on, Tae. Spill the beans. Why a hut and a field?"

Taehyung (sighing): "Okay, since I never hide anything to you so it's fine tell you the truth. It's not just a business move. I... I did it for someone."

Jin (intrigued): "Someone? Care to elaborate?"

Taehyung (fidgeting with his pen): "His name is Jungkook. At first, I just playfully lied about my identity, but it turned into something more. He knows me as a farmer who lives in a hut, not as a businessman."

Jin (with a knowing look): "And you're worried about how he'll react when he finds out the truth?"

Taehyung (nodding): "Exactly. I never meant for it to get this far, but now I'm afraid of losing him."

Jin (placing a reassuring hand on Taehyung's shoulder): "Keeping him in the dark is not fair. You need to tell him the truth. If you need any help, I'm here for you."

Taehyung (appreciating his brother's support): "Thanks, Jin hyung. I guess it's time to come clean. I just hope he understands."

Jin (with a comforting smile): "He will. The truth has a way of bringing clarity. And remember, I've got your back."

As Taehyung contemplated revealing his true self to Jungkook, he found solace in the support of his elder brother.


Jungkook sat on the bench, the gentle waves of air providing a soothing soundtrack to his thoughts. It was their regular meetup place, a spot that held countless shared memories.

In the distance, he spotted Taehyung approaching. A grin spread across Jungkook's face, and he couldn't contain his excitement. As Taehyung reached him, Jungkook jumped up, grabbing Taehyung's hand.

Jungkook: "V, come on! I've got something amazing to show you."

Taehyung (surprised but intrigued): "What's got you so excited, Kookie?"

Jungkook (with a mischievous glint in his eye): "You'll see. Trust me, it's going to be amazing."

He practically dragged Taehyung along the footpath, their laughter harmonizing with the sounds of the waves. Taehyung, caught off guard but amused, went along with Jungkook's enthusiastic lead.

Taehyung: "Okay, okay. I'm following. But you better not be taking me on a mango-collecting expedition."

Jungkook (teasingly): "Oh, this is way better than mangoes. Prepare to be amazed, V."

They made their way to a cozy café nearby. Jungkook, pointing to a table where someone sat with their back turned.

Jungkook: "There he is, my friend."

As they approached, the person turned around, revealing none other than Jimin. Taehyung and Jimin exchanged stunned glances.

Jungkook (introducing them with a smile): "V, meet my best friend Jimin. Jimin, this is V, I've been telling you about."

Jimin (trying to compose himself, stammered): "Oh, uh, hi, si.. V. Nice to finally meet you."

Taehyung (equally surprised, managed a friendly nod): "Hello, Jimin. Jungkook mentioned you, too."

Jungkook (oblivious to the unspoken tension, cheerfully suggested): "Let's grab the table and catch up! This is going to be fun."

As they settled at the table, Taehyung subtly gestured to Jimin, signaling to keep things under wraps.

As Taehyung and Jimin exchanged hesitant glances, trying to navigate the unexpected encounter orchestrated by Jungkook. Sensing the awkward tension, Jungkook decided to diffuse it with a well-intentioned fib.

Jungkook (scratching his head): "Hey, V, um, Jimin here is going abroad for a year! Office stuff, you know?"

Jimin (playing along with a forced smile): "Yeah, sudden work assignment. The joys of corporate life."

Taehyung: "Wow, that's a big opportunity, Jimin! Congrats."

Jimin (still adjusting to the impromptu narrative): "Thanks, si... V. It's a great chance to broaden my horizons and stuff."

As they clinked their coffee cups in a makeshift celebration, Jungkook excused himself, saying he needed to use the restroom.

Jungkook: "I'll be right back, guys. Enjoy your coffees."

Once Jungkook left, Taehyung and Jimin exchanged glances, a silent agreement to keep up the facade.

The weight of unspoken truths hung in the air as Jimin couldn't contain his shock any longer. He turned to Taehyung, his eyes searching for an explanation.

Jimin: "Sir, what's going on? Why are you playing with Jungkook's feelings like this?"

Taehyung sighed, the weight of his own actions pressing on him. He decided it was time to unravel the web of deception.

Taehyung: "Jimin, when I first met Jungkook, it was just a playful lie about my identity. But as time passed, we became close, and I... I have feelings for him."

Jimin (with a heavy sigh): "Sir, you can't keep this up. Jungkook is genuinely fond of you, and if he finds out about this deception, it will hurt him. You need to tell him the truth, sir."

Taehyung (nodding): "I know, Jimin. I need to do that. I just didn't anticipate things getting this complicated."

Jimin (earnestly): "Complicated or not, Jungkook deserves to know the truth. Promise me sir, you'll talk to him soon."

Taehyung (heavy sighed): "It's a promise. I won't let things spiral out of control. I care about Jungkook, and I won't let him get hurt."

As they shared this moment of understanding, Jungkook returned to the table, unaware of the conversation that had transpired.

Jungkook: "Hey, what did I miss?"

Jimin and Taehyung exchanged glances, and with a heavy heart.

Jimin: "Not really, we were talking about you."

Jungkook: "I see, how did you like each other?"

Jimin: "Yes he is very nice, it would be nice to see you two together, I mean... You know."

Shyness and heartbeat spread all around.

Taehyung: "I've got to head out. Thanks for the evening, guys."

Jungkook: "What happened, why are you leaving so early today?"

Taehyung: "Not much, just a little work."

Jimin (subtly signaling to Taehyung): "We should get going too, Jungkook."

Jungkook (oblivious to the undercurrents): "Okay then, let's head out."

As they said their goodbyes, Taehyung couldn't shake the weight of the truth he needed to reveal. The trio parted ways.


As J-Hope sat in his living room, eagerly awaiting his food delivery, the doorbell rang, and he opened the door to find Yn standing there, holding a bag of food.

J-Hope (surprised): "Yn, what are you doing here? This is my house, not yours?"

Yn (with a mischievous smile): "Will be soon. Anyway I was passing by, and my car decided to break down. Your place was the closest, so here I am."

J-Hope (raising an eyebrow): "And the food?"

Yn (casually): "Oh, that delivery guy was passing by too. I grabbed it from him. Seemed like a good plan, right?"

J-Hope (slightly annoyed): "Wait, you choked my food delivery?"

Yn (grinning): "Well, yeah. I figured you wouldn't mind sharing, right?"

J-Hope (sighing): "I guess not. But you really need to be careful about these impromptu visits, especially at night."

As they entered the living room, J-Hope couldn't help but express his concern.

J-Hope: "Yn, you know I live alone here. It might not be appropriate for you if someone finds out you're visiting me at night."

Yn (already digging into the food): "Oh, don't worry. I'm a ninja in disguise. No one saw me."

J-Hope (raising an eyebrow): "A ninja, really?"

Yn (with a mouthful of food): "Yep, a ninja with a taste for your delicious dinner."

J-Hope (shaking his head): "You're unbelievable. But be careful."

Yn (giving a thumbs-up): "Got it, sir! Now, let me enjoy this feast. It's a rescue mission reward, you know."

As the dinner concluded, J-Hope kindly offered to drop Yn at her home, but her mischievous side decided to make an appearance.

J-Hope: "Do you need a ride home, Yn?"

Yn (suddenly clutching her stomach): "Oh, my stomach! It's aching so much!"

J-Hope (concerned): "Are you okay? Do you need medical help?"

Yn (dramatically): "No, no, I'll be fine. I think it's just something I ate."

Suddenly, she let out a loud scream, causing J-Hope to jump.

J-Hope: "What happened? Are you in pain?"

Yn (now holding her head): "My head is spinning! I can't possibly travel now."

J-Hope (tensed): "Okay, let's not risk it. You can stay here tonight, but we need to get you to a room."

Yn (with a sly smile): "Oh, you're so kind, sir. But I don't think I can walk."

J-Hope (slightly frustrated): "Come on, Yn. Let's not make a big deal out of this."

Yn (pouting): "Please, oppa, I feel so weak. Can you carry me to the room?"

J-Hope (eyes widened): "What? No, Yn, that's a bit much."

Yn (giving him puppy eyes): "Oppa, please. I promise I won't do this again."

J-Hope (sighing): "Fine, but just this once."

He reluctantly picked Yn up in his arms, who giggled like a mischievous naughty kid.

Yn (teasingly): "I always knew you had a knight-in-shining-armor side, sir."

J-Hope (shaking his head): "You're something else, Yn."

As J-Hope carried Yn to the guest room, her mischievous laughter echoed through the hallway. She wrapped her arms around his neck.

Yn (playfully): "You know, oppa, this is surprisingly comfortable. Maybe I should get carried around more often."

J-Hope (chuckling): "You're something else, Yn. I can't believe I'm doing this."

As they reached the guest room, Yn pointed towards the bed.

Yn (teasingly): "Gently, now. Don't just throw me onto the bed like a sack of potatoes."

J-Hope (rolling his eyes): "I wouldn't dream of it."

He carefully lowered Yn onto the bed, who continued to giggle.

Yn (mockingly): "My hero! Thanks for the rescue."

J-Hope (shaking his head): "You're unbelievable, Yn. Get some rest. I hope you wake up with a miraculously cured stomach."

Yn (with a wink): "Oh, I'm sure the magic of your carrying skills will do the trick."

J-Hope (laughing): "Goodnight, Yn. Try not to summon me again for a royal carriage service."

Yn (blowing a mock kiss): "Goodnight, my knight in shining armor. Until our next adventure."

As J-Hope left the room, he couldn't help but shake his head at the amusing escapade.

To Be Continue 💜

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